Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-15-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-15-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 15th and no taxes are not due today – but on May 15th - and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe
Now let’s talk a little bit about what’s been happening since Tuesday and where we are tonight on Thursday the 15th - what I like to do is go back and see what has happened and where we are now as a result of all of that –
We knew that we had an issue last Saturday when bonds that were being paid out – being transacted for pay out - and Saturday morning around 10 am – I think I mentioned Tuesday night - we had some glitches – and this was found to be nefarious activity - trying to siphon off funds using the old SWIFT System – to siphon funds from the QFS which can’t be done – but they caught and took care of that issue - and then for about 4 day s straight of transactions they called them trial transactions as 196 bond transactions were taking place to make sure the system was intact – and make sure that nothing could be siphoned off f those transactions – and they were all successful
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-15-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 15th and no taxes are not due today – but on May 15th - and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe
Now let’s talk a little bit about what’s been happening since Tuesday and where we are tonight on Thursday the 15th - what I like to do is go back and see what has happened and where we are now as a result of all of that –
We knew that we had an issue last Saturday when bonds that were being paid out – being transacted for pay out - and Saturday morning around 10 am – I think I mentioned Tuesday night - we had some glitches – and this was found to be nefarious activity - trying to siphon off funds using the old SWIFT System – to siphon funds from the QFS which can’t be done – but they caught and took care of that issue - and then for about 4 day s straight of transactions they called them trial transactions as 196 bond transactions were taking place to make sure the system was intact – and make sure that nothing could be siphoned off f those transactions – and they were all successful
There were also transactions that were redemptions of currency – also taking place during that approximate 4 day period which ends up I believe starting Saturday – Sunday – Monday and Tuesday – and that’s what caused us to have a 72 hour delay or “hold” on us starting – then that hold released yesterday at 4 PM Pacific time and then certain bond transactions – payouts to bond sellers and so on resumed at 4 and 6PM Pacific time yesterday –
We also know that everyone was positioned for the admirals groups to start – I have NO confirmation if that start has taken place – remember that is part of tier 4 – where we stand now is more based on I think where we left it on Tuesday which was talking about compliance with the World Court decision that gave us until today maybe as late as midnight tonight – to be in compliance with the decision that came down from the world court
Now so far we know things are - I think they are really ready to release – from what I’ve heard from several sources – this thing is ready to go down - However – I’ve not been notified yet for the 800 number and that I think is something that is important – and will happen but I don’t know that it’s going to happen by midnight tonight –
I also don’t know whether the emails coming from the Wells Fargo servers - remember that last count was approximately 1.4 million emails- going out to currency holders - they know who the zim holders are except some that were gifted –
So – this is a great time for us to know that we are very very close – we could be closer that we think – which might bring the weekend into play – or we could defer to a Monday/Tuesday start but as we’ve been told in the past that we were actually anticipating this past week - “This Week”
Now – I am very tired just like you are =- of hearing certain phrases – like “this is the week” – I won’t use it anymore – we have heard that so many times – I do not want to be a broken record – I am trying to bring to you what I have that is vetted to the best of my ability and discern to the best of my spiritual ability - we all have it – some to a greater extent than others –
What I am hearing is we‘re looking for some things to happen that we’ve talked about in the past – and we’re coming up to that tim frame – right now – we may be getting the start of the emergency broadcast system and the 10 days of disclosure – that we’ve talked about – up to 10 days – shortly
Now the other thing is we talked NESARA and GESARA – are going to start about the same time – maybe NESARA a few days ahead of GESARA – it could be as early as this month but we’ve been told NESARA might start officially on the first of May –
There’s a lot to that as you know – and debt forgiveness is one big part as you know – we’re looking at relieving student loan debt - repaying interest on bank loans – of any kind – credit card debt - interest paid on credit cards - car loan interest – boat loan interest – so that is going to be a big “refunding” – to us
I do not know how quickly that will be coming out but my understanding we need an announcement about it - we have known about it for y ears – me at least 10 yrs – and yes it is something I think will not make a whole lot of difference - to us after we get started but that is helping to level the playing field and is giving people that were not a part of this currency speculation – a chance to get some liquidity – and there is much more to it - the new tax system – it’s going to be implemented – I just don’t know how soon - if it will wait for the new tax year - 2022 – or whether it will start sometime this year – I am hearing sometime this year -- we will just have to wait and see what that’s like
We are going through a “consumption” tax – on the purchase of “new” items – not used – not food – not prescriptions – we will not see it listed – it will be included in the price of the item - It might be itemized on receipts – but it is going to be included in the price of certain items - used items – used home - New items and new homes not so
Tax to be somewhere between 12 and 14% as a Flat Consumption Tax – States will collect – use a percentage for the State and a percentage for the Federal Government – that is something we can look forward to - going to be a big improvement with no personal Federal income tax – so we will see how this whole thing shakes out –
We’re also looking for signs for NESARA – what happens with Universal Basic Income – possibly up to a period of 6 months – the first month being this April – so we will see what goes –
I am excited – it could be tonight or tomorrow – its hard to say – I know it’s something we are all looking forward to and I don’t know – I have not heard from my sources that we are pushed into early next week – it might end up being the case – I don’t know that – the sources that we have are talking about the “imminence” of the EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System - and this going very soon I would say – stay tuned and stay close - be prepared for something major to take place – this is going to be an event like no other-
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:16:36
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-13-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-13-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe –
Our Blessing is on its way What I would say to everybody regarding where we are on intel – this is – I know it sounds a little bit like a broken record – laughing ----- I cringe to think what I may sound like out there call after call after call - you know I am an encourager – I am optimistic – trying to be realistic – with the information I get out to you – through the big call – I vet the info as best as I can and we discern what we getting when we try to confirm with other information to see what the pattern is – to see what it looks like and is really going on
I can tell you that there was a major concern with bond holders on Saturday at about 10 or 11 am – we have about 58 different groups to make liquid on their bonds – a total of 58 different groups – and that includes a lot of different packages inside of those groups –we had about 41 complete since last Monday that would have been a week ago this past Monday - These bonds have been paid out with NDA’s obviously attached to the point of 1%
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-13-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe –
Our Blessing is on its way What I would say to everybody regarding where we are on intel – this is – I know it sounds a little bit like a broken record – laughing ----- I cringe to think what I may sound like out there call after call after call - you know I am an encourager – I am optimistic – trying to be realistic – with the information I get out to you – through the big call – I vet the info as best as I can and we discern what we getting when we try to confirm with other information to see what the pattern is – to see what it looks like and is really going on
I can tell you that there was a major concern with bond holders on Saturday at about 10 or 11 am – we have about 58 different groups to make liquid on their bonds – a total of 58 different groups – and that includes a lot of different packages inside of those groups –we had about 41 complete since last Monday that would have been a week ago this past Monday - These bonds have been paid out with NDA’s obviously attached to the point of 1%
What’s interesting is this past Saturday we had a number of packages that were improper in terms of their provenance and who was involved with them and that stopped the bond flow for it looks like at least 12 hours – while they took care of the situation – without getting into it - it was important because they were able to stop transactions that would have been very harmful and would have aided a nefarious improper owner of the bonds – so that stopped and then resumed Saturday night probably around 11 at night and now we only have about 17 more groups to finish – finishing 2-3 groups at a time -
They are being very careful to vet these people to make sure the provenance is good and make sure the legitimate owners of these bonds are to be paid – so they are taking a very careful – precise track on getting that done –
Now from my understanding those could have been completed last night or even sometime yesterday but it’s good because now the emphasis is on notifications for us - we are at the point now where one specific bank out west – has indicated to us that they think there is a high expectation for notifications to come out tomorrow for us – tier 4 and specifically our tier 4B – the internet group – so we could be notified by the day – it looks more like what 2 other bankers have told us which was we should be there by Wednesday – tomorrow – at the very latest was how they put it - at the very latest –
So it looks like they’re probably going to be right in the sense – if we get notified tomorrow and we get notified early enough we could probably set appointments and start tomorrow afternoon - if we don’t get notified early enough – like in the early or mid afternoon - we probably wouldn’t start until Thursday – which would be okay with us if that ends up being the case –
But what’s interesting is we’re ready for this – we’re anticipating it – it looks like we’re going to get something to happen for us all this week and the latest information we have this afternoon was that the bond – and we know some of these bond holders – they’re being told they should have notification tonight that they have funds in their account and should have access on those funds by morning – tomorrow
So if that occurs and they get those bonds completed and paid out over night tonight - we are looking very good for tomorrow -We know the bank screen rates we up as early as last Saturday – maybe Sunday for sure - we believe they’re in – locked in – so the screens are all set and loaded for us – and now we just need to be notified by emails and / or by the toll free number – and then set our appointments
So I am feeling like everything is completed from what we can tell and I believe the bonds are paying out continuously and should - the bond holders are only getting 1% of their total value right now – they will get a higher percentage I believe 19% more for a total of 20% in approximately 30 days - might be a little longer
We’re in a totally different situation – we will get immediate access to 2% of our transaction and if you only have currency and no zim – I think you may get full access to your funds based on the amount that you have – If you’ve got pallets and pallets of dinar chances are you won’t get total access to all of that but you will get it staggered out – so that you don’t bring too much liquidity to the world at one time - that has been their biggest concern with the bond holders in tier 3 and us – it’s not to over heat the economy too fast
So I am feeling very very good even though I had a couple disappointments in the last week or so with expectations but I feel very good about the information that I received today – and really since Last Thursday –
So I think if everybody is expecting something positive – which is what we’re hearing - for tomorrow – I think even if it’s just notifications and can set appointments – that is enough – and we don’t have to go – operational rates on the 15th I don’t think they are a factor - have already come out and I’ve seen many more – I believe our rates are locked in – and we should be in great shape – for the exchange
So I’m really excited – sorry that is all I really need to bring tonight – Thanks everyone for listening
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:08:45
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-8-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-8-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe – it’s a beautiful day - spring has sprung – first round of the Masters – just a magnificent day –
Now – let’s get into where we are in terms of our intel – We’ve been getting some good information today – we kinda had a little …. I wouldn’t even call it a false start – it looked like we could have been notified by the Big Call time just because of some information that we got that I will talk about in a minute –
The main thing was yesterday was Wednesday – and we were under the impression that Iraq was going to put their budget in the printed form of the gazette - their official publication - yesterday morning – Iraq time – they were given instructions by our government to do that to go ahead and do that and so for some reason – and I think the reasons I heard were not reasons – I would call them excuses – why it did not appear yet –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-8-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe – it’s a beautiful day - spring has sprung – first round of the Masters – just a magnificent day –
Now – let’s get into where we are in terms of our intel – We’ve been getting some good information today – we kinda had a little …. I wouldn’t even call it a false start – it looked like we could have been notified by the Big Call time just because of some information that we got that I will talk about in a minute –
The main thing was yesterday was Wednesday – and we were under the impression that Iraq was going to put their budget in the printed form of the gazette - their official publication - yesterday morning – Iraq time – they were given instructions by our government to do that to go ahead and do that and so for some reason – and I think the reasons I heard were not reasons – I would call them excuses – why it did not appear yet –
Now the rate for the dinar has to be out prior to the budget going into the gazette – and maybe there is a little technicality there for some reason but I know – like I mentioned on Tuesday night Kurdistan was getting an increase from 12. ??? % something to 13.5 % of the budget – so they got a little increase - which is great - it’s good for Kurdistan – I’m sure they will appreciate that extra - whatever it comes out to –
And what is really cool is the rate for the dong and dinar were on the bank screens yesterday but they came off at 4 pm in the afternoon and you ask why did they come off during banking hours - I can’t answer that – except that we thought that maybe they came off because they were getting a rate change – last night over night - new rates might have shown this morning – I don’t know – I know that some redemption center staff was in very early this morning – additional staff is going in this afternoon – so they were going to cover any possibility for notification –
What was more significant to us was the idea that the bond payouts – we know were given to the paymasters – they were told this morning at 8#0 am that they would be getting started to pay out the bond sellers accounts – Now what that really meant was that the actual paymasters were being notified that they would be starting to pay out their accounts that had bonds that were sold sometime today – a late piece of information came in that suggested that the start of the bonds being paid out to the bond holders was going to start around 6 pm Eastern tonight –
We also heard that at that same time that the prosperity packages holders they would start to be seeing those packages going out at approximately the same time 6 pm
We drew from that – if that is the case - we the remaining tier 4 – to receive notifications by email and also 800 number notification this evening - I thought a possible window between 6 and 9 pm the start of the call where it would be possible that could happen –
Now – whether or not the bonds have been paid out tonight or overnight – I don’t know – we will have to see if we can get confirmation later or tomorrow on whether or not anyone has actually received the 1% or 2% of the funds they are entitled to for the bond sells –
Here’s the other piece – probably more important and meaningful - the world Court decision that we’ve talked about in the last couple of weeks - evidently as I’ve been told the language in the decision points more toward to having everything started and engaged meaning in terms of exchanges and redemption of zim activity by or before this coming Monday
So what we’re hearing about the possibility of notifications and the start of paying out these various things like bond holders and prosperity packages – it may occur - in other words any day now between now and Monday – I think that gives the possibility of receiving that information and knowing that basically anytime between now and Monday – IF the court decision is to be adhered to – which I believe they want to do that – otherwise I wouldn’t be getting information that I'm getting about what is happening now –
So – the other variable to me is the fact that okay – the budget and hence the rate did not go into print yesterday - what is the next possible day for it to go in the printed gazette? - Saturday – remember we talked about Wednesday & Saturday - Wednesday / Saturday – those are the 2 days of the week they use to publish any official information in their gazette – they have a digital version of that which would be like an online version but the “printed” version is on Wednesdays and Saturday’s –
What I’ve been told is that printed version of the gazette is deferred until this Saturday - does that mean we have to wait until that dinar is seen or that budget is printed in the gazette – I am not so sure – I don’t think so - but that brings tomorrow and Saturday into play – which sometimes we have thought in the past – once we get past Thursday - - don’t think about it until next Tuesday - I know that has been the case – but I am going to suggest there is a slight urgency to get this done - and I thought that today being the “8th of April might be an important day for this to be launched here with the Chinese and Chinese elders –
I do know this – for a while we have a real opposition from the elders and our treasury – DoD – etc in terms of has everything been done?????? That needed to be done ????? Saisfied the Elders??????
The word I got today was they have an agreement to proceed forward that everything is at least at the point where they know the final result they (the elders) are looking for will occur -
And so the word I got today is different from anything that I’ve received before is their agreement to proceed – I believe that’s why we got the information about 6 pm eastern time tonight for the start of paying out bond holders / bond sellers and the start of prosperity packages – and you know what – those prosperity packages – that 6 pm might have been communication to the people that were sending those out – to the recipients –
Ok so in other words “in motion” that is what we want to see – we want to see this whole process moving forward and I believe we are - In fact I am going to say that the fact yesterday a lot of people received their stimulus not the physical checks but the direct deposits yesterday - It was said to be part of NESARA – now I am going to say this – its important and we did not have on Tuesday –
What we have heard is that this 1400 payment that most of us got by now - not everybody yet - but a lot got it – by direct deposit yesterday – this could very well be – and I say “could” because something I was told and will let it prove itself out – that may be considered Universal Basic Income – UBI - we talked about that in the past – that $1400 my understanding may be one of 16 months of payment – in other words this April could be month #1 of 16 months of UBI
The thinking is this would hydrate everybody and until the tax system is changed to offset this payment we are getting and it might stop or go all the way to 16 months – It’s interesting because I think that $1500 in a lot of places – like husband and wife – maybe children as well that have been paid on this go round - and have been paid the same amount – What is interesting about it is – it is a disincentive in my opinion to work - and maybe they know that – I believe they do and maybe it will go for certain period of time and then people say I guess that’s over we better get back to work
Now our job is to try to create meaningful and valuable jobs with our projects and we’re doing that as we create longevity and sustainability in our projects we’re also hiring many people – to do the work
We know that NESARA at some point will be announced in some form or fashion to talk about debt relief – student debt – mortgage reimbursed – at least on the interest that was paid - on credit card interest – any loan – cars – boat – etc – it is going all the way back to 1950 – 1952/1953 all of that has to come out - also the new tax plan to go to a consumption tax for items that are new and purchased – that is coming out - and it should be somewhere between 12 and 14% - I believe – tax almost like the European VAT – value added tax - it’s called a consumption tax but is very similar – It’s going to be put into the price of the item – not going to include food or medication or anything “used” only new items including homes would have this included in the cost of– but federal personal income tax will go away – As part of this transition
So we are looking at some very, very positive financial and economic changes that will come as a result of NESARA in the US and GESARA globally – and I believe we are sort of underway in that now – so we will see when that actually comes to fruition and we see and hear announcements about it
So I think we are in the last stages of the waiting game for this and I appreciate every ones patience - it’s been difficult I know for a lot of people - 17 years for me - and 10 years of doing the big call - I am ready to get started on the next stage of our lives - I know you are too - everybody is ready and rocking to go - I think we should keep our eyes open the next couple of days – I think that is everything I wanted to bring to you tonight -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:13:33
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-6-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-6-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe –
Let’s start with a clarification or a correction that I found out about I believe was over the weekend – might have been as early as last Friday - What’s interesting is we talked about tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 tier 4A and 4B – then we talked about tier 4a and 4B going together – not making a distinction and then tier 5 which is the public at large – not the internet group but the people out there just might have had currency that was given to them – but not staying up with it – not listening necessarily to the Big Call or anyone else – they are just kinda out there –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-6-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe –
Let’s start with a clarification or a correction that I found out about I believe was over the weekend – might have been as early as last Friday - What’s interesting is we talked about tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 tier 4A and 4B – then we talked about tier 4a and 4B going together – not making a distinction and then tier 5 which is the public at large – not the internet group but the people out there just might have had currency that was given to them – but not staying up with it – not listening necessarily to the Big Call or anyone else – they are just kinda out there –
The public is actually now not going to be going at a different time later after we’re done – The public – tier 5 – is being folded in and will go when tier 4 starts – Now here’s the distinction – When we call to set our appointments or use the SafeLink website – from email or toll free number that you call - as long as you tell them in the first point to say that you have zim – or if you can dial a prompt from the phone – that way you will get transitioned over through the StarLink satellite system to the redemption center for the zip code you entered – you will get transitioned to a live person at the redemption center that will set your appointment – and should be very simple from that perspective
Now the people that don’t have zm but have dinar – dong - other currencies – those people will be directed through the system through the 6 different phone – regional phone systems in the country they will be directed to a tier one bank – like Wells Fargo - Chase – Bank of America - Citi Bank – and so on – those are the main ones – or a tier two bank – like Bank first any number of regional banks – but tier one and tier two banks will take currency exchanges –
The zim holders ONLY will go to redemption centers – Now if you have zim and other currencies that is fine – obviously they are very interested in the zim but will also exchange your dinar – dong – rial - rupiah etc at the redemption center –
Ok the distinction there – the public we refer to as tier 5 will be going when we go = at the same time but going to tier 1 and tier 2 banks – whereas we - if a zim holder will go to a redemption center –
Some redemption centers are totally separate and apart from tier one banks some are connected to a bank – it’s going to be different all over the country – it just depends on what it is –
So – I wanted to get that clarification out of the way – the other thing is – we thought we would start today – we really had pretty good information as late as last night that pointed to us going today (Tuesday) with notifications after 11 am and getting set for appointments and exchanges –
Now – we have new information since later this afternoon – but not too late – that a tier one bank – probably a No# 2 bank and this information said we would – because – remember this is Iraq - which did pass their budget – they did make a change in their budget – where Kurdistan would get instead of 12. Something percent to get 13.25 % of the budget- - this was something that needed voting on – and passed and it was and President trump spoke with the Prime Minister of Iraq to say “Go ahead and put that into effect tomorrow morning Iraq time” so in other words - ok - you guys put it into the gazette – their official publication – on Wednesday - remember they publish Wednesday and Saturdays – and the typical thing has been when they did not get it in there on Saturday we would get it the following Wednesday – well that’s where we are
Tomorrow is Wednesday and we believe that will be the day that Iraq will publish their budget in the gazette that has been approved and passed and that would allow them to start with what it is we’re looking for which is our notifications
In other words this news that was perpetrated by President Trump and Pompeo – put that deal together to where it could start tomorrow with notifications – I would say without know the time – we should have notifications before lunch on the East Coast – and we are supposed to go tomorrow – not just get notified and set appointments but get notified – set appointments – and GO TO appointments starting tomorrow (Wednesday) – that is the latest information that I have –
We mentioned briefly the StarLink Satellite System – that is in use now – it is used so that we can set appointments using toll free number – if that is how we choose to do it and our calls would be “safe” = will not be hacked – they will be properly channeled through that system and everything is working –
I think the testing that was done over the weekend – started Friday I believe or Thursday - going through the weekend and we believe was complete and successful - the QFS is complete and successful and the SWIFT System is NO LONGER USED - and if certain Cabalish pranks try to use the SWIFT System the QFS will pick that up and will shut those banks down – so that is what has really happened with that – so we’re in pretty good shape from that perspective –
Otherwise there is not a whole lot else to say – rates have not shown up that we can see yet but I believe they probably will come in overnight tonight or in the morning with brand new rates – and that should be what gets us kicked off – but really it’s Iraq – their thing putting their budget in the gazette and printing will kick this off for us –and let’s just pray that in and believe – using our faith – and tomorrow being our “Go Day” –
We know the green light was given at 4 am this morning for paymasters - they have been paying out bondholders - and other accounts I believe the actual access to funds is the big key – whether the account is hydrated or paid out what really matters is are those funds accessible to the account holders?? Are they accessible?? Can they get at the 1%?
The answer is we believe tomorrow they will be able to get access - We should get access to our funds tomorrow - and remember we are supposed to get access to 2% of our total and we also heard we would get access to all not just the currency exchange – and obviously the zim far outweighs the currencies that most of us have and it is something as you know will go for longer term as far as 300 years –
So that is everything I can think of pertinent that we haven’t already been over and over and over on -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 53:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-1-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-1-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are -
So let’s get into some intel – Here we are the 1st of April and you know we talked about - let me deal with Jack’s question – in just a second – in the first place – remember we talked about the World Court Lawsuit - the second one that was submitted – we knew some of the people that were involved in that - the verdict came down – or the decision of the World Court came down and it was favorable for us – to get this party started - we talked a lot about it on Tuesdays call –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-1-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are -
So let’s get into some intel – Here we are the 1st of April and you know we talked about - let me deal with Jack’s question – in just a second – in the first place – remember we talked about the World Court Lawsuit - the second one that was submitted – we knew some of the people that were involved in that - the verdict came down – or the decision of the World Court came down and it was favorable for us – to get this party started - we talked a lot about it on Tuesdays call –
Now here’s the thing – the World Court is set up with new members – it was set up with people influenced by George Soros – Rothchilds - Bilderburg’s - etc etc – in certain countries – now the countries that make up the World Court include US - China – India – Israel – and Russia – so it’s a different mix – a different blend – and a blend of people that are more suitable to what you and I are looking at for worldwide equality and humanitarian projects –
So the verdict came down to get this thing started – notifications by yesterday and the start of exchanges today – and we said – if they adhere to the decision of the World Court we would be off and running on the first of April –
Now I told you at the beginning of the call I was not going to do any April Fools jokes – and nothing I say will be anything but serious – at this point – when I get to intel I do not joke around much – and what’s interesting is – we thought well gosh why aren’t we there – why didn’t we get notified yesterday? I was really expecting it - What happened?????
Well we found out what happened – and it’s really for our betterment – and it’s this – President Trump worked directly with the World Court to modify this timeline but only slightly - because we have – being today is Thursday - tomorrow Friday - and Saturday – they did not want to have us go for 2 days and all of a sudden stop Sunday and Monday which is a bank holiday – and have all the problems that would create by having stopped and then restart again – on Tuesday –
So the decision was made ok – we know you’re going to do this – let’s move it – and I will tell you what that looks like now - what they’re doing now is testing the 800 numbers from 8 am this morning all through this weekend - meaning – Thursday – today – Friday – Saturday – and yes Easter Sunday –
Now why would they need to be testing800 numbers – the reason is because now they have fully integrated the StarLink Satellite system to the call centers for dialing numbers that we call in on and it totally protects and encrypts and keeps our numbers from being hacked –
So we have a secure link if you will to use that term secure link – with the StarLink System to call and set our appointments – remembering that when we do it – if you are a zim holder it’s a 2 step phone call – it is automated – through the computer system when you dial it in and if you are a zim holder which the system will know - if you indicate that - by dialing a certain number – and if that happens you do get transferred from that digital system if you will to a live breathing person at the redemption center that is appropriate for you as a zim holder – ok for the redemption of your zim –
Now –that testing is going to go today – all day stating at 8 am – Friday - Saturday – and Sunday – so that we can be ready to get notified with our emails and our 800 toll free numbers on Monday – which is a bank holiday - but guess what?? The redemption centers are open – the staff will be there - and will be there early - like O-dark-thirty –early –
Now why are they going in so early on Monday morning? To set appointments on their end ok – Now – that is why we didn’t start today - and that is why we are set to start next Tuesday but we’re setting our appointments for – from what I understand – on Monday - in other words if they get the notifications by email get the 800 numbers - call set your appointments or use the StarLink website to respond to if you prefer – to set appointments to stat Tuesday – Now what happens?
Now we go from Tuesday which is the 6th of April all the way through and including the 17th of April – 6th – 17th is actually 12 days - I know if you subtract 6 from 17 you get 11 but you have to include the day starting –
That takes you through Saturday the 17th of April – that is when we believe most redemption centers will be DONE - they will be DONE – some maybe before then – but that puts tier 5 – the public – possibly starting on the 19th which would be the next Monday – of April – and not going just 60 days – for regular currencies -
NO ZIM – NO ZIM – may as well put on the wall and throw darts at it – it is DONE – in terms of redemption – so that is why it is important if any one you have gifted you make sure they have the toll free number to call to get redeemed between the 6th and the 17th
So the 19th through the next not 60 days – but 6 months – that will be a time for the public to exchange currencies like dinar – dong – rupiah – rial – and other currencies – that is tentatively what is set up now
It is a change in what we had – schedules change – but I really feel good about the fact that President Trump got involved – in getting this to happen and to happen where it could be continuous – consecutive days – and we’ll power right through that first Sunday - we’ll go right through it – it will happen – whereas obviously – he wanted this and others may have wanted this to start right after Easter Sunday –
So we’ve got the StarLink Satellite System which is also connected for 6G – we are leapfrogging right over 5G – essentially – at least some companies will use the StarLink System and go right to 6G which is going to be super fast and efficient and safer – and right now there are 23 orbiting satellites and 80% of the world is already on the StarLink System – 80% that was yesterday’s number – At some point we will transition here – it may be a slow go but we will see –
Now let’s talk about Jack a minute – Jack had a question I believe about whether somebody could go in with him to do his exchange – Now – if you have any kind of disability like Jack might have some limitation – even though he’s getting better and can walk now – he could not 4 yrs ago – he may need a little help – and if he’s got somebody that is going to assist him – especially a family member – like a son – daughter – to go in with him that is probably preferable –
Some of us are going to use our personal attorney – to go in with us to do the exchange – and that is okay because they are a legal representative – and you do have attorney client privileges and so it is perfectly okay – if you choose to go in with that individual – an attorney –
Now some people talked about going in with their financial adviser they already have – not one they would get anew – but already existing – I believe you could do that if you feel it is necessary – but you have to let them know at the time you set up your appointment – so if you are a zim holder for example – and you get the phone call indicated and transferred to a live person at the redemption center you can let them know the specifics and they can probably do that –
The other question was can my associate that is with me can they do their appointment back to back with mine - that is what I think a lot of people would like to know - can I book 2 appointments – one for me and one for my associate or my helper – or my attorney – or whatever – right behind mine –
I cannot speak on how easy that would be to do on the StarLink System Website – but I would think that if you use the 800 number to call and get a live person at the redemption center you could set it up that way – I am hoping that is the case – that they would be able to take your information – get it all set - and oh yes I would like to get the person that is assisting me provided they have currency – especially if they have zim - I would like to book that person right behind my appointment - can we do that – that is how I would do that – through the live person –
Remember – this is brand new to us – information comes – it gets modified - changed – updated – I get things and think everything is set and then get a change - and then boom – you know – I bring it to you – I give to you what I get – that’s the whole point of it - the point of the Big Call – to inform you as I get it –
I know there is more I would like to say – Some people were asking about Canada – and we love Canada – the rates that we get in the US will probably be different from those in Canada - if you are a Canadian citizen you will exchange in Canada – you can’t come to the US to exchange –
There is another point – glad I thought of this – Iraq did pass their budget – like it’s only been done forever – quote unquote – passed their 2021 budget yesterday - I’m not sure but believe it was put in the gazette yesterday -
Now the rates for the dinar – and the rate could be seen if you read the budget and see and do the math in the budget you could get an approximate rate on the dinar – the current in country rate on the dinar is higher than we thought it was – and it’s contingency is to go up – now it won’t stay there forever - ok but it is higher than the original amount we thought –
Now I’m not talking about what Dr Shabibi told us it could support and that was here in the US - that number he mentioned in the 2012 International Chamber of Commerce Conference meeting – That was for us here that he was referring to – the number that’s on the screens in Iraq now is higher than they thought for an in country rate – and they are excited and actually quite anxious to implement the 2021 budget on Saturday – this coming Saturday –
And what we received from a top treasury source today – was if they did that – If Iraq implemented the 2021 budget – this Saturday – which we understand they are kinda anxious to do – because they want to take advantage of 2 things – one – the higher rate and the fact the rate will probably continue to climb when they do that – and secondly – there’s well over 120 – 130 billion dollars on the sidelines right now for Iraq to begin rebuilding project of infrastructure – housing - etc etc – they have a whole new pack of information and financial things that they are going to start in addition to the budget being implemented – and that would be on Saturday
The top treasury source said – IF – If Iraq implements their budget on Saturday – which we fully hope and expect them to do – then – we in the internet group and tier 4A – will be notified Monday afternoon to set appointments for Tuesday which is the 6th of April - that was pretty cool we got that from a top Treasury source
I’m excited because I think we finally – even though we thought we would start today – we finally can see a lot of light at the end of the tunnel and I’m excited for all of us – it’s coming at a time of year when the St Germain Trust opens up and that’s going to go for humanitarian needs and probably also for debt forgiveness - we got NESARA and GESARA – gearing up this month - we could get something announced actually on April 4th Easter Sunday – we should be seeing a lot of cool stuff happening right alongside our blessing
I am pretty excited about where this stands and where we’re going and the information is just lining up beautifully – so let’s all have a wonderful resurrection Sunday – tomorrow is Good Friday – let’s celebrate this weekend - be thankful – be appreciative – use gratitude – show gratitude – show love to others and enjoy this Sunday -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:15:50
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-30-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-30-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody on this beautiful spring evening and let’s believe for just one wonderful holy week as we approach resurrection Sunday –
Alright let’s get into the intel – where are we?? We’re in a very good place I believe – Let’s start with what’s going on in terms of redemption center staffing - Staff have had schedules and schedules have changed – and have been updated - we believe the latest puts the redemption center staff in at 9 am tomorrow and out at 7:45 pm - that’s Wednesday –Thursday – Friday - Saturday and then realize we have a bank holiday on Easter Monday - Easter is on Sunday the 4th and Easter Monday is the 5th so the schedule for the next week is Tuesday through Saturday – 8am – 8 pm - 12 hour days –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-30-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody on this beautiful spring evening and let’s believe for just one wonderful holy week as we approach resurrection Sunday –
Alright let’s get into the intel – where are we?? We’re in a very good place I believe – Let’s start with what’s going on in terms of redemption center staffing - Staff have had schedules and schedules have changed – and have been updated - we believe the latest puts the redemption center staff in at 9 am tomorrow and out at 7:45 pm - that’s Wednesday –Thursday – Friday - Saturday and then realize we have a bank holiday on Easter Monday - Easter is on Sunday the 4th and Easter Monday is the 5th so the schedule for the next week is Tuesday through Saturday – 8am – 8 pm - 12 hour days –
Now that should complete for most redemption centers the redemption of zim and for the most part the currencies that tier 4B the internet group has - - we will see some redemption centers close and modify the buildings that they’re in on that Sunday – Masters Sunday – Final Round Sunday – on the 11th
Now that may allow for tier 5 – the public to start on the 12th - and take it through – and actually we heard today that normal currency exchanges can go for 60 days – so that would not so much be redemption centers because they will shut down – but the banks – tier 1 and tier 2 banks primarily will be doing this normal dinar and dong – rupiah – and other currency exchanges for up to 6 months –
Now what’s significant is that the zim will no longer be exchangeable before the tier 5 / public – ain’t going to happen – if they don’t come in and take advantage of the toll free numbers or emailing’s that are coming out - the 1.4 million emails being generated through Wells Fargo servers - then they will be out of luck
So if you know people that you have gifted – it is your responsibility to see that they have the toll free number to call to redeem their zim – in a redemption center – that’s it – that’s on you – if you have gifted zim like monopoly money from an airplane – you better remember who you gifted to and you better get on – otherwise they could hold this currency – these zim bonds – and miss the boat - they could miss the boat – and they will miss the boat unless they do their redemption during our timing for tier 4A and 4B –
So now you roughly know what’s going on with that - realize this – schedules change and these could change - but that is the latest information regarding that - So – they are ready to go - we’re ready to go –
What is it dependent on? Remember the lawsuit that was filed - the second lawsuit that was filed – in the world court and received a decision back on the 19th actually of March - and the decision was - to have tier 4B - to make sure that they/we the internet group would go at the same time when the bonds were going to pay out - the decision called for notifications to go out no later than the 31st of March – guess what?? That’s tomorrow!!
According to people who are involved in this lawsuit – we are still on track – now the lawsuit decision – also called for the start of the changes that would include zim redemption for tier 4B to start no later than the first day of April - which is Thursday –
Now if everything holds up – according to that World Court adjudicated settlement if you will – or that decision– then we are looking strong – we are golden –
So that is the rough – now I do not have the times – all I know is roughly what the deal is – and we know that people that we’ve talked to that are involved in bonds – and these are large quantities – were flown into Zurich – a few days ago – thinking they would be done and back the next day – and they have been held over due to what was basically a delay tactic to keep them – and they have been compensated handsomely for the delay – but they have been held over and not paid out on the bonds until the time frame comes into play for notifications for tier 4A and 4B to go out tomorrow -
So everything is syncing up – S Y N C ING up so that we can all go together as the shot gun start for us – so that is encouraging to me – even though this is going down to the wire - ok I know that - going down to the wire - but if everything is still on track - we are all good - it’s all good –
Now what else is going on?? Remember we talked a while back about the StarLink Satellite System – uses now will incorporate 23 satellites - and are in use - with 6G – right – we leaped frogged over 5G
Africa is using this – South Korea is o this –Israel is on and I feel there are other spots where it is in use – so this is going to be used to replace our internet system – as I mentioned a few weeks ago – and the start date for that for the use we believe is set to go for additional countries – maybe us – should start 3 days after Easter Sunday – which would be the Wednesday after – which would be the 7th of April - so we may be on a much faster more reliable – unhackable – internet system – starting quite possibly the 7th of April – using the StarLink Technology –
Now we understand that NESARA / GESARA to roll out together – the first of April is the theoretical start date for that – and we should get some type of announcement or activation of NESARA – which is the National program – I’m hearing here in the United States – GESARA is global and that should occur shortly after the first of April -- so this week is going to be a really strategic week – plus being a Holy Week for us as believers- it should be a really terrific week for us –
Now in addition there is not a whole lot else that I can think of that is relevant to us right now – but we do know that we’ve got people that have received their stimulus checks or their direct deposits primarily by direct deposit – the direct deposits on stimulus are coming out of Chicago and the physical checks for stimulus are coming out of Atlanta –
Last Saturday at 8 am they were restarted – if you will - the work on those are being reprocessed – my understanding is the IRS and the treasury are printing the physical checks that will be going out in some in theory went out Sunday night – in Atlanta – they went into the mail system Sunday night –
Now I don’t know if any new payouts have gone out you know - through Chicago or not – but I know they should happen this week – we should get the remaining checks and deposits made this week – and I know – what surprised me was – it’s not set up evidently for an adult only say – husband and wife - to get $1400 each but if they have children – the children – even young kids - 1-2-3 yrs old are getting a check as well for $1400 each - so a family of 5 got $7000 a family of 4 got $5600 - it’s really interesting – because I would not have thought that would have been the plan - so I don’t know what that says – whether that is something related to NESARA or not – or just happens to e the stimulus amounts
Now – is that again cover for those that are not involved in the currency exchanges - I think it is – it is a way to hydrate the country in a bigger way – while we go in and hydrate ourselves and the rest of the world with the exchanges – that we’re doing – and the zim redemption we’re doing for humanity –
So – this is an amazing tine for us – moving forward and if everything goes according to plan - and we stay on track the time line I gave you should hold up for us – and I’m excited
I think – really – when it comes right down to it – the only last thing – one little thing – we understood from a former treasury source that the UN operational rates which we use to be able to pull up and see – for free – are now paid sites – but the UN Operational rate – usually indicate the rates will change on the first and fifteenth – of the month – and they usually surface as rates that are pending 2-3 days prior to the 1st or 15th of every given month – so the thinking is we have the new un operational rates maybe not visible to us but are there – and will be affective on Thursday – probably after midnight tomorrow night - which would be 12:01 am Thursday April 1 –
So that is what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight – I think we’re in a really good place right now so let’s continue to pray this blessing in and look forward to a wonderful resurrection day on Sunday and a wonderful time doing the projects we have all talked about doing
With that being said I am looking forward to not having another call however let’s be honest – we’ve been through this and we’ve seen some things happen that have delayed us – hopefully there are no more delays -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins: 1:16:00
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-23-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-23-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 23rd and you’re listening to the Big call – I’m welcoming everyone in to listen to us tonight – we appreciate you – your faithfulness from all over the globe wherever you are tuned in from whether live or Memorex thank you for listening –
Alright , let’s do some serious intel here – I want to get this out first – because it’s important for our redemptions – I just learned this this afternoon and I think it’s really important for us all so I will get into this before I get into the timeline –
You know forever that we’ve been talking about both emails and toll free numbers - right? Well the emails are coming out from a secure website a secure link website – and the theory is and this is how it should happen - that you can respond back and set up your appointment through a return email that you get that you are able to create through the SecureLink website – ok – so you can respond back or go to the SecureLink website which ever it is – and essentially create the time based on the perimeters that they give you for available times etc etc - ok – some of this stuff is new and I don’t really know exactly how it’s going to work but it will be something that we can do
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-23-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 23rd and you’re listening to the Big call – I’m welcoming everyone in to listen to us tonight – we appreciate you – your faithfulness from all over the globe wherever you are tuned in from whether live or Memorex thank you for listening –
Alright , let’s do some serious intel here – I want to get this out first – because it’s important for our redemptions – I just learned this this afternoon and I think it’s really important for us all so I will get into this before I get into the timeline –
You know forever that we’ve been talking about both emails and toll free numbers - right? Well the emails are coming out from a secure website a secure link website – and the theory is and this is how it should happen - that you can respond back and set up your appointment through a return email that you get that you are able to create through the SecureLink website – ok – so you can respond back or go to the SecureLink website which ever it is – and essentially create the time based on the perimeters that they give you for available times etc etc - ok – some of this stuff is new and I don’t really know exactly how it’s going to work but it will be something that we can do
In addition they will have 800 numbers that could be part of your email – as I understood it but should come to me – I should get the email or rather I should get the 800 numbers and be able to put those out on the website – too have them available for our listeners –
I did learn this today – the redemption center staff that does the redemption and exchanges for currency – they are off tomorrow (Wednesday) – however – this is the change in information – it use to be that when we called we went through 6 different regional call centers based on where we lived and spoke if you were a zim holder for example you would get connected through to the redemption center where you are going to be exchanging or redeeming your zim and speaking with the person who is at that redemption center so you actually have a connection to someone that you are going to meet – at the time of your appointment
Now I understand because of the Quantum Financial System and the Quantum computer that all of this will be handled by the computer – in other words even the phone calls that we make will be on an automated system without human interaction –
Now that’s a little different than what we thought for so long and I found this out today through one of the redemption center personnel we hear from occasionally - and this is a new thing – so think of it in terms of automation – using the toll free number – or using the SecureLink website in response to the email that will be going out – and like we’ve said they are looking somewhere in the 1.4 million or more emails that Wells Fargo has loaded on their server
So – that’s a little different and maybe they offer you certain times for your exchange and you can opt for those availabilities – and maybe you could put the ideal time that you wish and we’ll see whether or not that comes through –
What is very interesting is the redemption center staff are going in very early in the morning on Thursday morning at 7:15 – is that early enough for you? To be ready to go to do business at their desks at 7:30 am
So that tells me that we should get – and remember this is the optimum word – “should” should be receiving our notifications tomorrow and setting our appointments for Thursday – and beyond – obviously Thursday – Friday – Saturday - and so on – ok –
I believe that the internet group as we have called it in the past - tier 4B now tier 4 is looked to at the banks as all one group - but we tend to keep our internet group somewhat separate but the exchanges that we do will probably go 4 1- 12 days and maybe a little longer - so we could very well go through the end of the month and into April and maybe go right up to the Saturday before Easter – which is April 3 – maybe beyond April 3rd - we do not know what the end time of that will be –
but the good news is that we believe based on 4 separate verifications of timing – from 3 separate banking institutions and another former – well let’s just call it 4 separate banking institutions that the window that has been put out there for us we are right in the middle of right now – and that was we could get notified and begin exchanges anytime between 10 am Tuesday – today – this morning – and 10 am this Thursday - so there’s a 48 hour window that we are in – and we could get notified with these emails at any time –
The numbers could come to me at any time – so I am anticipating receiving that sometime tomorrow – that’s my personal belief – and that opens up Thursday because we know that the redemption center staff is going to be available early Thursday and I think they could easily take us Thursday - so that is what I am holding as a time frame that we would all enjoy and look forward to
Without going into it - the fact is there is agreement – an agreement in this that we haven’t had quite at this level in this acute time period as we have right now
Beyond that the information that we’re hearing could take place regarding a 10 days of disclosure – meaning 10 days prior to resurrection Sunday which is the 4th of April - it that’s a real thing we could have that start either tomorrow or Thursday and have the 10 days of disclosure which could be an undercover for us - could very well be a cover –
We talked to some people today that believe the stimulus checks for the most part some have already gone out - I don’t think they have all gone out and will be ramping those up tomorrow or Thursday - so that again provides some cover and it begins to hydrate most of the country as we go in for our exchanges and redemption –
The other thing is those that have zim will be prioritized at the time of exchanges – that is a priority – they want to get the zim holders in as soon as they can - so if you don’t have zim and you are a currency holder don’t despair you will get in but the priority is being given to zim holders first –
I don’t think there is a whole lot else we can do besides get ready for this I believe we are very very close to this – and we’ve been close before and we have not gone obviously – yet – we are hearing stories of people receiving liquidity though – already – so I believe it’s just about our turn as tier 4 –so that whole tier 4A and 4B is combined as tier 4 and should go together and the bond holders that have been waiting or the bond sellers – are waiting for access to funds should have access either right alongside with us as we set our appointments or possibly as we go in for our exchanges – either way we all should start approximately the same time with liquidity and that would give us our shotgun start
We also know one other differential – the people that have bonds the people that have gone ahead tiers 1 2 and 3 – have gone ahead of us have received 1% of their total as access to funds – we will receive 2% of our total if we wish and take 2% initially on day one – and then be able to get access to more funds as the system hydrates – and as we need it from our – our internet from the structured payout – if you are a zim holder that’s where you will keep your funds in the QFS
So we had word that the QFS was fully activated Sunday – we heard that rates were going to be updated Sunday before 9 pm Eastern which is the time the markets open at 9 am in the morning in China the next day so we believe that that rates have all pretty much come into play – and we know for example in Iraq – this has been several days ago now – that the dinar was at $1.00 in comparison to the USN dollar – our new dollar – so it was on par – same value – as our USN – in country –
You remember when Dr Shabibi said the dinar could support – and that is still where we roughly where we believe we are going to be – on the dinar here – for a while – and then when we are done with our exchanges at the redemption centers and tier 1 banks that’s when the rates will revert back to a so called normal trading rate – same thing will be true for the dong – and other currencies at some point we will be on par against a level playing field with many many countries – eventually probably all countries – eventually – but I know initially we could have the euro until the euro breaks out and each of the countries have their own currency again – Canadian dollar – all that could come right on par with the USN -
Our new currency – there have been some pictures on line about what our new UST currency is looking like – it will be rainbow colored and have various shades to it – will look different – very cool – and we understand that the 50’s and 100’s are at the redemption centers – ready for us to take up to $5000 – and recommend that or below - but they do want u s to get those out in circulation –
So I would say everybody – this is obviously the closest we’ve ever been – and one of the institutions comment to us was – well they didn’t pick the day but they said this is the week – we are going to take that with a grain of salt - taking that from the people that told us – it sounds good – and I believe this is going to be our week – no sense in stopping now – we are like about 50 meters maybe from the finish line - we sprint to the finish – and I think this will be for us -
There will be no transcribing from Thursday Night's call 3-25-21
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:10:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-18-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-18-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 18th and you’re listening to the Big call - thanks for tuning in all over the globe – thanks everybody for coming back in
Alright everybody – let’s start with the intel for tonight – let’s start with Iraq – When we always talk about Iraq – Iraq has been called the linchpin for this exchange – the GCR and everything that we’re going to do – and we talked with our contacts in Fallujah, Iraq today and found that yes Iraq did complete everything that they need to do regarding the HCL – the budget approval – all of that has sort of been pushed – as you know from last Tuesdays call - I mentioned that most of all of this stuff has already been done for quite some time but it makes it seem as though there is still more to do –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-18-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 18th and you’re listening to the Big call - thanks for tuning in all over the globe – thanks everybody for coming back in
Alright everybody – let’s start with the intel for tonight – let’s start with Iraq – When we always talk about Iraq – Iraq has been called the linchpin for this exchange – the GCR and everything that we’re going to do – and we talked with our contacts in Fallujah, Iraq today and found that yes Iraq did complete everything that they need to do regarding the HCL – the budget approval – all of that has sort of been pushed – as you know from last Tuesdays call - I mentioned that most of all of this stuff has already been done for quite some time but it makes it seem as though there is still more to do –
Well I think finally we’re hearing that everything is complete – there’s nothing left to vote on – there were two sessions in Parliament today – and these things were accomplished to where now we will hear whether the rate was put out or not – we will hear either tomorrow or Saturday - Whether they have done what they said they have done – which is approve the rate and put it out – so – we’ll be looking for that – that will be a really good trigger – it’s a good sign and we do want that to have happened – so let’s see if that lines up
I kept telling you on Tuesday night this thing tends to go from Saturday to Wednesday to Saturday – to Wednesday and so on - and now we’re back from yesterday – Wednesday – to Saturday – the day after tomorrow – so – these are gazette publication days – and with everything we’ve heard today out of Iraq – it could be known to us either tomorrow or Saturday – that the rate is finally out –
So moving beyond Iraq – let’s take a look and what’s happening from the bond pay out point of view – we know that some tier 3’s – which are primarily large bond holders – asset holders - boxes of bonds and so on are paid out primarily though – most of this has paid out in Hong Kong – Zurich – Malaysia – some out of Miami – but the funds that are coming from Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 did pay out all the way – I think they completed yesterday morning - I think I’m right - it was either Tuesday or yesterday morning – that we did get completion of Dubai 2 –
Now the question now is did those funds go to our Treasury yet? Or is there anything that might have held that up from those funds being put there? They have evidently been distributed elsewhere in the world and that’s why those bonds are paying out in Zurich – Hong Kong – Malaysia etc – ok a few other places – is possibly out of London as well – So – we don’t think there is a hiccup there – but there could be and hopefully everything is moving along for us nicely –
In talking with two banks yesterday – it was determined that one bank was saying that we should be able to get started between tonight and Sunday and the other bank is very similar to that – it’s actually between NOW / tonight and the weekend – well – when you say the weekend – we usually refer to that as being Saturday and Sunday – and I doubt that it would start on Sunday - which is Palm Sunday – I just doubt that’s when the start would be - so if you say it’s going to start by or on the weekend – it kinds shifts us to Saturday
Now it’s possible – this is a possibility not an absolute - and everyone should know that – it could start Saturday –for us – we could get notified tomorrow and set appointments for Saturday – we don’t have that - but Friday and Saturday are in play – is what I am going to say – not absolute – but here’s the thing – if we were to get started Saturday – and they want us to complete by the 30th or 31st of March – if we went all the way to the 31st that would take – including a start on Saturday – that would be 12 days –
If for some reason it wasn’t a start on a weekend and we had notification Monday and started Tuesday – we still end up with 10 days – so either way I would think they would reach their goal of having this complete for tier 4 and I’m including A & B in that by the end of the month
Now – what about the redemption centers? What are they doing? They are getting new schedules tomorrow which will be the schedule from Saturday to the end of the month – so what does that say?? Does that say that Saturday could be the start day? It is not definitive - we don’t know that – but it looks good – for that possibility – and that is all it is –
You know – this is one of those things – and you know it by now – we’ve called it a moving target – you know the intel that was good yesterday may or may not be effective today – it does change – things do come into play – there are some things that might need to be done – before this is actually triggered but I know some of these things can probably cannot take place until April – and we’ll see what happens the first week of April – as far as the election results and so on coming forward –
So – I think that everything is lined up to where everybody is happy – by that I mean that all that are involved in creating this and putting this out – if everybody is satisfied – and this would include the Chinese Elders – if they’re happy – and they see the progress that they’re wanting to see – then maybe we are looking good for the rest of the week-
Now there is one other thing – there is continual clean up – ongoing – many of you may know about the deep underground military bases – many of you know about the tunnels underneath – and the child trafficking and so on – that clean-up is on going but it’s basically from what I understand the rescues – of the children and so forth is DONE! Complete – around the world I believe it is by now – obviously certain things cannot move until certain things are announced –
Are we going to get the Emergency Alert System? Are we going to get this information and when? It’s a question- Are we going to get the USN announced – the new gold backed dollar announced? Gold standard returned? Are we going to get that?? And when ???? Obviously we have 100’s at the redemption center ready for us and they want us to take up to $5000 but ot more unless really have to - take those 50’s and 100’s ang et them out in circulation The rest of the money will be on debit and credit cards –
A person was asking if they had an incredible amount of zim or dong or other currency what would the situation be – I think the situation we heard in the past – if you have a whale of a lot of zim you might not get but just a screen rate front screen rate of the dong zim or so on - that is not necessarily the case – I will say this – if you have quite a bit of zim by any measure the other currency – even if you have pallets of it really will pale in comparison to the total amount that the zim is worth -
So try not to be preoccupied with trying to get the very last dime out of everything that you have – Be more concerned about doing a good job creating projects – longevity - sustainability - job creation - - these are the things that will earn you the highest possible rate on any currency – and the fact that you are not seen as someone who is trying to gain the system – if you do that and they sense that they will turn the other direction
You know that the interest on the structured payout is going to be high and you know that you’re going to have money coming in every 90 days as it pays that interest out – and you won’t be able to spend it all or invest it – especially if you have a lot - a lot of zim – and some of you do – and it is almost becomes a burden at that point because you say – “what am I going to do with all this money” –
It is not a problem that any of us have had – we’ve always tried to earn and had business that made money – and now it’s not about making or earning but spending and giving it away –
I personally like the idea of having a God Account – for humanitarian projects that I can pull from for 200-300 years whether I am around or not – the people that run the projects will have access to that –
Just give that some thought – you probably won’t have time to do tons and tons of setting up accounts and so on during your first appointment but that is ok – you can set up and couple and have an agreement for your structured payout and you get the information on 2-3 pages of bank perks to take home and study over and if you do need a follow up appointment – they don’t really want you to do a follow up in the first week or so of this but if you have to they can probably get with you
You know that Abbott Downing has dropped their name and have folded into the upper wealth management of Wells Fargo because the QF System was not designed to have 2 different names for the same basic wealth management people working with Wells Fargo – so that is why 2 weeks ago Abbott Downing dropped out as a name - There’s a lot to look forward to -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:05:20
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-16-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-16-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello everybody and welcome to the Big Call – it is Tuesday March 16th and you are listening to the Big Call - We are delighted to have you with us – we are looking forward to having a good time together tonight
Well, Let’s see if we can get a little bit of this to make sense to everybody – ok – I think we’ve got some intel – I know we said Thursday night that things were getting quiet – I understand from people that also report on line that things are relatively quiet – and I think we have a pretty good idea that is there for a reason - that things have slowed down and seem quiet because we are just about there – at least that is what we hope
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-16-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Hello everybody and welcome to the Big Call – it is Tuesday March 16th and you are listening to the Big Call - We are delighted to have you with us – we are looking forward to having a good time together tonight
Well, Let’s see if we can get a little bit of this to make sense to everybody – ok – I think we’ve got some intel – I know we said Thursday night that things were getting quiet – I understand from people that also report on line that things are relatively quiet – and I think we have a pretty good idea that is there for a reason - that things have slowed down and seem quiet because we are just about there – at least that is what we hope
Now – to begin with - you know we talk about the two days that Iraq can posts their rate or their budget on their official document – which is the gazette – and Iraq tends to go from Wednesday to Saturday – to Wednesday to Saturday and so on as official publication dates – they can publish on line on any given day – however – when it comes to the printed gazette we are looking for that to happen on a Wednesday or Saturday so we did blow right through last Saturday and came right up to today being Tuesday in anticipation that tomorrow would / will be the day that their rate – their budget gets published in the gazette –
Now, if you listen to people that have nothing to talk about in Iraq they will say there is more to be done – there is this law - that law - this document or that document as far as Iraq goes – the truth of the matter is most of it has been done for many months – they have fine-tuned the budget – Kurdistan is happy – all of that was settled
There is none of this over waiting for Iraq – that’s not true – Iraq is waiting on us – they are waiting on a go ahead from our Treasury to their Central Bank – The CBI – to release everything –
Please understand it’s not the tail wagging the dog – that is one point of clarification –
The other thing is we did get good solid information from one of our top banking sources that the accounts – referred to as D-1 and D-2 standing for Dubai 1 and 2 – started to release funds yesterday at 6 am eastern –
D-1 was released at 6 am and supposed to complete in 24 hours – D-1 completed at 4 am this morning so that was 22 hours – to fully fund and pay out –
Dubai – 2 started this morning half hour later at 4:30 am eastern and should complete also within 24 hours or by 2:00 – 2:30 tomorrow morning –
Those are the largest accounts that are funding our Treasury and possibly other Treasuries with the money for us in tier 4 – ok – so that is something that is well under way and should complete early morning tomorrow –
There is another fund also out of Zurich that is also part of this entire tranche of funds and that is continuing to pay out and we thing that is more related to bond sellers receiving their funds
So far, the bond sellers that have been told that they were to receive liquidity and in this case 1% of their total bond have yet to see that – they are still waiting – sort of like we are – and I think in a very real sense they should be emailed that they have the liquidity in their accounts – I would say about the same time we get notified to begin our exchanges or set our appointments to do our exchanges –
It’s that close of a shotgun start I think with even bond sellers receiving their funds and the rest of tier 3 and tier 4 which we’re included in that of course - getting started with notifications from emails – from the Wells Fargo servers – and also from the toll free numbers that I am supposed to receive and will post on our web site - so that is all underway with D-1 and D-2 funding
Beyond what that brings to us we are hearing that we should be looking for notifications based on another source – and this is a source that is very high up and very strong bank source – suggesting that tomorrow afternoon would be a great time for us to be notified –
Now if we do get notified tomorrow and the 2:00 – 2:30 range it’s also interesting to note that we may be setting up appointments that afternoon – (tomorrow – Wednesday) in preparation for exchanges on Thursday – we don’t know for sure how soon we would start the exchange but I think if we did receive notifications tomorrow – Thursday is definitely in play for us –
Thursday is the 18th and the plan would be for us to go basically for 10-12 days through the end of the month which is doable - might even we could get started on the 18th and might get as many as 14 or 15 days in
Now, this is the overall plan was for – and I believe still is for the stimulus checks and direct deposits to come out so that everyone receives some funds and remember the 14oo per person was what we’re expecting and some were expecting it today but were told by people that know – it’s not going to be today for you - but tomorrow –
That is interesting to me because – if those payments come out from the stimulus bill - whether direct deposits or physical checks - but if they start tomorrow that does give a perfect cover for us to receive notification s and set appointments and then start exchanges either tomorrow or Thursday – and I think that is exactly what was designed to do and hopefully that is what it will do –
Now we did not get any absolute NESARA notification yesterday (15th) However, I believe that we are seeing with these stimulus checks the first fruits of NESARA – it’s going to be interesting to see how this thing unfolds and how quickly we do get everything that we think is in NESARA and how soon that comes out to us – That is something we are sort of going to have to keep an eye after and when we see certain things talk about debt relief – from mortgages - return of our tax money – student debt – these things will be included in the NESARA - as I understand it –
We think – or at least we’ve known that the tax date has been moved from April 15th to June 15th - just like it was last year – I don’t know if there is anything super significant about that – just something we are to be aware of –
In terms of what we’re getting or seeing about the exchanges there has been some information put out about structured payouts- and the fact that we’re going to have structured payouts – which could go as long as 300 years – we need to understand that the banks are going to take completely different role with us than they have ever before
We’re basically putting our money through the bank – directly going into the Quantum Financial System - and that QFS is designed to keep our funds safe through what is backed – backing our USN - with the gold in the US Treasury and it’s going to be a situation where we are going to be utilizing the bank but not in the same way that we use to = the banks are going to become “facilitators for us - giving us help when we need and ask for it – and that is different from what it used to be – in fact – neighborhood type banking for those that were not a part of this currency re-evaluation or part of the zim redemption
Neighborhood banks are going to take a more active role in day to day banking for – let’s say “normal” or everyday people – In our situation we’re going to be in a little different situation –
One thing I wanted to mention is – we got this from one of the banks we talk to - remember us talking about not having to pay “fees” in the future? If we have $25,000 (which will be a no brainer for us after this goes)in one of our accounts – there will be no fees – of any kind - that’s a real positive note to hear a banker tell us that
I tell you – we are just keying in on the fact that this is going – also we heard things about the banks wanting to tell us what to do to control us with / our money – our structured pay outs- etc - all of that is balderdash –
The banks are in a position – they know - Number 1 – everybody understand this – this is our money – really it is God’s money - but we are stewards of it – this is our money - not the banks – ok – the banks have no strings tied to any structured payout that we have – there’s no control thing – of controlling what we do with the money etc etc –
Now – do the banks want us to do the right thing with the money? Yes – the decision is up to you – if you have an excessive amount of currency and you exceed what most people would say is a lot or enough it is up to YOU if you want to make donations – if you want to gift from your funds - we know that there are projects that are global projects under GESARA – that will be looking for funds in the future and we know that Charlie Ward has been selected as someone who will help to oversee a number of projects under GESARA
There may be an opportunity to work directly with Charlie Ward or his staff to fund certain projects overseas - we are also going to be doing projects overseas – we’ve talked about such as rebuild Bahamas – work with Haiti – working with other countries – Central and South America – there’s quite a bit that we have intended as well -
I want you folks to realize this is YOUR money – you have the final say on where it goes and how it’s to be used – we know – we’ve talked about the concept of using the zim redemption funds for humanitarian purposes/projects - I told you my intention – and the currencies for other purposes – but the plan was to use it that way – because it is such a tremendous amount and can go so far –
Where they are keeping it relatively quiet and a lot of people have said they haven’t been able to get much intel anymore and sources are drying up we do know that the conference call that took place at the redemption centers was extended and went a little later than normal –
We do expect those that have - those that are bond sellers from these various bonds – to be told – hopefully tomorrow - that is what they have been told - tomorrow – they will have access to funds – and I think if that happens that acts as a trigger for us to be notified – so I would look for them to receive access to funds about the same time that we would get notifications by email and then the toll free numbers would be able to be put out –
So – ideally - that is a Wednesday/Thursday start for us and stimulus checks and direct deposits are indeed a cover for us and it coming together – I would look for Iraq to do their thing tomorrow – hopefully would give them the go ahead list that rate – Thanks everybody for tuning in
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:00:45
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday March 11th and this is Spring Break call tonight – could be our last call – we believe - we will see – and you’re listening to the Big Call all over the globe – We appreciate your tuning in
Let’s move into the intel realm – I stated at the very beginning of the call that it appeared that this would be probably our last official Big Call - it “appears” – I want to give you a number of reasons why I believe that is – and I am going to tell you overall sort of what I am getting from several sources and one particular – Banker – specifically – talking about everything going – when I hear something like – everything goes – it all goes - everything is released - what I come back to is – ok what are you referring to “specifically”? What is going to go?
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday March 11th and this is Spring Break call tonight – could be our last call – we believe - we will see – and you’re listening to the Big Call all over the globe – We appreciate your tuning in
Let’s move into the intel realm – I stated at the very beginning of the call that it appeared that this would be probably our last official Big Call - it “appears” – I want to give you a number of reasons why I believe that is – and I am going to tell you overall sort of what I am getting from several sources and one particular – Banker – specifically – talking about everything going – when I hear something like – everything goes – it all goes - everything is released - what I come back to is – ok what are you referring to “specifically”? What is going to go?
What is released? What is happening? For example – I’m hearing Monday evening into Tuesday morning – and that’s primarily for our Tier 4 start – and notice I did not say Tier 4B – because Tier 4A regarding the groups that are based out west and Tier 4B have really been consolidated into Tier 4 – and as far as the banks are concerned they don’t designate a difference between them – They call us tier 4 - Alright – Internet group – groups based out west – and all that good stuff - all together
Let’s go through the list of things may be new and may have been seen to have been green lighted – to give us that “feeling” about Monday night into Tuesday -
Starting with – Iraq – Did Iraq do anything yesterday? With their rate? NO!! They have said they would put it out or make it known Saturday – this Saturday – don’t know but kinds know what the rate will be but that is all good - you do realize even as sovereign as Iraq is now they are reliant – I am going to say – on the US Treasury – the New Treasury – of the Restored Republic – giving them the go ahead to release the rate – and that is speaking from our US Treasury to The Central Bank of Iraq the CBI -
Once that occurs – which should be Saturday – probably Saturday morning but we don’t know specifically that would be a “done deal” – So Iraq is sort of on deck – that is what’s happening there
The other thing is the Quantum Financial System - we have talked a little bit about for a long time – will be fully integrated – from the information I have – fully integrated Sunday night – this Sunday –
What also is going to happen is at that time – that would allow for the USN our actual United States new Currency USN – to be traded on the Forex – and between banks and so on – they are internationally starting at 8 PM Sunday night - when the Markets open in China – and in the other countries in the Far East – so that is going to occur with the new USN – fully integrated QFS – and a Forex that allows all of the currencies around the globe to be pegged to the USN – the gold backed dollar – That is BIG – Big news
Now when that occurs that is part of the very first fruits of NESARA – alright – let’s keep going…..
The other information – let’s talk about a little side note is that the USTN – The new USTN is what they call the new currency of the United States – our new currency should have written on the bills United States Treasury Note – nothing to do with the Federal Reserve - United States Treasury Note – is our new money – and that’s going to be available and brought into our banks and certainly into the redemption centers on Monday – so that is something that is occurring with our new money the USTN –
Now they are going to u se the 100 dollar bill – the 50 dollar and the new 20 dollar at the redemption centers and they want to very kindly request to us that if we do wish to get some cash that we take no more than $5000 new USTN dollars – primarily 100’s and 50’s as they would like to get that circulated into the system –
So we may accommodate them with that - and honestly if you are not use to using cash at all you don’t need to have any of it - but some of us still use cash – and we might request some – at the time of our exchanges and zim redemption – so keep that in mind – That is a Monday event –
Alright – what else is happening that would point to a Monday/Tuesday start for us? The stimulus package that is to be completed tomorrow at one point 9 trillion dollars – that is part of what we are calling NESARA –and we will get from what my understanding is $1400 per person – of course a certain age 18 or older to get that – and some families may get more - some may get up to – I heard today – up to $5000 – If you received the others as a check it is my understanding that is how you will receive it this time – by a physical check –
If you received it last time by direct deposit that’s probably how you will receive it this time as well - direct deposits are supposed to start for this package on Monday – and the physical mailing of the checks is supposed to go out into the mail Sunday for deliver starting on Monday - they are coming out of Atlanta – and you can figure out when they may get to you – 2-3-4 days –
That is nice but it is chump change compared to what we are talking about on this call – let’s see what else we can think of that has to do with that - we are getting word that the notifications to the bond sellers - those funds – that 1% of the bond holders money is supposed to be released Monday night/Tuesday morning -
That is another indication of what is happening for us coming up – everything seems to be pointing to that - now – we’re going to keep going –
The prosperity packages are to start to be delivered after sunset tonight – now not all of them or that many of them but I believe there were over 300 prosperity packages that were going out starting after sunset tonight – This is also something that will be important for people that are signed on to those prosperity packages for quite some time
Beyond that our notifications are probably going to be coming in that same time frame of Monday afternoon / Tuesday morning – at this point that is what I have - so far – it’s a possibility of notification is coming out slightly earlier – ONLY a possibility – but Monday afternoon / evening into Tuesday morning for email notification from Wells Fargo servers as well as 800 number notification that I am supposed to receive that I will send out as indicated and any paper work that I would receive regarding that - and I will send out accordingly
So that is why everything looks like that is our time frame – let’s keep going …… there is a little bit more –
We are supposed to have 15 days to do our tier 4 exchanges and zim redemption - but we are to be completed with that by the last day of this month the 31st of March so that by April 1st the public or tier 5 will be able to receive Forex rates – which would be the standard rates for these currencies that would appear on the Forex and on the bank screens from the Forex
That will be significantly less that what we will receive as tier 4 for that 15 day period – now for us to get 15 days in – more than likelh our start date will probably be Tuesday the 16th this coming Tuesday – That would allow for that period of time to elapse for the public to start on the 1st of April
So we have NESARA sot of being worked in pretty much Monday with the new USTN currency at the bank – the gold backed currency that we have and the whole world is going to be backed by either gold or precious metals – precious gem stones – or oil or any number of assets above ground and below ground assets that will give them a value for their currency – there is a heck of a lot more gold out there than we ever thought and if you ever heard the people that said - :all the gold in the world – that was ever mined – would fill up a basketball court and go 12-15 feet high in gold blocks – that is a lie and way way below what the true amount of gold it is – just so you know
We are looking …. And by the way ….. you realize that Sunday 2 am is the beginning of Day light savings time – so ha ha don’t be early or late for Church –
Now – I think we have – without getting into ways(?) we’re going to be in very good shape on this thing – Those that have the longevity in their project – we’ve talked about the structured payout going form 15 y ears all the way to 300 years – for you to get type of interest rate and rate on the zim for that you have to have the longevity - sustainability and the multi-generational aspect to your projects – now will you live that long? Some will some won’t - so what?
What happens is we have a technology that is coming that could really allow us to go the distance – and get back to the days of Methuselah and Noah – if you will – it is very possible – now before you write me off – this is why the banks and redemption centers have a structured payout term that could go as long as 300 years – because they said it their language due to a new advancing in medicine and technology – ya think????
I think so and I think we are about to learn a whole lot in the next few years about that – and it’s coming –so lets be aware of that –
In the meantime – you should have (and remember what Bruce is NOT) - what you have is a need for trustees – successor trustees – beneficiaries – successor beneficiaries – that will take you down for a long period of time so that there is a lineage to what it is you have attempted to do with your projects – so if you have a 150 yr project or you have projected it would last 100 years or 200 yrs – you need to create a hierarchy that can take that and oversee that project and handle the funding for it for a long - long time – so keep that in mind
You should have your own trust attorney – an attorney to help with structures for your project – however it is designed by your attorney you get with them and make sure you have plans for longevity
Beyond that right now – I think that is the bulk of what I have received since the last call and I think everybody is going to be amazed at the experience from a financial point of view and just from a point of view from learning how the new system with our banks we have had in the past is going to radically change as they become facilitators for the Quantum Financial System and I am sure there will be some education we will get on that transition that is taking place for us and the banking world and what will happen to the banks and their day to day operation
I think with everything we have happening this weekend – starting as early as tomorrow with the passing of the1.9 trillion to Saturday with Iraq doing their thing with the Dinar – to Sunday night at 9 or the markets to be opened and trading the USN with all these other currencies that are pegged to it down to notifications – prosperity packages going out - everything - we’re in the midst of it – We are in it - we are in it to win it – and I’m looking forward to the completion of this - - and this is probably our final Big Call – and so I look forward to being in touch with you by email in the very near future -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:06:50
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday March the 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning everyone all over the globe – we appreciate you
Now it’s time to talk a little bit about where the intel puts us today – you remember we had - uh – it was a little bit lean on Thursday as I remember - Tuesday was pretty good but Thursday was a little bit lean and we know that some of the faucets have been turned off – and there is very little dripping out in the way of intel –
However, I think what we have tonight is going to make up for that – it will be effective for us ok – One thing I want to bring up so I don’t forget it – is regarding the process of the redemption center protocols – where we go in – we sit in front of two or three people and we pony up our currency and it gets counted and verified through the DeLarue machine and so on and so forth –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday March the 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning everyone all over the globe – we appreciate you
Now it’s time to talk a little bit about where the intel puts us today – you remember we had - uh – it was a little bit lean on Thursday as I remember - Tuesday was pretty good but Thursday was a little bit lean and we know that some of the faucets have been turned off – and there is very little dripping out in the way of intel –
However, I think what we have tonight is going to make up for that – it will be effective for us ok – One thing I want to bring up so I don’t forget it – is regarding the process of the redemption center protocols – where we go in – we sit in front of two or three people and we pony up our currency and it gets counted and verified through the DeLarue machine and so on and so forth –
Remember we talked months ago now – about a video that was about a 4-6 minute video that we would see – then it got 15 mins – then it got cut down – and so on - well I asked about that just yesterday and it appears that what they are going to do - they are NOT going to air that video when we get there – it’s sort of orientation video – it’s going to tell us a lot of things that if you’ve been a listener of the Big Call for a long time you probably already know – there might be a few things that you/we don’t know –
My understanding is they are going to make that video available to us upon request – you can get it either on a memory stick or CD or DVD – I’m not sure which but probably on the DVD - so if that is more convenient for you to use –
But that way it’s primarily for people coming In and they have no advance knowledge of anything – they just know they have currency – it’s worth more – they’re going to exchange it blah blah blah – ok
You are in the advance class – as Sue would say – you’re in the Master Class – because you have been listening – some of you have never missed a call in 10 years – and by the way – if we get to the 15th of March – if we get there – which I hope we don’t – before we get notified and start our exchanges – tonight being the 9th - If we got to the 15th I would be reaching and coming into my 17th year of these currencies -- cough cough – starting my 17th year of owning these currencies - not about knowing about them but “owning” them – So – when We’ve been in this long enough we are ready to go –
So when it comes to other information other things have been going on – I know for example Wells Fargo has been having more and more conference calls for their wealth managers and the people involved in all of this – they did one Saturday- it was a long one – the one on Sunday afternoon was 3 hours –
There is at least some info that can be gleaned from the Saturday call – if not from the Sunday call as well – and one thing that I find very interesting – and caught my attention - remember we have talked about structured payouts - where we could go 25 or 50 years or maybe more – well my most recent understanding – and realize this is “recent” news – the significance of it is that - the point of it is – the structured payout that we have talked about – can actually go from 15 years --- are you sitting down????? All the way up to 300 years –
The reason they stated that was because of the advances in science and technology and medicine – So they may have received a heads up on some of the MB technology that we have briefly spoken about in the past - that is interesting – they also want to know – do you have successor trustees – and officiaries in your trust work that can take you beyond your life into 200 – 300 – years – if you have projects that has that type of longevity – which a lot of us do – so the question is- do you have anyone that can take over as trustee once you get started here that can make sure you have the longevity of the funding for your projects =
Something to think about – make sure that you have … and it might not be your kids – or your grandkids - it could be – but might not be - you will want to see what that is because this is quite a responsibility that you are passing on to somebody in a successor trustee capability –
So this is why you would want to get with your trust attorney pretty quick – they want you to have something in place theoretically when you leave you should have a very bare bones trust in place – if not your actual final trust paperwork ready to go - Obviously I am not an attorney – I don’t play one on the radio so make sure you look into getting the right trust attorney for yourself to put these various structures together – that you might require
For people that have an exorbitant amount of currency - and there is no way to tell what that is right now – you do have ridiculous high capability – in my opinion for an annual percentage rate of return in your structured payout - - far more than we knew – I am not even going to say what that interest rate is on the phone – here on the call – but it is substantial –
Beyond that let’s talk about where we are in the process – where we are with Iraq – You know that by now that Iraq could have done their thing many times over by now- but they – and the CBI – Central Bank of Iraq – is the governing body that controls the rate of the Dinar –
However – even though Iraq is considered a sovereign nation now – they are still subject to the Treasury of the United States to more or less give them the go ahead as to when to release the new rate
Now we have heard from Fallujah – one of our contacts is from there – and he is saying – that tomorrow morning Iraq time - Wednesday morning – is when they expect to release and out this rate out – that would be not too far from right now – it would be later tonight because they do have an 8 hour advantage over the East Coast -
Now I would say that will occur if the Treasury has gone ahead or will go ahead and give them that ability to put out the rate – We understood that today we find that Iraq has a I think the term “deadline’ and I hate the tern deadline - because we just blow through deadlines in this thing and have forever – There’s a theoretical deadline let’s call it for Iraq to do this on Sunday the 14th - which happens to be our Daylight Savings time as you know – so I find that interesting
Could we be there tomorrow Wednesday … or Saturday – those are the 2 days that the official news goes into their official record copy gazette – at least in the terms of the printed version – they have a digital version as well that information can go in at any time – but the printed version is release on Sat and Wednesdays = You know that Saturday is their first business day – of the week in the middle east – I find that interesting – so will they make it?? Will they do it?? Tonight?? Which is in the morning in Iraq – Let’s see - Let’s see what happens –
We’re understanding that they are supposed t Doesn’t mean that we’re going to see it here necessarily – till we’re ready to go -- ok – but we do know that the rates are going to be fantastic – I think even a little better than we thought - we don’t really talk about rates per say – specifically on the call I try not to do that – so we do not really go there –
I have been told though that anyone who has the Iranian Rial at least for a short period of time – that could be on par with the Iraqi Dinar – which is interesting – I wasn’t thinking it was going to be that close but obviously the next door neighbors trading partners and the theory is they are going to be on par – maybe exactly the same = or with a dollar of each other – in value - for those that might have the rial
Let’s see – what else? So that is the part about Iraq – In talking about what’s happening with the bonds – and the sellers of bonds that are supposedly being hydrated – let’s start with tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 – My understanding is that all tier 1 – 2- and 3 participants have been paid at least their 1% of their total – which means they have liquidity to that extent – tiers 1 – 2- and 3
Tier 1 as I remember is primarily governments – around the world - we understand we have a total of 47,000 government and military that have been paid – already - does not mean they have everything - but they at least have the 1%
The reason they get 1% - and you say that is not much - but it is –it’s a lot depending on what you have – but that’s why they don’t want to overheat the economy too fast with too much liquidity coming to the market at the same time – that is why the slow roll out –
So tiers 1- 2 and 3 are complete - tier 4A – the groups we talked about out west – and tier 4B is us the internet group - basically I’m saying we’re next – ok – we’re next –
So—what has to happen before we get started with our exchanges is that the bonds need to be paid out to the bond sellers – they need to see their 1 – 1 ½ % and some cases - they have started receiving that – now the bonds that are paying out were supposed to be paid out last night - Sunday night - they were supposed to pay out yesterday – there was a slight pause due to some system check possibly with QFS – making sure the SWIFT was not involved in the transfer of any funds anymore – ok – but the pause lasted about an hour and then it resumed –
Now from this point on the bonds that were being paid out of Miami included Railroad bonds - German Bonds – some infrastructure bonds – some insurance bonds even Mexico bonds – all of these and maybe the Peruvian bonds - lots of these bonds are being acted on and paid out supposedly tonight / overnight or tomorrow morning – we’ll see how that shakes out – there’s been a little delay in that
Those at least need to be initiated if not completed before we start
The timing for us to go – we’re hearing that the Emergency Broadcasting System is being tested now globally – we have already passed our testing for EBS and the United States - but the same system globally is being tested now – started around 5 pm this evening Eastern – around the globe - and you say why? Why is that needed? Because the information that we’re looking to have brought out here on our EBS needs to be shared globally – that’s why it’s being tested now – in other countries –
We’re hearing that something major – and I hate the idea of announcements – because they never seem to happen - I know – but something major is stated to happen tomorrow between10:15 and 10:30 am – Eastern –
I do not know what it is – I have some ideas as what it might be – but see if it’s relevant ad relative to the EBS it could just be the start of something on EBS tomorrow morning – It could be – we don’t have what it is but it was brought out with the information about the testing of the global EBS –
Now when it comes to the timing of this ne of the major banks was saying that they expected this to go today – unfortunately that did not happen – and yet for us – on 4A or 4B - so we set that aside – the other major bank which happens to be the lead bank in this whole process is suggesting that it would be this week -- did not commit to a day – I have heard of a window that was given to me today that took us from tonight to all the way to Saturday – and this is from a really good source – and I think it is a pretty big window – to be honest it’s a very big window – But I think any one of us would take it - if that window stayed open and we got this done between now and Saturday –
With Iraq’s – theoretical - I am going to call it deadline of Sunday the 14th we should make that – especially if they reveal the rate tomorrow morning –
So – we have a lot to look forward to this week – I believe we are in really good shape for this to go now – and I don’t think we are being lied to – we know there have been some things that have NOT happened - - we know this has been a moving target – for YEARS - we know that the QFS has come on line – the USN – our new gold backed US Dollar - essentially - our US currency is being traded already globally - we know that the new internet system through the StarLink triple satellite orbiting system – is in place - and at least in theory has been synced as of last Sunday - so I think pretty much everything is lined up and ready to go
We know the Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the US Treasury – we knew that - we knew this all a year ago - and it finally took place a week ago / 2 weeks ago tomorrow
So that is primarily everything that I wanted to bring to you tonight – could this be our last call? It very well could be – but as I mentioned things change – new things come into play – that we don’t know about but its okay - we can deal – and we are going to be rewarded for our faithfulness - I want to thank everyone for listening - we are closing in on it -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins 1:14:08