Zig’s Place Chat and News Tuesday PM 3-30-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Tuesday PM 3-30-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Dave  Wow ...Good intentions....CBI/Govt...offering up a stimulus package fer the Poor......thats a First!

butterfly  Dave yup.....offering but that doesn't mean it is going to happen.

Dave  or bad translation.....lol

butterfly  yup could be both.

Dave  Teasing the Poor........with promises of cash ....could be a good plan fer us......if not?

Dave  Holding out a cookie ...and then taking it away... :Angry:

butterfly  Most don't know this but other industrial countries have been giving money to their citizens since this pandemic. We unfortunately have not experienced that here in the US.

Dave  butterfly Received about 7-8K......could have received more if i asked....

Dave  my Kids kids will be paying for that

butterfly  Dave that is truly amazing. Here we want to take care of the wealthy, who don't need another fricking dime, but we must take care of them.

butterfly  Dave You have been paying for that threw your taxes as we have here in the US.

butterfly  If we peons did not pay taxes, we would not have a government as it is with every country.

butterfly  In Iraq they could do the same, but the wealthy must be taken care of first......put the peons on the lower level of consideration.

Dave  butterfly Iraqs politicians...richest on the Earth

butterfly  BINGO

Dave  "Where did they get tHAT"?

Dave  OLD QUESTION......

butterfly  I use to play/fly/meet/etc with the wealthy. To be honest I would prefer to be with the not wealthy. Not my bag of people.

Dave  butterfly Very wEALTHY people i know care of 1 thing.....More wealth?

Dave  Create a legacy i suppose.......

butterfly  sheila As my d-n-l says to this day, she is a remarkable blessing for me but I will say up front, you do not want to p#ss her off because she has a way of putting you in your place. I laugh every time I hear her say that because I have no clue what she means.

butterfly  I don't yell, I use words..............WORDS MATTER.

Sheila butterfly I know what she means.

Sheila  butterfly Power of the Spoken Word by Florence Scovil Shinn... god stuff, karma, vibrational backlash, whatever you want to call it... yes, WORDS MATTER -- agree wholeheartedly, period.

Sheila  Courtesy of DinarGuru.com: 3-30-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...Are we excited on where we are at??? ABSOLUTELY!!! We do mine the articles for validation of accuracy and continued process towards the RI and there have been many for sure. The key for everybody to understand is the need for DISCERNMENT as to what is real...and...the Dog and Pony show.

So accurate a metaphor for where we are right now as we await the CBI to make the change. ...question: How many contrary articles have you seen in the last 7-10 days. I would say..a lot!! ...we are most excited but...what the media is doing in Iraq because...just tells us they are looking for headlines while the real "minds and hearts" of Iraq are focused on getting to the end game of the RI for...Iraq.

So, chin up...the game is definitely afoot and I am excited to see what the "near proximal" future has to show us as we await the CBI, AND ONLY, the CBI to make their move...

Sheila  Zig I do not look entirely at the Messenger and dismiss nor accept everything they state. Look at what is being said. Petra is correct about all the negative articles coming out the past couple of weeks about Iraq voting on Budget.

Sheila  Zig And I couple that with what I am now hearing from my one and only bank source then I am pleasantly cautious about believing Petra's post provided above.

butterfly  sheila They have done this every year........every year!

Sheila  butterfly How many years since Iraq's Dinar was devalued in the war?

butterfly  sheila Please do not misunderstand what I am about to post. Seck has a personal banker, etc. every time he would go in and he would request information...............NOTHING has changed even back then.

Sheila  butterfly How many years? Has it been since 2003?

butterfly  Back then it was the same information posted in dinar world........and he would check.....NADA, ZILCH, ETC.

butterfly  Girl I can't remember the dates, years, this old mind can only handle what she is going to do a day at a time. BUT as I remember it is the same "stuff" that was posted back then is being posted now. As he found out from the IMF, it is up to each Central Bank of each country about the currency.

Sheila  butterfly 2003?

Zig  sheila : I do admire your OPTIMISM LOL

Sheila  Zig Yes, optimism. Mostly about contracts. Read somewhere in all this stuff, that if it's been 17 years, Iraq may be coming up on limit for Municipal/Government Bankruptcy time allowed. 2021 would be the year to see them at least get back to being an International Traded Currency on FOREX? Maybe?

Butterfly   https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/American-Heritage-excludes-Iraq-from-the-Index-of-Economic-Freedom-ranking


2021-03-30 09:48   Shafaq News/ The American Heritage Foundation that measures the level of economic freedom in countries around the world announced that Iraq is not ranked in the 2021 index.

According to the report published by the foundation, “six countries out of 179 including Iraq, did not have any rank in the global economic freedom”, these countries are Iraq, Libya, Liechtenstein, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

Singapore’s economic freedom score is 89.7, making its economy the freest, followed by New Zealand, which scored 83.9, then Australia ranked third, scoring 82.4, and Switzerland ranked fourth, scoring 81.9

The United Arab Emirates ranked first in the Arab World and 14th globally, followed by Qatar as the second and 31st globally, scoring 72. Bahrain ranked third and 40th globally, scoring 69.9, and Jordan ranked fourth and 64th globally, scoring 64.6

The Index measures 12 specific components of economic freedom, focusing on four critical aspects of the economic environment, each of which is graded on a scale from 0 to 100 and averaged to determine the score of the country: the rule of law (property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity), government size (tax burden, government spending, fiscal health), regulatory efficiency (business and labor freedom) and open markets (trade freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom)

The index of economic freedom focuses on an individual’s freedom in working, consuming, and investing without any restrictions.

If poverty, disease, and ignorance are declining in all regions, it is primarily due to the widespread adoption of more advanced and transparent economic policies.

butterfly  This was reported back in February:...... https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Iraqi-Oil-Minister-80-US-barrel-would-help-Iraq-meet-the-budget-s-expenditures

Iraqi Oil Minister: $ 80 US/barrel would help Iraq meet the budget's expenditures 2021-02-07 01:32

Shafaq News / Iraqi Minister of Oil, Ihssan Abdul-Jabbar, considered setting a price of 80$ US/oil barrel suitable for Iraq to meet the federal budget's expenditures.

Abdul-Jabbar said in an interview with Shafaq News agency, "Iraq will export in 2021 about one billion and 100 million barrels of crude oil according to market data. The budget needs 140 trillion dinars", adding, "the price of $ 80 a barrel is the right price to make Iraq can pay the budget dues."

He pointed out "the price of $ 80 is impossible to reach in the current year."

Iraq is under great pressure under the weight of the worst economic crisis it has witnessed since 2003, due to the low oil prices and the outbreak of COVID-19.

However, the minister explained that the price of one barrel would reach 60$ in the first quarter of this year, while in the third quarter, if the vaccine is available worldwide, the price per barrel will reach between 62 and 63 dollars."

Iraq was forced to reduce the value of the local currency against hard currencies, especially the US dollar, to provide the salaries that it paid in the fourth quarter of 2020 through the fiscal deficit law approved by Parliament.

The Iraqi government is struggling to secure employee salaries and other operating expenses due to the collapse in oil prices caused by the pandemic, which has crippled large sectors of the world economy. The country relies on revenues from selling crude to finance more than 90% of state expenditures.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896240

Cabinet spokesman: Al-Kazemi directed to support the ration card with the advent of the month of Ramadan

Tuesday 30, March 2021 19:28 | . Cabinet spokesman and Minister of Culture Hassan Nazim announced: "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi has directed to support the ration card with the advent of the month of Ramadan."

Nazem said in the weekly press conference: "There are measures in the Ministry of Trade to meet the ration now and at the beginning of Ramadan."

butterfly  Cabinet spokesman Hassan Nazim announced: "The Council of Ministers decided to develop the Zubair and Majnoon fields to export more oil. "

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Kuwait-s-Treasury-the-remainings-from-the-Iraqi-compensations-are-2-099billion

Kuwait’s Treasury: the remainings from the Iraqi compensations are $2.099billion . 2021-03-30 05:19

Shafaq News/ The Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Economic Matters and Investment, Khalifa Hamadeh, revealed that the remaining amount from the Iraqi compensation for Kuwait is 2.099 billion dollars, stressing that Iraq did not request, neither directly nor through mediators, to abolish the remaining balance.

Hamadeh clarified in response to the Kuwaiti parliament that the remaining amount is paid quarterly.

He added, “the payment process will continue this way until the remaining amount is fully paid. The compensations are expected to be fully paid in mid-2022 If the oil price settled at 60 dollars per barrel since the amount is related to the international prices of oil and the Iraqi oil sales”.

Iraq must deposit 5% of oil and gas export revenues in an international fund established under the name of the United Nations Compensation Fund.

In 1991, an international compensation committee was formed, which obligated Baghdad to pay 52.4 billion dollars as compensation for individuals, companies, governmental organizations, and others that inflicted direct losses from the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait.

Sheila  butterfly hold you in high regard. thank you!

butterfly  sheila This is very important from the above post..................The compensations are expected to be fully paid in mid-2022 If the oil price settled at 60 dollars per barrel since the amount is related to the international prices of oil and the Iraqi oil sales”.

butterfly  Another year of the possibility that will be paid off and hopefully things will start to change for everyone.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Covid-19-About-6000-new-cases-in-Iraq-today

.Covid-19: About 6000 new cases in Iraq today .2021-03-30 08:31   Shafaq News/ Iraq registered, on Tuesday 5995 new cases of Covid-19 to take its total to 844260, the health ministry said.

It reported 37 fatalities to take its coronavirus death toll to 14286.

It also reported 4915 recoveries to take its total to 755350 (89.5 %).

The COVID-19 intensive care patients count to 477.

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896241

Economist: Approval of the budget law needs economists, not political interference

Tuesday 30, March 2021 20:13 .Economic expert Safwan Qusay said that approving the budget law needs economists and not political interference.

Qusay said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "the approval of the current budget law requires listening to the opinions of experts and does not need to expand the circle of political interference, because building a budget of a realistic nature limits the outlets of corruption and moves the Iraqi economy to a more contented stage.

A realistic vision of a flexible nature to define aspects of public spending and works to strengthen the financial position of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank by paying off external debts according to a specific approach and returning foreign reserves to the Central Bank as they were, in addition to creating real job opportunities by completing investment projects and managing them through the private sector Regulars ".

He added, "The relationship between the center and the region needs a financial regulation law. Likewise, we need a law to manage oil wealth and a mechanism for wealth sharing, which is reflected in the increase in the welfare of the Iraqis and the distribution of wealth equitably, all of which requires the approval of the current federal budget and the assignment of a specialized work team to monitor the spending paths and adjust them accordingly." Is consistent with the optimal use and preservation of available resources.

butterfly  He continued: "With the possibility of failure in approving the federal budget, the Prime Minister can declare a state of financial emergency and restrict the movement of government spending in full for the authority of the Minister of Finance and the Council of Ministers after obtaining the approval of the House of Representatives."

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896264

Al-Kaabi calls for Al-Kazemi to dismiss the Mayor of Baghdad and some corrupt managers

Tuesday 30, March 2021 20:09 .Hassan Karim Al-Kaabi, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to dismiss the Mayor of Baghdad, Alaa Maan and a number of the Secretariat’s directors, for their clearly visible failure to accomplish the service tasks responsible for the people of the capital, Baghdad in general, and the Al-Muntadhar neighborhood in Sadr City In particular .

Al-Kaabi said in a statement today, Tuesday: "Some of the state's joints, especially service, must be assigned to the tasks of its management to honest, professional and specialized competencies capable of translating plans and visions into a practical reality whose goal is to provide the best services to citizens, and here it must be far from the disgusting quota system. Which experience has proven their failure to carry out their duties, on the contrary, their presence caused great damage to the joints they turned. "

butterfly  He continued that the current secretary and some managers of the Baghdad Municipality refrain from providing some of the services they are entrusted with and invoke flimsy and implausible arguments while their peers provide many services with the same capabilities that are available to corrupt managers. Here, the difference between a good and bad manager is efficiency and good management, and therefore such things must be excluded Those bad people who not only abuse their positions and their affiliated body, but rather the citizen is the first and last victim.

Al-Kaabi stressed: "The House of Representatives will have a firm supervisory position in this regard in terms of following up the type and size of services provided to all regions of Baghdad and also the Al-Muntadar neighborhood in particular, as its people suffer from poor services, and there will be accountability for the negligent parties and ridding the capital's secretariat of the corrupt, thieves, and impotent." Experience and competence. ”

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896275

MP Khazali: The Turkish and American military presence in Iraq represents a challenge to national sovereignty through an internal conspiracy

Tuesday 30, March 2021 20:55 .The representative of Basra Governorate, Faleh Khazali, affirmed: "The Turkish and American military presence and the expansion of its bases in Iraq represent a challenge to national sovereignty through internal conspiracy.

In a press statement, Khazali accused Kurdish political forces of strengthening the foreign presence in Iraq, especially the American and Turkish, and refuses to implement the House of Representatives’s decision to expel foreign forces from Iraq and the federal government is a compliment at the expense of Iraqi sovereignty.

He added: “The increase in the number of foreign forces and their bases represents a form of Forms of occupation. Many politicians believe themselves to be in America's hands, "asserting:" The revenge of the martyrs, the leaders of victory and our sons, is still ongoing. "

Zig    FYI : If anyone has interest, "Dinar Perspectives" has moved to https://mewe.com/  they have not done a call in a long time...their chat is not very active as far as I can tell....I asked why they don't do calls anymore but did not get much of an answer.... :)

butterfly  Zig What can they say on calls? Their opinions?

Zig Yes   Many people liked them

butterfly  Well everyone has an opinion, but not facts.

Zig  They would go over articles and then talk about them, etc....no hype, etc....kind of interesting....

butterfly  Still an opinion.

butterfly  Sorry, don't mean to pick on you, but it is all opinions without facts.

Sheila  Zig For them, it appears to be way of passing time and staying in this speculation. Maybe it gives those observing, the hopium they need or want to stay.

Zig  butterfly : :Sob: Well okay then....

butterfly  Zig lol

butterfly  As the post yesterday from Frank...............it was going to happen today-Tuesday. Really, where are the facts Frank.

butterfly  IF it was going to happen or it has happened..............IT WILL BE INTERNATIONAL NEWS. PERIOD.

Sheila    butterfly Yes, there is no such thing as an In Country Revalue. When this activates, it's in a flash - FOREX.

butterfly  They can't agree on a budget...........how long has this been "discussed".........how the heck is the CBI going to pop out and say.....hey this is what you have been waiting for.

butterfly  IF it does happen, I have to find where I hide that beautiful paper.

butterfly  Remember when one them said you had to have the papers stated when you purchased them? If not, don't bother turning them in. remember you will be placed in tier? Remember when they will have a "special" 800 number at the bank for you to call? OMG the BS that is put out there.

Sheila  For your discernment: Nicks Intel Update Post and Podbean for March 30, 2021 -- https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/03-30-2021-update/  -- AND -- https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-rci74-ff4855

Sheila  @butterfly Mushroom Management - keep them in the dark and feed them crap... and they still grow and multiple. lolol

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896280

Parliament Presidency invites MPs to attend the session to vote on the budget tomorrow, Wednesday

Tuesday 30, March 2021 21:12 The Presidency of Parliament invited MPs to attend the voting session on the 2021 budget tomorrow, Wednesday, at one in the afternoon.

She said in a press statement: "The meeting's agenda includes the presentation of the request submitted to vote on the dissolution of the House of Representatives."

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896292

A meeting at Al-Amiri's house to discuss the budget  --  Tuesday 30, March 2021 21:47 An informed source announced that a meeting of the Shiite blocs will be held at the house of the leader of the Al-Fateh coalition, Hadi Al-Amiri, in the Jadriya district in Baghdad, to discuss the issue of the budget.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896281

The Presidency of the Council of Representatives invites members to attend the session tomorrow, Wednesday, to vote on the budget / expanded

Tuesday 30, March 2021 21:36 The Presidency of the Council of Representatives called on all parliament members to attend tomorrow's session, Wednesday, to vote on the budget.

A statement by the Presidency of the Council stated: “Legislating the Federal Budget Law for the fiscal year 2021 is one of the important steps, because of its prejudice to the interests of the citizen, and the paragraphs it bears that directly address his needs, as well as enabling the government to proceed with the implementation of its government program and support service projects that It affects the daily life of the citizen. "

The Presidency called on members of Parliament to attend tomorrow, Wednesday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, to hold a session to vote on the budget law, which is long overdue, noting that: "The names of attendees and absences will be published on public opinion."

She explained: "The agenda of tomorrow's session includes the presentation of the request submitted by the political forces, which is supported by the signing of more than 172 deputies to vote on the dissolution of the House of Representatives in its fourth session, according to the provisions of Article 64 first of the Iraqi constitution, and this step comes in response to popular demands for early elections. ".

And he stated: "With this, the parliament has fulfilled all the requirements and practical steps for conducting early elections, including the formation of an independent commission of judges, the legislation of the House of Representatives election law, and voting on the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005 AD) the Federal Supreme Court Law."

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


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More Iraqi News Tuesday PM 3-30-21