Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-13-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Thursday May 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – on a Tuesday or Thursday night  - We are happy to be here – and to be able to share everything we can with you –

Let’s go ahead and talk a little about intel – today has been amazingly quiet – very little really has come through that is new – we have a little bit of information but it’s not a whole lot – because I think things are quiet for a reason –

Now, we were told by about 4 at least different sources to look for notifications Tuesday – and if not Tuesday then Wednesday or Thursday – well today is Thursday with no response in that area – and yes we could get pushed over to where nothing happened for us today in terms of notifications or emails drops –

We did hear that a massive release has been expected to come in later tonight but we are not quite sure because the source was a Treasury source close to Mnuchin and we’re not quite sure whether that’s referring to an email dump to those of us that are expecting to be notified by email or whether it’s funds to be – it’s probably a little bit of everything –

It could be funds that are going to the bond holder accounts that have been waiting – and it may actually turn into what we believe is going to be a true shot gun start – not only for the groups based out West as we call Tier 4A- us and the internet group which is Tier 4B – and still a number – a vast number of bond holders and sellers that have finished the processing of the bonds but have yet to be paid their 1% on the bonds –

I believe they have held them off so that we all go together – in some form of shot gun start – that’s the only thing I can think of that would allow them not to be paid ahead of us – so that is a very real possibility

We have heard from one source the idea of things are going to roll out in 72 hours from yesterday – which would put us to Saturday – that’s a possibility –

We also heard from sources in Germany indicating that we’ve got about 24 – 36 hours to go and that could be about right – based on that 72 hour time frame – so you know – what would this massive release that would come out later tonight – what would it look like?? It could be a number of different things – but we will have to wait and see if anything happens for us overnight tonight 

I just cannot give you an absolute on that – I wish I could - I wish I could be more specific – But I bring it to you unadulterated and pretty much as I get it

Now – there is information about the QF System that I think is very important – and maybe this is part of the factor – this could be part of the reason that we are waiting a little longer –

The QF System is being integrated with all of the trading platforms and exchanges globally –it’s also being integrated with all financial concerns – with all financial companies globally -- they have to be integrated and connected to the QF System

Now we know a lot of things have happened – we know that international bank wires / transfers / have sped up marketedly - very very quickly – transfer to Africa for example are taking 3 minutes to go and confirm – it’s terrific – it’s just part of having the QFS and not using the SWIFT System any longer – that is capput – gone –

I believe that everything is pointing to a full integration of the QF System as well as the StarLink Satellite System – that is set to give us 6G to work with our cell phones – everything at a much higher level and much faster – even the internet is transitioning to that – and if we have some down time on line with our internet it’s not suppose to a long contracted - situation – where it goes down for a week – it’s more likely that it’s going to be switched over to that StarLink System and we might be down for seconds to minutes – should not be a long time to integrate that - that is what I have been told – so that’s really – really the - that’s why I wanted to pray about this release because there’s nothing really extraordinary that we’re getting right now from an intel point of view – or information point of view – getting what we’re getting but it’s awfully quiet and we know there might be - you know we talked Tuesday night about the clean-up on aisle 3 – we know that there’s continuing arrests  ongoing and will continue – but have we gone far enough with that so far so that the 3 letter organizations in charge of all that security for us are happy – and content enough that we can go forward – I believe that’s going to be  a close call –

I’m going to say this week is not over yet – it’s Thursday night – something might happen between now and the weekend – we could get started based on this massive release that’s anticipated – expected – later tonight – we’re going to have to – I hate to say wait and see but that’s really where we are – we have to wait and see what comes from that –

Q & A –

1 -- Where do we stand with the 80/20?   The 80/20 – 80% was to go for Humanitarian Projects and 20% to you personally – that is a concept that came out of so called program training or some of the platforms have a requirement for that still we in tier 4B whether you have zim or no zim / currency whatever you have we are NOT subject to the 80/20 rule – it does not apply to us – 100% of what you receive is up to you to decide how you want to use it – there is no 80/20

Many of us have talked about designating a portion of what we’re going to receive from proceeds to our humanitarian projects – I’ve told you guys for years that I’m going to use the zim strictly for humanitarian projects

2 – Is the wealth manager that I am going to meet going to be my wealth manager for a long time?–   That’s a situation where you’re going to cultivate a relationship with a wealth manager or a team of wealth management at the bank – if you do meet someone and this is a question mark – if you do meet someone on  your original appointment – it’s probably to create a follow up appointment where you can sit and get to know each other and see if y ou have the chemistry to work together – could you keep this person for a long long time? That all depends on you develop that relationship  - just like anything else – there is nothing saying you have to stay with that individual - 

3 – How do we pay ourselves since I will be leaving a corporate position to pursue my projects? Most of us who have enough currency where you can effectively leave the job – that you currently have – I think what we will do is  that you know that you have umpteen millions / billions etc whatever of dollars to work with that you could pay yourself from – there’s no minimum – you’re just basically going to operate this like a business which is what they really would prefer and set that u p or as a foundation – and you can look into the rules and regulations on the foundation – and they are quite extensive – on how you operate a foundation – a nonprofit – you can do it that way and pay yourself based on the rules that are normal for a foundation or a nonprofit or you could operate it as a  LLC – which is the way I prefer and then you can expense through the  business and of course compensate yourself  as you need – it’s almost like you’re starting with a certain amount and y ou can set that amount and not even take a salary – just have your own money –just like when you have millions and millions of dollars in an account – anything you need to buy – you can just use -  you can use your own money – it’s a little different than if you have a job and you’re being paid a salary or even if it’s a good salary – it’s a little bit different

3 – Is there any other pertinent information needed in my presentation folder besides the World Class Presentation? Here the strategy here is to demonstrate insight into job creation which is their number 1 focus – knowledge of the context of your project and just to know how to navigate your self around – I suggest people go to Google and google the future of veteran rehabilitation or the future of ……. ? what ever --  also budget and trying to anticipate  the job creation component – like listing some of the jobs –

More info if interested can be found on the call  

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:08:45


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