Zig’s Place Chat and News Wed PM 3-3-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Wed PM 3-3-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly  BAGHDAD -- At least 10 rockets targeted a military base in western Iraq that hosts U.S.-led coalition troops on Wednesday, the coalition and the Iraqi military said. It was not immediately known if there were any casualties.  The rockets struck Ain al-Asad airbase in Anbar province at 7:20 a.m., coalition spokesman Col. Wayne Marotto said. No one claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Iraqi military released a statement saying the attack did not cause significant losses and that security forces had found the launch pad used for the rockets - a burned out truck It was found in the al-Baghdadi area of Anbar, about 5 miles (8 kilometres) from the base, an Iraqi military official said on condition of anonymity to discuss the attack with the media.   Video of the site shows a burning medium-sized truck in a desert area.

It was the first attack since the U.S. struck Iran-aligned militia targets along the Iraq-Syria border last week, killing killed one militiaman and stoking fears of a possible repeat of a series of tit-for-tat attacks that escalated last year, culminating in the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani outside the Baghdad airport.

butterfly  Wednesday's attack targeted the same base where Iran struck with a barrage of missiles in January last year in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani. Dozens of U.S. service members were injured, suffering concussions in that strike.

British Ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hickey condemned the attack, saying it undermined the ongoing fight against the Islamic State group. “Coalition forces are in Iraq to fight Daesh at the invitation of the Iraqi government,” he tweeted, using the Arabic acronym for IS. “These terrorist attacks undermine the fight against Daesh and destabilize Iraq.”

Denmark, which like the U.S. and Britain also has troops at the base, said coalition forces at Ain al-Asad were helping to bring stability and security to the country.

“Despicable attacks against Ain al-Asad base in #Iraq are completely unacceptable,” Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod tweeted. The Danish armed forces said two Danes, who were in the camp at the time of the attack, are unharmed.

Wednesday's attack comes two days before Pope Francis' is scheduled to visit Iraq in a much anticipated trip that will include Baghdad, southern Iraq and in the northern city of Irbil.

butterfly  Last week's U.S. strike along the border had been in response to a spate of rocket attacks that targeted the American presence, including one that killed a coalition contractor from the Philippines outside the Irbil airport.

After that attack, the Pentagon said the strike was a “proportionate military response” taken after consulting coalition partners.

Marotto said the Iraqi security forces were leading an investigation into the attack on Ain al-Asad.

U.S. troops in Iraq significantly decreased their presence in the country last year under the Trump administration. The forces withdrew from several Iraqi based across the country to consolidate chiefly in Ain al-Asad and Baghad.

Frequent rocket attacks targeting the heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses the U.S. Embassy, during President Donald Trump's time in office frustrated the administration, leading to threats of embassy closure and escalatory strikes.

butterfly   Rockets hit airbase housing U.S., coalition troops in western Iraq March 3, 2021 9:14AM EST


butterfly   Ten rockets hit an Iraqi airbase with US troops


butterfly    Iraq: Roadside bomb targets anti-Daesh coalition No casualties reported in attack on convoy carrying logistics for US-led anti-Daesh/ISIS forces in southern Iraqi province   03.03.2021


butterfly  BAGHDAD   A roadside bomb in Iraq's southern Al-Diwaniya province on Wednesday targeted a convoy carrying logistics for the US-led anti-Daesh/ISIS coalition forces in the country, a security source said.

There were no reports of casualties, the source said, adding that “limited material damage” was caused.

Washington blames armed Iraqi factions linked to Iran for being behind attacks targeting US interests in the country including its embassy and military bases where US soldiers are situated.

The Shia Hashd al-Shaabi group of nearly 40 militias with links to Iran has claimed responsibility for attacks on anti-Daesh/ISIS forces in the past and is said to be a part of the Hezbollah Brigades, which is backed by Iran.

Anadolu Agency has recorded 29 similar attacks in different parts of the country in the past 10 weeks.

On Thursday, an Iraqi security officer was wounded following an explosion targeting a convoy of supplies for the US-led coalition in the same province.

Currently, there are around 3,000 troops, including 2,500 US forces, fighting in the anti-Daesh/ISIS coalition.

Iraqi political forces have called for the withdrawal of the US troops in the country under a parliamentary decision issued on Jan. 5, 2020.

butterfly    Iraq has paid $49.5 billion as compensation to Kuwait


butterfly  The financial advisor to the Iraqi prime minister has revealed that his country has so far paid out $49.5 billion to Kuwait in compensation for the destruction of oil fields and facilities during the 1990-91 Gulf War.

In an interview with Iraq's Al-Sabah newspaper, Dr Mazhar Muhammad Saleh explained that Baghdad has still to pay the balance of the $52 billion claimed by the Kuwaiti government.

According to Saleh, three per cent of Iraq's oil revenues are deducted and used to pay the compensation through a bank account run by the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. This was dictated by UN Security Council Resolution 1483 in May 2003.

"The compensation is currently paid through the UN Compensation Fund," Saleh pointed out. He expects the balance to be paid within a year or perhaps a little longer, depending on the recovery of oil prices.

Zig  "Iraq News"....Dinar Investor AKA Jeff....3/3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk6YW99H0so

Sheila  Dinar Investor (Jeff) (3/3) 2021 -- RIDE IS ENDING: POPE IN IRAQ MARCH 5-8 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HIu1kAsVFE

Zig  sheila : I will say this about Jeff: He may turn out to be wrong but he is good at putting together a video...skilled...and entertaining....lol

Sheila    Zig exactly... makes you want to believe.

Dave  "the UN Compensation Fund," Saleh pointed out. He expects the balance to be paid within a year or perhaps a little longer, depending on the recovery of oil prices."........The UN intervening....wonder why??? Pope paying off that bad debit ?

Sheila  https://policonomics.com/ - search "currency exchange" -- some good articles

Sheila   Rumtel: now it's being said Dong won't go with Dinar. Dinar with middle east basket. Dong with asian basket. Don't know, just what's being said.

Sheila  Nicks Intel Update March 3, 2021 -- https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/03/03-03-2021-update/

butterfly  https://en.mehrnews.com/news/170654/Iran-Iraq-ties-beyond-agreements-MoUs-Interior-min Iran-Iraq ties beyond agreements, MoUs: Interior min.

butterfly  TEHRAN, Mar. 03 (MNA) – Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that the amicable relations between Iran and Iraq is beyond signing agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs).

Speaking in his meeting with visiting Iraqi Interior Ministry Delegation to Iran on Wed., Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli reiterated that relations between the two countries of Iran and Iraq do not confine within the framework of agreements and MoUs, rather, relations between the two states are based on beliefs, cultural, religious commonalities.   "We love the Iraqi people like our own people," he added.

Iran’s Ministry of Interior has made its utmost effort to expand and develop relations between the two countries, so that the interior ministries of the two countries can play a very important role in strengthening and broadening relations between the two countries. es

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rahmani Fazli pointed to the issue of dealing with terrorism and added, “In this field, the two countries have taken giant strides in the fight against terrorism. At the request of Iraqi government, Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to provide Iraqi government and people with advisory and logistics services whenever it is needed.”

One of the most significant cooperation between the two ministries is the issue of Arbaeen rites and rituals, Rahmani Fazli said, adding, “Arbaeen is a matter of faith and culture for people of Iran and Iraq which can further expand relations between the two countries.”

butterfly   Abdul Halim Faham Al-Farhoud, Senior Advisor to the Iraqi Interior Ministry, for his part, expressed his special thanks to the Iranian Ministry of Interior for its hospitality and stated that negotiating for reaching Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and enhancing security cooperation between the two countries is the main aim behind visit of Iraqi delegation to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Security of Iraq is the security of Iran and there are common relations and interests between the two countries, he underlined.

butterfly    governorates     Iraqi forces arrest 63 ISIS militants in different governorates


butterfly  2021-03-03 12:23  Shafaq News / More than 60 ISIS militants were arrested in Iraq, The Security Media Cell announced on Wednesday.  The Cell said in a statement a force from the Diyala Operations Command carried out a search operation in Diyala in which it arrested 28 ISIS members.

Another force of Nineveh Operations Command launched an operation in separate areas in the Governorate in which 21 ISIS elements were arrested.   In both operations the commands seized military equipment.

The statement added that a force of the joint operations in Kirkuk launched an operation in different areas and arrested 14 ISIS militants.

Earlier, The Iraqi Security Media Cell reported air strikes and major search operations between Saladin and Kirkuk governorates.

The cell said in a statement “Under the supervision of the Joint Operations Command, Iraqi F-16 aircraft launched this morning ten air strikes on the area between northern Saladin and southwestern Kirkuk, which killed terrorists and destroyed strongholds.”

In another statement, the cell said, "Joint units of the Iraqi army and the Popular Mobilization Forces carried out an operation in the same areas to pursue ISIS remnants." 

Meanwhile, a security source said an Iraqi security officer was killed, on Wednesday in an explosion in Saladin Governorate.  The source told Shafaq News Agency "an explosive device blew up at the Interior Ministry's forces in the Zerka area of Saladin on the borders of Kirkuk governorate which killed a member of the Rapid Response Forces.”

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


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Samson Posts "Wednesday News" from KTFA 3-2-2021