Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-30-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-30-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 30th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody on this beautiful spring evening and let’s believe for just one wonderful holy week as we approach resurrection Sunday –

Alright let’s get into the intel – where are we?? We’re in a very good place I believe – Let’s start with what’s going on in terms of redemption center staffing - Staff have had schedules and schedules have changed – and have been updated -  we believe the latest puts the redemption center staff in at 9 am tomorrow and out at 7:45 pm - that’s Wednesday –Thursday – Friday - Saturday and then realize  we have a bank holiday on Easter Monday - Easter is on Sunday the 4th  and Easter Monday is the 5th  so the schedule for the next week is Tuesday through Saturday – 8am – 8 pm - 12 hour days –

Now that should complete for most redemption centers the redemption of zim and for the most part the currencies that tier 4B the internet group has -  - we will see some redemption centers close and modify the buildings that they’re in  on that Sunday – Masters Sunday – Final Round Sunday – on the 11th

Now that may allow for tier 5 – the public to start on the 12th - and take it through – and actually we heard today that normal currency exchanges can go for 60 days – so that would not so much be redemption centers because they will shut down – but the banks – tier 1 and tier 2 banks primarily will be doing this normal dinar and dong – rupiah – and other currency exchanges for up to 6 months –

Now what’s significant is that the zim will no longer be exchangeable before the tier 5 / public – ain’t going to happen – if they don’t come in and take advantage of the toll free numbers or emailing’s that are coming out -  the 1.4 million emails being generated through Wells Fargo servers - then they will be out of luck   

So if you know people that you have gifted – it is your responsibility to see that they have the toll free number to call to redeem their zim – in a redemption center – that’s it – that’s on you – if you have gifted zim like monopoly money from an airplane – you better remember who you gifted to and you better get on – otherwise they could hold this currency – these zim bonds – and miss the boat -  they could miss the boat – and they will miss the boat unless they do their redemption during our timing for tier 4A and 4B –

So now you roughly know what’s going on with that -  realize this – schedules change and these could change -  but that is the latest information regarding that -  So – they are ready to go - we’re ready to go –

What is it dependent on? Remember the lawsuit that was filed - the second lawsuit that was filed – in the world court and received a decision back on the 19th actually of March -  and the decision was - to have tier 4B  - to make sure that they/we the internet group would go at the same time when the bonds were going to pay out -  the decision called for notifications to go out no later than the 31st of March – guess what?? That’s tomorrow!!

According to people who are involved in this lawsuit – we are still on track – now the lawsuit decision – also called for the start of the changes that would include zim redemption for tier 4B to start no later than the first day of April - which is Thursday –

Now if everything holds up – according to that World Court adjudicated settlement if you will – or that decision– then we are looking strong – we are golden –

So that is the rough – now I do not have the times – all I know is roughly what the deal is – and we know that people that we’ve talked to  that are involved in bonds – and these are large quantities – were flown into Zurich – a few days ago – thinking they would be done and back the next day – and they have been held over due to what was basically a delay tactic to keep them – and they have been compensated handsomely for the delay – but they have been held over and not paid out on the bonds until the time frame comes into play for notifications for tier 4A and 4B to go out tomorrow  -

So everything is syncing up – S Y N C ING up so that we can all go together as the shot gun start for us – so that is encouraging to me – even though this is going down to the wire - ok I know that - going down to the wire - but if everything is still on track - we are all good - it’s all good –

Now what else is going on?? Remember we talked a while back about the StarLink Satellite System – uses now will incorporate 23 satellites - and are in use - with 6G – right – we leaped frogged over 5G

Africa is using this – South Korea is o this –Israel is on  and I feel there are other spots where it is in use – so this is going to be used to replace our internet system – as I mentioned a few weeks ago – and the start date for that for the use we believe is set to go for additional countries – maybe us – should start 3 days after Easter Sunday – which would be the Wednesday after – which would be the 7th of April    - so we may be on a much faster more reliable – unhackable – internet system – starting quite possibly the 7th of April – using the StarLink Technology –

Now we understand that NESARA / GESARA to roll out together – the first of April is the theoretical start date for that – and we should get some type of announcement or activation of NESARA – which is the National program – I’m hearing here in the United States – GESARA is global and that should occur shortly after the first of April  -- so this week is going to be a really strategic week – plus being a Holy Week for us as believers- it should be a really terrific week for us –

Now in addition there is not a whole lot else that I can think of that is relevant to us right now – but we do know that we’ve got people that have received their stimulus checks or their direct deposits primarily by direct deposit – the direct deposits on stimulus are coming out of Chicago and the physical checks for stimulus are coming out of Atlanta –

Last Saturday at 8 am they were restarted – if you will -  the work on those are being reprocessed – my understanding is the IRS and the treasury  are printing the physical  checks that will be going out in some in theory went out Sunday night – in Atlanta – they went into the mail system Sunday night –

Now I don’t know if any new payouts have gone out you know - through Chicago or not – but I know they should happen this week – we should get the remaining checks and deposits made this week – and I know – what surprised me was – it’s not set up evidently for an adult only say – husband and wife -  to get $1400 each but if they have children – the children – even young kids -  1-2-3 yrs old  are getting a check as well for $1400  each -  so a family of 5 got $7000 a family of 4 got $5600 - it’s really interesting – because I would not have thought that would have been the plan -  so I don’t know what that says – whether that is something related to NESARA or not – or just happens to e the stimulus amounts

Now – is that again cover for those that are not involved in the currency exchanges  - I think it is – it is a way to hydrate the country in a bigger way – while we go in and hydrate ourselves and the rest of the world with the exchanges – that we’re doing – and the zim redemption we’re doing for humanity –

So – this is an amazing tine for us – moving forward and if everything goes according to plan - and we stay on track the time line I gave you should hold up for us – and I’m excited

I think – really – when it comes right down to it – the only last thing – one little thing – we understood from a former treasury source that the UN operational rates which we use to be able to pull up and see – for free – are now paid sites – but the UN Operational rate – usually indicate the rates will change on the first and fifteenth – of the month – and they usually surface as rates that are pending 2-3 days prior to the 1st or 15th of every given month – so the thinking is we have the new un operational rates maybe not visible to  us  but are there – and will be affective on Thursday – probably after midnight tomorrow night -  which would be 12:01 am Thursday April 1 –

So that is what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight – I think we’re in a really good place right now so let’s continue to pray this blessing in and look forward to a wonderful resurrection day on Sunday and a wonderful time doing the projects we have all talked about doing

With that being said I am looking forward to not having another call however let’s be honest – we’ve been through this and we’ve seen some things happen that have delayed us – hopefully there are no more delays -  


 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins:  1:16:00


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