Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-3-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 3rd– thanks for tuning in once again to the Big Call – every Tuesday and Thursday night -

Ok let’s get into the intel – let’s see what’s happening - I’ll say this much – I was a little surprised because I had heard as some of you did – I was looking for something to manifest this afternoon – and as far as we know it did not – at least here - what I do know is there appears to be a little bit of a lag time in terms of the bond holders – at least one source we haven’t confirmed it with 2 other sources yet – but the one source is saying there’s 1430 emails that need to go out –to existing bond sellers notifying them that they have money in their accounts –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 3rd– thanks for tuning in once again to the Big Call – every Tuesday and Thursday night -

Ok let’s get into the intel – let’s see what’s happening  - I’ll say this much – I was a little surprised because I had heard as some of you did – I was looking for something to manifest this afternoon – and as far as we know it did not – at least here - what I do know is there appears to be a little bit of a lag time in terms of the bond holders – at least one source we haven’t  confirmed it with 2 other sources yet – but the one source is saying there’s 1430 emails that need to go out –to existing bond sellers notifying them that they have money in their accounts –

Those evidently need to go out before we get started and this is a surprise to me - I did not know this until today - If true the word is this may take an extra day or two – to get those out – I’m going to say if it’s the case – we’re still in good shape and possibly in good shape for this week – I do not want to go to all the way next week yet -  even though this Thursday night and we know how things tend to trend –

However I have heard from other sources that the expectation is for us to go this week – that would be through Saturday – in my opinion – so we’ve got a couple more days that something could manifest for us – so let’s just continue to believe for that –

Now when it comes to anything else – let’s talk a little bit about the banks – I told you last time I believe that Wells Fargo is the lead bank and most of the redemption centers in the US – Chase also has redemption centers as well - Chase and Wells are the two main banks that will be exchanging zim and it may be they are the “only” banks that will exchange the zim –

I don’t know and haven’t confirmed that Citi or Bank of America will be doing Zim at this point - and you know the plan is for the public to get started - but I’m telling you I think they are pushed because here it is the 3rd now of June –and I think they are going to want us to get 12-14 days for tier 4B and I think tier 5 which we call the general public or Joe public – that could get pushed to start somewhere around the 21st of June ok? Maybe - We’ll see

I know some areas of the country can get done with the number of zim holders they have and probably only about a week to 10 days – certain areas around the country that have higher concentration – like Florida and Texas - you know might take a full 12 days to 2 weeks to get it all done – So that is what we’re looking at as far as that goes  

Now there has been some question on whether the new system is completely hooked up – to all the banks in the US – my understanding is there might be some tire 3 and tier 4 smaller family hometown banks that are not yet fully connected or integrated - do not be alarmed by that they are not going to be a part of our exchange – the tier4B / internet group - where they do need to get hooked up to the new system is when the public – who might have a little currency and starts and may already banking at a small town bank that is a tier 4 bank – uhmm that they may want to go in because they know those people – but these are people we call tier 5 – these are not people calling to set up appointments for exchange or redemption of zim using the toll free numbers that come out with the emails that are pre loaded - 2 million of these are preloaded on the Wells Fargo servers known as the Discovery System 

As I mentioned before those are going to be released in 5 blocks of emails – and I mentioned Tuesday and I believe I did it thoroughly last week that‘s in 5 basic time zones – and I know there are 6 time zones because if you add Alaska and Hawaii as 2 but I think for the purpose of this those will be combined and released at the same time –

The Eastern time zone is 1 block – Central time zone is 2nd block – Mountain time zone is 3rd  block – and Pacific time zone is 4th  block -  Alaska and Hawaii making up the 5th block

So those are to be released and we’re supposed to have toll free numbers to call even though they’re coming from a secure link website we still will get numbers to call so that if’s it’s something currency related and not zim related it may be that you don’t speak to anyone but you just get routed to the redemption center that you’ve indicated with you zip code when they asked you to enter zip code to where you wanted to go - could be where your business is or your home - whatever – they will find you a redemption center if you are a zim holder within 40 miles typically except if you are way out west and Mountain time zone – you may have to drive a little further – but they have the plan for us to go with as little of a drive time as possible

So that’s what’s going to happen when on the release of those emails – and could they be released at any time? Yes I personally doubt they get released in the middle of the night – I don’t see that personally - but – you know we’ll see – and is it possible they get released tomorrow?  Or even Saturday? I say yes – it is possible – we’ll see

I know that certain people are anxious for this to get started as we are – and it’s not necessarily at this point anyway - going till next Monday –

Now we do know of people that are in Europe that are getting their bonds handled and their currency handled and getting it done by tomorrow and have flights scheduled tomorrow evening to come back to the states – so they are planning to get that done tomorrow – or by sometime tomorrow so they can jump on board that private jet and come back –

So – we’re close – we are very close – I don’t know certain people have said that it’s not going to go for a while – and you know what? I am not going to say they are right or not – because they really do not want us to know when we are going to start – they do not want us to know – we had a lot of information as you remember from Tuesday night’s call – a lot – and I thought at that time – most of the information came from a redemption center that indicated that this should go and was to go this week

Now – as you know things have changed – the target moves – we have to be ready to flow with that – but I am not going to give up on Thursday night - or Friday or Saturday at this time –

Now if it comes to Saturday and we don’t have anything – boom there you go – we’re looking at next week – but I don’t feel like we should go there automatically right now – based on some of the information that I’ve heard

So I’m still excited for this to go for us – again the information we got today was limited – it was quiet – but I do feel that we are in the last stages of the preparation for us to go –

Remember on the first of June there were test exchanges done – in almost 300 redemption centers across the country – and were successful – also they were looking to see whether they needed to have any cleanup on aisle 3 as a result of those - I think I’m sure if that they did find some people like that but overall I think it was a successful session for them -

I would say we are in pretty good shape right now for this to go – like we said Tuesday night – at any moment – we’re just going to have to track it – and see – and be super patient

 Brue’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  !:07:07

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-1-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-1-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 1st

and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in live or if you are catching this call on the recording or replay - I think we are off and running – We are in a really really good place – it’s the first of June and I’ve got several things to share with you tonight - so let’s get started on the intel

First of all I want to let you know that we got some information since Saturday - and beyond – that really helps to clarify the exchange experience - so I am going to lay it out as I remember learning about it –

First thing is – they want us – tier 4B – in and out of our appointment in 30 minutes – that’s right – 30 minutes – they believe they can do that – they believe we can get in and get everything done in that first appointment and get out of there in 30 minutes –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-1-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 1st

and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in live or if you are catching this call on the recording or replay - I think we are off and running – We are in a really really good place – it’s the first of June and I’ve got several things to share with you tonight - so let’s get started on the intel

First of all I want to let you know that we got some information since Saturday - and beyond – that really helps to clarify the exchange experience - so I am going to lay it out as I remember learning about it –

First thing is – they want us – tier 4B – in and out of our appointment in 30 minutes – that’s right – 30 minutes – they believe they can do that – they believe we can get in and get everything done in that first appointment and get out of there in 30 minutes –

The next thing is – they want us to come in – they will scan your suitcase /  briefcase / bag or anything else you have currency in and all of that -  then escorted to the person you contacted or spoke to on the phone when you set your appointment – you will pass through security to that person – it could be a US Treasury Marshal for example – that meets with you initially – guide you and send you to the office of where you are going to be exchanging your currency or redeeming zim –

They’ve got one or two Delarue machines available for the currency to be authenticated and counted/verified – remember your 30 minutes includes your 5-8 minutes presentation –about your projects – They are also going to set you up one master or mother lode account – ONE – I don’t even know if I’ll be able to set up my second account with Wells Fargo – the mother lode acct.  is with Wells – this is for zim holders – especially –

The secondary account that I want to have with Wells is for my spillover account – my operating account – that the interest will spill over in to every 3 months – every 90 days –

You have a half hour to do your whole show – you’ve got 5-8 minute presentation time – you’re going to be setting up a new account – ok – in fact you could probably ask them for a proof of funds letter – but it may not get delivered to you at that appointment - it could - you could ask for it – probably you will get after appt.

You will have access to funds on day one – they will ask you or could ask you –how much of your exchange money do you need over the next 6 months – In other words through the balance of the year 2021

You give them a number that you think you will need – this is especially for those with projects – how much will you need for your projects for the next 6 months? That should be available to you in your account that y ou are going to use for those projects until the interest and everything kicks in –

Now my understanding is the interest I can have paid out quarterly – every 3 months – and so that takes money in the mother lode account it calculates interest you earn in 90 days and spills over that total on day 91 into your secondary / spillover account - I do not believe you will have time to do transfers in that first meeting – they literally want you in and out – its not a session for you to tell your life story – it’s not a time you’re going to be saying “ well I might want to send some money to this person – or that charity” – no no no none of that in the first meeting –

You’re going to do that in a follow up meetings if you need to meet with them again – at least 24 – 48 hours later - you’ll go back – maybe this time you will meet a wealth management team – maybe this time you will start getting in to your family office scenario –

These are things you will learn about and possibly talk briefly about – very briefly – in your original half hour exchange meeting –

You’ll also set up that one account like I said – I’m understanding – and this is different than I told you before -  so this thing has evolved – this thing is changing - what we heard was there may not be – I’m going to say “may” because it might be in some cases – there might not be a need for the so called titanium account access card – that I have talked about - it’s not a credit card – it just gives you access to your account –

You may not need a biometric finger print reader to access your account – neither one of those may be needed -  I do not know why that was told to me for months and months if it’s really not needed –

However – what you do need is what you’ll be given and that is like a personal identification number – like a PIN – this number that you get – this little code is going to identify YOU – that individual – YOU -  and that is what you’ll need to enter when you are accessing your mother lode account –

I cannot speak to other accounts you may set up separately – but the new system is designed for you to be able to enter that number - (when do you get that number?) You should receive that number when you set your appointment either on the phone or  email – one or the other -  you should receive that number and keep that number and use it to access your account  - that’s my understanding – of what would be needed –

Now – the people at the bank – the wealth management team – whatever – NO ONE – other than the person exchanging you or redeeming your zim -  no one else is to see or know your personal account – in other words how much you have in your account – it is up to you if you let anyone from the bank on subsequent visit see your account balance or work with your account in any way –

This is not like the retail bank that you go into now to get $500 in cash or to make a check deposit or get a cashier’s check -  this is not retail banking for almost all of you – you will not be going into your normal retail branch banking – this is using the new system from a digital device – and believe me I’m shaking my head hearing this – we’re supposed to be able to use our cell phone – tablet – laptop – or pc to access our account –

I never thought we would do that – with a mother lode account – I just didn’t believe it would be secure enough – so ask if – don’t leave it up to me to tell you  - ask if it is secure enough of a system to utilize those digital devices – to access account –

You will be able to transfer funds from one account to another on  your own – you will be able to do all of that – may not need the help of anyone in wealth management – but ask those questions first – even if they can’t ell  us everything we want to know at the first meeting – be ready and write some questions down – if you can’t get them answered at the first appointment maybe you can get the answered at the second one

Now – if you are a zim holder and you set appointment at a redemption center – it will be a Wells Fargo redemption center – so you will set up your account with them initially – they would love for you to keep all of your money in the initial bank that you used for your exchanges - especially if you had zim –

They are planning to ask  you if you are going to move some funds to another bank – if you are let them know – and approximately when – they do not have to know how much  - you just let them know you plan to diversify a little bit – or plan to work with a few other banks for diversification –

I am trying to think if there is anything else that I found out about that’s different or new or unusual – I think that is basically the experience that I have received – on that –

Now – today – the first day of June – was a day of test exchanges done as part of tier 4B – that’s right the internet group – effectively started today with tests exchanges -  in not quite 300 redemption centers across the country - just below 300 –

This was so they could work within the new system to see how intuitive the new system was - via these exchanges – and my understanding is the system performed very well – intuitively – in other words this new system is sort of a living / breathing thing – supposedly extremely secure – and tracks every transaction – I don’t care who it is – where it is – anything done for any bank throughout the world it is tracked and known about -

So no more monkey business – through this new system – none at all - it’s a beautiful thing  - and so we had those exchanges tested and went very well – and the thinking is we – who are ready to start – are looking really good and the wording I was given from a bank manager today was “Be ready for any moment now” Be ready –

Now we’ve been told to be ready - get ready for years – but I believe this is – not even going to say my most hated expression - this is the week - not going to say it – BUT – I think we are in good shape for something to occur with notifications over the next couple of days -  I’m talking Wednesday – and or Thursday – is looking very good – right now –

Now here is the other piece that comes into play on this – if I can remember it – oh yes – the trigger that will allow us to go – let’s say tomorrow – is the bonds that are being notified to bond holders or bond sellers - by email – those have started to go out internationally – today – here – in the US – they were supposed to start going out as early as 8 pm Eastern –

Now – if those go out – which I believe they will – if they go out tonight there’s a good chance we could get notified by tomorrow – now do we start exchanges tomorrow? Or do we start on Thursday? Yes or Yes?

We cannot say – they don’t want us to know what our start date is but it looks very good for either day right now Wed or Thurs –

Notifications by email plus a lot of people they do not have emails for – because they were gifted – and those people are going to need the toll free number – now I don’t care if you get an email but you will – most of you will get emails from the Wells Fargo Servers – remember there are 2 million plus or minus emails that have already been loaded into the system - called the Discovery System – for Wells Fargo Servers – that will be released – in approximately 1 hour per block and there are 5 blocks of emails –

You have an East coast time block - Central time block -  Mountain time block – and Pacific time block and a Hawaii / Alaska combination time block – that will go out approximately every hour – an hour apart – in each time zone –

Let’s say they were to go out at noon – ONLY AN EXAMPLE – on the East coast -  then the second time zone would get theirs at noon and Mountain time would get theirs at noon and Pacific would get theirs at noon and Hawaii and Alaska would get theirs at noon in their own time zones –

So that is the theory – I believe that’s what’s going to happen – takes 40 minutes to get out all of those emails in one block and approximately 15 minutes between blocks – so 40 and 15 is 55 – I’ve rounded it up to 1 hour –

So that gives me a very good feeling about where we are – what’s already happened as a form of testing – intuitive nature of the new system and the fact that we are this close  for the banker told me to be ready at any moment now –

Do I expect it tonight? No - Could it be tomorrow? (Wednesday) Yes it could be – Could it be Thursday? Yes – So we are that close – I don’t want to say any more about it  - they don’t want us to know when it’s going to go -  they have been trying to keep this thing close to the vest and they do not want it known – so be happy that  you have what you have – ha ha (laughter)  Be Happy !

I’m excited about this – I think we’re going to just check emails – phone numbers should be in the emails – I don’t know if the access  number is going to be in the email -  the code may be in the email  - it might be there -  or you may get it when you call in – even if you get the email – as I  understand it – you will call and set your appointment – and if you’re a zim holder you should get either connected and routed to the redemption center that you have indicated by your zip code and if not you will be given another number and you will call that number which should get in at the redemption center and send you to an individual that will help you  with your exchange and or redemption –

The rates are very good – the zim is what we said it was a long time ago – I believe we will be pleasantly surprised by the rate on the other currencies – very happy


Bruce’s Big Call  Replay LINK  Intel Begins:   1:12:22

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again – we’re excited to be here with you and looking forward to a really cool call tonight – we have a lot of things to talk about

Alright – we will get into the intel right now – I am still thinking; deeply about Rebuild America and everything we’re going to do – I’m very excited about the show “Hometown Take Over” on HGTV - and I saw 4 episodes – today – watched back to back – on demand – and I just think that it’s a great opportunity for us to see what that is going to look like and feel like in our near future - so check that out - enjoy it – see yourself there in a small hometown or midsize - or inner city – do it all – and we will – that is what I am looking forward to –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again – we’re excited to be here with you and looking forward to a really cool call tonight – we have a lot of things to talk about

Alright – we will get into the intel right now – I am still thinking; deeply  about Rebuild America and everything we’re going to do – I’m very excited about the show “Hometown Take Over” on HGTV -  and I saw 4 episodes – today – watched back to back – on demand – and I just think that it’s a great opportunity for us to see what that is going to look like and feel like in our near future - so check that out - enjoy it – see yourself there  in a small hometown or midsize  - or inner city – do it all – and we will – that is what I am looking forward to –

Let’s talk about where we are now - we got information in the last couple of days – so let me see if I can bring this to you – I want to talk to you first about the redemption center process and the release of the emails

There are up to about 2 million emails for tier 4B that’s the internet group – they have all been loaded into Wells Fargo Servers that they call The Discovery System – those emails are loaded in 5 distinct blocks – they are based on time zones – so the Eastern time block has so many in it – the Central time block has so many - the Mountain time block has so many – and the Pacific has so many - there’s 4 of them – and the last block for the emails would include Alaska and Hawaii – even though they are on different time zones – I know that – BUT – for the purpose of this email release – they will be released as a block together –

Now how is that going to work?  It’s going to work like this - it will take approximately 40 minutes for an East Coast Block will go first – so we could pick any particular time – let’s just say it happens and we get notified at noon - OK THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE - not representative of the time – ok – Please understand that –

If it happened at noon – the East Coast emails would be released in 40 minutes – then a 15 minute period between the time the East Coast is done and the Central time would start –

Follow me on this - 40 + 15 is 55 minutes - pretty close to an hour – so we’re going to round up – we’re going to say that the Central time will go at approximately the same time – in Central time zone that it went the same time as the East coast went at noon - So that means that the Central time zone email release would occur approximately at noon –

Alright 40 minutes to disseminate / distribute those emails another 15 minutes and then guess what? The Mountain time zone gets release - ok I’m rounding up – I am going to say approximately noon – then those are distributed – wait another 15 minutes and guess what – it’s time for the West Coast – Pacific time zone

That region gets their emails delivered at – in our example - noon – and then they go out and then guess what? Alaska and Hawaii get theirs following the Pacific time zone - ok – so remember this is all a process but that is what its going to look like – that’s how those emails are going to be distributed – about 2 million – across the country –

What’s interesting is ok now what do you do? You’ve got the email lets say – you’re reading it – it came from a Secure Link website and you’re learning about it and yes you will use a phone number from that email to call and set your appointment –

Even if you are not a zim holder – but just a currency holder of dong – dinar – rupiah etc – another currency – but is not a bond like the zim – and you will still call a toll free number that should be indicated in that email – and you will call and make your appointment –

Now your call may be automated – totally automated when you do that – unless you are a zim holder – If you are a zim holder you will definitely get to a live person at the redemption center which is the one closest to the zip code that you entered to get to that point –

And remember – none of us have ever seen this completed – none of us have done it so all I’m giving you is the best information that I have on how it’s going to work – your experience may vary – (laughter) cause it could –

However I do believe there is what’s referred to as preliminary non disclosure agreement – preliminary NDA that will be attached to the email that y ou will read and sign and send back – scan or send back however it’s going to be done – so they have your signature on that NDA –

When you get to the redemption center however – or the tier 1 bank – you will have a separate NDA for your exchange that I believe will augment or supersede the preliminary NDA –

Why a preliminary  NDA you ask? Because they want you to shut the front door and stay quiet even about your appointment – they don’t want this leaked out – they want to keep it quiet – can you keep 2 million people quiet? Well we are going to see aren’t we? – I hope so -

When anybody sees that NDA and reads it – look at it frontwards – backwards - every which way – make sure you understand everything in it -  and then sign it make sure you print a copy if you can –

So we’ve gone to that point – we know that we set an appointment up – through the six call centers – across the United States that are designed to receive those toll free numbers  and we know that we have an appointment set up -  - What is the timing of the release of these 2 million emails ??

We have 2 separate sources – 2 banks – one a lead bank – a secondary bank very much in good shape - both of those banks are giving us virtually the same time frame -  4:30 this morning –all the way to Monday morning -  a 72 hour window -   - a 72 hour window to get and receive these emails –

I do not know exactly when I’m going to get my toll free numbers – probably pretty close to the same time that the emails are released – what’s interesting is – I will be able to give those numbers out and be able to put those on our website Big Call Universe .com – and we will also send out email to all registered

Now – what else is happening?  The rate for all of these currencies  have been on the screen – front screens – since the 20th  -  a good week – they came off the screens last night at 6:30 PM eastern - in at least one or more of the banks – and we know that the banks are doing their very best now to get all the information together and there are meetings to help countries deal with the aspects of gold backing – there’s been – without getting too much in the way – let’s say there are people that are in charge of helping that have been hand picked in charge  of working with bankers from countries about 29 countries around the globe to get comfortable with the idea of gold backed currency that they are going to have and we are going to have and comfortable with the NESARA / GESARA legislation and how that’s going to look

There’s just quite a bit going on right now behind the scenes with meetings and with banks really – potentially getting fully prepared for things that are going to happen –

So what about this weekend – could we get numbers tomorrow (Friday)  or Saturday? Yes – if we did would we go? I say this – if we got numbers tomorrow I think we would go Saturday – if we got them Saturday early enough we might go Saturday – I think if we don’t get something until Sat eve / Sat night – Sunday early – you know – then I think we are looking at setting appointments for Tuesday probably – cause I don’t know they would set to go in on Memorial Day –

So if something happens for us tomorrow (Friday) tremendous – I think it’s great – that is my hope – I don’t know it – but I hope that is what it is -  otherwise everything is basically ready to get going -  rates will pop back on the screens – I don’t know if it’s going to be tonight or tomorrow –

We’ve got bond holders that have been told Dubia various banks that they will have access to funds on Saturday -  that is a good sign – if that holds up – if they get access to their 1% on Saturday and we’re going as a shotgun start – it would look good for us to get started in our exchanges by Saturday  - don’t know if that’s going to happen – it might – we’ll see -

We do have this little 72 hour window that started at 4:30 am this morning – goes until 4:30 Sunday morning – when the servers are to kick out those Wells Fargo emails - we’ll just have to see if everything is totally ready to go when they’re going to do it

We really do not believe there is any more negative cabal influence to disrupt this – so we are going forward -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:11:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-25-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-25-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 25th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again – we’re excited to be here with you and looking forward to a really cool call tonight

We’ve got intel coming from 2 distinctly different sources that it’s sort of lining up – one is a little bigger window and one is a more narrow window - but let’s go back to where we’ve been – really since about Saturday –

Now – we knew on Saturday that we were going to get Dubai 1 which was the fund to pay out in its entirety – in other words – empty it out – and it’s money that’s going to be used for our exchanges globally – and that Dubai 1 had funds of over 70 zeros –so you can picture a 1 and a comma and 70 zeros or 72 zeros or 76 zeros behind it – whatever actually total – it’s a lot of money! – that was being poured out-

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-25-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 25th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again – we’re excited to be here with you and looking forward to a really cool call tonight

We’ve got intel coming from 2 distinctly different sources that it’s sort of lining up – one is a little bigger window and one is a more narrow window -  but let’s go back to where we’ve been – really since about Saturday –

Now – we knew on Saturday that we were going to get Dubai 1 which was the fund to pay out in its entirety – in other words – empty it out – and it’s money that’s going to be used for our exchanges globally – and that Dubai 1 had funds of over 70 zeros –so you can picture a 1 and a comma and 70 zeros or 72 zeros or 76 zeros behind it – whatever actually total – it’s a lot of money! – that was being poured out-

Now the first  pay out of the Dubai accounts – Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 -  Dubai 1 paid out Saturday after midnight – I think started around 8 pm on Friday - and then it finished 11 hours later – so it took a while to empty out – if you can imagine with over 70 zeros in the account and sending it – not only to our new Treasury – ok – but also to other Central Banks that are not cabal banks by the way - that are new Central Banks throughout the world – so it took 11 hours to get it out

Then – there was to be a Dubai 2 release on Sunday – because it took so long to get Dubai 1 out they decided to let Dubai 2 release last night starting about 8 pm  and pay out through the night –

My understanding is that Dubai 2 is a similar account in volume as Dubai 1 – both accounts over 70 zeros each – so we got confirmation today – well we got a few days ago that Dubai 1 had completed in that 11 hour period out of Zurich – and then today we got information that Dubai 2 completed over night last night –

What was to go along with that information which we got from Zurich was that the bond holders were to be notified shortly after those Dubai 2 funds were allocated – and now in position what that appears to be occurring tomorrow was going to be something that occurred either this evening or tomorrow – we’re hearing more out of our sources – over in Switzerland – that  this should occur tomorrow – early afternoon - let’s call it mid-afternoon – ok –

With that – we’re also hearing from that same source – not only will bond holders be notified that they have the funds in their accounts but that should have access to those funds – now along with that – we are being told that tier 4B is to be notified at approximately the same time –

So there is sort of a Mid-afternoon time frame that we are looking at for our notifications – that’s coming from one of the major international banks that happens to be in Zurich –

Now – the other information is coming from a completely different source – but it is also coming from Zurich – and it is talking about a window – that is not a specific as tomorrow afternoon – it’s a window that points to anytime from tomorrow morning all the way to Friday night - so that is a much different window

And look – it may be true – but obviously we prefer the more acute information that points toward a “specific” time like tomorrow afternoon –

Tomorrow afternoon it was worded this way – Tomorrow is supposed to be our big boom day – we say that we refer to tier 4B – the internet group  - Tomorrow is supposed to be our “Big Boom Day” - and so I’m going to take that at face value – and obviously look into it – and it is a difficult thing to prove – but the sources are strong – and the proof is going to be in the pudding – as they say – we will have to see if that holds up – that’s why it is so important for us to continue to have faith to believe for this and to speak that timing that we received into existence – literally pray that prayer in –

When  you’re that focused on the release for us there’s not a whole lot else – that really seems to matter – because we’re that close to the very end –and anything else – whether it’s something you hear or read or whatever – we know its – I’m  going to say it’s noise – it’s just adding chaos to the end – and we knew going in years and years ago that it would get chaotic at the end – and it has been – with the various blogs – information – calls and everything – you know that everybody has been on -     

I am not trying to add to that chaos – I am trying to clear the chaos and give you just exactly what I’ve heard -  that’s what I do –  so you know what my belief is – you know what I’m looking for the 1.4 million people that at least in tier 4B to be one with us on the Big Call and believe for this tremendous blessing to manifest in that time frame –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:08:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-20-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-20-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again

Let’s talk about where we are in the midst of everything right now – this is really an important and crucial time for us I know - and I am going to say whereas new had heard previously from 3-4 sources that this week would be a really good week for us – now …… it’s more like when are we going to get notified – will it be this week

There’s I think little chance of tomorrow for notifications – I think Saturday is a possibility but I think Monday is looking much more secure at this poin

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-20-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again

Let’s talk about where we are in the midst of everything right now – this is really an important and crucial time for us I know - and I am going to say whereas new had heard previously from 3-4 sources that this week would be a really good week for us – now …… it’s more like when are we going to get notified – will it be this week

There’s I think little chance of tomorrow for notifications – I think Saturday is a possibility but I think Monday is looking much more secure at this poin

We’ve talked with people in London working with HSBC – Who are set up to do exchanges and bond work over there and that is - the information is pointing toward a long day starting Monday and going from that point on – when I say that I’m talking about a - let’s call it a mandate coming from the US Treasury to the redemption centers and certain tier 1 banks as well -  that is strongly requested that their hours starting Monday be from 9 am till 11 pm –

That is a long day -  that is longer than we thought redemption centers would be open – for the most part and some will have a certain dispensation where they won’t be open depending on their demographics in that area – depending on the number of zim holders in the area – they may not stay with that timing but it’s interesting that is coming from the Treasury today – to these institutions so that they can get ready for planning schedules for Monday – and beyond

We know we are going to go somewhere in the vicinity of 12-14 days with the redemption centers and forget tier 5 – they get pushed no matter when we start - as you know the public gets pushed back anyway – not a big deal - most everyone we know is part of tier 4B – the internet group and most everybody we know has zim whether purchased or gifted should call the toll free numbers and set their appointments or they will be receiving an email from Wells Fargo’s secure servers – and they then will respond back through that system to secure link website or utilize the 800  numbers – which ever is appropriate for them – some people will use a number like me and others will just do it all on line – through the secure link website

Now – that is the long and short of where we are – now – I can tell you that we are still in the process of bonds being paid out to bond holders globally - most of that activity is coming out of Zurich – still out of Miami – a little bit out of Reno – still ongoing – even in London – like I mentioned some activity there - overall though so everybody understands – Wells Fargo is the Lead Bank for this in North America – that means  Canada – US and Mexico – so even though Wells is in charge – and over certainly the United States very obvious and Canada will also be working with RBC Scotia Bank as well as TD bank and other banks like in Canada so that is more of an alliance they have put together – The same thing is going to be true in Mexico

It’s not going to be hard to find out – what I did not find out in time for the call is we know that there are 2 numbers to  use inside the United States – one is for zim holders and one is for non zim holders – so there will be notification – I wish I had the numbers – I will be getting them – and will be putting them out – directly through our website – and through emails - 

When it comes to the exchange itself – and the redemption of the zim – when we go in – I talked a little bit about the process – we know they want to try to get it done in 30-40 minutes – I think that is a challenge for a lot of us  - if you have just a few notes it won’t be that hard but if you have a lot of course it could be a challenge –

Now you take whatever time you need but a lot of things we thought were at the first appointment would actually be better served if you set u p a second appointment with your wealth manager - at the bank – then you go ahead and handle new accounts for example – of transfer some funds to a new bank -  you would do that in about 24- 48 hrs – after your exchange –

Now let’s talk about access to your funds – you know that the bond holders are to receive 1% of their total bond proceeds – we are supposed to receive 2% of our total proceeds – that would mean – if you had dong – dinar - rupia – zim - everything – lumped all together  and they would try to give you 2% of that available – which could be a lot -  depending on what you have –

What you want to do is to let them know for the first 90 days how much do you think you will need? Whatever that amount is – in my case - I am going to take that amount and put it into my spill over account – which is the account I’m setting up with Wells that the mother lode when it earns interest will spill over into that secondary account –

In the meantime though what ever number or amount I need I would tell them and would like that in my spill over account – I am sort of feeding the spill over account before the interest gets there –

You should have access – let’s say all you have is some dinar – or dong – you should be able to get access – unless you have a suitcase full - you should be able to get full access to those funds from the exchange on DAY ONE –

If you are a zim holder and you have other currency that’s where the whole 2% thing comes in – that’s giving you access to 2%  in the first 24-36 hours and the remainder is tied up in the structured pay out  for you to be paid out in  day 91 -  with interest –

In my opinion – I am not going to touch the principal – in the mother lode account – I don’t need to touch it – some of  you might  need some from that mother lode account first and to use that to seed/feed your spill over account – which is cool – it’s just a matter of you working that out with your team when you get there –

We should be able to get our debit card or credit card at the time of the exchange – that will be tied to one or the other of accounts - I personally  and going to stay away from debit cards and just use the credit cards and set it up where it automatically  debits from a certain account by the due date if not before - so I’m never late never miss a payment regardless of where in the world I am –

We talked before about the 80/20 – that is no more - that was a cabal thing – if you do not want to do any projects you do not have to – you would do better if you did because you would get a better rate on the zim -  I think you are all going to be pleasantly pleased with the rates themselves – some of them are higher than we could imagine –

I am excited about the timing - I just want us to get started - and get notified so I can get these numbers out so appointments can be set –

It “appears” they’re going to be looking at that on Monday – numbers – appointments set – start of exchanges -  all on Monday – we could get something over the weekend – it’s possible  we could get something Saturday – I can’t give a percentage chance though -  I know they are still working to get the CMKX adjudicated settlements delivered – we know that Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 accounts will be actually used completely until every nickel is out of those accounts – a lot of those funds are going to Wells Fargo in the United States for our exchanges and some of those funds will be distributed to other large banks around the world –  Those are for tier 4B exchanges and zim redemption -  so that is supposed to have occurred  when CMKX hit 30% completion – so those funds should already be either on their way or about to be on their way to those banks –

There are some glitches taking place – in peoples cell phones sometimes cable systems – all kinds of things due to the change over that may be occurring already with the StarLink Satellite system - because we will eventually go to that for cell phone technology will almost certain of our cell phones will be set up to be like satellite phones –

Just received a letter yesterday about another $1400 is coming – some of you probably got the letter and that should be - …. It’s not really called “stimulus”  I think it’s going to be sort of like a universal basic income  and I do not expect it go go for that long – but it’s something that is temporary – and maybe get a bump in our social security - if you’re getting social security – I think $200 – 230 increase -  starting I think in June –

So…… here we are looking for notifications to come out – bonds are still being worked with and small monies are being paid on those obviously – 1%  and I think we’re moving along – with things happening behind the scenes – there has been a tremendous amount of clean-up on aisle 3 – in the District of Columbia over the last couple of days – and continuing – so things are happening – big time –

A lot of things are happening – that we can’t see – I believe our dollar is asset backed and soon getting more evidence of that -  this is what we are having to go through as we wait – for our numbers to come out and email notifications to come –

So that is what I wanted to bring tonight – I appreciate everybody listening in so faithfully


Bruce’s Big Call   Replay LINK     Intel Begins:  1:08:21

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-13-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Thursday May 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – on a Tuesday or Thursday night - We are happy to be here – and to be able to share everything we can with you –

Let’s go ahead and talk a little about intel – today has been amazingly quiet – very little really has come through that is new – we have a little bit of information but it’s not a whole lot – because I think things are quiet for a reason –

Now, we were told by about 4 at least different sources to look for notifications Tuesday – and if not Tuesday then Wednesday or Thursday – well today is Thursday with no response in that area – and yes we could get pushed over to where nothing happened for us today in terms of notifications or emails drops –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Thursday May 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – on a Tuesday or Thursday night  - We are happy to be here – and to be able to share everything we can with you –

Let’s go ahead and talk a little about intel – today has been amazingly quiet – very little really has come through that is new – we have a little bit of information but it’s not a whole lot – because I think things are quiet for a reason –

Now, we were told by about 4 at least different sources to look for notifications Tuesday – and if not Tuesday then Wednesday or Thursday – well today is Thursday with no response in that area – and yes we could get pushed over to where nothing happened for us today in terms of notifications or emails drops –

We did hear that a massive release has been expected to come in later tonight but we are not quite sure because the source was a Treasury source close to Mnuchin and we’re not quite sure whether that’s referring to an email dump to those of us that are expecting to be notified by email or whether it’s funds to be – it’s probably a little bit of everything –

It could be funds that are going to the bond holder accounts that have been waiting – and it may actually turn into what we believe is going to be a true shot gun start – not only for the groups based out West as we call Tier 4A- us and the internet group which is Tier 4B – and still a number – a vast number of bond holders and sellers that have finished the processing of the bonds but have yet to be paid their 1% on the bonds –

I believe they have held them off so that we all go together – in some form of shot gun start – that’s the only thing I can think of that would allow them not to be paid ahead of us – so that is a very real possibility

We have heard from one source the idea of things are going to roll out in 72 hours from yesterday – which would put us to Saturday – that’s a possibility –

We also heard from sources in Germany indicating that we’ve got about 24 – 36 hours to go and that could be about right – based on that 72 hour time frame – so you know – what would this massive release that would come out later tonight – what would it look like?? It could be a number of different things – but we will have to wait and see if anything happens for us overnight tonight 

I just cannot give you an absolute on that – I wish I could - I wish I could be more specific – But I bring it to you unadulterated and pretty much as I get it

Now – there is information about the QF System that I think is very important – and maybe this is part of the factor – this could be part of the reason that we are waiting a little longer –

The QF System is being integrated with all of the trading platforms and exchanges globally –it’s also being integrated with all financial concerns – with all financial companies globally -- they have to be integrated and connected to the QF System

Now we know a lot of things have happened – we know that international bank wires / transfers / have sped up marketedly - very very quickly – transfer to Africa for example are taking 3 minutes to go and confirm – it’s terrific – it’s just part of having the QFS and not using the SWIFT System any longer – that is capput – gone –

I believe that everything is pointing to a full integration of the QF System as well as the StarLink Satellite System – that is set to give us 6G to work with our cell phones – everything at a much higher level and much faster – even the internet is transitioning to that – and if we have some down time on line with our internet it’s not suppose to a long contracted - situation – where it goes down for a week – it’s more likely that it’s going to be switched over to that StarLink System and we might be down for seconds to minutes – should not be a long time to integrate that - that is what I have been told – so that’s really – really the - that’s why I wanted to pray about this release because there’s nothing really extraordinary that we’re getting right now from an intel point of view – or information point of view – getting what we’re getting but it’s awfully quiet and we know there might be - you know we talked Tuesday night about the clean-up on aisle 3 – we know that there’s continuing arrests  ongoing and will continue – but have we gone far enough with that so far so that the 3 letter organizations in charge of all that security for us are happy – and content enough that we can go forward – I believe that’s going to be  a close call –

I’m going to say this week is not over yet – it’s Thursday night – something might happen between now and the weekend – we could get started based on this massive release that’s anticipated – expected – later tonight – we’re going to have to – I hate to say wait and see but that’s really where we are – we have to wait and see what comes from that –

Q & A –

1 -- Where do we stand with the 80/20?   The 80/20 – 80% was to go for Humanitarian Projects and 20% to you personally – that is a concept that came out of so called program training or some of the platforms have a requirement for that still we in tier 4B whether you have zim or no zim / currency whatever you have we are NOT subject to the 80/20 rule – it does not apply to us – 100% of what you receive is up to you to decide how you want to use it – there is no 80/20

Many of us have talked about designating a portion of what we’re going to receive from proceeds to our humanitarian projects – I’ve told you guys for years that I’m going to use the zim strictly for humanitarian projects

2 – Is the wealth manager that I am going to meet going to be my wealth manager for a long time?–   That’s a situation where you’re going to cultivate a relationship with a wealth manager or a team of wealth management at the bank – if you do meet someone and this is a question mark – if you do meet someone on  your original appointment – it’s probably to create a follow up appointment where you can sit and get to know each other and see if y ou have the chemistry to work together – could you keep this person for a long long time? That all depends on you develop that relationship  - just like anything else – there is nothing saying you have to stay with that individual - 

3 – How do we pay ourselves since I will be leaving a corporate position to pursue my projects? Most of us who have enough currency where you can effectively leave the job – that you currently have – I think what we will do is  that you know that you have umpteen millions / billions etc whatever of dollars to work with that you could pay yourself from – there’s no minimum – you’re just basically going to operate this like a business which is what they really would prefer and set that u p or as a foundation – and you can look into the rules and regulations on the foundation – and they are quite extensive – on how you operate a foundation – a nonprofit – you can do it that way and pay yourself based on the rules that are normal for a foundation or a nonprofit or you could operate it as a  LLC – which is the way I prefer and then you can expense through the  business and of course compensate yourself  as you need – it’s almost like you’re starting with a certain amount and y ou can set that amount and not even take a salary – just have your own money –just like when you have millions and millions of dollars in an account – anything you need to buy – you can just use -  you can use your own money – it’s a little different than if you have a job and you’re being paid a salary or even if it’s a good salary – it’s a little bit different

3 – Is there any other pertinent information needed in my presentation folder besides the World Class Presentation? Here the strategy here is to demonstrate insight into job creation which is their number 1 focus – knowledge of the context of your project and just to know how to navigate your self around – I suggest people go to Google and google the future of veteran rehabilitation or the future of ……. ? what ever --  also budget and trying to anticipate  the job creation component – like listing some of the jobs –

More info if interested can be found on the call  

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:08:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-11-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Tuesday May 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – We’re happy to be here – ready to go –I’m excited about what I’m about to bring to you tonight

I think that we can only say that we have waited and we’re continuing to wait for what we believe the most amazing blessing in our lives - So what’s happened in the last five days since Thursday night’s call – is that we had information about the bonds – we finally found out in the last 5 days the relationship – I believe I found this out either Friday or Saturday - the relationship between the bond and the completion of the bonds and our start – I knew there had to be a tie in – and so to that extent I was correct –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Tuesday May 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – We’re happy to be here – ready to go –I’m excited about what I’m about to bring to you tonight

I think that we can only say that we have waited and we’re continuing to wait for what we believe the most amazing blessing in our lives -  So what’s happened in the last five days since Thursday night’s call – is that we had information about the bonds – we finally found out in the last 5 days the relationship – I believe I found this out either Friday or Saturday -  the relationship between the bond and the completion of the bonds and our start – I knew there had to be a tie in – and so to that extent I was correct –

< p>Hello, World!

But here is what the deal is – the bonds processing included the due diligence – the customer side of it – vetting of the owners and buyers of the bonds – it had to do with the genealogy of the people selling the bonds –as well as the genealogy of the people buying the bonds going back 3 generations – and the provenance of the bonds themselves over time – proving all of that up is called processing – of the bonds –

We have not talked about anyone being paid those yet we are talking about the “process” of handling those bonds like they’ve done - Now on the processing – for example – I believe it was Friday morning we found that 80% of the bonds – and there are quite a few pages of bonds – I don’t even have the exact number – I heard a number but I’m not sure – so I’ll tell you this much –

The processing of the bonds needed to complete before we were notified to start our exchange – I did not know that until last Friday or Saturday –

Now the processing for example – on Friday morning was 80% complete – and yet the paying out of the 1% to bond holders or bond sellers was at about 30% completion – so the paying out was lagging behind the processing – So the processing and the paying out – or the pay-outs – of the bonds was a lagging indicator –

But now I said to myself – ok when will the bonds be completely processed – because that’s the key for us and I was told the time could be finished as early as 2PM on Saturday –

Well in my mind and knowing math like I know I thought – In my mind it sounds doubtful – I think it would be done by Sunday night and that was true – It was done  about 7PM Sunday evening - so the processing has completed – the paying  out of those bonds is ongoing -  and can be ongoing over the next several days as it is without affecting us getting started  - That’s the good news !

So bonds are being handled – now it’s time for us to be notified – and we were hearing over the last couple of days that from about 4 different sources – that we were looking at Tues/Wed - everybody to be notified - and to get started with our exchanges – and yet we had 1 or 2 that suggested we better say  by Thursday to be safe – Just to be safe better to say by Thursday – Ok that’s what it is –

Now – guess what?  Today is Tuesday  - no notifications have gone out – that brings  into play for tomorrow also all the way to Thursday - now hopefully in my mind we get notified tomorrow and if we get notified in the morning we would start exchanges – we would set our appointments and start exchanges in the afternoon or evening –

If we get notified in the afternoon say 1PM – 2PM we probably would set our appointments and start the next day which for us would be Thursday –

Now these are “IF” statements – and I just hope and pray like you do daily I’m sure that the timing of this is ready for us to start – It appears that everything is ready to go – and I will say this – I talk a lot of times about cleaning up on aisle 3 and you know I am referring to arrests - and we know that we had a count that kept increasing – some of these were financial individuals – some of these could be other people but in the last 10 – 12 days that number has exceeded 5,000 – So there is an on-going situation of clean-up - and it’s just going to come down to whether Homeland  Security is comfortable with that state of clean up to move forward and release the so called green light for notifications to go out

Hello, World!

Now in the past 5 days or longer – we’ve heard that the groups out West – Paymasters have all been paid and their accounts – the leader of the group has done his thing – and is done with it - and now it’s up to the individuals and groups to be notified just like us tier “A” to be notified that they have accounts and have funds and are ready to be activated

In our case where we still have our currency and will put it up for exchange and zim out for redemption – we have to set an appointment to do that – Now what is a good conclusion from now is that some individuals that we know have been notified by email to do an exchange tomorrow and they also – those individuals who have been notified have received an email with a NDA which is sort of a temporary NDA and those individuals had to complete the NDA with an online signature and send it back

I think when we get notified by our emails – or get an 800 # to call in they will probably generate an email to us confirming our appointment and also with  that attach a fairly short non-disclosure agreement - because they do not want us to talk about even our appointments once it has been set – and that NDA that we get with our email will be a temporary NDA that will be superseded by the NDA that we go in and sign at the time of the appointment – so I’m calling it sort of a temporary NDA in place until the actual time of the exchange or zim redemption takes place –

The NDA could vary – they are going to determine that a lot of times based on YOU – who YOU are and YOUR ability to keep quiet – to be quiet and not share this information with anyone – there will be some exceptions and I’ve told you this but it’s been a long time ago - months ago I talked about getting a document put together that you create that would be inclusions  / exclusions to your NDA  this would be individuals – for example there might be a very close family member or spouse – but also could be someone that doing projects with – like my NDA would exclude Bob and a few other people – I would go in and try to make sure that was excluded in my NDA agreement – and I could share certain information with those individuals that I had projects and plans to do with –

The other thing is - my  understanding is from a particular source that we have – that the Treasury has begun the process today with administering the final release codes – And that would lead us to understand that things are moving forward for us- we have a – I believe I mentioned on Thursdays call  that we had a new USN – new dollar – the actual physical currency – USTN  and this is good news and as of last Sunday night or Monday morning for us – we should have been trading our new dollar the USN - globally as an asset backed and gold backed dollar – with the world – internationally - 

So – that’s new – that’s new with a certain point which we had not reached before and now I believe that we are ready to get started and actually I also heard one of my sources talk about the ideal that we should all be under a MDA this week – in other words we should be in a position to have sign at least a temporary NDA – if not a complete ne NDA at the time of our exchanges – this week  -

They want it quiet – things are quiet right now – sources are basically quiet – We have heard from a few banks in the last few days but it is kind of a situation where we know this is coming and now it’s time to be quiet – that is what I am getting - from various sources – and I hope that we are right there ready to receive notifications – I’m ready to receive my toll free numbers to put out –

Let see if I can think of a few other things – we did have an increase in rates – on the front screen – which are absolutely terrific – in fact – no let’s say it this way – the rates are …. Remember when Dr Shabibi talked about the Dinar and he told BlueStar what the dinar could support in dollars – remember??

It is way – well above that now – and the dong is right there with it - very close - I think within 5-6% - of the dinar which is terrific – And we knew that was supposed to be the case because they were trading partners  and so that’s very good news –

< p>Hello, World!

Everything basically – let me put it this way ….. rates are going to be absolutely the very least of your worries – you have nothing to worry about -  the rates are terrific – and far better than we thought they would be – far better - So just so you know – anybody that’s saying 47 cents on the dong /dollar ?? doesn’t even know what it is -

Other than that – it is amazing to think of how close we really are and how much we look forward to doing this – Many of you have been well prepared but some are still on the fence –

Let’s talk very briefly about the redemption experience itself – In talking with private bankers for Wells Fargo who is in charge of this – if you are a zim holder you have appointment set because of your zim – you’re going to get connected to someone at the redemption center – when you talk to them – they will set the appointment up on their end and you will probably meet that person and work directly with that person when you’re connected from the phone reservation system directly to the redemption center –

In dealing with the appointment itself – you are not to get there earlier than 10 minutes – you want to be on time  - when you go in – obviously they know who the zim holders are – most all of them – unless the few gifted zim -  but they will vet you – with ID information -  

There will be people there helping with the counting and verification of your currency also at least one possibly two Treasury reps – and also Homeland Security rep –

They expect us to get in and out in about 30 – 45 minutes – it’s going to be a challenge – you will be setting up your mother lode account for the exchange – all currency and zim will go into one account and then if you want to move some funds – like I plan to do – keeping currency and zim separate -  you can do that moving of funds in about 24-48 hours after your appointment -  into a new account or even another bank - 

You should be able to get a debit / credit card for your exchange on day one – I do not want a debit card tied to the account of course but a credit card would be fine –

I plan to have a spill over account with Wells for the interest that the mother lode account earns –

We do not know just yet how diverse the bank accounts need to be – The QFS is going to be a different game – should be far more secure than anything we’ve ever known – they are doing quite a bit of clean up in the banking system – globally not just here but everywhere –

You have 5-8 minutes to do your presentation for your projects – just a quick summary – just basics

You will set up follow up appointments with wealth management and family office –

There’s things like setting up additional accounts – getting cashier checks – proof of funds letters – will we get titanium account access card – at the first appointment?? I hope so

Anyone doing currency only – you will be routed to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank  

Thanks everyone for listening 


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:14:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-6-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-6-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday May 6th and you’re tuned in to and listening to the Big Call Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we’re trying to do the best we can to keep you informed with body mind and soul – it’s very important that we discuss what we’re doing and I’m excited that everybody is here –

Thank you Sue, I hope everybody got the potential for the sort of a new start for them - In my opinion, we don’t even know yet what we will become – it’s true – but we can create that future – one day at a time – which is what we ae doing now – and I think we’re all going to be amazed about what we’re able to do with our projects – it’s going to be amazing - an amazing future for us – we are going through it right now - we are going through it a little bit – a lot of people are struggling - I want to be sensitive to that – and I am going to encourage everybody to keep their head down and push through this and stay strong – stay in faith - continue to move forward – in whatever way you can with your plan A until this Plan B manifests

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-6-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday May 6th and you’re tuned in to and listening to the Big Call Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – we’re trying to do the best we can to keep you informed with body mind and soul – it’s very important that we discuss what we’re doing and I’m excited that everybody is here –

Thank you Sue, I hope everybody got the potential for the sort of a new start for them - In my opinion, we don’t even know yet what we will become – it’s true – but we can create that future – one day at a time – which is what we ae doing now – and I think we’re all going to be amazed about what we’re able to do with our projects – it’s going to be amazing  - an amazing future for us – we are going through it right now -  we are going through it a little bit – a lot of people are struggling -  I want to be sensitive to that – and I am going to encourage everybody to keep their head down and push through this and stay strong – stay in faith -  continue to move forward – in whatever way you can with your plan A until this Plan B manifests

Now let’s talk about where we are from an intel point of view – it’s been a little quiet this week – we had a little information on Tuesday night – and I think we’re going to have a little bit to say tonight – to be completely candid I really thought today was going to open us up for notifications – several people – I’m not alone in this believe that now that the May Day Holiday is over in China – they would start to release today –

What we still found out was though – that they are still completing the bonds and that’s going to take at least 2-3 more days – probably to go through all of the bonds –

Now even though I am saying that – I am also saying that our start with our currencies and zim bonds - is not supposed to be related to or tied to those bonds and asset payments that are being made – We are not related to that – that is separate from our start – and remember we’ve talked about redemption center staff – going a full day yesterday and today – let me rephrase that -- full 15 hr days – today and tomorrow – Saturday probably restricted a little bit  not as busy Saturday or Sunday – maybe not at all – depends on when we actually get started –

One thing that we did learn that occurred over night that we were unsure about was that our Gold backed Dollar which we refer to as the new USN and the new   that we will keep in our pockets is the USTN – United States treasury Note – no longer a Federal Reserve Note - because …… the Fed as you guys know has been absorbed  and reduced dramatically – and absorbed into our NEW US Treasury – as well as the IRS – Significantly  downsized and absorbed under the auspice of the United States Treasury

Now it’s interesting to note that …… remember we are really looking at two different structures – we have the corporation of the United States of America which is actually dissolved and bankrupt – and then you have the Restored Republic of the United States of America – two  separate entities – the one that had the Treasury under the corporation is still printing money – did print money like crazy and then it was supposedly – I understand - those operations were stopped - the printing of that fiat currency –

The NEW currency USN - our NEW currency is based on assets including gold – hence the term “asset backed” – and gold backed currency that we have that has been printed by the NEW Us Treasury –

These things sort of coinciding right now – however in not too long – hopefully - the USN will completely be known as our NEW Dollar and like I said – over night last night the USN was made live – to be part of trading between banks – internationally  and also on the Forex

That’s a good thing and we had heard that has happened before but realistically I this takes us to a new place –

The other thing was – we had been informed we were in the process of getting notified by email and also with the toll free numbers to get our appointments set to start exchanges –

It appears we have a time line on that and could go – I am hearing one source saying – we should have that by Sunday another source is talking about by Monday and another one by Monday afternoon

So we kinda have 3 different ways to look at it – Let’s just say we are supposed to have the toll free numbers / emails out anywhere between now and Monday – now it might be that we don’t even start until next Monday/Tuesday –

Maybe you remember the people that were considered friends and family – of the banks – remember they have already been called in months and months ago - I bet over a year ago – they were called to come in and do their exchanging – of their currencies - not zim – and they went in there – they did that – and my understanding as of today they have NOT YET been paid – on those exchanges - But starting Monday or Tuesday friends and family are supposed to be paid

Now, that does not help us – unless what we get puts us either right before them or possibly right with them – with them being paid Mon/Tues - the bond holders – many have been paid their 1% already and there are more that are going to be paid their 1% of their bond holdings over the next several days – it may continue for a few more days before that’s complete – they’re taking their sweet time – going through the process of vetting all individuals – generationally  by 3 generations - on who they are and where they came from and also the provenance of those bonds – strategic assets -  so there is quite a bit of due diligence being done on all fronts to make sure those funds are going to the individuals and not to the Cabal –

There has been a lot of arrests – in the banking community – globally - not just here – and it’s probably over 2000 and up to and over 3000 in the last couple of weeks

Now my theory is they have to have a certain level of the banks that are clean – all good with NO problem people inside – it’s hard to know every situation- obviously - I think that this clean up process is something that Homeland Security and the DoD are very very in to and are monitoring as well as the Treasury and our “Go” signal - our green light to go  - my understanding is going to come from Homeland Security - maybe that is in conjunction with DoD - and obviously they are letting the Treasury know – what’s going on from that perspective

We know the rates have been high for about  at least 4-5 days now and I think they are going to stay high – are they locked in?  I can’t say that they are locked but I know that they for us tier 4B especially to get the best rates - especially on Dinar and Dong –

Now I believe that anyone that is interested in getting the best rate they cannot only on their currencies but on their zim should make sure their projects are as good as they can be –

I am going to suggest now that we are down to the point from an intel oint of view where we’ve got the gold backed currency – the USN – we were looking for that – we’ve got the QF System fully integrated and connected - we’ve got the StarLink Satellite System for communication – up and running – very strong – 6G – we’ve got the rates there – everything is basically ……. I can’t think of anything else that needs to happen - do not worry about Ramadan – it has nothing to do with this – do not worry about EID or any other holiday – over in Iraq – it will not affect our start – in any way - Have a great night and a beautiful weekend –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   36:10 – 37:28     50:10 -

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-4-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday May 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody

You guys realize we have had people ask – if there was a list of wealth managers - the answer is “No” - there is no list – first of all Wealth Managers work for different banks – and we know that Wells Fargo is the lead banking institution in charge of this whole process – and it’s also they are assigning zim holders to go to certain redemption centers – we have talked about that – through the toll free numbers the SafeLink website - both ways –

And here’s the point – the wealth management side of it – is something you will get familiar with at the exchange – I expect you to be introduced – possibly to one or two wealth managers but it is a “follow-up” type appointment - it is a follow-up appointment / visit – with that wealth team –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday May 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody

You guys realize we have had people ask – if there was a list of wealth managers - the answer is “No” - there is no list – first of all Wealth Managers work for different banks – and we know that Wells Fargo is the lead banking institution in charge of this whole process – and it’s also they are assigning zim holders to go to certain redemption centers – we have talked about that – through the toll free numbers the SafeLink website - both ways –

And here’s the point – the wealth management side of it – is something you will get familiar with at the exchange – I expect you to be introduced – possibly to one or two wealth managers but it is a “follow-up” type appointment -  it is a follow-up appointment / visit – with that wealth team –

You remember we were all set to go – we had Abbott Downing ass the high end division of Wells Fargo and then because of QFS did not want to see the same number for the bank of Wells Fargo and for Abbott Downing the Abbott Downing was taken down as a separate entity and folded back into Wells Fargo – so all of those wealth managers that were with Abbott Downing went back into Wells Fargo - so that’s a new scenario for us to deal with -

So anyway I just wanted to say that and say don’t worry about that – you will have plenty of time to find the wealth manager that you can get along with and resonate with – watch for body language when you first meet them – as they will do the same – some of you will not need the wealth management team as much as others – and that is a big discussion point you will have them based on your comfort level – how much planning you have done – and how much you plan to work with the bank

I am personally looking more for the Family Office side – I would like to get the family office to do the things that we need them to do – and that is something that everybody can look up under Wells Fargo Family Office and get into that – That could be valuable

Alright let’s get into our intel segment – which is not going to be super long tonight – because there’s not a whole lot of information to bring tonight – where we were on last Thursday seems like a while ago of course – was in an anticipation for something to happen this week – Now I hate the banned phrase - “This is the week” or even “This is the weekend” – because I remember we were told this was going to be the weekend last weekend – for things to happen

AND…… where some things did happen – it happened regarding bonds and  - what happened with the group that’s based out West – the Admirals group – the multiple groups -  what ever happened was the individual groups paymasters  their paymasters over 26 different groups from my understanding and not 26,000 paymasters – (chuckle) – the paymasters over those 26 groups have been vetted of course but their accounts have been audited  so they did the transfer of funds to the paymasters accounts and those accounts have been audited – my understanding are those complete – so the paymasters when they get the complete green light to pay the recipients of those groups everything should be good to go –

Have they got the green light yet? We thought they had the green light last weekend – but there is no evidence of it at this point – so it’s a little bit of a hurry up and wait – I have a feeling the same thing is true the bond holders not being paid their 1% of their bonds yet – some bonders that we know about have been informed today by email that they would receive tomorrow 1% of their bond payouts -

So far it’s been one step forward and 2 steps back for the people – the bond sellers to get moving – we know that last week there was a lot of valuable flights coming in to Reno and then that tapered off towards the end of the week – where it was 7 flights an hour then 3-4 flights the next day and it tapered down – and may be down now or they may have resumed again – and come back up – we know there were no flights reported on Sunday – that should not be surprising –

Now as far as we are concerned – most of us have zim bonds but that is not quite the same as the street bonds - as you know – of the railroad bonds – German Bonds – Yellow Dragon Bonds – and all of those various types of bonds that are being transacted out of Zurich – Miami – and Reno –

But as it is now things are rolling but I’m going to say the rolling out slowly but behind the scenes – they are being very very careful to make sure all of the provenance of the bonds and make sure nobody gets paid that is Cabal or somebody they don’t know exactly – the genealogy – going back 3 generations to those bond sellers – let’s call it – as to show who they are and what they have been involved with and make sure they are clean

Now – other than that what are we hearing? We are hearing that the redemption center appointments for ---- let me say it this way -  the schedule appears to be very light – light today – and light tomorrow as far as the number of staff that was on duty today – now let’s go to yesterday what happened yesterday? We know there were 4 different audio conference calls that took place - and we do not know what subjects were covered – we can only imagine – but I think some of it was about the new rates that have come up since Sunday - which are very favorable by the way – on dinar and dong especially –  

And I’m going to say beyond that today’s crew that was going in today and tomorrow is supposed to be fairly light – Now – things change from a schedule point of view on Thursday – where we go to 15 hr days and two 7 ½ hr shifts – and that type of a day -  - what does that say? Does that say we could be going – we could be exchanging Thursday?  

Well - That’s what it says to me but it doesn’t necessarily make it true – I like the fact that we’re getting the schedule and we roughly know what’s happening with that - but bottom line is we need to get notified so we can get this party started - and get this blessing received

 We heard a little bit of chatter talking about some things happening already in the Far East – possibly even in China – I don’t know and cannot attest to exchanges having taken place but the ole theory of things rolling from East to West – it’s an old adage right now – probably going to be a ban for the phrase before it’s over

 Now is it possible that China would get started even though they are in their May Day Holiday which started the first of May – we always called May Day here and then going through tomorrow – I don’t know – we’ve heard banks being closed for that period – I cannot verify that but it could be true and would they start in China if the banks were closed there or if it was their May Day Holiday – I just don’t know - I thought that maybe it is a reason why we’re not doing anything besides bond activity here today and tomorrow – I say “possibly” because things change and even schedules change but Thursday looks pretty good - Holiday is over -  schedules could take us – so we’re just going to have to wait and see –

 Not a whole lot – not a lot new - but guess what? There is not a whole lot that we need except notifications – we get notifications – we are in business – we’re rolling - ok and that’s what it is that I’d like to say we’re waiting for – we’re just waiting to be notified -

Is there more clean-up on aisle 3? Probably - Are we far enough along in that process to where Homeland Security feels comfortable letting us go? They’re the ones that are going to make the decision – I think along with the Treasury but I think it’s really Homeland Security’s decision – to release “the go” to give the green light – so let’s just believe that -

Everybody have a great night tonight – let’s see if we get surprised with a notification - It’s possible we get notified tomorrow – It’s possible!! And then we would start on Thursday – I am kinds hoping that’s how it happens but I don’t have that evidence right now – this is where the faith is coming in – the substance of things hoped for – the evidence of things not yet seen –   Thanks everyone for tuning in


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  32:40 – 36:26   AND 52:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-29-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – we welcome everybody wherever you’re from around this beautiful globe for tuning in live or by replay

Now let’s go to where we are now - this is kind of what I’m getting and even recently – right up to the time of the call – there are certain individuals that I know are on high red alert – ok – that should be a good thing – anybody that is on a high alert is getting ready to do something – either to be paid or to exchange or both – and I think that is really good –

Now let’s compare that to what is going on in Reno – which is “hot” and “live” – same thing is true in Miami and Zurich - and Miami and Zurich primarily – as well as Reno to an extent – are talking about bonds ready to pay out to the bond sellers – ok – and that is something that is still waiting for that official email that says you have money in y our account and you have 1% of the funds that you have exchanged your bonds for and that is enough to get you through for – and the bond holders case - 30 days – ok – don’t hold me to that but it’s usually 30 days - could be as much as 90 days- depending on who it is and what the 1% is about –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – we welcome everybody wherever you’re from around this beautiful globe for tuning in live or by replay

Now let’s go to where we are now - this is kind of what I’m getting and even recently – right up to the time of the call – there are certain individuals that I know are on high red alert – ok – that should be a good thing – anybody that is on a high alert is getting ready to do something – either to be paid or to exchange or both – and I think that is really good –

Now let’s compare that to what is going on in Reno – which is “hot” and “live” – same thing is true in Miami and Zurich -  and Miami and Zurich primarily – as well as Reno to an extent – are talking about bonds ready to pay out to the bond sellers – ok – and that is something that is still waiting for that official email that says you have money in y our account and you have 1% of the funds that you have exchanged your bonds for and that is enough to get you through for – and the bond holders case - 30 days – ok – don’t hold me to that but it’s usually 30 days - could be as much as 90 days-  depending on who it is and what the 1% is about –

Our situation is a little different –they are looking at us in terms of 2 % of our “total” exchange however – I hear that we could get all of the currency liquidity from the very beginning – in other words if you had dong and dinar - or you had rupiah or something like that not zim – you would be able to get access to those funds immediately

The zim however – due to the largeness of the note and denominations – is more restrictive because of the volume of liquidity – and what I understand is we would be able to get 2% of that total – which could be  humongous – could be trillions or even more – could be billions / trillions or more - you can get up to 2 % of that to last you for your first 90 days  -  Now most of us  I believe will go into a structured payout – that’s our choice – we choose that –

I personally love it because I love the idea of a fixed return against this large mother lode account – ok – that would come to me every quarter – every 90 days – and you get that certain amount of interest and I told you guys a long time ago your mother lode account and your spill over account – spill over is where I am looking for the interest that is earned in the motherlode account in the structured payout to be paid in a secondary account the same thing as a spill over account -  that is what I am going to draw from – to do projects – ok –

So the initial principle amount that’s in the motherlode account or master account – that doesn’t really get touched -  you leave it there – you park it there and it just keeps  …… it’s like the goose that laid the golden egg – it pays out every quarter – how long ????  I am going to try to go as long as 300 years on the structured payout -  whether I am here or not – I still plan to have it to support the projects and everything that we’re doing –

So that is my intent - that’s what I’ve got – and by the way I’m considering zim and that structured payout for humanity -  for projects - the currencies I may use for my own personal uses – ok – homes – car -  whatever – new clothes new guitar – whatever – that is how I am doing it – that’s all coming out of my “currency exchange” – I am going to try to set the currency exchange up so the proceeds  from that goes to a separate bank in a separate new account – you do what you want –

We are – the best I can tell -  they still want to get us started this week – and this week takes us through Saturday – so Thursday tonight –nothing yet – tomorrow last day of the month it’s a possibility  - they wanted to get this started by the last day of the month – tomorrow – Friday is the last day – if they don’t pull that off the first of May – is Saturday -  and we’ll see -  if they pull that off tomorrow – If they don’t – we can look to Saturday -

Now there is nothing absolute about this -  it’s just the best information that we have so far –we’re looking forward to this obviously starting and getting going for a period of time – we’re still supposed to have 10-12 days to exchange -  and it’s primarily geared around redemption of the zim – That’s the big deal -  we all know it – that’s the big thing that’s going to keep redemption centers open until they have all of the zim people in – once all the zim people are in – they will close down the redemption centers because if you have dinar or dong and you call the 800 number you will get routed to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank – to do the currency exchange –

If you have zim and other currencies you will get routed to a redemption center by zip code – there is no separation if you have both zim bonds and other currencies – you still go to the redemption center for all of those – I hope that clarified that –

One other thing that was out there ascribed to me that I did not say on the last call – was that when it comes to taking cash – at the time of the exchange appointment – my understanding is yes you could take up to $14,000 BUT they are going to suggest that you take no more than $5,000  - and they would like for us to take that in 50’s and 100”s – the new bills -  to get those out in the economy  the USTN’s

Ok – so that is really what is happening and anything else that you may be seeing or reading I cannot testify to – I will say this – you would get up to – for bond holders – I think this was misconstrued in some writing after Tuesday night call - 

Try to understand this – you get 1% if you are a bond holder – when they decide to pay us and hopefully bond holders are getting paid over night tonight or tomorrow – and then – you get the additional  19% for a total of 20% in about 30 days -  that is what my understanding is -  that’s happening for bond sellers – we are in a little different game but it is similar -  we get 2% and they want to know how much we NEED for the first 90 days for projects – because on day 91 you would get your first interest payment from your structured payout  - so you have to estimate how much you need to get projects started for the first 90 days – come up with a number

Something else I wanted to tell you – Listen – we know that the schedule has been set for today and tomorrow at redemption centers had reps going in early - really early in the morning – and staying late – they needed to – they might have been sent home but they are prepared for 15 hour long days –

Saturday and Sunday we believe will go for 8 hr days – now can we get started Saturday and  power through the weekend – I think so – I hope we  get notified by email and toll free numbers tomorrow before Saturday or Sunday - so we can get this party started

Many who thought we were starting today – were disappointed in that – we had heard Thursday or Friday – I believe I said that on Tuesdays call that Thursday was looking good and that is kind of where everyone in the community was but now I believe everyone in the community now more or less has added Saturday into the mix – since it has not happened today - and won’t happen today – Friday and Saturday are our next possible days to go –

The QF System is up and running ready to go – the satellite is up and running ready to go fully activated - The Chinese Elders are happy with the progress that has been made – and the World’s Court that wanted this to go this month is also satisfied with the progress that’s being made to push this through –

There may be some paperwork issues that is a red tape thing with the paymasters / sending and receiving banks might be an issue and if that is it is more or less bankers being bankers and red tape in the process – hopefully that is all worked out and everything is ready to roll  -

We know certain leaders in the group out west is complete – everything is done – now we are waiting on the paymasters to activate the individual recipients accounts and set this party on fire – get it going –

So that’s about where we are right now – that’s what I’ve got so far up until the call tonight – I want to be able to tell you it’s an absolute but you know as well as I do this is one heck of a moving target- we have to track it – we have to try to get the information we get = most of the banks – all that I know of right now have clammed up – they are all quiet – we’re not getting any information at all  from our bank sources and some of it is coming from other sources but it’s looking like this thing should happen either tomorrow  or Saturday

I believe the reason the bond holders have not been paid today like they thought / we thought – is because they are trying to use the shotgun start – not only for us in tier 4 A & B – but also for the bond holders so that we all go at the same time – and maybe that is why – to wait for them

So we have to go with that – we go with what we know and we see what else we can learn – obviously I try to get more information – all day long - and right now that’s the best I can do for you tonight -  

Thanks for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:23

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-27-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call

Well as we go into some intel we sometimes review some things so we have to start tonight by looking at what has been happening in Iraq – We talked last time which was Thursday about the fact that Iraq had actually approved and passed their budget and put in their gazette a week ago or two weeks ago last Saturday – is when it actually went in -

Now they had to pass another law to implement the budget and you know (laughing) it’s just dragging on – it’s not the fault of Iraq – but the fault of them being coerced into going into a certain timeline – that we’ve put them on –

But now – they have a rate – and I did get values on the Dinar and it’s really good – and it’s now like ok – when did they announce or implement their budget for 2021? Well – it was yesterday (Monday) morning Iraq time – That was when the budget was actually implemented – we got that from several sources – one of which is one of our guys in Fallujah – so that is a very positive thing –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call

Well as we go into some intel we sometimes review some things so we have to start tonight by looking at what has been happening in Iraq – We talked last time which was Thursday about the fact that Iraq had actually approved and passed their budget and put in their gazette a week ago or two weeks ago last Saturday – is when it actually went in -

Now they had to pass another law to implement the budget and you know (laughing) it’s just dragging on – it’s not the fault of Iraq – but the fault of them being coerced into going into a certain timeline – that we’ve put them on –

But now – they have a rate – and I did get values on the Dinar and it’s really good – and it’s now like ok – when did they announce or implement their budget for 2021?  Well – it was yesterday (Monday) morning Iraq time – That was when the budget was actually implemented – we got that from several sources – one of which is one of our guys in  Fallujah – so that is a very positive thing –

Now the other thing we learned is – it’s one thing to implement the budget but when does the rate have to be brought out internationally?  The answer is within 72 hours - of the budget implementation –

I do not know exactly what time it was implemented Iraq time yesterday – but even if we say – a certain time in the morning – yesterday – our time – we usually use East coast time – I do – 72 hours plus that would put us at Thursday morning – and we’ve heard the possibility of early morning – could be 3 am east coast time on Thursday –

Now are we likely to get emails to come out at that time? I don’t think so – am I likely to get a phone call at that time? I think it will be daylight hours –

Could they actually come out with this tomorrow and then have us go in for exchanges starting Thursday? I hope that would be the case – it would be a two day thing – we would get notified one day and then start exchanges at O-dark thirty the next –

I don’t know if that’s going to happen and I do know the schedule for redemption centers has got more hours today and tomorrow (tues/wed) but Thursday 15 hr day starts as early as 7:45 am - why in the world would you go in at 7:45 am to service people at a redemption center unless you are setting appointments at that time or you are possibly taking exchanges 8:30 / 9:00 am – I don’t know – to me it seems awful early to start the day and go for 15 hours-  unless you are expecting something to happen –

The other thing that we have heard is – let’s call it our Treasury and Military would like for this to go and for us to be started with our group tiers 4A and 4B – by the end of the month – which is Friday - so is it something that could drag it to Friday? Yes it is - We could go Thursday – we could go Friday – but I would think if we are to honor that and get this started – in April – which is a goal we should hit – with no problem – then I think that’s what we are looking at –

Remember I had asked specifically about the influence of certain people that would try to keep this from happening and the word I am getting back is there really is no resistance to us starting now - I think they found enough of bad players and have done enough clean up on isle 3 where we should be able to get started – at least that’s what it appears to be –

We know that right now today - overnight tonight - tomorrow major bond holders are becoming liquid – they are getting their notifications by email – from various wealth managers – in several different banks – telling them that they have access to funds or they have the funds in their accounts and should be able to go in and see those and then have access to funds say…… tomorrow – or it could be tomorrow and Thursday -  but the major bond holders have been waiting for a while too -  and that is who I would say is tier 3 – VIPs Whales – super Whales – big bond holders - 

We know some of these people and we know they have had to wait and been pushed back like we have – the question is ---- is everything ready from our perspective to move forward? We know that the StarLink Satellite System is fully functional and is operating 5x5 – fully in communication – and that is positive –

We know the QF System is working like a charm – like a Singer sewing machine - going right at it – and I think that from a physical point of view everything is set  and ready to go –

We know that we had rates come in on both the Dinar and Dong at really strong rates – we don’t / I don’t what they are today – but I know a few days ago that they were looking very good and we should be in great shape

So there is no real concern about rates – the only real concern is are you ready? Are you prepared for your exchanges and your zim redemption?

We know that sim holders will be routed directly to the redemption center personnel - people that can set your appointment at the redemption center where you have chosen by zip code – and we know that people that don’t have zim  but have dinar - dong – rupiah – rial etc other currencies – will go to tier 1 or tier 2 banks – they will not be going to redemption centers – so there is a little bit of crossroads – a little “Y” in the road there where they will separate –

Now if you have zim – and other currencies you will do that exchange at the redemption center - they are fully set up to do that – but if you have NO zim ONLY other currencies you will go to a tier 1 or a tier 2 bank – and that’s cool – locations all over the country –

So – it’s almost like there’s not a whole heck of a lot to say – at this point but “let’s get started” – “Let’s get this” and “Let’s do it” - Are you ready?

What I’m believing is that if they are going to get this done by the last day of the month which is Friday – the 30th and today is then we will get this thing started probably either Thursday or Friday – I think they are going to need the rest of today and tomorrow to pay out the big money on those bond holders –

We could get surprised – we could get notified tomorrow – In my heart of hearts I hope we do – but I don’t have that yet – I do not have that in any way shape or form – confirmed - I am looking for Thursday – and to get started

Other than that – I think that is all I can bring tonight – all that I have that we would be interested in – beyond that – it’s a crap shoot – don’t know what’s going to go on in May exactly on timing – for everything to restore itself – but I’m sure that there is a plan in place – we just have to know that’s true and we’re going to stay with that plan – and believe it will restore – Let’s see what happens this week – we are excited – I am excited -

Thanks everyone for listening -    


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:06:40

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