Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday PM 3-13-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday PM 3-13-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly  Trade denies holding any exhibition or festival in Baghdad or the provinces

Saturday 13, March 2021 21:20  The Ministry of Trade denied holding any exhibition or festival on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair or in the governorates, based on the decisions of the Crisis Cell due to the spread of the Corona pandemic.

A statement of the ministry quoted the director general of the Iraqi Exhibitions Company Sarmad Taha Saeed as saying that: What was published about the establishment of a festival specialized in small projects and companies by the Jevar Advertising Company on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair on its account on the social networking pages is a shame of health and did not grant a company Iraqi exhibitions do not agree to hold this festival.

He stressed: All companies and relevant authorities need to be careful and careful in publishing or approving such advertisements, which is inconsistent with the Crisis Cell directives not to hold exhibitions and festivals, and the Iraqi Exhibitions Company will take legal measures against violators and promoters of misleading ads and news.   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=893280

butterfly    A cache of materials used in the manufacture of IEDs was raided in Ramadi


Saturday 13, March 2021 20:28   Military Intelligence announced that it raided a cache containing materials used in the manufacture of explosive devices in the city of Ramadi, Anbar Governorate.

And it stated in a statement that: An abandoned house was raided on the island of Albu Dhiab in Ramadi in Al-Anbar Governorate, which contained materials used in the manufacture of IEDs.

He added: The materials were seized and raised to be dealt with according to the applicable contexts.

UNEEK  Controversy - There is no learned man but will confess he hath much profited by reading controversies; his senses awakened, his judgment sharpened, and the truth which he holds more firmly established. In logic they teach that contraries laid together more evidently appear; and controversy being permitted, falsehood will appear more false, and truth more true. MILTON

UNEEK  Assertion is not argument; contradict the statement of an opponent is NOT proof that you are correct – Johnson

Dave  Assertion very interesting ....definition.UNEEK https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=assertion&docid=608012308737623532&mid=6FA232414DAFC8B11E716FA232414DAFC8B11E71&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

Butterfly  https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Parliament-to-resume-the-voting-on-the-Federal-Supreme-C   Parliament to resume the voting on the Federal Supreme Court bill on Monday's sessionourt-bill-on-Monday-s-session

butterfly2021-03-13 14:49   Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Parliament said that it will resume the voting on the pending provisions of the Federal Supreme Court bill in the upcoming session scheduled to Monday.

Over the past two sessions, the parliament approved 21 articles from the bill, with three remaining on the table.

The Media Department in the Iraqi Parliament said in a brief statement received by Shafaq News Agency, "the agenda of Monday's session includes resuming the vote upon the Federal Supreme Court bill."

The dispute that hampers the approval of the law revolves around the terms of reference granted to the Islamic Jurisprudence experts in the bill, in addition to components representation in the Council of the court.

butterfly  https://pakobserver.net/pak-to-send-three-planes-of-relief-goods-to-iraq/

 Pak to send three planes of relief goods to Iraq  -March 14, 2021  Pakistan will dispatch three planes full of Covid-19 relief goods to the Republic of Iraq on the directives of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The first consignment was dispatched on Saturday in presence of National Disaster Management Authority Chairman Lt-General Akhtar Nawaz, senior officials of the foreign ministry and Ambassador of Iraq to Pakistan Hamid Abbas Lafta.

The next two consignments will be sent in the coming week, Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Chaudhri said in a statement.

Pakistan and Iraq have long-standing fraternal ties rooted firmly in shared faith and values. The two countries have multifaceted relationship, marked by regular high-level exchanges and growing cooperation in diverse fields, the spokesperson maintained.

He viewed that the Covid-19 pandemic was a global challenge, which could only be contained with international solidarity and cooperation.

The government and people of Pakistan stood by their Iraqi brethren in this difficult time, he added. Pakistan’s strategy to tackle the global pandemic has been lauded by the World Health Organisation as well as other global forums.

In September, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appreciated Pakistan which, according to him, not only stemmed the spread of the virus but also allowed the country’s economy to recover amid the pandemic.

Tedros said Pakistan deployed the infrastructure built up over many years for polio to combat Covid-19.

“Community health workers who have been trained to go door-to-door vaccinating children against polio have been redeployed and utilised for surveillance, contact-tracing and care,” he added.

butterfly  The global health body chief said the strategy suppressed the virus which led to the revival of the economy.

Bill Gates, American business magnate and philanthropist, had also lauded Pakistan’s efforts in a telephonic conversation with Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The country had successfully tackled the first and second waves of Covid-19 and now was facing the third wave with cases on the rise in Punjab and federal capital Islamabad among some other parts.

butterfly  https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/130320214    

Turkey, Iran say will cooperate with Iraq on water issues    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Turkey and Iran on Saturday said they would cooperate with Iraq on water availability issues, despite being widely accused of hoarding the essential resource.

Iraq’s Ministry of Water Resources held its first international water conference on Saturday, featuring discussions with neighboring countries on how to share interconnected water resources.

Officials have warned that dams built by Turkey and Iran have contributed to a growing water crisis in southern and central provinces of Iraq, as well as the Kurdistan Region.

"We, as Turkey, have never used the issue of water as a bargaining chip, or we have never considered cutting it. Turkey has done everything in its power to bring water to Iraq, even during the most difficult times, even during the drought,” claimed Turkey’s Ambassador to Iraq Fatih Yildiz to Rudaw’s Halkawt Aziz at the two-day conference.

"The Turkish parliament has also voted on agreements with Iraq, and we continue to work on these two issues," added the diplomat, stressing the importance of the conference to resolve water issues between the countries. “We have an action plan and we have identified many areas of cooperation with Iraq.”

butterfly  Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Iraj Masjedi also told Aziz that Iran will cooperate with Iraq to share water between the countries.

“Water has a huge importance for Iran, Iraq and neighboring countries. The Islamic Republic is working with Iraq to use and benefit from water. We hope we can benefit from this water in a better way, in light of the recent years that water and rain decreased,” said Masjedi.

Iraq is the world’s fifth most vulnerable nation to the effects of climate change, including water and food insecurity, according to the United Nations. After years of conflict and mired in political and economic crises, it is also one of the least prepared to deal with the emergency.

“This international conference is important for Iraq and the region. Water must be shared at all levels: globally; regionally; between countries; and between men and women at the community level. It must be a source of cooperation rather than conflict,” said Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq Irena Vojackova-Sollorano in a statement.

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Director of Dams Akram Rasul said the Region is “cooperating well with Iraq’s water ministry and resources” and that the Region has plans to build strategic reservoirs for agricultural irrigation, electricity, tourism, and more.

butterfly  “After the [1991] uprising, we built small and medium reservoirs. Now 17 are works in progress, but have unfortunately stopped because we are waiting for a budget,” said Rasul, adding that four of them are dams.

Rasul noted that Turkey has expressed readiness to help the Kurdistan Region, adding that they hope Iran will also get on board to send enough water to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“We are not building huge dams [...] we are building medium to small dams to protect our water,” Karim Sleman, a deputy in the KRG’s Ministry of Agriculture, told Rudaw on Saturday.

As Tehran is building a network of dams and canals, Iraq will feel the effect of water shortages caused by Iran’s dams. In the south of Iraq, water shortages and poor water quality are already creating climate refugees. Rural families are relocating to urban centres as their fields dry out or salt over, found a February 2020 report by three organizations: the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), Social Inquiry, and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

butterfly  “We see the level of international interest in helping Iraq solve its water problems as an additional motivation for action to open regional dialogue channels from the force site and serious demand to ensure the future of water security for Iraq,” Humat Dijlah, a non-profit Iraqi environmental and water association, said in a Facebook post on Saturday.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893296

In a televised statement, Riyadh Al-Masoudi: The government may change the current exchange rate in the coming period

Saturday 13, March 2021 23:25 |  Member of Parliament for the Saeron Alliance, Riyad Al-Masoudi, affirmed that: The government may change the current exchange rate during the coming period.

He said in a televised statement that: Changing the exchange rate is an executive government order, and if the appropriate ground is found for changing it, it is in accordance with a government request to Parliament in accordance with the constitution.

Al-Masoudi added that: changing its price has created a turbulent economic environment, and the government may change the decision at any moment if it is in the supplementary budget after months or in the next budget.

He explained that: There are several problems that have not been resolved in the budget, with new visions about the price of a barrel that require reaching understandings.

butterfly    Al-Masoudi continued: Tomorrow and Monday morning, there will be several meetings and intense discussions to reach consensus on the budget, which is not limited to the relationship with the region, but there are other matters related to appointments, the exchange rate and others.

He explained that: The lack of a budget and a final account for the past year led to a delay in addition to pressure from some in order to obtain electoral propaganda, and we need a balanced budget with the consensus of all.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893294

With a televised statement, Masoud Haidar: The vote on the budget without the Kurds ... prolonged the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil

Saturday 13, March 2021 23:18 |  Masoud Haider, special advisor to the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, said: "Voting on the budget without the Kurds ... prolonging the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil."

He said in a televised statement that: The current oil prices reduce the deficit of 22 billion dollars .. And the Finance Committee has made amendments to 95% of the budget materials provided by the government and it is possible within the session that the political blocs will not accept the price of $ 45 and that it is changed to the current number between 60 To $ 65 and put a price close to the current price.

Haidar added: We will only accept an agreement concluded with the government on the budget .. The absence of appointments is frustrating for everyone and will affect the chances of the blocs in the upcoming elections.

He continued: We hope that the original text of the budget sent by the government will be passed according to the constituent consensus, otherwise the crisis will remain. We warn of a political crisis if the budget passes fails.

He explained that: Shiite and Sunni representatives are able to pass the budget, and this will lead to a prolongation of the crisis with the region, and we hope that the region will not be part of the electoral campaign, and we are essential partners in the state, solving the problems according to the constitution and approving the budget in the presence of everyone is a gateway to resolving the rest of the crises.

With the remainder of the current year, especially oil and gas, and we must come to an understanding and agree on the oil and gas law according to the federal state.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893262

Hisham Al-Suhail to / Nina /: Tomorrow, Sunday, the Presidency of Parliament will meet with the heads of the blocs to resolve the remaining disputed paragraphs in the Federal Court Law

Saturday 13, March 2021 19:49  Member of Parliament Hisham Al-Suhail confirmed that: Tomorrow, Sunday, there will be a meeting for the Presidency of Parliament with the heads of the blocs to solve the remaining disputed paragraphs in the Federal Supreme Court Law.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): There is a preliminary agreement to pass the Federal Court law, and last week a solution was reached for most of the remaining articles.

Al-Suhail added: A meeting will be held tomorrow, Sunday, to end the remainder and vote on it in a session next Monday.

Parliament is scheduled to complete consensus on the remaining paragraphs of the Federal Supreme Court Law and vote on the law at the next session.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893299

The House of Representatives will continue next Monday to vote on the Federal Court bill

Saturday 13, March 2021 23:44  Next Monday, the House of Representatives will continue voting on the Federal Court bill.  A statement by the Media Department of the House of Representatives said today, Saturday: "The agenda for the parliament session next Monday includes the completion of the vote on the draft Federal Court bill. "

Sheila  Courtesy of DinarRecaps.com, from Militia Man:   It being prior to the vote Monday or not is only hours away, effectively. Even then the pressure to have it sorted this month, is imo view immense. Even the UN is pushing hard.. lol imo I like March in a big way. imo ~ MM ... https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/militiaman-and-ktfa-members-under-pressure-saturday-pm-3-13-2021

Sheila  Ball of Confusion by The Temptations -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5P7x4vh_ts


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


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