Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-13-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in on this Tuesday night – it’s kind of a surprise for us to be here but I think when you hear the whole call you’ll be pleasantly surprised – as I am - So….. I am jacked up and ready to go – hope everybody is

So….. Let’s get into the intel a little bit – I am pretty much excited – I do believe this is going to be our last call – at least I have been told that today – that this is it - I have been told that before – well I believe tonight we could be there – and the reason is because items that we have learned over the last few days that are pointing toward an actual end to what we have been waiting for –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in on this Tuesday night – it’s kind of a surprise for us to be here  but I think when you hear the whole call you’ll be pleasantly surprised – as I am - So….. I am jacked up and ready to go – hope everybody is

So….. Let’s get into the intel a little bit – I am pretty much excited – I do believe this is going to be our last call – at least I have been told that today – that this is it - I have been told that before – well I believe tonight we could be there – and the reason is because items that we have learned over the last few days that are pointing toward an actual end to what we have been waiting for –

Alright – here we go – first of all – we are in a process where certain things take place in order – it’s like – one example is dominos – you line up a bunch of dominos and that first one falls then the next one falls and the next one and so on – you create this chain reaction – that is sort of what this is –

The first domino that we had fall was the fines and penalties being paid out last Saturday morning – at 7:30 am – most of the time when I give you times they are going to be Eastern  daylight time – that started the first domino –

Then we knew after fines and penalties paid out – that the adjudicated settlements which do include CMKX – farm claims – the Indian claims – and other adjudicated settlements – were next – to go – and at the same time we had  prosperity packages that needed to be delivered –

Now we are at about  67,000 prosperity packages – I thought we were at 60,000 but it appears it’s more like 67,000 and those we had Sunday afternoon at 4PM – we had 11,000 delivered by email  - so they were notified by by email of that – and many – many – many of these prosperity package recipients will get their money through direct deposit

Now – that was Sunday afternoon – Monday afternoon at 4PM another 18,000 emails went out for prosperity packages – so now we got 29,000 – almost halfway home – more went out yesterday  - today – and probably still some tomorrow – I don’t know what time but I believe they will complete the prosperity packages either overnight tonight or sometime tomorrow (Wednesday) – so that’s all good

And there’s a certain number that will be delivered and have started delivering  yesterday at 10AM - and there’s a certain amount that have been and will be delivered hand to hand – meaning hand to hand to the recipient by a county  sheriff - and those are going out - I do not have a total – but there’s a good number of them –

Now, beyond that - that takes us  up to where we need to talk about the bonds and bond holders – remember we in tier 4B are to go after the bondholders receive their notification that they have money from their bond transactions in their account – and they not only know the amount but they have “access” to it –

They’ve been emailed twice in the last couple of days to tell them about this and not it stands where they are looking to the email that they received this morning for it to open up and be available for them to read it tomorrow afternoon / early afternoon –

Now – once they do that – the system is designed for us in tier 4 A & B – to be triggered whereby we would receive our notifications as they gain access to those emails – and those emails were created by the computer so that no bank person could actually see what was in it and they’re designed to stay sealed until a specific time tomorrow afternoon at which time they will be allowed to be opened and then that information can be seen by the recipient –

Now – we understand that those bond holders that are going to get access to their 1% of funds will be able to see that tomorrow afternoon but get access to those funds on Thursday afternoon – and it could be a simple 24 hr period after they are able to see what’s in that  email – tomorrow –

In other words what it makes it look like from this perspective – is that the shotgun start that we’ve talked about for years – is about to take place with notifications to the bond holders tomorrow afternoon and we “should” get our notifications tomorrow afternoon also whereby we set appointments tomorrow afternoon/evening for exchanges and redemption of zim – beginning Thursday – July 15th

Now – what is significant by the 15th of July? That is also the date that NESARA and GESARA are to be notified – we are to receive notifications in some way – some form some fashion – I don’t know how it’s going to be announced or brought to us – but that’s when NESARA and GESARA are to begin on the 15th – Thursday –

So this is a very important time for us right now to get everything completed before we receive our numbers – set our appointments and go – for exchanges and redemption –

We know that we’ve been close many times before – and we know that we’ve had some false starts – we’ve had a lot of arrests – a lot of clean up – over the last several months – and there’s no let up in that – in fact you would be amazed at the numbers that we’re talking about and they are ongoing -  but we do believe we are at the point now where the Homeland - DoD and Treasury – are all in alignment for this to be released –

We think the cabal is far enough in check to go forth with this final step which is our notification – remember Wells Fargo is the lead bank in North America - and will do the emails – approx. 2 million - I don’t know of anything else for us to do but watch/look for the emails and if for some reason they don’t have your email  because you’ve been gifted currency - that’s ok – that‘s where I come in and the Big Call will  come in because I’m supposed to receive the toll free numbers for those who have currency only and  those who have zim -  so that you can call to set appointment with the call center and then once if you’re a zim holder – you are routed -  to either  directly linked to the redemption center – in your zip code indicated – speak to a live person there who will actually set your appointment with you - that is your first contact – with the redemption center personnel

It’s possible they will give you another number to call – in some areas – or you might be given another toll free number to call to go directly to that redemption center and complete your appointment –

The emails should have the information enclosed in it – if you do get an email from Wells – you should also have a small 1 - 1 ½ page non-disclosure agreement set as a part of a 3 page email – so 1 page could be the NDA – and 2 pages could be information about the appointment –

And this is your preliminary NDA – that you would use until you got into the redemption center and did your appointment and then there’s another NDA 4-6 pages - depending whether you are a zim holder

This time line is coming from one of the highest sources – and we believe and we believe it’s accurate – let’s just believe as we pray this call out – because I’m very excited and do believe this is finally “IT” – and one reason I think so – I think the 15th is significant as we’re supposed to have our asset backed / gold backed currency – the USN in play on the 15th as part of NESARA / GESARA - that’s a very important part of it –

The rates for these currencies - we’re talking about 34 currencies I believe – that are going up in value -  significantly for a lot of them as you know – those rates were locked in yesterday – Monday AM –

Now there is a slight trading range within each currency whereby it can still be traded and go up or down accordingly - and I do believe we are going to get very good rates - better than we thought – and there may be a few surprised we did not even know about -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:03:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-8-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-8-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday July 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in and we look forward to giving you quite a bit tonight intel wise –

Ok let’s get into the intel – let’s talk about where we are – it’s Thursday night and we did get some good information – I’m going to try to give you everything I can recall from today and yesterday –

What I found really interesting was we had all new rates on the front screens as of last Monday – this is in the banks – not talking about Forex – this is talking about the bank screens – what’s cool is the dinar came up and it was changing like 14 times in the period of a day – it would be up and go off – then come up again and then go off – the good news was – every time it came back up it was a little bit higher –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-8-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday July 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in and we look forward to giving you quite a bit tonight intel wise –

Ok let’s get into the intel – let’s talk about where we are – it’s Thursday night and we did get some good information – I’m going to try to give you everything I can recall from today and yesterday –

What I found really interesting was we had all new rates on the front screens as of last Monday – this is in the banks – not talking about Forex – this is talking about the bank screens – what’s cool is the dinar came up and it was changing like 14 times in the period of a day – it would be up and go off – then come up again and then go off – the good news was – every time it came back up it was a little bit higher –

So you get the impression they are trading it higher – and that’s good for us – of course -  and ultimately it will be good for Iraq –

Now – the other thing that I thought was fascinating was – we’ve got 3 new countries that came in and were added to the front bank screens last Monday  - meaning – United States – it probably came in overnight Sunday – and they showed on Monday – guess what?  Here’s the 3 countries – are you ready – North Korea – Iran -  Iranian Rial – and that will virtually be on par with the Iraqi dinar – now as a front screen rate the so call preferred rate that we are going to be entitled to – as tier 4B – internet group -  will be different and higher

But for the purpose of front screen rates we should see the Iraqi dinar the same as or very close to the Iranian Rial - so Iran was on there – and is still on there and last but not least – Venezuela - the Bolivar – so we are up to now about 34 currencies we think – and that’s a really cool assortment of currencies that are going up in value – and we have 3-4-5- maybe of these – some people have more –

The main thing – is if you have dinar – dong – you’re in really good shape obviously – if you have zim you are in great shape - and just while we’re speaking – Zimbabwe has their new currency which is their dollar – it is on par with the US dollar or USN - which is coming out – but that is what we knew 2 years ago

Zimbabwe said their new currency was going to be on par with us and they have and it is – and it’s out and it’s being used

Now that does not change what we know about our Zimbabwe dollars – which are sort of a hybrid currency and a bond – we’ve called it a bond to distinguish the difference between their regular everyday currency and the special currency that we hold – So enough about that -

Now – the other information that we’re getting is that overnight tonight all the liquidity is supposed to start flowing – and by that I mean that the paymasters of the adjudicated settlements - the paymasters of the fines and penalties =- which are extensive – the longer they have waited – which is a long time like 1 ½ yrs -  to pay those out – the longer that’s taking – the more – the higher the amounts have become as we understand –

What’s interesting is starting tonight we’re supposed to have the paymasters of those fines and penalties as well as adjudicated settlements – CMKX – prosperity packages – farm claims - all of those things are to be started to pay out like dominoes - in other words when fines and penalties start paying out the next one will start paying out - and then the next one - and that should take place through Sunday –

Now what else is happening like that is the bond paymasters  - the people that have sold bonds and are waiting for their 1% of totals – they are supposed to have that sent out with their notice of liquidity – notice of access – as an email supposed to go out early as tomorrow or Saturday – with availability of funds or in other words access to funds on Tuesday –

So you see how they have it set up for notification tomorrow or Saturday – for bond holders – and then oh yeah you have your notification – you got your email – then its going to have a pending notification until Tuesday –

Now what’s interesting is you say that’s all cool – for the bond holders – what about us???? What about tier 4B? Tier 4B is probably going to be notified Monday or Tuesday- of next week – there’s a chance we could get notified Saturday – but really what they’re trying to do is coordinate that I believe so we do get a shotgun start along with the tier 3 and the bond holders that are going to receive their notifications and have access to funds on Tuesday – I believe that is going to be our start date – ON TUESDAY

Now do we get notified prior to that? With our emails on Monday? Possibly so -  we just don’t know – but they are going to do this thing sort of sequentially – starting with fines and penalties overnight for tomorrow and so on like I had laid out - so we’re there – it’s just that we are finally at a point / at a place where they feel comfortable with the clean up on aisles 3-4-5 and 6 –

In other words – they don’t have everybody that they are going to get but they have enough of it to where they feel secure in the fact that we can go ahead and get started – only next week – focusing more on Tuesday –

That is the long and short of that –

Next, let’s talk briefly about the non disclosure agreement – that we’re going to sign at our redemption center appointment – or at our exchange center – if you’re exchanging dong and dinar not zim

The NDA’s a lot of the language in it that is probably what you would assume would be there – and that is about not speaking to other people about this – not sharing anything about the rate – totals – or anything regarding the structured pay out – basically it’s  just shut up and don’t talk about what you went through with anyone – that’s basically it – you will have very few exceptions – to whom you can discuss this information with – and if there is anyone – on your team – that you are doing projects with - and you think some of the information may be pertinent to them you would want to exclude them in writing and put that in your NDA – you better have a list of people – maybe spouse – children –

Now what is in the NDA that might seem new to us is the fact that we talked before about letting the bank know right there at the beginning – how much money you need or believe you will need in the first 90 days or even through the balance of this year – you need to let them know and this is primarily about your projects –

Now – let’s make one thing clear – you do have access to plenty of your own money – because that is what this is -  but here’s the thing – look at it in the form of 3 steps – step 1 – take care of any debt you have – get new car – upgrade home – buy a new home -  and beyond that the needs – phase 2 – secure land – for projects -  deposits on land - and basically anything you plan to do that they hear you talk about in your presentation – they want to sort of hold you to that so that you don’t get too far off of what it is you’re looking to do with your projects –

So in other words they want for you to be clear on the amount of funds you need and then you let them know when you need them first 30 -6- 90 days – what they want to make sure is that people that are requesting certain amounts of it – they obviously don’t want to flood the market with too much too quickly –

What they are sort of trying monitor it a little bit and they don’t want you going off in left field and all of a sudden doing something completely different than you indicated in your presentation -They want it to be consistent – now they do have a way to feel you’ve abused and violated your NDA – they would come back and possibly freeze your account – they could come back and issue strikes against your account - first strike – freeze second strike they might say ok we are going to assign you a wealth manager that can monitor and help you with the allocations of your funds – strike 3 would be you are totally messed up - doing opposite of what you said and could be facing jail time –

This NDA stuff has some teeth in it – it really does – but as long as you do what you say you’re going to do and don’t swerve off the path too far you should be ok - take  your time reading the NDA – I believe it could be 6 pages long – but whatever the true length of it is – just make sure you understand it – and ask questions at  your appointment – It is supposed to be in everyday language – so we will find out when we get there –

Now I am going to bring  up something that a couple people called me about today – and that is the situation with Wells Fargo – it was reported on several stations – I want to make sure as much as I know about this that what  you heard you understood accurately –

What it amounts to is – there are certain things called a home equity line of credit – home equity loan – these loans as you now are tied with the collateral of your home – a certain amount of equity that you have in your home – and they loan you money based on that and your credit rating – but these are no longer going to be extended past August – it will not be renewable from what I understand –

We think ------ and we are waiting for verification – we believe this is all tied into NESARA – in fat we know that it is – so for some reason Wells stepped out and put this information out that was received from a very credible report –

Now the question is -----did the TV stations accurately represent what was in that report ????   - Did they do the right thing??? It is hard to say – you are going to have to be the judge about that   but this is coming into alignment with not only NESARA – which is kind of underway now and will show up bigger and better in the rest of this month and the first week of August should be really good – and also this is reflective of Basel 3 Basel 4 compliance –

This is nothing derogatory or negative – it could be perceived that way – but it certainly isn’t designed to be that way - I just wanted to bring that out and bring some clarity in case you did not catch it or understand it –

Basically we are looking at this thing rolling out – one domino falling at a time – like I mentioned through the weekend – bond holders getting notified Friday or Saturday – with liquidity by Tuesday – and we should  be on our way Tuesday  - That is really the most important part of what I had to offer 


Bruce’s Big Call Reply LINK   Intel Begins:  1:05:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-6-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-6-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Tuesday July 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – I hope everybody had a wonderful celebration for the 4th of July and the extra bank holiday on yesterday – Monday and we’ll share a little bit in the intel section about that –

And here we are – on the 6th of July – we made it through the 4th holiday and the bankers had a 3 day weekend –Saturday – Sunday and Monday – Lot of businesses were closed as well – but here we are out of that – and into another week – now the second week of July –

So let’s talk a little bit about where we are and how this thing is moving for us – focus first on about where Iraq is – we do talk to people in Iraq - – we have contacts in Fallujah – Baghdad – and a few other places – this last comment came out of Baghdad from some of our people and it indicates that Iraq has now a fully convertible new Iraqi Dinar – or new IQD - and that means that it is digitally available and exchangeable globally- in other words its convertible to other currencies

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-6-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Tuesday July 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – I hope everybody had a wonderful celebration for the 4th of July and the extra bank holiday on yesterday – Monday and we’ll share a little bit in the intel section about that –

And here we are – on the 6th of July – we made it through the 4th holiday and the bankers had a 3 day weekend –Saturday – Sunday and Monday – Lot of businesses were closed as well – but here we are out of that – and into another week – now the second week of July –

So let’s talk a little bit about where we are and how this thing is moving for us – focus first on about where Iraq is – we do talk to people in Iraq - – we have contacts in Fallujah – Baghdad – and a few other places – this last comment came out of Baghdad from some of our people and it indicates that Iraq has now a fully convertible new Iraqi Dinar – or new IQD - and that means that it is digitally available and exchangeable globally- in other words its convertible to other currencies

So the fun thing though about it is their position for everything to be fully digitally completely on line with everybody that wants to trade with them starting – was going to be from 7:00 to 7:30 am - Iraq time tomorrow – they did push it back to 11:00 to 11:30 am Iraq time tomorrow – so that is to be completely convertible – as a currency tomorrow - Wednesday –

The cool think is they have the digital capability just like our currency with our USN has a component called  United States Digital Currency USDC – Iraq’s will be a convertible digital currency as well –

So this is occurring and we know that speaking of the Dinar – even though yesterday was a bank holiday and banks were closed – most I believe were completely closed – the bank personnel did have – at least with one major bank – maybe others – there was a conference call for 2 hours yesterday afternoon that included a Treasury rep and included a Dept of Defense – and also a corporate “top of the heap” personnel from New York   -

So this was a call I think was system wide at least with one major bank and it may have been the same way with all of the other tier 1 banks – they all have this type of conference call but I think they’ve done a conference call where everybody is pretty much up to speed

Now – I will say this about the banks – we found out in the last few days  that one major bank had a 6 page Non Disclosure agreement that all bank employees  had to sign – they all needed to have it and signed and it’s very seriously been taken

The other bank had one similar and it may be virtually identical – but we know that at least 2 of the banks have DNA”s that are 6 pages log that all employees – obviously they let the tellers in and every employee of the bank in on what is going on and what’s about to take place for them to have to sign the DNA – it’s a very good sign of how close we really are to going –

So we have understood that because of that information  that we sometimes get has been reduced and it’s a little bit quiet out there probably because of that –

When it comes to what we do hear – we did hear that the fines and penalties were started to be paid last  Wed/Thurs – prior to the holiday weekend – then for some reason they did not continue and the understanding is that it will resume either tomorrow or Thursday – with those Fines and Penalties and I am going to say hopefully that the rest of all adjudicated  settlements – bond holders keep getting the delay tactic from their paymasters - although we do have confirmation that all of the bond paymasters have liquidity ready to go when they get the green light  to the participants of what I call the bond sellers that have exchanged or traded their bond – that is to happen we heard over night tonight or tomorrow – That would be when they receive notification from their paymaster that their funds are available and accessible in their accounts -  so we’ll see how that pans out tomorrow (Wednesday)  to see whether that comes through for them –

When it comes to us – we had information over the weekend that was pointing to us being notified with our email notifications – and also toll free numbers today up until about 3pm and if it did not occur - it was changed to 2 pm  then we would be looking at something tomorrow – mid morning – that may or may not still be in effect - 

We have new information that was pointing toward this happening in 48 – 72 hours for us - that would take us to Thursday or Friday –

Now this is the kind of information that is just moving us through the week – we have to hope that is not going to be going beyond 48-72 hours – but as of right now – it sort of puts notifications for mid morning Wednesday in jeopardy

I think we have to consider the latest information that I’ve received late this afternoon which points more toward 2-3 days away –

So that’s not the best news – it’s not what I wanted to bring to you tonight but it’s what I’m getting and all I do is repeat the information that I get as I try to glean through what it is we are hearing to try to find the truth in it – that’s my job – that’s what I’ve been doing for 10 years and that’s what I want to impart to you on the Big Call

We don’t like the waiting – we know that things are happening – there is a lot – and I mean a lot of clean up on aisle 3 – aisle 4 – aisle 5 – it is continuing –I can’t talk about it in any great detail but it’s major stuff – major “political figures” have been cleaned up and is ongoing -  that is the only thing that I can think of that could be holding this up –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:01:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-1-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-1-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Thursday July 1st start of the second half of the year – a new quarter – start of NESARA - thanks for tuning in to the Big Call tonight – from all over this beautiful globe – we call Earth – thanks so much for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Well let’s talk a little bit about intel tonight – I am very excited about what has been happening and what’s been coming - especially today – even up to a half hour ago – before the Big Call started – we’re in a progression of events that‘s happening – we know that the new financial system – which we know is connected – that globally – not just here in the states but everywhere around the world will be connected to it – completely by tomorrow night at 10pm Eastern - That’s kinda our completion time and day - July 2nd 10PM Eastern –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-1-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Thursday July 1st start of the second half of the year – a new quarter – start of NESARA - thanks for tuning in to the Big Call tonight – from all over this beautiful globe – we call Earth – thanks so much  for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Well let’s talk a little bit about intel tonight – I am very excited about what has been happening and what’s been coming  - especially today – even up to a half hour ago – before the Big Call started – we’re in a progression of events that‘s happening – we know that the new financial system – which we know is connected – that globally – not just here in the states but everywhere around the world will be connected to it – completely by tomorrow night at 10pm Eastern - That’s kinda our completion time and day - July 2nd  10PM Eastern –

That is a very good milestone - to hit that we’re all hitting – who was the last country to complete and come on board with everything by that 10 PM time frame tomorrow – It is Indonesia – and they will make it – they will be the ones that get the gold prize for hitting that – and there is a reason why they are in that position -  I can’t get into that -  but that is a good thing –

So everything – have you noticed how we have dates and they come and go? Even I get dates I am pretty confident in and they come and go – a lot of that is put out there on line on the blogs – to confuse the people and to allow them to do pick up and drop off – or as we call it – clean up on aisle 3 -- a lot of that has been done on purpose – even though the last information that we have is dealing with this being the month of July – being Christmas Eve in July for us - 

We will have the equivalent of Christmas in July – and I believe for  us it will start right after the 4th of July -  now we know the 4th of July is on Sunday – we know it is a bank holiday on Monday – and we know that some banks not all – will actually stay closed on July 6th Tuesday - 

However some banks that are closed on the inside – retail banks – through the lobby - but open in the drive through – for transactions  -

They have been testing ATM’s to be able to receive deposits and pay out cash  - receive a deposit in 10 seconds – and send out cash in 10 seconds - 

The idea of using cash as a deposit – I don’t really see us doing much of that – I don’t see that for us at all really – but it is there for somebody – most will not be depositing cash but withdrawing it –

Now what about the timing? I mentioned that the retail banks are closed on Monday the 5th and some if not most will be closed on Tuesday the 6th

If you are a Zim holder it makes no difference because the redemption centers  will be open – we expect from what I’ve heard – to get our notifications sometime Monday and if early enough we could possibly go Monday afternoon - but I really think whenever we get them we are going to set appointments and yes they will have staff in the redemption centers to talk with zim holders to finalize their time for appointment to start their exchange and redemption of zim on Tuesday -        

Yes even though it is a bank holiday on Monday – staff will be in the redemption centers to set appointments for zim holders - 

Now – this is very important – let’s say you are not a zim holder and you have dong – or dinar – or another currency – you would do better to set your appointment using the toll free number to set it the week following on Monday the 12th – because the rate – if somebody comes in and does not use the 800 number to set appointment and they go into a retail bank next week and the banks are open – they will not get the higher rate for dong or dinar but they would get using the reservations system that you would make – with the toll free number starting on the 12th of July –

So that is a word to the wise – if you are not a zim holder – only have dong or dinar or other currency – some people I know will not care and will want to just go and get their money now – If you are patient and set your appointment for the following week you should benefit greatly from a better rate –

Why are they doing this?  Because they want the zim holders to get in first and for the rest of that first week – we are looking at a 30 minute presentation – maximum 40 – and that would be if you had a certain amount of currency that took a little more time – or some reason you are slower getting account set up – its not going to be this big drawn out long process – it’s going to be – and I hate to say it -  In and OUT – 30 minutes – with one account probably with a debit card – and you’ll have to do your transactions starting the following week -  with your wealth management team – or someone else at the bank –

The bonds – bond holders that had their paymasters in Europe – primarily in Zurich – they already started paying out their bond holders globally - we have evidence of that –

In the US the bond holders that were working through Reno and Miami – are to be notified of their liquidity in their account either late Saturday morning or early Saturday afternoon – that’s when they are getting the heads up – and their emails on the liquidity in their accounts –

Remember the bond holders are getting access to 1% of their totals – and then they will get certain percentages down the road for approximately 12 months -  so they will be able to draw down on additional funds as time goes on –

We have a different situation -  we’re going to let them know what project money we intend to use in the first  -90 days – 6 months – in other words through the balance of 2021 – that is what we should prepare for –

I’m excited about the timing – I’ve been told not to disregard the weekend – there is a possibility of a surprise for us over the weekend but the latest up to date information this afternoon and tonight for me - and this is from a redemption center personnel that we’re looking at notifications Monday and the start of our exchanges and redemption of zim on Tuesday  the 6th

So it will be Christmas in July for us  - you know it’s going to be Christmas in July for a lot of people – because older Americans that are receiving Social Security or retirement from a pension – they will be notified of their so called birth certificate money – which is similar to a bond –in the sense that they will receive monies that were obtained by the use of their birth certificate in trading without their knowledge – without anybody’s knowledge until just recently  and that account  will be available to older Americans 62-65 + - you should see that coming in the next 2-3 weeks into your account if you are already on Social Sec -  it will be a nice piece of change –

I want it to be like Christmas morning and it be a surprise – and this is going to hydrate a lot of people – especially older Americans that are not involved in the currency like we are – to us it is going to be something we notice and say oh that’s nice - whatever – it’s going to be a nice piece of change – don’t get me wrong -  it’s real money – but absolutely dwarf when you talk about billions and trillions of dollars for zim holders –

So its good news – NESARA effectively kicks off – I would say starting tomorrow – I believe midnight tonight – so what are we going to see? Everybody regardless of age will get refunded back interest they paid on loans like – credit card debt  - car loans and mortgage loans – they have those numbers already calculated – and you’re going to be notified of that –

I’m excited about where this puts us – in terms of our timing – in terms of getting this – and I’m hearing Monday very strongly - would be our notification day – so remember if you are a currency holder but not zim – you would probably do much better to set your appointment for the week of the 12th  and you will be compensated with a much higher rate on dinar – dong – etc  than if you jump the gun –

Beyond that – what I think we’re going to do is not have a live celebration call  but I think we might have a call that we record and put out with an email – which will be a celebration email -  probably a short call -  that  you be able to have a link in  your email  and click on and listen to us as a so call “send off”  a final call -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:05:30

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Economics, Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 7-2-2021



1st July, 2021

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds a virtual workshop to spread further the knowledge of Buna functions and future plans

More than 200 senior officials will attend the workshop, representing central banks and a wide spectrum of financial institutions

Abu Dhabi, 1 July 2021: The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds today, Thursday July 1st, 2021, a special workshop to propagate additional knowledge on Buna, the cross-border and multi-currency payment system owned by the AMF, covering various elements related to Buna activities and future plans.



1st July, 2021

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds a virtual workshop to spread further the knowledge of Buna functions and future plans 

More than 200 senior officials will attend the workshop, representing central banks and a wide spectrum of financial institutions

Abu Dhabi, 1 July 2021: The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) holds today, Thursday July 1st, 2021, a special workshop to propagate additional knowledge on Buna, the cross-border and multi-currency payment system owned by the AMF, covering various elements related to Buna activities and future plans.

During this workshop, Buna executive team will be enriching the current acquaintance of the banking community with Buna’s innovative solutions and its concrete contribution to the development of the payment sector in the Arab region and beyond, by addressing a diversified list of topics including operations, products roadmap, settlement model, as well as security and compliance frameworks.

The workshop will host more than 200 senior officials representing Arab and international central banks, along with various institutions from the financial, banking and payment sectors in the region and beyond, seeking valuable information about Buna’s recent plans and developments.

At this occasion, Mehdi Manaa, Chief Executive Officer of Buna said: “Since its inception to date, Buna invested substantial efforts to build and transmit knowledge on its innovative offering.

We believe that collaboration with the banking community is instrumental to achieve growth in the payment and financial sector in the Arab region and contribute to increased efficiency of cross-border payment at global level.”

Mehdi added: “Buna provides an effective response to the four main challenges of cross-border payment relating to cost, speed, access and transparency, by streamlining payment processes and integrating different services in a single platform. We are very happy to see that our value proposition is becoming tangible to our participants and more and more recognized by the wide payment community at global level.

 In addition, Buna’s compliance with the highest international standards of information security and requirements against financial crime makes it a secure gateway to cross-border payment.”

Buna, is a cross-border payment system owned by the Arab Monetary Fund, aiming to enable financial institutions and central banks in the Arab region and beyond to send and receive payments in local currencies as well as key international currencies in a safe, cost- effective, risk-controlled, and transparent environment.

Buna offers participants modern payment solutions that comply with international standards, principles, and compliance requirements. Thanks to its cross-border payment system Buna contributes to exploring and strengthening opportunities for economic and financial integration in the Arab region and supporting investment ties with the global trading partners.

Buna welcomes the inclusion of all banks that meet the criteria and conditions for participation, primarily the standards and procedures of compliance aspects.   LINK


Samson:  After the complete extinguishment .. Al-Kazemi dismisses and punishes officials in the Ministry of Electricity

2nd July, 2021

Today, Friday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi issued an order to dismiss a number of officials in the Ministry of Electricity.

The statement of the media office of the Prime Minister stated, received by Shafak News Agency; Al-Kazemi directed the dismissal of the General Director of the General Company for Electricity Transmission / Middle Euphrates, and directing a reprimand for him for neglecting to perform his duties and duties, which caused the fall of power transmission lines (400 kv), and the occurrence of power outage in all governorates.

The statement added that Al-Kazemi also directed "to take measures against other officials in the ministry because of their negligence in their work and the tasks assigned to them, and to open an investigation into cases of negligence and negligence in some parts of the ministry that led to a decline in the supply of citizens with electrical energy and exacerbated their suffering, despite the continuous directives of the President The Council of Ministers for officials and workers in the Ministry of Electricity, stresses the importance of working hard, making maximum efforts, preparing well for the summer, and alleviating the suffering of citizens.

And at dawn on Friday, Iraq witnessed a complete blackout in the governorates of the country, with the exception of the Kurdistan Region.

Later, the Iraqi authorities reported the gradual restoration of electricity in the country's governorates.

In recent weeks, the frequency of attacks with explosive devices increased on electric power transmission lines in the governorates located in northern, western and eastern Iraq, which exacerbated the electricity shortage crisis in the country. The power outage comes amid the recent escalation of popular protests over the deterioration of the electricity service in conjunction with the rise in temperatures, reaching 50 degrees Celsius in some areas.

The Iraqi authorities accuse the terrorist "ISIS" militants of being behind most of the attacks. Iraq has been suffering from a decades-old electricity shortage crisis as a result of successive wars and the instability of the security situation in the country, as well as rampant corruption. Iraq produces between 19 and 21 thousand megawatts of electric power, while the actual need exceeds 30 thousand megawatts, according to officials in the electricity sector.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   I keep talking to you about Iraq's oil, that they're really doing good.  Also there is some oil that they have not announced yet, I have not figured out why - A big pool of it that is really going to put them into the spotlight as far as money is concerned.  Another reason why you should hold onto your dinars.  Article:  "Iraqi Oil Surges 30% To China & 23% To India Surpassing Saudi Arabia As Fastest Growing Market"   That's what we like to hear.


Tishwash:  Iraq asks the European Union to remove it from the money laundering list

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi asked the European Union to remove Iraq from the money .laundering list In a report published by the "Iraq buisness news" website and its translation (Baghdad Today), Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi discussed, in a meeting held in Brussels, with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the political and economic matters concerning .the country

The report added, that Al-Kazemi asked to remove Iraq from the list of countries considered "."high risks of money laundering It is noteworthy that earlier this year, the United Kingdom removed Iraq from its list of "high risk .third countries" for the purposes of money laundering legislation According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office, von der Leyen praised the .economic reforms pursued by the Iraqi government .

She said that the Commission supports the Iraqi White Paper and anti-corruption mechanisms  link


Mike Maloney

Gold & Silver vs Fiat-Free-For-All: The Purchasing Power War

Premiered Jun 29, 2021

Join Mike Maloney and Jeff Clark as they examine the latest news for the economy and precious metals markets. Stick around until the end of the video for some amazing data on silver’s purchasing power.


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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-29-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 29TH – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Here’s the thing ….. we have some pretty good information today – that we got – now remember this is the first call we’ve had since Thursday and sometimes I get things right after the call on Thursday – sometimes on Saturday - which we did - even Sunday – yesterday - and today – so this continues to mount up - so what I’ve found and probably some of you have seen some things on line – some of which is true – and some not true – is that this concept of NESARA and GESARA –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 29TH – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Here’s the thing ….. we have some pretty good information today – that we got – now remember this is the first call we’ve had since Thursday and sometimes I get things right after the call on Thursday – sometimes on Saturday - which we did - even Sunday – yesterday - and today – so this continues to mount up - so what I’ve found and probably some of you have seen some things on line – some of which is true – and some not true – is that this concept of NESARA and GESARA –

GESARA is something that is global and it has started -  in fact – several countries – I’m thinking 22 or so countries started with GESARA last Friday – we had some confirmations  on it on Saturday and then more confirmations since then -  that this had started in Spain – Portugal and then also in Iraq - 

We bring it over and we get heavy into Latin America with Mexico – Brazil – El Salvador – and there are many other countries that have joined in with announcing – and this is the cool part I think -- “announcing”  GESARA on their public TV stations  -

In other words – this is something that is NOT hidden in these countries – it is out – and about – and this is something that is NOT to be stopped – it is underway – and it’s working its way slowly to us – here in the US – I believe we have a pretty good idea of where it is and when it’s going to appear here –

So East to West – it’s moving this way – it’s already in our hemisphere in terms of South America and Central America and even Mexico – ok all of that is terrific –

Now – what we have been told is – and this is from sources in Australia – is that this is moving forward and essentially we had actually a time of it to be released in Australia which would be Wednesday – other words – Wednesday in Australia in the early evening – late afternoon hours – and that by translation comes to the U S early tomorrow morning –

Now what happens – this we are not sure of – but we know based on the bond holders and their wealth managers that we do get to speak to that they are expecting the bondholders to finally receive their emails telling them of their access to their 1% funds – 1% of their bond transaction – that they have already done – those they should release to them tomorrow – and it could be over night or it could be early morning that they get that information when they wake up –

It’s possible for us tier 4B – to also receive emails early and yet we also have one of our bank top sources indicating that we would be notified tomorrow afternoon –

So we’ve got one talking about early morning tomorrow – we have one talking about tomorrow afternoon – and we also have the concept of – ok if we’re notified – like meaning if we get the emails  and the toll free numbers that we are able distribute are out and we put those out as you know that is my plan - to put on or website – but what we’re looking at is – if that is released to us – whether morning - if we do get it early morning we possibly could set out appointments and go the same day - tomorrow –

But there is another side that if we get notified tomorrow afternoon we would set appointments only tomorrow for a start which would be Thursday July 1st  - the beginning of a  plan we believe that NESARA is supposed to take place in the US on Thursday the 1st

Now what does that look like?  What happens if NESARA is announced or starts it could be at another about the new tax system - we expect to be under – without Federal income tax – rather a consumption tax that would be tied to the state – for them to collect –

It could be and I’m thinking this possibly could have to do with the start of the USN – our new gold backed currency – the USTN or even the most recent  concept the USDC – United States Digital  Currency – so there’s that which is part of NESARA – to have a gold backed currency – not only here in the US but globally – all currencies will have certain level of assets backing them  some are gold - other precious metals – some could be precious jewels - oil – natural gas – properties -  whatever the country’s assets are  that could back up the value of their currency is going to be utilized –

So – I’m looking for some kind of revelation – now – you know how things are - any time we talk about an announcement – it never happens – or if it does it never for something we see – it’s something that’s happened sort of behind the scenes and the people that had to know about it – find out about it – I don’t know what’s going to manifest on this – but I would think we should get – realize that these other countries that have started their GESARA process – last Friday  - they’ve already been aware – made aware – of the debt forgiveness part of the debt jubilee –

So they are aware of that – now has it fully manifested in that way in those countries – I don’t think so – but I think they may be aware that it’s coming – but they’re going to be forgiven of their debts that – the interest they paid in at least here in NESARA  the interest that we paid in mortgages - car loans  - boat loans – credit  card interest -  anything that was time payment where interest was charged  you’re going to be refunded -  and this goes way back I think to the late 40”s -  mid 40’s even –

So that means all the homes that you may have bought in that period of time – all the cars financed -  all that stupid credit card debt -  that is to be refunded – the interest – NOT THE PRINCIPAL –

How does all of that take place – when does it take place – I would think we would get some inkling of that on  Thursday – between now and Thursday - we should get some kind of heads up on it –

But I would think because July 1st is the beginning of the second half of the fiscal year – or the calendar year rather  – I would think that we would get the new tax plan rolled out – and the fact that taxes may have been collected (Federal income taxes)  taken out of checks – and all of that - in my opinion – what I’m hearing is that the tax plan will be retroactive to the first of January – in which case you would be refunded those taxes from  where they may have been taken out of your check or where you paid quarterly – you should get all of that back –

So there is a lot that is going on and about to happen – I think it’s going to blow our minds and I think what’s interesting is those of us that are listening to the Big Call – those of us who have been involved in these currencies for 17+ years – but those of us that have been involved with it – we should see not only the benefit of it  ourselves – and for humanity at large with our projects but also the people that are everyday people that are not a part of what we are a part of with the currencies – they will probably still be flush with monies that are refunded to them – and there’s a few other things out there that I’m not going to mention also might be refundable to the people

So there’s a lot to look forward to and if the information that we got out of Australia  is true – we are looking very strong for tomorrow maybe as early as morning and if the information from one of our lead banks is true – then we should be looking good for notifications tomorrow afternoon –


Guess what? Either way we win – and so what we have heard  in addition to all of that  - remember we talked ablu t the stress test on the banks that was a level 4 – that was a very high level test for the bank – that the banks responded back to -  all of them were responded to earlier than was expected – like 5 hours earlier –

That was very positive – however – 3 banks or banking systems – were not basal 3 basal 4 compliant – as they should have been – as of yesterday – they had one – Bank America- not compliant yet – Bank Banking and Trust -  BB & T of North Carolina – merging with Sun Trust - they were not compliant – and neither were certain subsidiary banks under Citi Corp  - which is City Bank - certain banks  under Citi bank were not compliant

Those 3 banking institutions needed to get completely compliant by 11:30 this morning – Eastern time – Did they make it?  I do not know – I hope they all did

That was something we were watching for  in fact was something to be complete by lunch time today -  so that is a very positive thing - we had some clean up on aisle 3 - was successful - and now it’s a matter of us getting our start and Lord willing that will occur tomorrow (Wednesday)

If we get notified tomorrow that is a huge win – whether we start tomorrow or Thursday the first of July – I think is very conceivable – so we will see -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins:   1:20:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-24-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-24-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody again on this Thursday June 24th thanks for tuning in to the Big Call tonight – thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what we know and may be what we don’t know – that is a fun game we have played in the past – and I think we’ve been pretty clear – we are triangulating this thing and getting it closer and closer with each call and I got some calls today with some pretty good information - So ------ let’s talk about it – first of all – let’s go back and review a little bit about where Iraq is –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-24-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody again on this Thursday June 24th thanks for tuning in to the Big Call tonight – thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what we know and may be what we don’t know – that is a fun game we have played in the past – and I think we’ve been pretty clear – we are triangulating this thing and getting it closer and closer with each call and I got some calls today with some pretty good information - So ------ let’s talk about it – first of all – let’s go back and review a little bit about where Iraq is –

Iraq for the longest time – we were looking for Iraq to show a rate – right?  When are they going to put their rate out internationally? Well they did that actually last Saturday – and as I understand it IMF was not thrilled with the rate they put out - and wanted it to be a little higher – we talked about that I believe on Tuesday  -

Soooo they’ve done that and now not only has Iraq have a rate but forget about seeing it here though – ha ha forget that - not yet  right – not here yet – but it is being traded internationally other than here in the US  on Forex – it was on Forex last Saturday – but you cannot find it here –

It’s not only on that but their digital version – if you will – of their dinar – just like we have a USN or USDC – Iraq is also completely connected internationally now with an Iraqi Dinar Digital Currency – that was put into play and running through the new system –

Now enter this information – we talked very briefly in the past about Basel 3 and Basel 4 and Basel 5 compliance – Basel is a town in Switzerland – and this is a Basel compliance that allows banks to have so much gold to back the value of their deposits on hand -  that is a very brief cursory explanation of it –

So Basel 3 compliance we’ve had – but today they did level 4 for testing – starting at 9 AM Eastern – was to go until 9 PM tonight - 12 hours of testing – this is where banks would ping back to central banks to the Treasury -  globally - not just here - this is a stress test - a global stress test - a level 4 stress test –

Now I take that to mean that it was a level 4 stress test to see if the banks would qualify for Basel 4 compliance – That is what I am drawing from the concept of level 4

The beauty of it is – and this is a good thing – for once I can tell you something that is good  -  that is going to happen or has happened -  this test was supposed to take until 9PM tonight – the start of the Big Call actually – but it was completed at 4PM this afternoon 5 hours early – and it was all successful - that means that all the banks that were involved registered and pinged back and were known to be compliant

That means that the proper amount of gold is situated and has actually been – no gold has been moved for 2 weeks now – the gold has been in place to back these currencies – back the exchanges that are about to take place all over the globe – now that’s a really good thing –

Now here’s an interesting little caveat – to throw in here – you realize Australia  - they started the exchanges I believe it was either Tuesday or  Wednesday – they started paying out on the bonds to the bond holders – getting their 1% - I believe it’s been 3 or more days – so they’ve got a head start on us - they got to go first –

Now the theory is – I can’t prove this - that other countries internationally are in the same position to have already started - we who remain – here in the US – have not been as fortunate and we are in the slow roll out crowd - we’re going but we’re going more slowly and they are really taking their time –

Let me say this – in some ways – it’s hard for us to take this perspective – I know – but in some ways it’s a good thing – because  what has been happening continually is clean-up on aisle 3 – a little bee sting operation – stuff like that – that needs to happen – it just needs to go – and that’s what’s been going on -  you know I believe I mentioned on Tuesday – that we had some clean-up – with banksters –and paymasters – the new system closed in about 18 seconds or less -  so that is continuing to be an issue of sorts –

But I will say this – the new system is functioning very well  and is allowing transactions to go through but also helping to stop any transactions that are illegitimate  -

So in addition to the Basel 4 compliance having been a success today by 4 PM Eastern we also have word that the GCR and the RV that is to take place at 12:01 AM Saturday morning - When I hear that time it makes me think of “Friday Night” 1 minute after midnight - 12:01 AM is the official time for the GCR and RV to be in effect

Now beyond that we know that there’s several things that are good that are going to be happening – we’ve got a boom scheduled for tomorrow which is the results of the audits of the election in Arizona – early afternoon – and the repercussions from that – could be felt around the world – obviously –

Beyond that we have the possibility of us getting notified – it could come anytime – we’re hearing the possibility of maybe tomorrow – I’m going to discount it a little bit - it could but I am going to say more likely Saturday – we may not make it out of the weekend – we may just get this over the weekend and yes we could start Saturday –

The redemption center staff even tomorrow – is on a 40 minute call - response time – so I’m looking forward to some great things happening by the weekend and over the weekend

NESARA is supposed to start at least with some of these announcements on Monday June 28th – what are we going to get? We could get an announcement about the new tax system - the new consumption tax – on new items not sure what the percentage will be but will vary by state – certain states are going to have a little better rate than others – that is something we’re really looking forward to – and the other thing that we’re looking forward to I believe also on Monday is the USTN the new gold backed currency - to be announced if not put into effect for us as early as Monday – now in my opinion – OI think we’re looking at July 1st  which is Thursday – a week from today – as the start date – more than likely – only my opinion – I do not have this confirmed at all -  but in my opinion – they would start it on 1st  day of the 3rd quarter – second half of the year – the 3rd quarter start July 1st –

Now what happens? Does that plan turn retroactive to Jan 1st of 2021?  I think so – we will have to wait and see what is announced as we expect something Monday June 28th

Now were are in an any minute situation for notification – I’ve been told we could go as early as Saturday but could turn into early next week - which is the old Monday/Tuesday scenario – so I’m not going to call it in either direction -  I’m going to say stay tuned to what happens and what comes out tomorrow – Pres Trump is going to do a rally out of Cleveland I believe on Saturday –

So stay tuned I think a lot of good things are getting ready to happen for  us – for our country – and for the rest of the world -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 1:13:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-22-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-22-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 22nd – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Alright this is the all-important intel segment of the call and I’m excited about it – so let’s just go with where we are and where we think we’re going - the plan is to stay on plan A until plan B manifests - we are all waiting for that to happen – we’re waiting for plan B to come through – the blessing is on its way – and I’ll tell you what I think –

The information that we got was that Iraq actually had a rate – that they were prepared and did put out internationally on Saturday – now they had some issues in Iraq with Iranian sympathizers – they tried to gum up the works – and we also found there were several prankster paymasters types – who were trying to gain the new system and inter into codes and be able to siphon funds off – well it just doesn’t work – and the system finds out in 18 seconds and then in 30 minutes these guys are in handcuffs / bracelets -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-22-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 22nd  – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again all over the globe whether it’s live or on the recording replay –

Alright this is the all-important intel segment of the call and I’m excited about it – so let’s just go with where we are and where we think we’re going - the plan is to stay on plan A until plan B manifests - we are all waiting for that to happen – we’re waiting for plan B to come through – the blessing is on its way – and I’ll tell you what I think –

The information that we got was that Iraq actually had a rate – that they were prepared and did put out internationally on Saturday – now they had some issues in Iraq with Iranian sympathizers – they tried to gum up the works – and we also found there were several prankster paymasters types – who were trying to gain the new system and inter into codes and be able to siphon funds off – well it just doesn’t work – and the system finds out in 18 seconds and then in 30 minutes these guys are in handcuffs / bracelets - 

So the main thing is Iraq did what they said they were going to do – Saturday – but then with these shenanigans took place it backed us up a little bit and we thought ok we’re going to be good to go today - we will get notified today and be good to go today - well we came to find out what happened was the IMF got involved and wanted to increase a rate that came out from Iraq and so they got with the CBI person – IMF did and agreed on a higher rate that Iraq could easily support with their hands tied behand their backs – no big deal –

So they agreed on a rate and that was all set – and we thought that it probably would make its way onto Forex either last night or this morning – well we come to find out that the rate is supposed to go to the Forex tomorrow morning and be tradeable – but only certain people will see the Forex rate and those are official traders of currency and of course the bank people - 

So in other words it’s only a limited number of people that will actually see these new rates and then after tomorrow morning – after the Iraqi Dinar is added in – the other 22 currencies that are going up in value will also be added to the bank screens – We were told that we should be going shortly thereafter

Now – have had people in the Treasury that have in a sense been blocking this from going forward – we’ve been using the term – we’ve been waiting for the “green light” or waiting for the bond holders to be green lighted so they can get access to their 1% of their bond funds - well more bonds are still in the position of needing to be paid out overnight tonight and again probably at least tomorrow –

We need the yellow dragon bonds to be paid out - the railroad bonds – there are several types that need to get notified – in other words the owners or former owners and sellers of these bonds are waiting for the final email to tell them they have access to XX amount of dollars in their account because most of the bond holders have received already one from their paymaster that are telling them the amounts that they have in their bonds – in total amount – the 1% amount – all of that has been laid out – for the people to know – really what the deal is – and so they’ve not been given the final email that will give them access to those funds – that’s what we’re looking to have – we expect that to happen over the next couple of days – which if we go along with what I am about to tell you - we should have the so called shotgun start that we’ve been talking about for years –

So where we are right now is pointing to certain things happening overnight tonight - and that could include the notification to these bond holders or bond sellers – it could also include the email notifications that we’re looking for – they may go out – overnight tonight – it could be hard to say absolutely on that – but I’m being told that they should go out – tonight –

I would not stay up to watch for that – I would say tomorrow morning when you normally check your email that’s when you probably would look for it – because they may not release that until a certain time they can release it by blocks – East Coast – Central time – Mountain time – Pacific time – and then Alaska & Hawaii – together - 5 different blocks of emails that would go out by time zone – Each block should go out approximately an hour apart which would make them about the same time in each respective time zone

So we have an Iraqi Dinar international rate that was accepted and jumped and bounced up by the IMF – and now that is out and on the bank screens and we believe our notifications day is to happen either tomorrow (Wed) by around noon or 2PM or early afternoon – that time frame – and if for some reason it’s not - we should look for it on Thursday morning –

But if everything goes according to plan – I was just informed about we should get it tomorrow – Wednesday – and some redemption centers I think are going to be open till 10PM  and a lot of people will be able to set appointments and possibly go even tomorrow afternoon or evening – depending on when it hits in your time zone –

Otherwise it may be setting appointments and then going the following day (Thursday)  so Wednesday is definitely in play – and Thursday is most definitely in play – from what we’re hearing –

This was supposed to go last Saturday – but you know – these Iranian sympathizers and the 11 banksters got in the way of this thing gummed up the works and took that opportunity away from us - so we’ve got a lot of different sources that were talking about us going today – that it wasn’t really going to happen – Treasury did not allow that to be green lighted – but look for it to happen very soon - possibly overnight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:01:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-17-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-17-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 17th – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again - we’re glad to have you here – we’ve got some good information for you tonight and I’m excited to bring it to you so sit back and relax –

Alright, let’s get into the intel a little bit now and see what it is I am excited about – to bring to you tonight – and I think this is really – really good –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-17-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 17th  – and  you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again  - we’re glad to have you here – we’ve got some good information for you tonight and I’m excited to bring it to you so sit back and relax –

Alright, let’s get into the intel a little bit now and see what it is I am excited about – to bring to you tonight – and I think this is really – really good –

So – what’s been happening we’ve been trying to get to the bottom of what the issues really have been – as to how this seems to have started internationally 0 how it seems to have started and we heard bonds were paid out last Monday – Australia for example – and how some exchanges have been done in Zurich  - this stuff is not super wide spread – but it did get released 4 days ago I think – something like that – and so the point is -  we got stonewalled when it hit the US –

Why is this all of a sudden not going for us – and it appears there are a couple factors in play here – one – it looks like the DoD is good to go - in other words – Homeland Dept of Defense - they are from what I can find out - and we’ve got some pretty cool sources on that – they are good with everything going forward – and I’ve got even more to tell you on that –

But what’s really interesting is – we’re looking at the Treasury as being something that has kept this from  going  for us – now we know based on the World Court lawsuit they would like our Tier 4B  which is the internet group – to go essentially at the same time as the other groups are being paid out – being tier 3 primarily (bonds / assets being paid out 2%)

They want us to go so that we are not left behind – why do they care about 4B?  The reason the Chinese Elders care about us is because we are the ones that have created thousands of humanitarian projects – not only in the US – but some – a lot of them are for other countries – they are international in scope – the Chinese Elders like that - we are to get a higher percentage of our monies immediately compared to the bond holders -

We are supposed to get our 2% right away – the day of exchange compared to the percentage of the bondholders that have already transacted their bonds –

So – here’s the deal – the fact that the treasury has held this up – I’m going to say – is something that I understand there may be a silver lining to it – rather than cast blame on the treasury or anybody else that may be holding this up – what I am hearing is that Iraq wants to get their rate out and put it out internationally – and they are going to do that on Saturday - is to be out with an international rate - that would be a rate that would show up on the Forex –

We roughly know what the rate is going to be – and we also know what Iran’s rate for the Rial is going to be on par with the Iraqi Dinar – Why? Because they are next door neighbors – they are trading partners and they need to be that close –

Now what about that we are going to get? It could very well be that the rate that they have created for us for tier 4B  may be back on the back screen now – the front screen rate at the banks which will show up Monday morning after all new rates populate over the weekend either Saturday or Sunday – and we can see it  at the banks – Sunday / Sunday night –

By Monday morning they should all be there – the front screen rate may be the same – probably will be the same as the Forex rate – for the Dinar and the other currencies –

However what we are supposed to get is supposed to be quite a bit better than that and should show up on a back screen – so my point is – tier 4B you need to ask for the higher rate than is showing on the screen - just making you aware of that – same is true for the Dong – so keep that in mind –

The Treasury - my understanding today - after digging deeper – should let this go so that we in tier 4B will get notified Monday and start exchanging on Tuesday – in other words we could get something on Saturday but primarily it’s Iraq and their rate and the rates that are coming in on Saturday and Sunday – to prepare us for a release   

Now - There are some interesting things that have happened – we know that the holiday Juneteenth which is to commemorate the Emancipation Proclamation that was signed under Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves – and is a national holiday on Saturday the 19th of June – it’s been celebrated for years – I did not even know the whole reason for it until last year –

Now here’s the thing - on Saturday – remember a long time ago if we had a holiday that hit on a Saturday they would take Friday off – if holiday hit on a Sunday we would take Monday off – well I don’t know this absolutely but I believe that’s what’s happening tomorrow – Friday - I understand and cant absolutely confirm it but I believe the Reserve is closed tomorrow (Friday)  I don’t know about the banks - but – be aware of that possibility

The other thing is – why would the Federal Reserve be closed over a 3 day weekend Friday Saturday Sunday - ?? This is my conjecture – does it have anything to do with getting our new USN currency or USDC or USTN out?

To put that out across the globe because guess what – for the last 2 days the fiat dollar – the one we have in our wallets – USD – is no longer acceptable globally – no one is taking it – the fiat dollar is no longer in the ATMs in Iraq – which does have both Iraqi dinar – and USD -  but no longer - 

Now when you settle debts and you settle transactions - trade  - commerce – you need to be able to sell it in your countries currency – so the USN needs to be there in place – I just wonder if maybe this is what’s happening sort of over this weekend – prior to Monday and Tuesday to get our new currency – the digital version out there – the USN  you know – and possibly for the ATM’s  the USTN’s - meaning the money we would put in our pocket –  

Those would have to be loaded into the ATM’s – in Iraq and where ever else we are going to have currency -  around the globe – so  it’s just an idea – it may be happening that way but I can tell you that the USD is NO LONGER ACCEPTED IN Iraq and maybe a number of other countries

Now is it still good here? Yes of course – will it be good will we be able to exchange it – you will be able to exchange it with the new currency when it becomes available - for about 6 months –

The fiat currency has nothing backing it except the full faith of credit of the US government – and that particular government that it was based on was the USA.Inc  the corporation – that will never happen – it is no longer -  it is gone -  it is dead – To get our Restored Republic rolling we need the new USN – just something to consider

The other thing is and I heard some people talk about this earlier and I talked with one of my sources about it – I think we are looking at getting a debt forgiveness at least the announcement of it - I don’t know if it will start on the 19th which is Saturday – but it could be brought up and discussed –

What would the first signs of debt forgiveness be??  They should be – they might be student loans for example – I know they are going to refund us all the way back to the late 40”s – post World War II – they are going to refund us the interest that we paid on loans – car loans – mortgage loans – credit cards - that interest – not the principal  is to be refunded to us - may not happen immediately – it could be rolled out slowly - but we are going to see some debt forgiveness and guess what – that is all a part of NESARA – on a global scale it is GESARA

I talked to you on Tuesday about the possibility of a new tax system for us starting on the 4th of July – again – maybe it’s announced on the 4th – maybe it’s truly an independence day in the sense of “tax independence” – we no longer have a Federal Income Tax – but something similar to the European  Value Added Tax – which is a consumption tax - they have another name for it – again this is in NESARA – so that we no longer pay Federal Income tax – it is in boarded (?) in the pricing of new items not used items – Not heard what the rate will be –

So we are looking good at this point because this sucker is a moving target as you know and as of now we are looking very good – I don’t think we are going to get notified Saturday – it’s possible – but the latest I’ve heard is that we be notified on Monday and start on Tuesday – That is okay with me – if that’s what happens then we’re good with it -  It was looking like doom and gloom there for a while and now it’s looking like we can actually see some light at the end of this tunnel


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:09:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-15-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-15-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 15th – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again on every Tuesday and Thursday night -we should have a really good call tonight I expect – I look forward to getting into some stuff with you on that

Let’s talk about why did I do a specific prayer after the praise reports – 2 prayers tonight – it is because I – like you – received a disappointing report this morning about the fact that we did not go today – and we are not going today – today as I was informed as late as yesterday -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-15-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 15th – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again on every Tuesday and Thursday night -we should have a really good call tonight I expect – I look forward to getting into some stuff with you on that

Let’s talk about why did I do a specific prayer after the praise reports – 2 prayers tonight – it is because I – like you – received a disappointing report this morning about the fact that we did not go today – and we are not going today – today as I was informed as late as yesterday - 

Today – this afternoon – now in all fairness the banker that contacted us said they are “shooting for” between 2 -3  in the afternoon today which would have been on Tuesday – and obviously we have a moving target – we talked about that – and obviously they were shooting for something and the target moved on us – AGAIN –

Now – this is a reoccurring problem – this is something that is not new – everything is lined up and ready to go – funds have been in place – the new system is working flawlessly – In fact it worked so well it found another 39 bond holder paymasters that were trying to gain the system – trying to transfer some funds and you can’t do that - they caught it very quickly - and were arrested and removed from premises –

That was in the United States but some were international -  outside the US – the point is there is continuous clean up - I don’t care how far we’ve gone with that  - a long ways – I don’t even know the number but its 10’s of thousands of people – that have been taken out – arrested - and we do not get into the nitty gritty of that – BUT – I know that this process is going to require more of that in the near future and it may go on and on for a while

However – we know there has been some resistance  - hard to say exactly where – we kind of have an idea – but we have some resistance that was not letting this go here yet – we know that internationally things have been moving in the Far East - Europe – Zurich – and places we heard I believe last Thursday - I did not have this info for the Big Call – but my understanding was there was activity going on and paymasters of the bond holders were paying out people in Australia  - we’ve got a lot of bond holders here in the US that have not yet received their 1-2% on their bond transactions

There’s been some issues in the cities where this bond activity is taking place – like I said the clean up maybe that is part of the reason – they’ve got a lot of paymasters that have to be substituted for these that were pulled out of duty – and so that’s definitely an issue –

I don’t think it is the main issue – we know that tier 4B – the internet group – this is designed to go for everyone when we get started – that means tier 3  which a lot of those guys are bond holders and asset holders and everybody is supposed to go when we get started –

There has been a little bit of a slow down with those based out west – we talked briefly about that last Thursday -  it could still be an issue - or those could start later than us - instead of together – they might start a little bit later than we get started –

I’ve heard talk about – from some of our bankers – that we’re looking – if we did not go today – we have a shot for tomorrow – if not tomorrow we look at Thursday - I mean – it’s the same basic pattern

Now can we get a pattern interrupt and break that pattern so that we are allowed to get this part started here –in this country with the blessings from – not only the Treasury – and DOD – but everybody allowing this to go through because we have a lot of good humanitarian work to do – we have a lot of plans –

Some people on other calls are talking about rates – I don’t usually do rates as you know – I try to stay away from it – I will say this – If I told you what I knew the rates were - the ones that were on the screen – you would probably wouldn’t believe me anyway –

Some people putting out artificially low rates – they are not going to be that way – we’re going to be fine – rates are the least of your worries - believe me - absolutely – now to get the best value for your zim you need to have your project lined out - that means you have 5-8 minutes to do your presentation – it does not have to be 15 projects – or more than 2 – it is quality of what you’re bringing –

They want us in and out of the redemption centers in 30 minutes – when I went to set up a new account a few years ago with a bank – it took me 45 – 50 minutes to set up just one account – so I’m hoping that they have this streamlined to go much faster than that – it would have to be -

We are going to have our currency authenticated – counted – verified – through the Delarue Machine – we’re going to have a negotiation on the rate of our Zim – we’re going to have 5-8 minutes to do our humanitarian project presentation – we are going to have a new account set up – a new credit/debit card given at the time of the appointment – and we’re going to be handed a list of perks or benefits if you want to call it that – banking with a particular bank you’ll those to go home with –

Basically it’s really a quick process they are trying to get us in and out on – so that is a lot different than we use to think  - we use to thing 45 mins to an hour – somewhere in that range – which I still think is a challenge and now to try to do it in 30 minutes will  be amazing –

We do have some people helping obviously – counting and doing the Delarue machine – maybe another person listening to the projects – it’s going to be a whirlwind – but should be fine and great -  all we need is to just get started – right?  We just need to get in there and get started –

I did pray earlier that the strongholds – whatever is actually keeping this from going forward is eliminated and we do go forward with this – I have been told by one banker – and you know the number 1 phrase that is banned on the Big Call is – “This is the week” – but yet – a particular banker said – it would be this week –

I am only repeating what a banker told us – ok – ha ha (laughing) I am not trying to use a banned phrase –

We have that to look forward to – In fact we have a lot to look forward to – I think July 4th could be a real “Independence Day” –

Now my sources are telling me that could be the day that the new tax plan is announced and in fact went into effect regarding NESARA – which we are talking about consumption tax – not sure how much – we have some different theories – on it how much the percentage would be – and we’re looking forward to that and at that time the theory is that our current Federal tax – income tax would be done away with – that is under NESARA

So we have a lot of good things to look forward to between now and the Fourth of July – that should be a real wonderful opportunity for us to move forward –

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:06:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-1 0-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-10-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 10th – and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again - I didn’t think we would be here on tonight’s call but here we are – I’ve got a great bunch of information to pass out to you tonight – so we look forward to that -

Ok let’s get into a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – we got some good high quality information today – first of all – imagine a conference call that was global in nature – between banks globally - that started yesterday at 2:45 PM eastern and went until 9:45 PM – that’s about 7 hours conference call – do you think they might have discussed some things relative to our start? And relative to the beginning of us doing our exchanges and zim redemption? The answer is an overwhelming “yes”

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-10-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 10th  – and  you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in once again  - I didn’t think we would be here on tonight’s call but here we are – I’ve got a great bunch of information to pass out to you tonight – so we look forward to that -

Ok let’s get into a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – we got some good high quality information today – first of all – imagine a conference call that was global in nature – between banks globally -  that started yesterday at 2:45 PM eastern and went until 9:45 PM – that’s about 7 hours conference call – do you think they might have discussed some things relative to our start?  And relative to the beginning of us doing our exchanges and zim redemption?  The answer is an overwhelming “yes”

They probably also did talk about bond payouts because today in the mid to late afternoon the bond holders were finally notified by emails and other means that their bond holders would be being paid out today into their accounts that would give them access – some of the people over the weekend – and some getting access on Monday to those funds –

Those amounts were between 1-2% depending on whatever factors - the amount/volume - number of – etc – so at least that finally is in that time of fruition –

Now – to satisfy the World Court with what we’re doing – they wanted tier 4B to be notified and to get started by this week – let’s say by the weekend - I don’t know if that would include – my opinion it would be we need to be notified by “Saturday” –

Now we got word from one of our lead banks today that we will be notified either tomorrow or Saturday and we will be setting appointments to start Monday after 10:30 AM – times based on eastern daylight savings time –

So we do believe that we are finally to satisfy the World Court by getting us started underway as tier 4B and have our appointments set - we could set them tomorrow – Saturday -  - but I don’t believe we will go before Monday – anything is possible – so we’ll see – but I know they really wanted this to go this week for us –

I think we might just make that happen if we’re notified Friday or Saturday - I am going to say this was the week – you know as well as I do – getting those email notifications – getting those 800 numbers – establishing those acquaintance’s – setting those appointments  - that is golden - that is golden – we get that done and know we are on our way – we know that this thing has happened for us -  and we know it’s just a matter of our appointment time as to when we go in for our appointment – that is the bottom line –

So I am very excited to get this news today – the bondholders have been notified – they will be receiving liquidity on Monday – we will be notified Friday or Saturday – from what I’ve been told –

I am the messenger – I did not make this up – I am just telling you what I’m hearing – Monday – starting with our appointments – and you know what?   That is pretty darn close to a shotgun start - isn’t it?  So that is wonderful

There was to be a couple events to take place yesterday – and we know of two of them – one was that the NESARA legislation which affects the United States did get signed off about 1 PM yesterday –

The other piece of news we found out today that occurred yesterday had more to do with clean-up on aisle 3in at least 4 Eastern countries –

I really don’t want to get into the specifics on that – suffice to say that this is an ongoing situation with clean-up – we had major clean-up with paymasters regarding the bonds – we’ve had other clean-up – you know – it’s just ongoing – it’s just something we’re not going to see the end of any time soon

I believe President Trump will get his birthday wish which was to get us started by his birthday which is Monday June 14th - so Happy Birthday President Trump and thank you for your effort in getting this put underway so that we can get our Humanitarian projects that we know about started –

My understanding is that it’s not just us doing Humanitarian projects for the world – it’s also important that we of course help ourselves – our families and our local communities as well – and that is a very big part of Rebuild America –

I think what we’re getting today clarified some things – it made good sense to me as to the satisfaction of the World Court by getting tier 4B underway – and that’s what I understand that was the order of the court to have that done this week –and I believe we are going to make it – barely – but we should make it –

Even if we start with exchanges Monday after 10:30 AM – by getting notified tomorrow and or Saturday that is enough – evidently to satisfy what the court order is – so we’ll see – Let’s be positive and look forward to that – I’m so excited about that information – because the bond holders have already been notified and they have their liquidity either over the weekend or on Monday – so we’re all kind of in that shotgun start approach right now – very encouraging

I think we’re going to have some incredible stories -  Now remember – ha – I had to catch myself – we’re going to be under a non-disclosure agreement – we’re going to get a preliminary  NDA with our emails  that we need sign and get it back to the center and then we’re going to supersede that email with a new email at the time of redemption appointment – or at the exchange appointment – we’re going to have an opportunity to review – probably a deeper and longer NDA  and sign that and then boom – you’re off and running –

Remember they want to get us in and out in 30 minutes – 30 minutes – that is everything – from getting in – KYC – know  your customer information – counting and verifying currency – listening to a 5-8 minute presentation of your projects – setting up a new account – get credit / debit card lined up – going over perks – for the particular bank – maybe 3-4 pages – to take home and ponder over -  then follow up appointment to get with wealth management  team – and  possibly set up a private family office – It’s going to be a new game -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:14:30

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