Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Evening 7-7-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Evening 7-7-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Dave   butterfly You Posted an art that Halliburton and Schlumberger pulled out of Kurdistan again after just re entering bc Kurds and Baghdad have no agreement

Dave   Ergo no verifiable assay of the oil fields in the region....just the guesstimates from decades ago….They know sweet crude just oozes from the ground….unlike USA....LOTS of oil....just hard and expensive to get to

Dave   Could anybody tell me how Iraq could delete 3 zeros and have no rate change when 1 dinar worth but 1/14 of a cent...they talk about Iraq's Chunky money currently...delete 3 zeros no rate change just got 1000 times chunkier....? Please inform me should i have missed yet another boat

Sah   @ Dave If we are talking about a lop of three zeros. Lets say 25,000 dinar note equals $20. Then if there is a lop of three zeros the 25,000 note is now 25 dinars and is worth $20.

Dave   Sah fils....

Sah   Floating it would be more stable for their economy with a gradual increase.

Dave   100 dinar note worth 6 cents......costs that much to print almost

Sah   I wish the would do a managed float where they can raise their currency everyday by 3 percent if it continues to go up otherwise 3 percent down for the day. If they do this and their currency goes up 10 percent they are only allowed to take the 3 percent at the end of the day. If it continued to show high spikes they could free float it as long as it doesn't devalue and has a steady increase.

Dave   Sah CBI said NO to free float ....  too much volatility

Sah   They need to start with a managed float. Free floating is dangerous. Egypt did that to try to gain value and their currency ended up loosing half it's value in a couple days. They have to be really sure of it's currency to go up before a free float otherwise they can destroy the value of it's currency.

Dave   Sah agreed   Egypt has sand ......lil oil

Sah   If a country deletes their zeros it causes inflation to double digits and takes time to come back down. If a country is not in single digit inflation their currency will be stuck for a long time. If inflation in a country is in double digits you can kiss it goodbye from increasing value.

Dave   Iraq had minted 50 dinar coins never went into circ.........

Dave   25 k notes worth 20 dinar.......10 k note worth 7 dinar.....talk of the smaller notes.....how does one make change after a purchase

Sah   It has take Vietnam 30 years to move out of double digit inflation. The went into single digit about 7 years ago and are now finally under 5 percent. They are ready for something. Iraq is in single digit right now also. If they keep the currency within a spread of 2 percent over 90 days they qualify for a manged float, I hears six months for a free float. I like the idea that they reinstate their value from when they were devalue during their wars. There are pros and cons on this one. IMF said you can not increase your value unless economically you can keep it stable. If their currency goes too high and they can't keep it steady it could crash their economy.

Dave   Vietnam...plenty of rice...what is a barrel of that worth

Sah   Iraq has smaller notes they will introduce when they are needed as the dinar increases in value.

Dave  pepsi in iraq still 1220 dinar   wheel barrows in iraq fer how long   not sure if imf allows nations to flip flop from managed to free floats

Sah   Vietnam has diamonds and gold. 6 years ago while they were building a new industrial park they dug into the next parcel of 210 acres. A gold mine 5 feet wide runs thru the property. They dug out a huge whole around it and had specialist take a look. In the dirt they dug out were diamonds, barrels of them. They sold these at auction that summer for major bucks. The government owned the land so they got rid of most their debt. Amazing. The started vo-tec schools in electronics for the new industry. Samsong was first and Apple was second. They now have dozens of these businesses there and the schools provided their employees.

Sah   210 is 10 acres

Sah   What came out of Vietnam was in a 12 foot square hole 10 feet deep. They were borrowing money from IMF to build these industrial parks. They built the rest with the first pile they dug out. Haven't got to the gold yet in the ground. Good for value for currency to go up. Reserves are everything.

Dave   Sah have no dong .....no idea   iraq doubled their reserves in a yr

Sah   I have five currencies I bought over time. I studied them and threw out thirty others.

Dave   30 ouch  go zim....

Sah   A lot of research.

Dave   Sanctions killed IQD

Sah   One lost half it's value a year ago. They are on manged float and got the half they lost and are starting to move ahead.

Dave   IRAQ potentially richest nation in the world

Sah   Countries were devalued because they were in wars and they devalued their currencies so they could not buy as many weapons and made it better for them to loose the war.

Dave   if they could get their Shia together\  Iraq Iran 7 yr war.....Gulf war ..lSIS war.....Maliki-et-al......still at war

Sah   My friends were buying on reserve when I first heard of this. I just bought some out right to sit on and see what happens. I also bought some stocks in oil fields and PPP in hospitals and some utilities. Some pay dividends which is great. A little bit of everything a long they way. I always budgeted and invested some.

Dave   have stocks in big oil......doing very well  loosing at the pumps.....but still ahead

Sah   If Malaki gets in, it will not be good. Sadr has final approval and he will not approve him. That is why they redrew.

Sah   My oil stocks are doing well right now and are with major players so that helps when some others are down.

Dave   Sah awaiting a coup.......

Sah   From whom?

Dave  SADR et al

Dave   Maliki going no where unless in chains

Sah  If they vote Maliki in and don't get an approval from Sadr, he will call the people to protest and it will be a big mess. I do not think they will do it.

Dave   betcha?

Professor dinard   Dave your borders are open again. The truckers pretty much won

Dave   yeah dropped that vax thing soon after

Dave   OUR truckers could not enter the USA.....should have protesdted in Washington not here....Trucker leaders in jail here

Professor dinard   Convoys work people

Dave  gotta getb to werk

Dave   laterz

Sah  later @Dave


Sah   @Butterfly Nice article. I can't remember in what Iraqi paper that I read that Sadr has final approval on who is PM. I read it some where over the last 48 hours. Any idea where the article is?

Sah  The State of Law coalition confirmed, on Tuesday, that the coalition will not vote to pass the 2022 budget except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously.

The leader of the coalition, Haider al-Lami, said in an interview with the National News Center that “Al-Maliki’s coalition categorically refused to raise the exchange rate of the dollar and keep the price as it was previously, or raise it to a maximum of 125,000 thousand Iraqi dinars for the 100 US dollars. But we were surprised by a great rejection,” noting that “the only person affected by this rise is the Iraqi people

Sah   He added, "Iraq today exports more than four million barrels, and the price of one barrel reaches more than $100, but so far we see the dollar exchange rate is very high."

The leader of the State of Law explained that "the coalition will not proceed with passing the Federal Budget Law for 2022 inside the parliament, except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously in order to serve the interests of the Iraqi people

butterfly   7 Jul 22, 05:41 PMSah   The State of Law coalition confirmed, on Tuesday, that the coalition will not vote to pass the 2022 budget except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously.........I remember that.

butterfly   www.nnciraq-com.translate.goog/139150/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   Thursday, July 7 2022 9:39 PM   National News Center/ Baghdad

The head of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, independent MP Muhammad Anouz, confirmed today, Thursday, the division of independents into three types, considering that the withdrawal of the Sadrist movement's leader Muqtada al-Sadr from parliament complicated the political scene.

The head of the Legal Committee said in a televised interview, followed by the National News Center, that "the independents must have new and different programs from the previous sessions.

He added that "the independents were divided into three types, some of them sided with the coordination framework, some sided with the Sadrist movement, and there were those who stayed with the opposition," noting that "the parliamentary system in its essence is a party and political system, but the individual law gave an opportunity for the independents to enter parliament. and the development of an effective political representative system

Sah   Anouz explained, "presenting an independent candidate for the position of prime minister is an absolute impossibility," noting that "independents may participate in the government, but none of them will be a candidate for the prime minister's post."


The head of the Parliamentary Legal Committee stressed that “political action is not like “boiling eggs,” but there must be a clear political program, and if the independent does not achieve a new program that meets the aspirations of those who gave him his vote, he will fail

Sah   He pointed out that "the political bazaar has been open since 2003 and has not been closed until now, and the independents are included in it, and the winner is the one who remained on his position and did not go to temptations," noting that "the obstacle that stands in the way of forming the government is the lack of confidence between the political parties."

Anouz pointed out that "Al-Sadr's withdrawal from Parliament complicated the political scene a lot and the situation became almost cloudy," stressing that "there is no clear vision for the coordination framework regarding their candidate for the position of prime minister, as there is more than one candidate for the position www./nnciraq-com.translate.goog/139568/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   After talking about Al-Maliki's nomination to head the government .. Al-Amiri sets a triple condition and threatens to join Al-Sadr shafaq www.-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/بعد-الحديث-عن-ترشيح-المالكي-لر-اسة-الحكومة-العامري-يضع-شرطا-ثلاثيا-ويهدد-بالانضمام-للصدر?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=

Sah   Shafaq News/ A source in the Al-Fateh Alliance led by Hadi al-Amiri revealed this evening, Tuesday, that the latter will not participate in the new government unless a president is chosen for it who is accepted by the Kurds, Sunnis and the Sadrist movement, threatening to withdraw from the political process and join the camp of the movement's leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

This comes in conjunction with the confirmation of a source in the coordination framework, that the name of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, will be presented as a candidate for the position of prime minister during the next meeting of the framework and the forces allied with it.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "The Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, the leader of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri informed the leadership of the coordination framework that he may not participate in forming the new government if the mechanism and specifications of the candidate for the position of Prime Minister are not agreed upon."

And he indicated that "the Badr parliamentary bloc informed the framework leadership that one of the conditions that must be met by the coordination framework candidate for the position of prime minister, is that he be accepted by the Sunni and Kurdish political blocs, especially the Sadrist movement, despite their withdrawal from the political process

Sah   The source added, "The Badr bloc, which has 16 deputies out of 34 in the Al-Fateh Alliance, may join the Sadrist movement and withdraw from the political process if the General Authority for the Coordination Framework does not agree on the personality of the prime minister."

Earlier today, a source in the coordination framework told Shafak News Agency, "It is hoped that the leaders of the coordination framework will hold an important meeting in the coming days to discuss a number of files, including naming candidates for the presidency of the next government, where (Al-Maliki) will be presented as an official candidate. For the position within the corridors of the framework, in addition to submitting other names from the same Shiite alliance, and thus the leader of the state of law officially enters the list of competition for the government, and that objections to the latter are almost non-existent now.

He pointed out that "the meeting to be held will include registering the names and signatures of the deputies who are part of the framework to form the largest parliamentary bloc to ensure the holding of a parliamentary session with a full quorum after the end of the Eid al-Adha holiday to announce the largest bloc, in addition to electing the President of the Republic, where the matter was discussed with the Kurdish leaders to resolve their candidate for the presidency." .

Since the Sadrist bloc’s representatives submitted their resignations from the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the withdrawal of the Sadrist movement’s leader Muqtada al-Sadr from the political process, the coordinating framework has addressed the task of forming the new government and entered into internal negotiations and dialogues with other political forces, but until now it has not been officially announced that understandings have been reached between the two parties. The blocs lead to the formation of the government



butterfly LINK

Sah   Thanks

Butterfly   Inscrutable Ambitions: Sadr’s Exit From Iraq’s Parliament Strengthens Rivals ...... 2022-07-07 14:08

Shafaq News/ On June 23, 64 new members of parliament took their oaths, replacing most of the 73 members whom Shia populist leader Muqtada al-Sadr called on to resign from the Iraqi Parliament earlier in the month. The unprecedented, but swift, move could upset the electoral map in favor of Sadr’s rival – the Coordination Framework.

The withdrawal came after the Sadr-led National Salvation Coalition, which included the Kurdistan Democratic Party (led by Masoud Barzani) and Sunni Sovereignty bloc (led by Speaker of the Parliament Mohammed Halbousi and businessman Khamis al-Khanjar), over the course of many months, failed to form a majoritarian government.

The mass resignation was followed by a June 15 meeting between the resigning members of parliament and Sadr. Sadr reiterated that he decided to withdraw from the political process because he did not want to participate in a government in which “corrupters” (implying the Coordination Framework) take part. Sadr vowed, “If the corrupt participate in the upcoming elections, I will not participate in them,” referencing future elections.

But he also did not rule out a return, emphasizing the divine role in changing his mind regarding participation in future elections. Therefore, he asked his supporters who resigned to stay together and be ready, a statement that could foreshadow Sadr’s next move in the Iraqi political landscape. But Sadr’s withdrawal could end up being a huge political miscalculation locking in a loss for Sadr and his Kurdish and Sunni allies that only strengthens his rivals’ position to form the next government.

butterfly   Militia groups associated with political forces that eventually came together in the Coordination Framework have used violence to break up demonstrations over the last three years, killing 600 protesters and wounding thousands of others.

With oil hovering around $100 per barrel, if the Coordination Framework forms the next government, as seems more and more likely with Sadr’s withdrawal, it will have greater resources to extend the state’s financial benefits to disgruntled people as appeasement and more power and leverage over the state institutions to control the protests.

In the meantime, Sadr could end up kept away from the pie of the government, where, traditionally, leaders in political parties controlling the government have been able to distribute economic and political benefits to their supporters through a sophisticated network of patronage.

Despite his anti-corruption rhetoric, also sprinkled with skepticism about his Shia rivals’ calls for a government of national unity and preservation of the post-2003 sectarian-based Muhasasa political compact, Sadr has operated within and benefitted politically and economically from the ethno-sectarian political system established after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein’s Baathist government.

In successive governments since, close associates of Sadr have taken important ministerial portfolios, which has helped consolidate and sustain his patronage network and increase his political influence. Should he remain outside of the government, social programs Sadr has established in impoverished Shia-dominated areas of Iraq – and his powerful patronage networks – will suffer.

butterfly   Political deadlock has been common in Iraq since 2003. In 2010, it took 289 days to negotiate a new government under Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the outset of his second term. This time, the process has stalled over the inability to elect a new president, an important constitutional step to pave the way for government formation negotiations.

Sadr had initial success in February with the election of the speaker of parliament, Mohammed Halbousi. However, the intra-Kurdish rivalry over the presidency between the Kurdistan Democratic Party, an ally of Sadr, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which has sided with the Coordination Framework, prevented Sadr from forming the majoritarian government he sought once the scope of his October 2021 electoral victory became clear to him.

Sadr did try to rally other members of parliament, including independents, at least four times in a bid to meet the quorum to break the political gridlock. Sadr’s unrealistic and inflexible “all-or-nothing” approach to negotiations likely contributed to the collapse of the political process. He sought to sideline his Shia rivals and refused to embrace the independent members of parliament who were a product of anti-government protests that began in October 2019. Like Sadr, the independents also ran on a reformist and anti-corruption platform, but he failed to find common cause with them and convince them to join his coalition – possibly because they remembered Sadrist forces played a key role in undermining and suppressing the protest movement – or at least to attend the parliament session to meet quorum for a vote on the president. Instead, Sadr set inflexible terms for the independent members of parliament.

butterfly   For example, on May 5, Sadr called on them to form an alliance with at least 40 members of parliament within 15 days to seek to form the government with his support. If Sadr had chosen a more constructive and engaging method to communicate and negotiate with these members of parliament, he perhaps could have succeeded at least in overcoming the quorum issue, which has prevented the formation of his majoritarian government.

There are also inherent tensions between Sadr’s quest for increasing his political relevance and power and what seems to be his aspiration to become a prominent Shia marja, in the future. As a religious leader, Sadr seemingly feels a moral responsibility to use his religious credentials to remain a political force in Iraq, but he also understands that politics, with its inherent negotiations and compromises, could undermine his religious credibility not just in Iraq but in the broader Shia community in the region and beyond, where current leader Sistani as well as previous religious leaders from Najaf have been extremely influential.

His recent political moves seem to indicate his longer-term religious aspirations have defined and constrained his political moves and the zone of negotiations with his rivals. In the last eight months, he has avoided damaging his religious brand in his efforts to form a majoritarian government.

As such, Sadr’s aspirations as a religious figure seem to have superseded his short-term political goals. Accordingly, Sadr might have calculated that with his withdrawal he can bolster both his political and religious credentials in the long term as a figure who refuses to ally with people whom he thinks are responsible for the country’s political, economic, and security crises.

Trouble for Former Sadr Allies

butterfly   Since Sadr seems to have given primacy to his over-the-horizon religious goals, political alliances with the mercurial Shia leader have become unpredictable and impractical, damaging the fortunes of his former allies. The Sadr exit put an end to the Homeland Salvation Coalition – Sadr’s alliance with the KDP and the Halbousi-led Sunni Sovereignty bloc, which are paying dearly now for having relied on Sadr to deliver political results for them in the next government.

The KDP, which had eyed the Iraqi presidency, believed that Sadr would deliver that to them in the same way he delivered the speaker of parliament to the Sunnis. Now, the possibility of a KDP candidate winning the presidency has become quite remote, while Halbousi has seemed to recognize the new reality by playing along with his former rival – the Coordination Framework.

The KDP and the Sunnis appear to have adjusted their postures to deal with the Coordination Framework and took part in the session in which the new members of parliament took their oaths. The KDP has also reshuffled its negotiation team in Baghdad, with Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein and former Minister of Housing and Reconstruction Bangin Rekani taking over, and has expressed readiness to hold talks with the Coordination Framework. Rekani said that his party was present in the Iraqi political arena for negotiations and did not pose threats to anyone. Rekani’s statement, attempting to highlight the KDP’s pragmatism, also signaled its precarious position and its scramble for political traction with now-empowered Maliki-led rivals in Baghdad it previously considered as subdued.

butterfly   For his part, Halbousi also has concerns, even if they are not immediate. For months, the Coordination Framework has worked with and courted Halbousi’s Sunni rivals. For example, the Coordination Framework used allies in the current government to have terrorism charges against powerful Dulaim tribe chief Ali Hatam Suleiman suddenly dropped, paving the way for him to return to Iraq.

Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, wielding accusations of collaboration with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, forced Suleiman to flee Iraq in 2014. So, Halbousi will likely be under more pressure to negotiate with the Coordination Framework to form the next government quickly as he may not remain speaker if there is a snap election or if Coordination Framework negotiations with the Sunnis head in unpredictable directions. The Sunni front could become more fragmented with the participation of Suleiman, who could chip away at the number of seats Halbousi’s party currently holds.

Coordination Framework Moves

butterfly   After Sadr’s withdrawal, the Coordination Framework held a meeting noting that it would respect Sadr’s decision while reaffirming its efforts to form a broad-based government through the inclusion of other parties to “fulfill the aspirations of our people in security, stability and a good life and strengthening Iraq’s role and position in the region and the world.” On June 22, the Coordination Framework’s legislative efforts helped replace most of the members of parliament who had resigned with candidates who had come in second in their districts in the October 2021 parliamentary elections.

There are still nine vacant seats because some of those candidates did not show up to take their oaths, seemingly as they were ideologically and politically close to Sadr. Therefore, those who came in third could take the oath in the next session in July. But at this stage, the Fatah Coalition, led by Popular Mobilization Forces commander Hadi al-Amiri, has increased its seats from 17 to 29, Maliki’s State of Law Party went from 33 to 37, and the National Power of the State bloc, led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Wisdom Movement leader Ammar al-Hakim, has increased its seats from 4 to 11.

Accordingly, the Coordination Framework has become the biggest parliamentary bloc with 130 members of parliament, although inside that alliance, strong second-place showings seem to have strengthened the hand of some of Maliki’s Shia rivals at his expense. But the final numbers have yet to be certified by the Parliament. The increased number of seats will give the Coordination Framework a stronger mandate to form the next government. Thus, the government formation process momentum could pick up unless thwarted by internal conflict within the Coordination Framework regarding who might lead the next government as prime minister, which is, predictably, already causing heightened tensions.

butterfly   Maliki reportedly seeks a third term as prime minister; however, there is no consensus within the Coordination Framework. Such reports triggered Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, who has been largely silent regarding political developments in Iraq for the last two years, to express concerns about the possibility of Maliki’s candidacy.

Sistani representative Ahmed al-Safi warned that the marjiyya, or religious establishment, is still not happy with those who “caused the loss of one-third of Iraq to the hands of the terrorist organization ISIS and those who led the country to this blockage.” Although Safi did not mention Maliki by name, his references described the former prime minister, whose tenure was marked by Iraq’s decent into sectarian conflict, instability, and the fall of Mosul in 2014.

This lack of support by Iraq’s supreme religious authority is good news for the KDP, which has been anti-Maliki for his breach of agreements with the Kurds and withholding funds allocated in the federal budget from the Kurdistan Regional Government, and for the Sunnis as well, who suffered most during Maliki’s terms due to his sectarian policies, which are thought to have helped facilitate the rise of ISIL in 2013.

According to some media reports, KDP leader Masoud Barzani informed the Coordination Framework that he would only negotiate if Maliki is out of the picture for the role of prime minister. Should the Coordination Framework nominate Maliki, the KDP and Halbousi’s Sunni forces could boycott the political process in Baghdad continuing to prolong the government formation process.

butterfly   Sadr’s exit from the political process appears to be a grave political miscalculation that will play into the hands of his rivals to form the next government. But that does not mean an easy path forward on government formation, as many internal and external factors still hold the political process hostage. If formed, the new government will likely reflect not just the ethno-sectarian features of the past, but also deep partisanship, which will negatively affect governance and risk greater corruption, which, taken together with a potential decline in oil prices, could worsen service delivery and living conditions for Iraqis.

Sadr’s options will be limited, and his maneuverability, if not well calculated and defined, could severely increase divisions and heighten instability. Having given up his movement’s seats in Parliament, it is not clear how Sadr could reverse course in the foreseeable future. What is certain is that, if he remains out of politics, his movement will be deprived of the financial benefits of the state, which could weaken his popular social programs in the poor Shia neighborhoods that make up the majority of Sadr’s most fervent supporters. As a result, this could weaken Sadr’s popular base, especially among the younger generation in future elections.

Source: The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington https://shafaq.com/en/Report/Inscrutable-Ambitions-Sadr-s-Exit-From-Iraq-s-Parliament-Strengthens-Rivals

butterfly   Sorry that was a long one that was just posted.

Sah   The Federal Court decides to continue Barham Salih as President of the Republic. 16:16

Shafaq News/ The Federal Supreme Court of Iraq decided on Sunday that the current President of the Republic, Barham Salih, will continue his duties until a new president is elected.

And the court confirmed in a document obtained by Shafak News Agency, that "the President of the Republic continues to exercise his duties until the election of a new President of the Republic of Iraq, despite the expiry of his term at the end of the session of the House of Representatives," explaining that "the decision was issued by agreement, definitively and binding on all authorities based on the provisions of Articles (93 / second and 94). ) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005.

On February 8, the outgoing President of the Republic, Barham Salih, submitted an inquiry to the Federal Supreme Court regarding the constitutional vacuum that occurred after the parliament failed to choose a new president for Iraq.

An informed source told Shafaq News Agency, "Saleh's address to the Federal Court regarding the (constitutional vacuum), came after attempts to take over the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, the duties of the presidency, under the pretext of this void, and the end of Saleh's role, after entering this void

Sah   He added, "Saleh sent this inquiry in order to cut off the path for Al-Halbousi to take over the presidency of the republic during the next stage temporarily, in addition to his current position as the presidency of the Iraqi parliament. www.shafaq-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/المحكمة-الاتحادية-تقرر-استمرار-برهم-صالح-ر-يسا-للجمهورية?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   An Iraqi politician names the party that "will lead the overthrow of the regime in Iraq" 16:33

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi politician Laith Shubar said on Wednesday that the UN Security Council will lead a plan for "regime change in Iraq", which politician Faiq Sheikh Ali spoke about, causing a lot of controversy.

Shuber said during the program "The Decision for You", which is broadcast on the "Dijla TV" channel, that "the information presented by Faeq Sheikh Ali is correct, and we have information about the initiation of it for months."

He added that the UN Security Council will lead the scheme that Faik Sheikh Ali talked about.

And the Iraqi politician, Faiq Sheikh Ali, said yesterday, Tuesday, that the existing political system in Iraq will be overthrown through an "international team" he described as great, and through a force that he said is "destroying."

Sheikh Ali said to the "The Decision for You" program broadcast by "Dijla TV", which was reviewed by Shafak News Agency, "My appearance on the program will be the last meeting until the year 2024, which will be the maximum date to eliminate the entire political system

Sah   He said that he had previously warned against the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, and today he is repeating his warning of that.

Sheikh Ali was asked about the party that will lead the process of overthrowing the regime, and he said, “I will not disclose this, and the political forces do not know about it, as I have reservations about the way in which the current regime will fall, but there is a great international team that is planning now and will end everything through a striking and destructive force to come. Corrupt politicians will not be spared."

He pointed out that "the next regime will be very strong and fierce, and I do not want to say that it is a dictatorial regime."

A hadith continued, "The coming regime is a stormy regime that will not be merciful at all, and it will not stand in the way of any force in the world, and there are no Baath men in it or any claim to adhere to the rule from among the Shiites."

Regarding the role of the religious authority, Sheikh Ali said, "It should not enter the political process and its role will return to its previous era after the change

Sah  With regard to the fate of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, Sheikh Ali said, "There are two opinions: either he should include him in what will happen to others, or he should isolate himself and go to study in Qom."

He said, "Iran will not be able to interfere with the change that will happen, for the coming power will outweigh it, and it will outweigh any power in the world," noting that Iran "has taken a greater role and is weaker than we imagine," citing, for example, the Iraq-Iran war, which he said, "Saddam Hussein ended Iran and show it its true size."

He added, "Iran is not a superpower in the region, and it has expanded in the region because of the silence of countries."

Sheikh Ali also noted, "The two real sacrifices must prepare for the next stage, and they will have a role in the next state, and the next regime may not be parliamentary, but rather will be civilian and not military."

Regarding Turkey, he said that it will also not interfere, but will release water to Iraq for its reconstruction and construction.

Sheikh Ali attacked Al-Kazemi's role in the regional mediation between Iran and the Gulf, and said that he "turned into a postman for his own interests, dwarfing the role of Iraq and transforming it

Sah   Regarding the situation of the Kurdistan Region, Sheikh Ali said that the exit of oil companies from the Kurdistan Region is a lesson for the forces in the region, carried out by the forces that will lead the change.

He continued, "The Kurdistan Region has to adapt to the coming change."

"The next system will be national, not divided into components," he said. www./shafaq-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/سياسي-عراقي-يسمي-الجهة-التي-ستقود-سقاط-النظام-في-العراق?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sheila   butterfly anything good happening?

butterfly   sheila I gave the hint earlier in the day.

Sheila   butterfly guess I missed it

butterfly   I will be heading out tomorrow to my nephew's guest house for a couple of days.

Sheila   butterfly have great weekend

butterfly   sheila bonds

Sheila butterfly cool, wait and see on that one

butterfly   1:01...............no waiting.   Done!

Sheila   Repost per butterfly: bond holders have been paid..........that is all you are going to get. Don't ask any questions bc you are lucky you got that much.

Sheila   butterfly thank you darling

Sah   Negotiations for choosing the two presidencies postponed until after Eid, and the oil dispute puts pressure on the Kurdish axis. Erbil - Baghdad - Abdul Hussein Ghazal

The political forces postponed their negotiations until after the Eid regarding the new Iraqi government and the appointment of the two presidencies, as it seemed New differences surround the path between Erbil and Baghdad in this regard. Where On Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq condemned the “unfair pressure” that it considered the Federal Oil Ministry It is practicing it against it, days after a judicial decision that invalidated the contracts of oil companies with the region that enjoys subjectively.

Informed sources expected that the oil dispute would be an obstacle to the political rapprochement of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the framework The Shiite coordination after he left the alliance with Al-Sadr, who resigned from the entire political process.

On Monday, a commercial court in Baghdad, following a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi Oil Ministry, annulled contracts signed between the Iraqi government. Territory and Canadian, British, American and Norwegian companies.

This decision is a new chapter in the conflict between the region and Baghdad over how to manage the oil file. And last February, the Federal Supreme Court obligated the region to hand over all the oil produced on its territory to the government Federal, granting it the right to review all oil contracts in the region and thus invalidate them

Sah   Baghdad has since been trying to implement this decision, which is opposed by the Kurdistan region, which wants to maintain independence in the Gaza Strip energy

During a meeting on Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers reviewed “the constitutional, judicial and legal steps related to the Kurdistan Regional Government.” against the unjust and unconstitutional pressures exerted by the Iraqi Federal Oil Ministry,” according to a statement. The statement added that the council stressed “not to waive the constitutional rights and entitlements of the people of the Kurdistan region.” in any way.”

A senior official in the oil sector in Baghdad told AFP that the canceled contracts are for Western Zagros Canada , DNO of Norway , HKN Energy , which is also located in Texas, and Genel, which has a presence in the stock exchange in London.

The source, who preferred not to be identified, explained that “the Commercial Court invalidates all contracts concluded that the It does not comply with the decision of the Federal Court.

He pointed out that the government had filed lawsuits against seven companies in total, operating in the Kurdistan region, as well as by right The current and former Minister of Natural Resources in the region, in the context of this file

Sah   In this context, Schlumberger , Baker Hughes and Halliburton announced that they will not provide On new projects in the Kurdistan region in compliance with the decision of the Federal Court,” according to a statement by the Iraqi Oil Ministry on Monday .

The statement added that the companies "are now in the process of liquidating and closing existing tenders and contracts."

For its part, the region demands to negotiate a solution with the federal government regarding this file and has filed two lawsuits One of them is against the oil minister.

Iraq has enormous oil resources, representing 90 % of its revenues, but the oil file often constitutes a source Because of the tension between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, in June, Iraq exported more than 101 million barrels of oil, with revenues amounting to 11.5 billion dollars, according to preliminary government figures .

The Kurdistan region produces more than 400,000 barrels per day. www.-azzaman-com.translate.goog/ترحيل-مفاوضات-اختيار-الرئاستين-الى-ما/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Eyeguy1   :Patience:

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