Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

"Full Stean Ahead For the Fed to Taper" by Lance Lewis

.Lance Lewis: Full Steam Ahead for the Fed to Taper

Palisades Gold Radio: Oct 28, 2021

Tom welcomes back Lance Lewis President of Lewis Capital. Lance discusses the somewhat stagnant gold market over the past months.

He notes that gold is currently on the edge of a many-month compression triangle. This market for gold feels like a bear market especially since everything else has been melting up.

This should concern investors since at some point this trend will end. He lays out a couple of different scenarios for where gold may head. Lance discusses the monetary environment and the Fed's desire to pull back on its accommodative policies.

Lance Lewis: Full Steam Ahead for the Fed to Taper

Palisades Gold Radio:   Oct 28, 2021

Tom welcomes back Lance Lewis President of Lewis Capital. Lance discusses the somewhat stagnant gold market over the past months.

He notes that gold is currently on the edge of a many-month compression triangle. This market for gold feels like a bear market especially since everything else has been melting up.

This should concern investors since at some point this trend will end. He lays out a couple of different scenarios for where gold may head. Lance discusses the monetary environment and the Fed's desire to pull back on its accommodative policies.

Eventually, the low for gold will be in and it will probably coincide with equity markets dropping. Gold stopped reacting to real yields back in 2020 when rates reached quite low numbers. He explains his gold model and some of the indicators it uses. Currently, it's fairly neutral on the market. Miners may be improving simply because the market has gotten too short.

The seasonal tendency for equities is to move into autopilot once we've made it thru October. Usually, the Fed's actions create problems for equities and tapering reveals the next underlying problem with the economy or banking system.

Current inflation is not transitory but depends on monetary policy. When the Fed backs off on stimulus we will see an eventual decline in inflationary pressures. However, be mindful as there is likely another crisis coming. This will drive the next cycle of inflation.

This current inflationary period isn't going to end quickly. Everyone is now talking about inflation which makes it a bad time to get long on inflation.

The next ten days will be interesting to see where gold and the mining equities are heading.

 Time Stamp References:

0:00 - Intro

0:39 - A Year Later

2:02 - Golds Performance

8:02 - Options Expiration

8:56 - FOMC Meeting

12:08 - 200 Day MA

13:21 - Real Yields & Gold

15:33 - His Gold Model

20:18 - Gold Vs. Currencies

20:47 - Miners Performance

22:39 - S&P Highs & Autopilot

25:28 - Equity Risks & The Fed

26:31 - Trading Suggestions

27:50 - Commodities & Inflation

30:27 - Fed & Insider Trading

31:40 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode

Expectations for the Gold market and miners.

 - His gold model and understanding market indicators.

 - The broader equities, Feds taper plans, and gold.

 - Inflationary pressures and when is the next crisis.

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-26-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Alright, let’s talk about some intel – let’s see where we are today – Now I know that we have had some close calls – we’ve had some situations where we really thought this was it and we were going - and we’re going today – or we’re going places – you know – and it’s difficult because I get let down too –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Alright, let’s talk about some intel – let’s see where we are today – Now I know that we have had some close calls – we’ve had some situations where we really thought this was it and we were going - and we’re going today – or we’re going places – you know – and it’s difficult because I get let down too –

I get let down because I’m looking for the timing and trying to get as close to the actual release times as we can get to bring you intel that is accurate – I glean through everything that I hear and try to formulate a way to present it to you in some type of timeline – some kind of order – so that we could go .. okay – I can see what’s happening - very little of what we know right now is something that is evident to us that we actually see – most everything that I bring up to you – a lot of it is behind the scenes – a lot of it – clean-up is behind the scenes – you have to use your imagination for that – it’s the same thing with what I’m going to tell you tonight -

They intend for it to be that way – so let’s talk about sort of where we stand right now – We got word Saturday – a pretty big day for intel – Saturday we got word that we would have 136 countries having asset backed – which is gold  - precious metals – oil – and a number of other assets that are valuable – weighed – with a country to give them an asset backed currency – 136 of our 209 countries in the world have asset backed currencies that were put up for trade starting Sunday night after 7 PM EDT

Those currencies – and we have about 27 unless they add one or take one away – at the last minute – 27 currencies that we know are going to be in the so called first basket that will be available for exchange -  we may have 5 -6 -7 or 8 of those currencies – we don’t have all of them – we haven’t learned about all of them –

I know about most of them but I only have 3 or 4 – I do not include the Zim in that – it is separate – we look at that as more of a “bond” or a hybrid between currency and a bond -  and of course it’s value is so crazy high that  is why they want all zim holders to do projects  - and why you will be looked down upon if you do not have a project – and you go in with it –

(Bruce chuckle ha ha) what are you going to do with all of that money – how many cars are you going to buy – how many beach vacations are you going to have – you know what I mean? It is not about you – at that point none of it is really about you – it’s more about what you can do for other people and how you can improve their lives – globally – not just here in the US

So – alright we’ve got that happened Sunday night –at 7 PM  So that means at 9 or 9:30 when they start trading in the Far East those currencies including our USN – our new currency – including the Iraqi Dinar – the IQD – or I guess IQN their new dinar – and all the other currencies were available to be traded as of Sunday night –that’s good –

Now what other things have happened? What else has happened is – you know we’ve talked about the bond holders – bond recipients – of the funds that will come to them for trading in or selling their bonds – and that’s what’s happened – these people have not received even the 1% 1.2% or 1.5% of their total and these folks like us have been pushed 2 days – a day – 2 more days - pushed just like we have –

We did hear of a couple of special cases where bonds were fully paid out Sunday – and the actual bonds start was Sunday morning to pay these guys out finally  - they have started at 10:30 am Sunday – to pay out the bond holders – now – they have been paid out and letting them go up to so many and then there is a pause – it’s not being “stopped” it is a “pause” – and then they continue – it happened Sunday morning -  Monday – and happening today – that is continuing – and will continue – and some of the people  that we know personally that are bond sellers have been told they have a window in which they are to receive their liquidity and access to those funds on Thursday – between noon and 4PM –

There is a 4 hour window they will be notified then given access to 1% 1.2% or 1.5% depending on what the contract calls for –

So what I am being told is that we tier 4A and 4B are to start in that same time window with notifications – meaning the emails that are coming from Wells Fargo – the 800 numbers – the notification is to occur in that time frame – both plus and minus – noon to 4PM on Thursday –

Now if that happens which I fuly hope and believe it will finally – we would have the opportunity to set our appointments – when do we start our exchanges and redemption of zim? I believe it would be on Friday – I believe we are setting appointments literally from noon – on when we get the notifications on Thursday and then unless I’m wrong – and I hope I’m wrong – this goes before then or goes where we can exchange on Thursday –

But what seems to make sense – if anything of this makes sense – is that they would use that time to take appointments for the next week or ten days – and then we would go ahead and start on Friday – so let’s see if that’s what happens – we’ll find out – we’ll find out soon enough

Another source said to us – just stay tuned over the next 2-3 days – the next 2-3 days will be monumental – that is what we heard from another source – so maybe they know something we don’t – maybe they are correct – Maybe 2 days to get notified and on the 3rd day we exchange – I hope so – that is what I am envisioning -

Alright let’s talk about some other things that have happened – there is a lot going on in the world with clean-up – I think it has been said that world war lll started on Saturday morning – early – and the reason is  because we are in a so called cyber war or digital war  - You kinda know what that refers to – it’s ongoing – and I think will be ongoing – and it may go through the end of this month or beyond that – but I know it’s something that is necessary – and taking place and there is a lot of clean-up on isle 3 – 4 – 5  believe it -  that is a good thing though  - a good thing for us – for the country –

I cannot get specific on it but there is quite a bit of activity – not just in North America – but globally – all across the world this is taking place now – the same time -   I think it is a very positive thing –

This is being done as a part of getting every country ready for GESARA – we are already somewhat into NESARA and GESARA – that we are being told and we’re going to be in it fully – taking advantage of what NESARA has for us and what GESARA has for the globe the rest of the world starting Nov 3 or 4 – not too far away – next week –

In terms of what we can expect when we talk about NESARA kicking in – in a big way – I know of 1 thing we can look forward to – if you are 65 and older – you’re going to see a significant increase in social security benefits starting in November – and gosh the amounts are way higher than you have thought and I would think - I don’t want to bring it up because there is a range and it’s going to be increase of ??

I don’t even want to say - but it’s several thousand dollars of an increase – a few to several thousand $$$$$ increase – over what you are getting now - are we going to need that? If we are over 65 and in this are we going to need this especially if we have zim? NO you’re not – but you are going to receive it – you can do something with it – something good -  but I thought you would like to know that is part of what’s happening – with NESARA –

The rest of the other debt jubilee – and everything we have talked about in the past – you’ve got birth certificate money – debt certificate money –taxes paid throughout life time – interest paid on loans – all of that is going to be refunded to you – again – you are not really going to need it - but you probably won’t turn it down either -  When is that going to happen? I don’t know – but we are supposed to be more in NESARA starting on the 3rd or 4th of November

Here is something else that’s going to be interesting for us – with the technology that we have with the ProLink System / StarLink System  - and they are slightly different -  there is probably some overlap – ProLink is what the Military call the satellite system and the StarLink System is what is there for us – nonmilitary –

I understand there is going to be a new phone coming out that will use that system – the StarLink and use Quantum computer to coordinate it and it will be called the QPhone -  that is going to be interesting to see – that may roll out I believe before Christmas – but we’ll find out – don’t hold me to that – but it is going to work using in the satellites and it may incorporate or not incorporate the cell towers – it will of course be 6G – but may also work in remote areas just on the satellites themselves -  it will be like a satellite phone and that is pretty cool – and should be a lot more affordable than a satellite phone – I am excited about that –

There is a question to Sue about Hawaii – We have redemption centers here that are tied to tier 1 banks – some of them are connected to the building of a bank – some are separate – and in Hawaii – you are going to have some major banks that I can’t tell you exactly where the redemption centers are –

What I would do if I were you – and I had currency - If you had a lot of currency you would definitely let the redemption center know when you get the toll free number that you are looking to exchange in a redemption center – because I can tell you this – if you just went to any ole bank over there – it would be just like if you went to any ole bank here – you would not get the best rate you could get –

Our redemption centers which by the way - they are not staffing the redemption center today or tomorrow so that is why we can sort of write off tomorrow – but the redemption centers are where they expect us to go in – especially if we have zim – and do a presentation that is 5-8 mins long for our projects –

And as we do that they will evaluate and assign a rate to us – commensurate it with the quality of who we are and our presentation –

Now if you have zim and it’s not a suitcase full – coming to the mainland – and consider going to Phoenix – maybe LA is going to be pretty busy – Salt Lake City – I don’t know – I would consider looking into that – because I think what you get – now – this is the only thing that can prove me wrong on this – yrs ago when I looked into this – we did not have that I was aware of – an HSBC Bank in Hawaii – Honolulu – maybe that has changed -  maybe it is there – if so ------- you will do fine – because HSBC is the lead bank on international exchanges – Wells Fargo is the lead bank in North America – obviously Hawaii is part of the United States and yet they are pretty far out in the Pacific right –

So  you want to look at it like check with the larger banks don’t call now – but once this goes and you know it’s real and we’ve got this – and hopefully we get notified Thursday – you know who your bigger banks are – in Hawaii – you could check with them – I would call the 800 number and get an idea – if there is a redemption center on each island – and an actual redemption center –that is tied to a tier 1 bank – like a Wells Fargo – or Citi Bank – Bank of America or a Chase  (also Truist)

Or if you have an HSBC there – you have that option – otherwise your Bank of Hawaii – just get with the biggest National bank you have in Hawaii – or make the trip to the mainland – and do an exchange at Wells Fargo redemption center – Because you are so far out off the Pacific Coast you don’t really want to go all the way to Miami or Dallas  – necessarily – but you could – you could go to Dallas – you could go to California too – it’s just so crowded there – Can you believe that gas is over $8.19 a gallon in the Valley In California? – Give me a break man – what’s going on?  We are still at $2.93 here Broken Arrow (Ohio?)

Look – that is the gist of where we are – I think with all that has been brought tonight we are looking good – this thing you know - I know we are pushing the end of the month- we really are – today is the 26th  we are talking the 28th 29th  - the public is going to be pushed way back too – probably as late as mid November – they may go a little sooner than we have been saying – we may go 5 days or 6 days later after we start but we are concerned about us – the bond holders are getting paid out now even though it is slow going –

The beauty is the QF System is it’s not hackable –and even though people had tried in the past the bond holders movement has not stopped due to some fiasco with the system – everything is moving along – slowly but moving and we are going to have our turn very soon – In fact one of the sources said tier 4 will go right on the heel of the bond holders – and that’s why when we were told the window – for certain of  these bond holders that we know personally is from noon to 4 PM on Thursday that was given as a likely window for us to get notified –

It’s not a true shotgun start – it is certainly a modified shotgun start - but I think they really are trying to coordinate the funds that are going out – all the funds from Dubai 1 – 2 - 3 have been sent – the funds for us are at the banks ready to go – they have been there for about 10 days now – and so we are lined up –

So do what you need to do to get ready – this is quite possibly our last call – do not worry too much about doom and gloom – the so called 10 days of darkness – nay – not really going to happen – you may see some blacked out areas in certain cities – might lose cell service and internet – for a short period of time – not like 10 days or anything – it’s there for a reason and you can only imagine when we talked about clean-up what the reason is – so don’t sweat that – not a big deal – I am not concerned about La Palma – I think that is a distraction and don’t you worry about that either

Take care – stay in touch


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:19:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-21-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – where ever you are

So let’s go into the intel segment - What I want to do first of all is I want to thank Judy Byington for mentioning me on her post that was yesterday evening – I just wanted to thank you for saying what you did about the intel that we brought to the call on this past Tuesday and understanding the agreeance that you gave us – we appreciate that – and really we do appreciate other people that have posted and have had calls - I don’t typically bring other people’s calls or intel up – I do hear about it – I don’t read it as you all know but I do hear certain aspects of it – some of which I agree with and some of which I don’t –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe –  where ever you are

So let’s go into the intel segment - What I want to do first of all is I want to thank Judy Byington for mentioning me on her post that was yesterday evening – I just wanted to thank you for saying what you did about the intel that we brought to the call on this past Tuesday and understanding the agreeance that you gave us – we appreciate that – and really we do appreciate other people that have posted and have had calls  - I don’t typically bring other people’s calls or intel up – I do hear about it – I don’t read it as you all know but I do hear certain aspects of it – some of which I agree with and some of which I don’t –

The intel that I bring you is original to “me” – Original to me in the sense that I get what I get from our sources and I am happy to deliver that to you

So – right now where are we?  Let’s see how am I going to cultivate this?  Bob had a question that he brought up to me – let me talk about that briefly – a listener had called in and asked Bob to ask me – how are the credit unions going to fair in contrast with the larger banks like tier 1 bank usually refer to (Wells Fargo) and by the way there’s a new tier 1 bank that is a combination of BB&T out of North Carolina Branch Banking and Trust – and their merger with Sun Trust – my understanding is the new bank is going to be called Truist – that is now going to become or is already a tier 1 bank – due to the strength of that merger – BB&T plus Sun Trust = Truist

Now – the tier 1 bank – I am going to call Bank of America – Citi Bank – Wells Fargo – Chase – and now Truist – as far as North America is concerned  which is where we are – Wells Fargo is in charge  of the redemption and the exchanges of the protocols – they are the lead bank 

Now – internationally – meaning everywhere but the US and Canada – I would think Mexico – although I am going to say there might be a caveat when it comes to Mexico – which is in North America –

The other bank – international bank – that is out of China is the lead bank on that area of the world – so for our purposes – we’re getting more information from Chase and Wells – and Citi – primarily – ok as far as bank sources – we have a lot of other sources too and you know – I don’t go into describing those – but you know these main banks as tier 1 banks –

When it comes to Credit Unions – they are pretty far down the ladder – they have been very helpful sort of people using a community bank –  a Mom & Pop’s – somebody familiar with the people –they usually use one particular branch – usually in the past – I would think was the case – car loans – and so on – personal loans were made – got better interest rates – and they were pretty easy to work with kinda as a community bank – so that – I think the idea of community bank coming back on line is definitely going to be something we’re going to be seeing more of –

Even though there has been a consolidation of major banks and will probably continue to do so – I think we’re also going to have a rise of community banks in opportunities for lending which with the new and beneficial for small business and for community building and so on - so will they continue to exist? I think they probably will but I think to be perfectly candid - if you are a zim holder the numbers that we’re talking about after the redemption are so large that they’re going to exceed anything a community bank could handle –

We’re going to be using Wells Fargo or Chase or one of the other top banks – and really they’re not too many going to be handling the zim holder anyway – there’s just a few – 3 or 4 –

So – we who are going to be setting our appointments with the toll free number when that becomes available -  when we set those – we will be using the so called redemption centers – some of these are attached to the main bank – some are separate buildings  - and you will find that out when you call to set your appointment –

So that’s something we’ll be working with but I’m telling you if you are a zim holder you’re looking at a balance that really only you are supposed to see – the only person that’s going to know or people that are going to know what you have in your account are the people that are exchanging you to give you the rate and to tell you what your balance is going to be – in your account –after your currencies have been exchanged and after your zim has been redeemed –

Beyond that you are going to be the only one unless you let a bank person or a wealth manager of your decision see your balance – nobody is going to see it unless you give them permission to see it – it is not going to be visible like it is now when you go in to check your balance and all of a sudden just pull it up – it is not going to be that way – because they do not even want the bank personnel to know what you are talking about –

This is an opportunity for all of us to do something for God & humanity – for the world – this is our shot – probably our “one” shot and I am excited about it – I know you are too – I have been in this for 17 years – 10 years on my own call – 1  year before that on another call – so I’m excited about it – where we’re going

So let’s talk more about that – we’ve talked in the past about the bond holders – and now the term is bond recipient - this is people who have sold their bonds or traded in their bonds and are about to receive USN currency digitally for those

Now these are handled out of Reno – Miami – Zurich – a little out of New York – Hong Kong – I am su re there are some other cities doing some bonds as well -  the bond holders have been pushed for months – many months on even receiving their 1% or 1.2% of their total – cause their totals are going to be quite large - 

So initially they wanted them given a little bit of what they call healing funds or emergency funds to those bond holders / recipients and those have been pushed time and time again – We were told on – before Tuesday that they would be hydrated Wednesday or Thursday -  (today) Nope – they have been pushed again – they have been pushed to Saturday – which is the 23rd  - so that is only 2 days away – I know but – this is true of several of these that we know of personally –they have NOT received their 1 or 1.2 and some cases 1.5 % of their total – But they should – if this holds – on Saturday – sometime Saturday – now that’s really good news -   

So on the 23rd we were told about a week ago – was going to be an important date – and remember I told you on Tuesday night they were looking for the EBS to come out initially we were told the 23rd – then we were told it could be Thursday / Friday /  or Saturday –

Today is Thursday – it didn’t happen today – it could be tomorrow but will probably be Saturday – the 23rd  -What else is set to go on the 23rd?  We did talk about the Tesla Free Energy - about that being connected and hooked up by the 18th – and that was true – that happened –

So that is just a matter of time before that comes out – Let me tell you something else that is interesting that brings up the concept of the Tesla energy and how that’s going to work – Guess what I’ve been telling you that we were going to leap frog over 5G and go to 6G on our cell phones? – ok

Remember the problems with 5G? The EMF because the closeness of the cell towers   etc – that is detrimental  to  us – NOT HEALTHY – so – they knew that when 5G was coming out but we were going to jmp right to 6G and now we are getting ready  - but to use 6G – Guess What?? You have to have a new sim card – in your cell phone – so the cell phone carriers have started sending out emails to customers as of the 15th of October – so that would have been what?  A little over a week ago – some of them started to go out telling you the idea that you were going to receive a new sim card

Now my understanding is from today – that the sim cards will be mailed to you –and you’ll get those and be able to put those in your phone yourself or if you need some help you could go to the cell phone center and have them pop it in for you

This emailing to the customer started like I said on the 15th of October and will go through the 29th   of November – and so we have a long period of time to get the new sim card sent to us and have it installed in our phone – whether we do it ourselves or have a 10 yr old to do it or whether you go to a cell service center and have them do it –

But the good news is the new 6G cell phone service starts on the 1st or 2nd of January – And as of the first of January our existing sim cards for G3 and G5 are no longer going to be working as of the 1st of January –

When we make this smooth transition – this will be really cool – it will be super-fast – efficient and we’ll enjoy 6G instead of 3G – 4G and 5G – it will be very good and we’ll be using satellites primarily and it may use the cell towers if they are tall enough – that they use for the Tesla free energy transfer

The Tesla free Energy transfer remember is supposed to go from the Tesla nodes to the towers to the power companies and then use the transmission  the electricity goes on now -  which is the power lines whether buried under ground or up on the poles to the transformers and then down to  your house – that distribution  of power I understand at least at the beginning will continue – that will stay –

As I mentioned Tuesday night you’ll have a reduction of approximately 75% on your electric bill – approximately - Now they are wired up for this so to go and I think we’re going to get started on this as part of NESARA – because in a way this is part of the so called quote unquote free energy  - I think it’s going to come out when we start talking more get more information about NESARA  which hopefully  will start after the EBS kicks in on the 23rd

I don’t know what the information is going to be exactly  but I can only tell you who should have a lot of cool stuff coming out some of which will blow a lot of peoples mind – no question you have got to be ready for what’s coming – a lot of us know this already – it’s going to come out – and a lot of people are still in the dark and have no clue what so ever on what’s really happening for years

Now the other piece is that one of our sources is saying --- that this came from Europe – one of our sources is saying that we are in the final count-down – we are in the final count-down  - another source let us know that the count-down started early this morning – and that same second source said that the final count-down ends at 9:30 am Sunday –

So we have had 2 different individuals tell us we could be notified anytime from now all the way to Monday – this may cut that back by a day if we say that we’re – the count-down itself is over at 9:30 am Sunday – It sort of makes tomorrow and Saturday look very good

Now -  the other thing is another source has said that there’s another announcement that we should hear on the 23rd  which is Saturday – and that announcement might be that the EBS – the start of the EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System – it’s only a guess – I think a good guess - that might be one of the announcements -  there’s another announcement that is also supposed to come I believe it was going to be the next day – Sunday 24th  - not sure what that is – it could have to do with the election results – the correct results – that’s a guess – I was given that as a possibility

So there are two theories was that these two announcements needed to be made before we started tier 4 – so that kinda screws up my timing of 9:30 am Sunday – possibly

So let’s just say this- all of these 4-5 different sources have said that this will be a really special weekend – if we just take it at that – face value – this is going to be great weekend – Let’s go with that – it only starts in two days – Saturday – you can count tomorrow as a start – really a lot of us do count Friday as the start of the weekend –

So whenever this goes down for us there is nothing I can see in the way of this going for us in the next 2-3 days – it may take us all the way to Monday - maybe it will – I don’t know – but this is supposed to be a significant weekend for us – Don’t write it off – especially knowing the EBS is supposed to crank out on Saturday the 23rd

So lets see what happens with that – and I want to let you know that this is probably going to be the last call -  I mentioned that Tuesday night and I meant it – but I think with everything that I’ve gotten today it looks like we are finally at the end of the ride – meaning this weekend –

Sdo look you know this is a long ride – it’s been a lot longer than I ever thought – I got in this 17 years ago we were told this could take  2-6 years –to come to fruition – a lot of other things happened in the meantime that kept that from going – finally we are what we believe at the end of the ride – as least according to all of our sources – so let’s see if that is what happens – I am excited about it – I feel as good as I ever felt about the timing about an opportunity for us – make sure you make an opportunity for a true legacy for yourself


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:12:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-19-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – where ever you are

Alright here we go guys – This is interesting because here we are on a Tuesday night – I told you I wouldn’t be here anymore on last Thursday – we thought for sure all the information we had that we would be doing or last call – last Thursday – and instead – I am going to suggest that this is “probably” our last call tonight –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe –  where ever you are

Alright here we go guys – This is interesting because here we are on a Tuesday night – I told you I wouldn’t be here anymore on last Thursday – we thought for sure all the information we had that we would be doing or last call – last Thursday – and instead – I am going to suggest that this is “probably” our last call tonight –

I have to say probably because I never completely – absolutely know you know – that it is the case – but I feel like with the information we got over the weekend – yesterday – and again today – and ohhh for some of you that with this intel segment on Thursday night where I had a difficult time trying to recall some of the information two specific dates – I think I have those for tonight - so at least that is one good thing I can bring to you tonight –

The real emphasis right now is that we are hearing that the bond holders who have still not received their 1 or1.2% are in a position to receive it overnight tonight and tomorrow - so there’s a lot of things that could be released that had been waiting to be released already – that is really good news because we need for those things to happen and it should help us to get a virtual shotgun start – on everything we’re looking for

So tonight being the 19th what we had happen yesterday or Sunday night - was --- the significance of that date was that certain nodes were connected to the power grid – around the country in various power plants and various power companies’ structures to interconnect to the Tesla free energy –

Now remember that Tesla was one who said that a bunch of the satellites had been working with our government to send up satellites for the ProLink System also called the StarLink System – ProLink is the Military term and StarLink is the civilian term for those new satellites that Elon Musk put up in space

He is also involved in this free energy – he bought this property down In Texas in an old quarry still doing all kinds of work down there – that was not related to the space launching – so we knew a while back that he is involved in this – I would say almost a year ago –

Now – what’s cool about it is – the system is connected and we should see something with that free energy fairly soon – it may be introduced in the second date that is very important – it may be introduced as part of the Emergency Broadcasting System – that is ONLY a theory – and when is the EBS going to originate? It’s supposed to start – we had a date of the 23rd  which is this Saturday – but we have heard since then – in the last few days that it could start as early as this Thursday - hence Thur /Fri/ Sat we are being told that the EBS will be utilized –

Now what exactly will it look like? It’s hard to say – you can read some things on line – may be true and may not be true exactly – but we can understand that the main stream media – news stations – will probably be blacked out in favor of this EBS – so be prepared for “something” I can’t tell you exactly what – but be prepared for something to start Thurs – Fri – or Sat – with the EBS

Now let’s go back to the free energy – the system is hooked up – it doesn’t mean that it’s already started yet – but look at it this way – the energy that Tesla is going to be beaming to this various nodes of every power companies grids in the United States – It is coming as a replacement source to some of the other fuel that is used to generate power – Coal is the biggest No#! – and that is not exactly the cleanest form of energy as we all know – Coal – Nat Gas is used and runs clean over all – and then you’ve got hydroelectric power – you’ve got nuclear power in a few areas –and then you have wind and solar – I don’t think the wind is particular good for the birds – they get disoriented with the EMF and the different magnetic fields that come off of those windmills – I think solar is perfectly good – not as expensive as it used to be –it is getting more price efficient - it takes a lot of solar panels to generate a lot of electricity - but I still believe in solar

But if free energy comes it does not necessarily mean that our electric bills are going to be free – but from what I’ve got from a couple different sources makes perfect sense to me – It is coming in through our normal power grid - In other words the power stations – the transmission line – transformers – etc – all of that delivery of energy we have now in place brings it right into our homes at least for the foreseeable future that would stay in place and be utilized

But the cost to deliver that would be dropped - I understand by about 75% - So if you had a $200 electric bill – the reduction means your new power bill could be as low as $50.00 - if in fact it is a 75% reduction in cost of a 25% total cost to have that electricity –

So that is something that is very meaningful and we could be looking forward to that – and see how that is going to work out – but that got connected and was supposed to be effective or available to be tested or used and brought into the grid yesterday the 18th

Alright I told you about the EBS and the other information obviously has to do with us- We have reason to believe through a few different sources that it finally time for tier 4 A&B to get started – We’ve heard something to the effect of the next couple of days is the window – I believe we are going to get notified tomorrow – and I believe it will be by lunch time –

Now don’t hold me to it if something happens that I don’t know about right now but that looks good – the theory is that if we get notified before lunch tomorrow that we could set appointments in a couple hours and start in the afternoon tomorrow – they may decide to do nothing but take appointments all day – tomorrow – and then maybe start us on Thursday -  I don’t know – I don’t know – they don’t want us to know – it is only projection on my part but that could be the case – I hope we get notified mid to late morning tomorrow and we start our exchanges tomorrow afternoon –

I know redemption centers are ready to roll – they have been ready and testing and so on – everything is good to go – the phone system that we’re going to use to call in with our toll free numbers has been tested all the way down to the redemption center level where they will talk to you if you are a zim holder – you will be routed that way – and they will be taking you from that terminated phone call and setting appointment for you to set your appointment for the redemption of your zim – and your other currencies as well

The other point was that as of Sunday we had all the currencies that are in the first basket on screens ready to go – we had connectivity issues so that every country’s connectivity could take place with the QFS – that has been completed – finalized now – and the StarLink or ProLink satellite system is fully integrated and connected and we’ve even heard that the switch over for the new internet which will be much faster – is already connected

I don’t know that we have seen it as our individual level – the military is on the new ProLink system is using the 6G cell service that is also available and I believe we will also get to a 6G system here pretty quickly =

So this week is just full of good news for us and I believe we’re going to get some very interesting broadcast on the EBS – I think we’ve had - some of you may know your cell phone had some issues over the last few days -  I have - noticed a few things – maybe dropped calls here and there – just small things – interruptions – whatever - that has been happening for a lot of people we’ve talk to – But I believe over all we’re getting reconnected and everything is going to work out just fine –

So that is what I wanted to bring to you tonight and I don’t think I left anything out – and let’s continue to believe for this to come to fruition -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-14-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – glad to have you wherever you are coming from

Let’s talk a little bit about not only where we are but – I am going to create a timeline for us tonight – and I think this is something we can sort of track and we’ll see if it becomes real and accurate or not –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – glad to have you  wherever you are coming from

Let’s talk a little bit about not only where we are but – I am going to create a timeline for us tonight – and I think this is something we can sort of track and we’ll see if it becomes real and accurate or not –

You know that I’ve been in this 17 years – I’ve been on the Big Call for 10 years another call for about a year prior to that – but what I do is try to glean the truth out of what I hear and I get a lot of information – I do not read the blogs – occasionally someone will tell me what so and so said but I do not incorporate that in terms of what I bring to you –

Sometimes if I hear something and it might get confirmed or by another source that I’ve heard about – it might be something that we have some agreement on but most of the time the kind of information I get is a little more specialized and a little bit more specific and unfortunately some of it is just not available to be put out on a public call and so I have to use discretion when I get something to try to I hate to say it but dance around it – but that is sort of what I am doing – trying to give you the gist of it without getting myself  and people in trouble –

There has been something that has been said to me about a week ago that it’s desire is for everyone to be quiet or not share as much – its sort of in that time where you are not being nozzled but you’re actually being told not to talk about certain things

Fortunately for me and for you that listen to the Big Call – that hasn’t been really told to me – I have not been told – now there are certain things but they don’t talk about it – I am not supposed to talk about rates –

I know about rates but I can’t talk about them ok – I wish I could share it – but I can’t – it’s not possible –

So – let’s say this – the rates are going to be great – don’t even worry about it – that is the least of your worries and the other thing that we can’t control is the date of when everything is going to go –

So what I’m going to do is try to create for you a timeline based on the intel I received over the last several days – we did a call Tuesday night – I told you I believe we were looking for something in the next couple of days – that would have been yesterday or today – nothing has manifested for us yet – nothing has happened

However – let’s start our timeline out with the 10th & 11th of this month and that was earlier this week – I believe – that was Monday or Tuesday –

So what I heard then was the StarLink System was fully complete and integrated – the Military refers to it as the ProLink System – it’s the same satellite system that Elon Musk was instrumental in getting many of these satellites up into orbit -I call it ProLink sometimes and other times StarLink -

 So that is what occurred I believe on the 10th or 11th – was the completion of that – now as a result of that – the Military is on the new 6G system  that I referred to in the past – which is available through the ProLink system

They are on the new internet through the ProLink system – we are looking to get connected to that as our new multi fast internet and 6G – we’re going to leap frog 5G – we are going to go to that – we’ve been hearing mid November but it could be a little sooner – we’re just going to track that – and see when that actually is announced or it happens

Now continuing our time line -  bring us to today – and the information is basically – things are still moving forward and tomorrow morning after 3 am Eastern – we’re expecting several things to occur – we’re expecting the bond payments to resume  - and we’re also expecting the adjudicated settlements – fines & penalties – CMKX -  and so on to pay out –

Now the bonds are going to pay out for quite possibly as long as a month – before completely finished – but they are going to resume again after 3 am –

So there is a time line piece I want us to remember about Friday 15th of October – we should see some action in those –and those that are paid out in a very real sense – that is a somewhat of a shot gun start -  for those items to all be paid approximately the same time – I am going to call it overnight tonight – actually early morning tomorrow

As we move our time line forward that was the 15th in the morning – there is a source – banking source – that is talking about as a result of those may – maybe – I am going to give it a low percentage – in my opinion only – that we could get notified - the tier 4  would be notified – that means emails distributed until toll free numbers are out -  a low percentage possibility of that happening tomorrow – afternoon

There is a higher percentage from other bank sources that we have that are talking about the weekend – which is the 16th 17th  - Sat & Sun – for our notifications to go out – yes even Sunday –

One source is saying we believe tier 4 will start for us on the 17th  Sunday – I don’t know – we have not been able to reconfirm that at the time of this call – but I give it a low percentage – but also possible –

The so called – and I hate this term – conventional wisdom – is that if we do get notified sat or Sunday – that the 18th Monday – would actually be our start for exchanges – so we’ve got a pretty strong weekend possibility this weekend

Alright let’s go back to our time line to the 16th which is Saturday – Australia is supposed to declare their sovereignty from the United Kingdom – from Great Britain - specifically on that day  - Saturday – On Sunday the 17th  Canada is to declare their sovereignty from France – I don’t know if we are also talking the sovereignty from the UK or Great Britain – when it comes to Canada but I’ve heard specifically sovereignty and departure if you will under the auspice of France – so we’ll see how those manifest and if we’re even given anything about that – over this coming weekend –

We’ve talked about the 15th 16th 17th - the 18th - I think Tuesday –  (MONDAY IS THE 18th) is an important day for us and I am going to have to go back and revisit that – I am going to jump us forward to the 23rd which would be  a week from Saturday – The 23rd is when we are supposed to have the  ??? right now I am having difficulty recalling what it is exactly – but they are going to be significant dates – I am trying to remember what it is  -

I believe the 23rd is very significant for us and it’s more about the - ???? just going to have to revisit it – if I get that to come back to me before this intel segment is over I will reconstruct that – I apologize

I want to say this in the meantime -  staffing at the redemptions centers has been spotty – they have had some time off but have been on a 1 hour “on call” basis – the last couple of days – they have been doing conference calls – Tuesday and Wednesday – talking about a lot of different things in 2 ½ hours –

I think they are as ready for this to happen as we are – quite possibly – its going to be a relief to them when they start redeeming zim and exchanging currencies –

The other thing that we heard today was that banks are no longer offering foreign currencies for sale – now this would be for any currency - that is how close we are – there may still be a few currency sellers on ebay or great American coin company or whatever that may still be selling but the banks have not – that is telling us something –

I am sorry that I cannot recall the significance of the 23rd and the 18th –

I have been told that this is my last call but we have been told this before – I don’t know -  obviously there is a lot going on behind the scenes  -  we just have to wait and see -  thanks everyone for tuning in


 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins 57:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-12-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Ok let’s talk about where we are and see if we can determine where we’re going from this – What’s interesting to me is how much information comes and goes since the last big call which was last Thursday night and in fact days to the time of this call we had very strong indication as early as this past Friday that continued for a couple of days and then all of a sudden it got quiet really quiet yesterday and pretty quiet today – until later this afternoon and you know – it was one of those days that looked like the intel segment was going to be really short – It might still be a little short but not as much as it would have been so here’s where we are –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Ok let’s talk about where we are and see if we can determine where we’re going from this – What’s interesting to me is how much information comes and goes since the last big call which was last Thursday night and in fact days to the time of this call we had very strong indication as early as this past Friday that continued for a couple of days and then all of a sudden it got quiet really quiet yesterday and pretty quiet today – until later this afternoon and you know – it was one of those days that looked like the intel segment was going to be really short – It might still be a little short but not as much as it would have been so here’s where we are –

There are indications that there are two events that will be remarkable big things happening – one is supposed to occur after the President Trump rally in Grand Rapids Michigan tonight which is on now – and I don‘t know if it’s on any regular main stream media – only alternate media like Breitbart – Rumble etc –

There’s supposed to be something that is big – to take place after tonight’ - Now – there is also supposed to be something big to take place at noon tomorrow (Wednesday) Now – we don’t know exactly what those are – at all – at this point -  we don’t know

I may get off this call and find out – what one or two of those things might be – one suggestion that came through was that it is conceivable that the new internet system which is utilizing the ProLink or StarLink Satellite System that’s been in place for a little while now that will include that may be one of the big things – whether it’s the one after the rally tonight or the one at noon Wednesday - I don’t know –

I think the transition to that new internet supposed to be very fast and it’s supposed to be as far as the cell phone coverage when we transition completely to it; it is supposed to leap from 5G to something we would call 6G -  Now is that what one of the big things will be?  We’ll see – maybe so maybe not

In addition to that there was a conference call at least one of the major banks tonight and may have been system wide – on a number of tier 1 banks – and redemption centers – I know there was a call went for 2 ½ hours – I know that the Treasury is represented and a facilitator if you will of the new QFS – so you had an administrator of the QFS in conjunction with one of the representatives of the US Treasury on a call today for 2 ½ hours and we believe that the system is fully operational when we are talking about the QFS

Now they are supposedly four countries that still need some coordination and connection to the StarLink System and in so much as being connected that also means they need full reconnection if you will - to the QFS – so anytime you are introducing satellites and their connectivity it is in conjunction with the QFS and also quite possibly with our Space Force Program

Remember the Space Force Program is over all aspects of our military – all branches of the military and is sort of in charge of everything from space including the ProLink or StarLink satellite system – that’s big

So these four countries need to connect completely – I think that is sort of one thing that they’re waiting for to happen and that is supposed to happen – now what we did get from this information was the fact that we are able to go – meaning for our notifications to come out – and toll free numbers – in emails coming from Wells Fargo  - my understanding is it could go any second after tomorrow – (Wednesday)

Does not mean it could go tomorrow in terms of what we’re getting – its if tomorrow …  we have to go through tomorrow and through probably whatever that big thing is at noon - and whatever else – but then it brings Thursday into view – to clear view because it’s like any moment after we finish tomorrow it’s in play –

Now – believe me – this is anything besides trying to “call it” because that is not the way we want to do it – we are just making you aware of the information – each of us has to draw our own conclusions – about this – and this is a form of being ready and prepared for and eventual redemption center appointment or an opportunity to exchange our currency –

Everything that Iraq was going to do in the way of elections went through as we thought over this past weekend –Friday / Sat / Sunday – and of course we had a three day weekend – Sat / Sun / Mon – So even though banks were closed – redemption centers personnel were there to  test the phone system so that when we do call in to get connected to the call centers with our toll free numbers – the connectivity from the call center to the redemption center was being tested –yesterday – (Monday) on a bank holiday –

They have tested this thing every which way from Sunday BUT – we do believe it’s finally on its way to fruition for us – and we should see the … come full circle to all the way where it is we want it to show - I feel good about what I was hearing –

We had heard previously that today would definitely be in play for us for notifications but that wasn’t the case – it just did not work out – You can bet one thing – there is still quite a bit going on  in the way of kick off and drop off – clean up – globally - and there’s supposed to be something really really good coming out of the Trump Rally  tonight in Grand Rapids Michigan and I will probably try to catch some of that in some form of replay or whatever – but otherwise we’ll probably hear the news of whatever went on – what may have been said -  I can’t give that to you right now – But I would say we are in a good place right now and certainly more encouraged now than I was yesterday or earlier today when things were soooo quiet –

Usually when things are that quiet it’s a good sign – a really good sign – so we have to stay positive about even the fact that intel is quiet  - you know – we have to feel good about that – Usually no news is good news – because of NDA’s -  or gag orders – whatever –

Maybe there will be a call Thursday and maybe there won’t – we’re just going to have to take it one day at a time now and really the word was – after tomorrow – Wednesday – this could go at any second – that is what I’m hearing – I’m just taking it – giving it out – just like I got it – and let’s see what develops – alright Thanks  for listening



Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:07:47

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-7-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in

I am glad we’ve got an opportunity to spend a little time with you tonight and give you some intel – and this was one of those days that started out very slowly and finally this afternoon some information was coming in and then later on this afternoon more information came in and it was very helpful and I think valuable for us so I will try to bring this around so we take advantage of this –

First thing is – Let’s talk about Iraq – now realize this – Iraq is sovereign – they’ve been out of chapter 7 for quite a while now - they have a new Dinar – and a new Dinar rate – in Iraq – However – they are still not going to put it out publically for people to see until we start –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in

I am glad we’ve got an opportunity to spend a little time with you tonight and give you some intel – and this was one of those days that started out very slowly and finally this afternoon some information was coming in and then later on this afternoon more information came in and it was very helpful and I think valuable for us so I will try to bring this around so we take advantage of this –

First thing is – Let’s talk about Iraq – now realize this – Iraq is sovereign – they’ve been out of chapter 7 for quite a while now  - they have a new Dinar – and a new Dinar rate – in Iraq – However – they are still not going to put it out publically for people to see until we start –

They made that agreement – even though they are sovereign and should be able to do whatever they want – they will NOT do that – I think it’s out of respect for our government and our real president (Trump) and so I think they will do that and reveal that very soon – very soon –

In fact – what they’re doing now – today being Thursday – tomorrow being Friday  - Saturday and Sunday – those three days – Iraq is closed for business – no flights – no helicopter traffic in the country – no motorcycle traffic – they really are just closed down for elections - so they have elections Fri / Sat / Sun – and closed for their 3 day weekend –

Now in a similar way – we have a three day weekend – starting Saturday – Sunday and Monday – Columbus Day - and I don’t know absolutely – but we think banks are closed I do not know if it is a true government holiday – but this is essentially a three day weekend – and if in fact the banks are closed on Monday we will have our 3 day weekend and what the Banks stated they always wanted – for this to go –

Now let’s look at this – tomorrow is the 8th – of October – there is something about that number – the Chinese like – the number suggests new beginnings – financial positivity - it’s just a good number for China –

Now what makes it interesting is we did get word earlier today that the bond paymasters did get authorization in the form of a green light to start paying out the bondholders and sellers – of these bonds – at 7 am this morning - that is when the green light appeared for them –

Now that did not mean that they started paying at 7 however – but I did come to find out from sources that were out of Reno that around 2000 bondholders were paid out today – their 1% - so the money has started moving finally to the account holders – the sellers of their bonds - and I am glad that finally took place and it’s on its way - 

Now it doesn’t mean that its over – it means the bond holders will continue to be paid from today – probably through the next week or so - that’s good – showing some movement / activity in that direction – and that’s new – that is different –

So beyond that we know there were dignitaries  - important individuals today in Reno  and they came from Europe – from our Treasury – from China and I think part of it was for some celebration and part of it might have been for encouraging whatever needed to happen today to begin today and start –

Now let’s draw this back to where we are  - let’s talk about it – most of us are not bond holders except for the fact many of us have zim which is a form of a bond – sort of a hybrid -  currency and bond at the same time –

So where we stand is – we needed those bond sellers to be notified that they have funds in their account – they have liquidity – and  have access to those funds – that allows us to be notified – a sort of modified shotgun start – sort of a staggered start – but it’s pretty close

Now I’m looking at that – we’re getting information  - it’s so funny because it can be so quiet and certain contacts  - certain intel – it’s just dead quiet – and we thing they are on a gag order – por under NDA’s -  we’re not getting anything –to tell us what is really happening and all of a sudden you get a couple sources that say – ok – we are planning to go tomorrow – we heard that from one bank and then we’ve also heard it might be Monday – and it could be because of Iraq – because of their 3 day holiday for their elections – or it could have to do with our 3 day bank holiday this weekend – but we could be surprised and get some activity – some notifications could come out as early as tomorrow

Now we will have to see what exactly takes place but we did hear from another source later this afternoon – who has very good high up contacts that this could go either tomorrow (Saturday) or Monday for us – it kinda spreads the whole window out – over the next 4 days – Fri / Sat / or quite possibly Monday for a start –for us

It’s NOT absolute and you know they don’t want us to know it anyway – but I think what we can do is be positive about the fact that the money is finally moved even if it’s only a couple thousand people so far –

It is taking place and the money is moving – for the bond sellers – that’s really good – and what we are looking for is tied to that in the sense that once they are notified that they have the liquidity – and access to liquidity then we will get our notifications which will come by email and also the toll free numbers will come out by a few of us who have been chosen to delegate that – and some of that is  because not everybody has an up to date email  or has an email that they have – they being the treasury – they being Wells Fargo – because Wells is the one that is going to disseminate the emails and we still believe that’s in 4 batches at least 4 – based on time zones -  Eastern – Central – Mountain & Pacific – and I think they will combine Alaska and Hawaii – in a 5th time zone – and theoretically  at least I was told this theory was true – we will get the notifications the emails – at the same time in each time zone – We will have one number for zim holders plus other currency – and a separate number for those without zim –

So that is where we stand right now  - I’m excited because I think we are at least looking at something that could happen very soon here for us – like I said – it could happen as early as tomorrow – or it could be on Monday – and it could be on Saturday - 

So this weekend is in play – it’s supposed to be a special weekend for us  - so I would say stay tuned to that possibility – I hope this is our last call and I know you hope it is our last call too

I think we’re going to find a lot of things happening behind the scenes now – you have major numbers of arrests taking place still – that will continue – gosh that’s going to go on for at least a couple months – possibly all the way to the end of the year – you can just imagine behind the scenes what is really going on –

We should see some really cool improvement with NESARA / GESARA and our new USTN – US Treasury Notes – somewhere in the 15th or 16th of this month and I think it’s going to be – that is approximately the time the public is going to start

Now tomorrow is the 8th  that would only give us a week so they push the public back again – would not surprise me a bit – if I hear tomorrow  its pushed back to the 22nd it would not surprise me at all –

They want to give us at least 10 – 12 days for us to do our exchanges of zim and other currencies so I’m excited about it  - I don’t know 100% whether tomorrow is our day or not – the NDA is very interesting – Chinese did travel to Reno today  - they did not come for their health – they came to kick this thing off – Let’s see if that is what happens – for us tomorrow

Hang in there for the weekend – let’s see where it goes I’m thinking we are very very close – and the good news is the bondholders being paid today – so far – that shows movement in the right direction for us too

Thanks everyone for listening in again -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  52:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-5-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 5th and you’re tuned in to and listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for being here tonight – we’re excited – I’m excited

Ok let’s do this – let’s talk about it – I really thought as of Thursday’s call we had some very interesting intel and you noticed it was not out anywhere else – that was interesting to me – and I love the fact that I was able to bring that to you -

However, we thought that everything was pointing to notifications today and that did not happen – what happened instead? What happened yesterday was – ummm let’s just say it was a day sooner than we thought it was going to take place – a lot of times that will happen – I’m referring to – I’m going to use this term in “quote” the take down of 2 social media websites – Face Book and Instagram and the parent company for that – there’s clean-up going on - let’s put it that way –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 10-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday October 5th and you’re tuned in to and listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for being here tonight – we’re excited – I’m excited

Ok let’s do this – let’s talk about it – I really thought as of Thursday’s call we had some very interesting intel and you noticed it was not out anywhere else – that was interesting to me – and I love the fact that I was able to bring that to you -

However, we thought that everything was pointing to notifications today and that did not happen – what happened instead? What happened yesterday was – ummm let’s just say it was a day sooner than we thought it was going to take place – a lot of times that will happen – I’m referring to – I’m going to use this term in “quote” the take down of 2 social media websites – Face Book and Instagram and the parent company for that – there’s clean-up going on - let’s put it that way –

As a result of that – and I know they were down I understand 5-6 hours depending on what part of the country you are in – it probably caught a lot of people off guard – it caught the stock market off guard – and so on –

There was a good reason for it – a very good reason – and we were aware of it – I say “we” “I” was aware of it – and knew that would take place - there’s a little bit more to it but I can’t really go into that –

Suffice it to say – that the so called 10 Days of Disclosure – 10 Days of Darkness – that we’ve heard about for months and months essentially has started and I think we could say that it started yesterday if not before – and by the way it is not continuing - what I’m trying to say is it is not continuous – in other words just because we have a major event take place yesterday which would be one of the 10 days of darkness – it’s not necessarily 10 days in a row – that is what I am trying to get to - it’s not going to be that way - 

It could be a day here – a day there – 2 days here – you see – it’s not going to be “continuous” – in the sense of one day following the next  - I did not learn that until today – so that’s new –

But…… what we did hear is two different things – one of course is dealing with clean up – of those sites – and those companies – and it was extensive – and beyond that – it takes us to -- are they doing more system checks? Supposedly yes - system checks were done today – don’t know if it includes QFS or some other aspects of that – even checked to see if whether that could be an excuse or whether it was “real” and I was told no it was real – in terms of system checks – and I’m going to say it this way – if everything goes – according to plan tonight and overnight tonight – things will be looking rosy for us tomorrow mid to late morning

Now – if for some reason things don’t go well overnight tonight – we’ve been deferred to Thursday – so I am going to ask that we all pray along the lines of everything runs smoothly tonight and overnight all systems “GO” so to speak and that we CAN go – if we are notified – this is an “IF” statement – “IF” we are notified before lunch time tomorrow which is the plan –

If that occurs then we would set our appointments and get our start tomorrow afternoon – approximately 2-3 hours after the numbers would come out – approximately –

So …… I am encouraged by that – I really am because sometimes things are quiet – everything has been very quiet – like some of our intel – have been dead silent – but usually we have to regard that as “good news” – no news is good news – and in this case that seems to be good for us

So we did find out a little bit more here and there – I would say that the Iraqi Dinar has been put in a position where it is trading now on Forex and going up in value and it will be put out but its still not out publically yet – But they will not do that until we get started – by that I mean – we get notified – bondholders are still waiting for their 1- 1.5% of their total - they are still waiting – to get access to that – because those are going to go in concert with us quite possibly very similar tpo a shotgun start – slight stagger –

I see it this way – I think this is what’s going to happen – they are giving / shown an email – they receive an email telling them they have access to their funds – they have liquidity and access to those funds at about the same time that we are emailed and told that we have the ability to set our appointments – for our exchanges and zim redemption

So that’s how close related – I believe the bondholders are with what we are doing with exchanges of our currencies and zim – on redemption

So I feel as though if we don’t get anything unusual or another monkey wrench thrown in the mix here we are good to go – I really believe that – so we’ll see how that manifests to us -


 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 1:09:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-30-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-30-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we welcome everybody where ever you are and we’re excited to bring you the latest information that we have

Alright let’s get into some intel – now we have had some information come in the last couple of days – even this afternoon – that sort of changes the picture a little bit for us – we have the belief that we were set to go – I’m going to say – yesterday or today – today being the last day of the month – we thought we would have been notified today possibly and then tomorrow as October 1st we thought ……. Well …… we’ll probably make the transition to the NEW 4th quarter of the year and also as a result of the change over from the USA Corporation which has been defunked for a while now – it still continues to operate but not for much longer and we would transition to the Restored Republic Constitutional form of government – the Constitutional Republic –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-30-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we welcome everybody where ever you are and we’re excited to bring you the latest information that we have 

Alright let’s get into some intel – now we have had some information come in the last couple of days – even this afternoon – that sort of changes the picture a little bit for us – we have the belief that we were set to go – I’m going to say – yesterday or today – today being the last day of the month – we thought we would have been notified today possibly and then tomorrow as October 1st we thought ……. Well …… we’ll probably make the transition to the NEW 4th quarter of the year and also as a result of the change over from the USA Corporation which has been defunked for a while now – it still continues to operate but not for much longer and we would transition to the Restored Republic Constitutional form of government – the Constitutional Republic –

That transition should be occurring after midnight tonight – I was told by one source that after midnight tonight that was a good opportunity for that Eric Clapton song – After Midnight - but after midnight tonight everything that we know or we thought we knew changes –

That’s one of those statements that you go “Whoa” – OK – what are you saying? What is going to change? I think we are looking at changes in our government – I think we’re looking at changes in the financial system - obviously through the QFS – but there are other things that are going to be coming in – and here’s one of them –

This is part of the situation that we are aware of now – some of you might have known that we have a special space program – not exactly how it’s known – but a special space program under the Air Force – and one under the US Navy – ok –

Now those programs have been rolled into the Space Force Program – remember when President Trump announced the United States Space Force – this new program of rolling in the Air Force – the Navy and really the other three branches of armed service – Army / Marines and the Coast Guard – are all being brought up into and under the authority of the Space Force Program  - that includes the banks – the QFS – the StarLink Satellite System - everything quantum – with the computer – the financial system – all of those changes are taking place and are now under the Space Force Program

Now – what’s cool about that is – the Navy and  Air Force yesterday at 3:17 in the afternoon – were able to connect to this Space Force Program in 5 ½ hours – and be complete  - we still didn’t have the US Army – or Marine Corps or Coast Guard connected –

However we expect that to take place and be complete – completely connected and complete by Saturday afternoon – ok – do we have to wait on that? Yes my understanding is that we did – that needed to happen –

Now that is going to be a real benefit for us – because there will be surveillance - tracking of financial transactions that we do – which would be monitored by the QFS but under the auspice of – if you will - of the Space Force Program - There will be some other benefits I am sure - as long as we are doing what we’re supposed to be do – everything is cool –

Now – lets go beyond that – that takes us to Saturday – there’s good information – really good from Iraq – Iraq will be – that they are a sovereign Nation now – they got that back now – they will be creating a holiday – sort of like an Independence Day – so let’s call it an Independence Day of Sovereignty for Iraq – celebrated this Sunday

They expect to have their new international Dinar rate out on Saturday afternoon/ evening their time - ok – that’s new – that’s good – and that’s something again that needed to happen – so we’re looking Sunday for Iraq to celebrate that and as such it is considered a holiday – remember in Iraq – Sunday is the first business day of the week – we have ours that starts Monday – theirs is Sunday –

A lot of the Middle East starts their business on Sunday so we are seeing that and we should finally be able to see what the international rate is for the Iraqi Dinar – when they bring that out –

Now – it doesn’t mean necessarily what we’re going to see when we go in to the redemption centers – I think I’ve told that to you and made very clear where I believe we think that will put us - ok – we will see when we get into the redemption centers – or the tier 1 banks

If you are not a zim holder you probably won’t go to the redemption center – but a tier 1 bank – which is cool – either way works – and you are still using the toll free number to set that appointment up – btw –

Alright – let’s keep going – so we’ve got Iraq handled – we have the Special Space Force Program – over everything – WHAT ELSE IS THERE ????

Well – there’s one other piece – now you may have heard of this town in Switzerland – Basel – this is where we have the term Basel 3 and Basel 4 and Basel 5 Compliance – these are banking terms – terms that tell how much liquidity a bank must maintain on hand – liquidity to reach a certain level – Basel 3 has such and such a level – and Basel 4 has another level –

I’ll say this much – our top banks – not every bank – but our top banks will have liquidity – on hand – if they don’t have it now – they will have it / should have it by tomorrow – ok – by tomorrow – they will have 1 trillion dollars in USN – our new currency – on hand –meaning that’s what they have on hand – 1 trillion dollars – EACH of the top banks –

Alright – so we have 80% of our banks that will be Basel 4 compliant tomorrow – the first day of October – the rest of the world is either Basel 3 or 4 Compliant – and guess what – finally we’re waiting on somebody else – we’re waiting on 3 other countries to become Basel 3 compliant – and that will occur – my understanding is on or by Sunday – this Sunday –

Who are the 3 countries? United Kingdom – and if you know anything about Citi Bank or Bank of England -  you can figure out who that might be – the other countries are Greece and Spain –

Those 3 countries are not yet Basel 3 compliant but are expected to reach compliance by or on Sunday – and at that point they should be able to move forward with the exchanges and with what we are doing with our zim and other currencies

Alright – so – what does that mean for us in terms of our notifications – because we were under the impression that we would get notified possibly today or tomorrow – and start tomorrow on the first day of October?

Well – I’ve been given from 2 different sources more or less two different windows – the one window was to start from today and go all the way to Saturday afternoon – for notification - the other source which I think in this case – I hate to say it – but I think may be the most accurate – and you know me – I don’t like putting things out if I have a feeling that we’re going in the next day or two -  but this source – which is highly prized brought the information thinking it would be next week – not sure what day but it looked like notifications were looking good for Monday – now realize what I have given you that is completed on or by Sunday – like the Basel 3 compliance of those 3 countries – and we have to have that –

Iraq is doing what they’re doing – putting out their international rate Sunday afternoon or evening so they can have that holiday on Sunday – you know – it’s just when it “appears”  that the information about early next week Monday / Tuesday -  appears to be the most reliable –

I’ve heard what some other people have put out and I would love it if I am wrong – you don’t understand – I want this to go just like you do – tomorrow – Saturday – it’s not likely to start on a  Sunday – but Monday it looks pretty good –

Let’s see if there is anything else that is important that I can bring to you – I think we’re looking at some serious changes in government – I’ve told you that …. when we think of a “black out” I brought  you this weeks ago –about a digital black out – that is the term being used to describe the take down of main stream media that is not representing intel accurately –

I believe we are about to see that – I think that may trigger the EBS (Electric Broadcasting System) and it may also bring out true audit results – which by the way we have from all 50 states – it is not just Arizona – or just Georgia – not just Pennsylvania – they’ve got all of those results

Now will that information come out? How will it come out?  I think that is where your black out is – Now – like anyone else – I think it’s wise to have back up food and water - but I do not expect the internet to go down per say – or the cell phone service to go down or the electricity / natural gas – or anything else – or disruption of trucks and rails to deliver food products – That’s not what we’re getting – from my sources – We are NOT hearing that –

That is generally coming from the Deep State – what’s left of them – and the Cabal – so I would not personally buy that – I would say that is not accurate –

Now – if we do get this digital black out – hey – yeah – tv stations could be taken down temporarily  - or take over temporarily – who knows – and EBS could crank out for a while – and we could get some information that we haven’t received from main stream media – let’s see how that comes out – let’s see what happens on that –

But as I sit here I feel like this thing is coming down to a head and we thought that we would be here by tomorrow  - so maybe we get some great information over the weekend – if everything that we’ve known up till now – and everything that we think we know is going to change after midnight tonight – sounds like we could have an interesting weekend – Friday / Saturday / Sunday –

But right now – I am positioned with the intel that I have to look at Monday for notifications -       so let’s see if I’m right – I hope I’m wrong and it comes out sooner but we’ll see – I hate that expression “wait and see”  but ha ha ha that is where we are right now –

Alright – I know its late thanks for tuning in and listening – have a great weekend


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:21:21

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Chats and Rumors, Calls, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Short Wednesday Night MarkZ Update 9-29-2021

.Wednesday Evening News Update 9/29/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone. Hope all is well. Good news today from bank contact. Hang on and enjoy the ride…he couldn’t give a lot of information but for his first time ever he was VERY EXCITED

MZ:I will say as much as I can without getting into trouble……

MZ: On the RV front more and more people traveling and getting into position….they all believe things are imminent.

MZ: Reno is rally cracking down on any leaks…..a number of my folks there tell me they have been asked to go to “radio silence “ now.

MZ: I am told to keep an eye on all the boards….as much chatter as there is right now from banking centers… will be hearing news from other sources besides me. Even with the disinformation being sown out there….this is a great time to get your popcorn and twizzlers. Sit back and watch it all play out.

MZ: There is more positive news from Iraq. They do not have a change of rate in the streets or lower denominations….but they are all still hearing this week is a go.

Wednesday Evening News Update 9/29/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good evening everyone. Hope all is well. Good news today from bank contact. Hang on and enjoy the ride…he couldn’t give a lot of information but for his first time ever he was VERY EXCITED

MZ:I will say as much as I can without getting into trouble……

MZ: On the RV front more and more people traveling and getting into position….they all believe things are imminent.

MZ: Reno is rally cracking down on any leaks…..a number of my folks there tell me they have been asked to go to “radio silence “ now.

MZ: I am told to keep an eye on all the boards….as much chatter as there is right now from banking centers… will be hearing news from other sources besides me. Even with the disinformation being sown out there….this is a great time to get your popcorn and twizzlers. Sit back and watch it all play out.

MZ: There is more positive news from Iraq. They do not have a change of rate in the streets or lower denominations….but they are all still hearing this week is a go.

MZ: This is one of the most important article tonight…..From Iraq today…their courts have already ruled that it is legal to have all oil transactions done in Iraqi dinar .Instead of Petrodollars…..Guys this is enormous. Also salaries and taxation will all be done in Iraqi dinar. This is a key piece supported by the government and the court system, and their banks…..this is them letting us know …tie that to the last article from Iraq where they are unpegging from the USD and going to let the dinar float….…..



Member:  Float: start at a value then increase based upon economic conditions and demand for the currency

MZ: This is really solid news.imo…So for all of you doubters out there who say we never have solid news… is some good stuff for you.  

Member:  Hearing this is all a GO now. Very top, connected sources. Iraq to revalue tomorrow, oil credits to US and debt forgiveness

Member:  do we think the market crashes tomorrow? lin wood thinks so

Member:  I heard China starts tomorrow and we should go Friday & Saturday. Red October sounds like green October

Member:  So Iraq should also go tomorrow?

Member: Are you still hearing that the rates will be very good?

Member:  From investor friend with long time currency expertise, VND =DONG expecting between $8 and $16

Member:  Have a friend that has stock in some Iraq companies. He's excited for the future in Iraq & their people

Member:  Hey Mark i have a question about the RV, my son gave me some dinars when he came back from his second tour in Iraq and i was wondering if i will be able to exchange them since i didnt buy they.

MZ: Absolutely……..gifting of currency is totally acceptable….Don’t let that worry you at all…

Member:  Hi mark so when the currency for Iraq goes why would the rest of the world also go what’s gonna make the Dong get a revalue

Member: What does NDA stand for.

Member: non disclosure agreement

Member:  NDA stands for 90 day vacation for Mark Z

MZ: I will be gone as long as the NDA is for……but I will be back post RV.

MZ:  I wish I could share what I can’t share…..but I can’t…..this is one of those days that had me considering if I should take a few days off… I don’t screw anything up on my part. The news has really been that good.

Member: It’ll be nice to be a Clampett

Member:  Maybe Wiskey and Wisdom thursday will be real parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryy

MZ: In case I get taken down from Youtube…..i may be forced to go to rumble, odysee or other places….

MZ:  theoriginalmarkz:$/invite/@theoriginalmarkz:e

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est…….unless..

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-28-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we appreciate it – and we look forward to communicating everything we can tonight to you

So let’s talk about the intel we have – First of all I have to apologize because the intel we had going into last Thursday’s call which was five days ago – was so much pointing to Saturday and then I heard as soon as Friday rolls around – the day after our call – I was hearing – well it’s not going to be Saturday when we’re notified - it’s going to end up being Monday – so ok – well here it is Tuesday - we did not get notified yesterday – we did not get notified Saturday – we haven’t been notified today –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 28th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we appreciate it – and we look forward to communicating everything we can tonight to you

So let’s talk about the intel we have – First of all I have to apologize because the intel we had going into last Thursday’s call  which was five days ago – was so much pointing to Saturday and then I heard as soon as Friday rolls around – the day after our call – I was hearing – well it’s not going to be Saturday when we’re notified - it’s going to end up being Monday – so ok – well here it is Tuesday  - we did not get notified yesterday – we did not get notified Saturday – we haven’t been notified today –

But….. it would appear from what I have heard yesterday primarily that we can look forward to the rest of this week and possibly everything is pointing to tomorrow – Wednesday –

Now we had heard  at 2 am this morning that the adjudicated settlements like CMKX – fines and penalties – bond holders – all of that would be paid out over night last night – Now like I said – we heard that – I have not been able to confirm that - lot of our sources are quiet – they are under NDA’s  or just plain mute – they are not speaking about what is actually happening – it is very difficult – today was the day with very – very – quiet limited intel - yesterday was a little better –

So – let’s talk a little bit about what happened over the weekend – Now  you know that Iraq has been a country which is finally been given their sovereignty – finally has a currency – that they have been able to set the rate on – and trade globally – that happened last Saturday afternoon into Sunday –

What was really interesting about Iraq was they had two separate bond offerings – over this past weekend – I don’t know if they were both started on Saturday – and one on Sunday – or both on Sunday -  But the first offering was a bond that was 250 billion dollars total – at I believe 3 ¾ %  3 ½ % something like that – and I believe it was over a three year period – that is a ¼ trillion dollar offer – pretty strong  and it was bought up in  2 hrs 20 minutes – all of it was bought off in 2 hrs 20 minutes –

The next offering was double the size – ½ trillion dollars – and this was an interesting bond – 10 yr bond at 7 ¾ % interest – and that interest is annually – paid out usually semi-annually – usually – but as a bond  -

That offering I did not get the data on how it went – I bet it went very well – to me that is the most – and more attractive of the two bonds – the higher total but also a higher interest rate offered –

So why am I bringing this up?  None of us were able to buy that – why am I talking about it? Because that is showing the sovereignty and the authenticity of the Iraqi Dinar in its ability for Iraq to offer these large – very large bond offers with obviously a new rate on a bond that is gold backed by Iraq – and certainly their Iraqi Dinar is also gold backed - so is the Chinese Yuan – so are all of these currencies we’re talking about – they are all asset backed or gold backed

So it’s just an example of what is going on right now – so at least I think we can say Iraq is done and they have done everything they have been asked to do and the signing of the sovereignty and the sanctions that the USA Corp had put on Iraq have been removed – and they are rolling - they are rolling –took them a while to get there – but guess who the one is holding them back? We were – for most of it –

So now – ok where do we stand?

 Let’s look at the USA Corporation – it’s been defunct for months now – but it apparently still operating as such – and the US Congress – let’s talk about the House of Representatives yesterday voted down a bill to raise the debt limit on the national debt – by making so much available money to pay out various programs and things that the Congress didn’t want to do – The Republicans – the remaining ones stood up and voted it down – because they knew what we were getting ready to have of this new gold backed and asset backed USN currency to supplant and replace the fiat currency of the United States dollar – So that was one reason it was voted down –

The other thing we have to look at is ok when is the end of the fiscal year? It ends at midnight on Thursday – 2 nights from tonight – because October 1st which is Friday – is the start of our new fiscal year – and I believe it will be the start of some form of acknowledgment of our Restored Republic and hopefully our USN currency starting Friday Oct 1st

Now maybe it will start sooner if we get notified tomorrow for example and if we set our appointments tomorrow for example and if we get the numbers and emails out early enough tomorrow – we would be able to probably set our appointments and START tomorrow afternoon –

So --- and we know already that the United States Treasury Note the USTN – are our new money – our new currency – physical currency – is already the 100’s 50’s 20’s are already un-bundled  at the banks and redemption centers and put in drawers to be swapped out whenever that timing comes about – I do not know when it’s going to be - tomorrow?  Maybe Friday?  Next Monday? We don’t know when that is going to be put out and issued from the bank –

I would think that we would have an announcement about this new currency – I would think we would have to know – that we have something – obviously we go to the bank and we’re going to cash a check or you know you get some money out of the ATM - hey – this is different - check this out – I think we need an announcement about this – before that happens – don’t you?  I would think so – so we will see – they have not been too big on announcements lately - we thought we would have a lot of announcements by now – about NESARA/GESARA – and so on –

Now getting back to our intel – it looks as though we are looking at some things to happen this week – We have heard President Trump should return Wed /Thurs/Friday – back to the White House – and there should be some incredible things happening with regards to that – so be prepared for that possibility –

And I just know that we are all excited about the possibility of this going this week – I didn’t understand why we didn’t get notified Monday and go yesterday – or today – but it didn’t happen – the intel was flawed – they moved it -  we don’t always know the reasons – sometimes we do get a reason – I don’t know what to tell you but sometimes we get a reason why it did not go  -

I can’t think of anything now -  usually in the past it’s because there’s more clean up that needs to  be done – there’s been a lot of clean up – it’s still ongoing – but we do not get specific on that – don’t really talk about it – but we know it is ongoing – and it’s happening – and going to continue to happen – until they get this whole thing exactly like they want it

But from our perspective – we’re looking at 27 currencies that have all made their way to the bank screens – we’ve got really good rates on these currencies and some of us have 2-3-4 5 or 6 of these – most of us don’t have that many more – but these are going to go up quite a bit in volume –

Now – let’s talk briefly about the redemption centers – when you are a zim holder – they are expecting more out of you – because the value of the zim is so great – and there is only so much can do in terms of “stuff” “things” for yourself – so the emphasis is on how can I influence humanity – how can help people that are less fortunate- how can I help to get these technologies out – and that’s what we are going to be working on – that’s what rebuild America is all about – and the VRN -

 We do not have an absolute guarantee on when we’re going to get the notifications – there were some things said through a few different sources that were pointing to tomorrow “Wednesday”  so we’ll see if that manifests – I hope it does – this is not my favorite expression – but this is a wait and see moment -  we have to wait and see “if” that’s going to come tomorrow and we go tomorrow or Thursday – or Friday – I don’t know if we have to wait  till Friday – it could be if we get notified in the morning then we could go tomorrow

So let’s just stay hopeful for that


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins:   47:50

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