Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Tuesday PM 3-30-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Tuesday PM 3-30-21
Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly   The Presidency of the Council of Representatives invites members to attend the session tomorrow, Wednesday, to vote on the budget / expanded

Tuesday 30, March 2021 21:36 The Presidency of the Council of Representatives called on all parliament members to attend tomorrow's session, Wednesday, to vote on the budget.

A statement by the Presidency of the Council stated: “Legislating the Federal Budget Law for the fiscal year 2021 is one of the important steps, because of its prejudice to the interests of the citizen, and the paragraphs it bears that directly address his needs, as well as enabling the government to proceed with the implementation of its government program and support service projects that It affects the daily life of the citizen. "

The Presidency called on members of Parliament to attend tomorrow, Wednesday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, to hold a session to vote on the budget law, which is long overdue, noting that: "The names of attendees and absences will be published on public opinion."

She explained: "The agenda of tomorrow's session includes the presentation of the request submitted by the political forces, which is supported by the signing of more than 172 deputies to vote on the dissolution of the House of Representatives in its fourth session, according to the provisions of Article 64 first of the Iraqi constitution, and this step comes in response to popular demands for early elections. ".

And he stated: "With this, the parliament has fulfilled all the requirements and practical steps for conducting early elections, including the formation of an independent commission of judges, the legislation of the House of Representatives election law, and voting on the First Amendment Law (Order No. 30 of 2005 AD) the Federal Supreme Court Law."   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896281

Dave  Crunch time..?.Ramadan in 2 weeks/dissolution of parliament, elections in October.....then appoint those ministers.........

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896297
In his speech at the ministerial meeting of the international coalition ... the foreign minister affirms Iraq's position to continue fighting ISIS and eliminating it militarily and intellectually.

Tuesday 30, March 2021 22:12 In Iraq's speech at the ministerial meeting of the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS, which was held on Tuesday evening via closed-circuit television, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed, "The position of the Iraqi government and people is to continue fighting the terrorist organization ISIS and eradicating it militarily and intellectually," noting: "The security forces have experiences in this field, and extensive information about this organization and its elements."

At the outset of his speech, the Minister expressed Iraq's thanks to the countries of the International Coalition for their support in defeating the terrorist organization ISIS, and the efforts made to support the restoration of stability, the provision of basic services to the liberated cities, the return of the displaced to their cities, and the strengthening of reconstruction efforts, adding: We extend our thanks to the NATO mission in Iraq For its efforts in security capacity building, training, and advice.

In his speech, he stressed: “The importance of strengthening action and uniting international efforts to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria, as its direct impact on security, regional stability, and instability in Syria may affect the future security situation in Iraq, calling for addressing the humanitarian situation of families in Al-Hol camp in Syria, and preventing ISIS from penetrating camps for the displaced, spreading its terrorist ideology, and reorganizing its ranks,

butterfly   He affirmed the position of the Iraqi government and people in continuing to fight the terrorist organization ISIS and eliminate it militarily and intellectually, noting: “The security forces have experiences in this field, and extensive information about this organization and its elements, as well as its experience in fighting and defeating it, and that the Iraqi government has made great efforts to facilitate The safe return of the displaced through a set of measures and procedures, including creating conditions that enable them to safely and voluntarily return to their areas of origin.

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896300

Al-Mashhadani: The uncontrolled weapon and political money may contribute to the fraud of the elections and the reluctance of citizens to participate in them

Tuesday 30, March 2021 22:24 Former Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani called for controlling fugitive weapons before the elections.

Al-Mashhadani said in a televised statement: "The fugitive weapons and political money may contribute to rigging the elections and will not give legitimacy to them internationally, and also contribute to the citizens' reluctance to go to the polls."

He ruled out direct confrontation between the government and the armed factions that have military power, calling for dialogue between them to solve the problems, because the confrontation between them will cause a loss to the Iraqi people and the government.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896301

The Minister of Culture discusses with the Syrian ambassador cooperation in retrieving the looted antiquities

Tuesday 30, March 2021 22:27 The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Hassan Nazim, received the ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic, Sattam Al-Dandah, to discuss a set of common cultural files, chief among them the efforts of the two countries to recover looted and smuggled antiquities.

At the beginning of the meeting, the two parties discussed, according to a statement by the Ministry, the devastating effects of terrorism on both countries, especially with regard to the effects and the systematic targeting of terrorist groups of landmarks of the ancient common history between the two countries.

Nazem emphasized the depth of cultural relations between the two countries, especially at the level of the two peoples, noting: "Iraq, the Levant and Egypt were at the forefront of the countries that drew the features of Arab culture."

The meeting discussed the maturation of a number of memoranda of understanding in tourism, culture, and the recovery of looted and smuggled antiquities.

The need to work together on the file of antiquities recovery, the exchange of information between the two parties and the revitalization of religious tourism between the two countries in the near future, with the decline in the threat of the pandemic due to the escalation in the pace of vaccination against the virus, was also emphasized, as well as activating cooperation in the fields of art and publishing.

The Syrian ambassador invited the Minister of Culture to visit Syria in the coming days, which Nazem welcomed, and promised to fulfill it at the earliest opportunity.

Dave  Kurds on the samr page in passing budget? deputy from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan said that the parliament would hold a session tomorrow, Wednesday, to vote on the budget bill for 2021.

According to the media of his party, MP Hussein Nermo said, “A number of parliament members collected about 40 signatures for a session tomorrow, Wednesday, To vote and settle the draft federal budget law for 2021. ”

Nermo added, “The Kurdish blocs in the House of Representatives do not oppose holding a session Wednesday to settle the budget,” noting that “the Parliamentary Finance Committee voted during the past days on Article 11 of the Kurdistan region in the draft budget law.”


Dave  Kurds on the same page with the budget?......that's an all time FIRST

butterfly  Dave When it comes to voting.......I will believe. Until then, all talk.

Sheila  Dave Being in constant long standing disagreement has allowed propaganda to stall the masses. great misdirection, misinformation

Dave butterfly just offering up hopium.....Words from Iraq ....not Frank Jeff etc.....LOL

butterfly sheila STOP...........you are sounding like me. LOL

butterfly  I know I read and posted a similar article earlier in the day.

Sheila  Dave what the world needs is a paradigm shift... truly, a massive, big old shift, for the good of humanity at large.

Dave  sheila Federal Courts......?......Maliki et -al would not like that?

Sheila Dave thinking bigger than Maliki

Dave  sounds like they finally seated those Judges.......

Dave sheila possibly.......Frank Jeff tall...Maliki is short?

Sheila  Dave thinking the RV activated, worldwide would be a biggie

Dave  Globally Traded ...A GOOD THING!

Dave  hopefully with out wheel barrows.......

butterfly  I will post this again: The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that there is no return to the previous exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, and the price will not be reduced under any circumstances, and indicated that there is no intention to raise the price from 145 thousand per 100 dollars.

"The current price of the dollar is very reasonable and the bank has settled on it, and any decision to reduce it means that we are heading towards an economic massacre," Ihssan Shamran, director of the bank's accounting department, said in a press statement.

And the Central Bank called for "ending" what it called "the polemics calling for the return of the previous price," noting that "this matter is not based on any economic vision, despite the sound intentions of those demanding that."

Shamran, an advisor to the central bank governor, considered that "the process of raising the dollar against the dinar was long overdue because this matter contributed to protecting the domestic product, in addition to that the lifting process increased the financial costs of the exporting countries to Iraq by 22%, which contributes to increasing competition between the imported product and the producer." the local".

He added that "suspicions of money laundering also ended with the raising of the dollar, and this is one of the most important benefits that Iraq obtained as a result of the process of changing the exchange process."

And the Director of the Accounting Department at the Central Bank revealed, "the public finance obtained about 10 trillion dinars as a result of the process of raising the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, and therefore it is now assumed that the Ministry of Finance should allocate about 20-30% of the amount collected (10 trillion) for the purpose of distributing it to Citizens who are within the poverty line, whose number is about ten million citizens as financial grants, and this is part of the Central Bank's understandings with the Ministry

Dave  Call that an RV.........?

butterfly CBI makes decisions regarding currency with every country.

Dave  Yep

Dave CBI raked in a bundle.......

Sheila misdirection, misinformation... all for the stall until it activates

Dave sheila Choreographed fights in the Halls of Parliament?

Dave  The Grammy goes to WHO?

Dave oops ...Oscar!

Sheila  Dave some real, some staged. history might reveal the actors.

Dave just dont pull on my finger...

butterfly  Dave Up for grabs at this point.

Dave actually hope so too....

Dave  wished they would give me some faith after all the years......

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896307

Taha Al-Defense: Great corruption in the file of Iraqi funds and real estate abroad

Tuesday 30, March 2021 23:01 A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Taha Al-Defense, said, "There is great corruption in the file of Iraqi funds and real estate abroad."

Al-Defense said in a televised statement: "There are smuggled money and real estate belonging to Iraq in various countries of the world, but the government has not done well in this file, and it does not have specialized institutions to follow this file."

He added, "The countries in which most money smuggled from the time of the previous regime are the Arab countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf states, and they are registered under the names of important personalities in these countries."

Al-Dafa'i continued: "Between 2010 and 2015, Iraq bought new properties, without the need for them and they were not utilized."

Dave  Up to 780 billion disappeared?

butterfly Dave I had moved on with my life until old ziggy begged me to come in and post articles. So here I am again after several years of ignoring the "possibility".

butterfly  Dave That is what they kjnow of.

Dave  Found or obtained 120 billion recently i heard

Dave ear marked???

butterfly I remember all the news about Maliki stealing tons of money, so here we are again, talking about the same thing. When you electing/hiring the same people, you are going to get the same problem.

Dave  butterfly I like Federal Courts.....

butterfly  Dave They can be bought off as they are in all countries.....not just Iraq.

Dave  I like the rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens rendition....

Dave Hope in Humanity.....

butterfly  That is what we all should be focused on Dave which I will admit, I spend a lot of my days doing just that,.   As they say..............it is harder to smile, then frown.

Dave  Mom told me plan fer the worst ....hope fer the best

butterfly  always smile because it will drive people nuts trying to figure out why you are smiling.

Dave   lol......

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896306

The Council of Ministers holds its regular session headed by Al-Kazemi and takes a number of decisions / expanded

Tuesday 30, March 2021 23:13 Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi presided over a regular session of the Council, during which they discussed developments in the country, as well as discussed topics included in its agenda, and issued a number of decisions and recommendations regarding them.

At the beginning of the session, Al-Kazemi referred to the great challenges facing the country due to the nature of the situation, and the need to join hands and unify efforts in order to overcome them.

Al-Kazemi expressed his aspiration to accelerate the approval of the budget law, because of the paragraphs it contains that address the needs of the poorest classes, and support service projects that affect the life of the citizen.

The Prime Minister directed all ministries to make efforts to support the Ministry of Trade in order to distribute the ration card items to citizens, and not to give the opportunity to some merchants who are trying to exploit the citizen’s needs.

He also directed the Ministry of the Interior and the National Security Agency to monitor the unreasonable rise in prices due to the greed of some merchants.

Al-Kazemi called on all ministries to work diligently to support reform decisions according to the strategy prepared for them, and to face pressures with patience and hard work.

butterfly  During the meeting, the Minister of Health and Environment reviewed the developments of the work of the committee to strengthen government measures in the areas of prevention and control of health and awareness regarding limiting the spread of the Corona virus, as well as the efforts of the Ministry and health departments in all governorates regarding vaccinating citizens with the Corona virus vaccine.

After extensive discussions of the topics included in its agenda, the Cabinet issued the following decisions:

First / Emphasis on the Ministry of Finance to finance the Ministry of Health at an amount (8126820 dollars), which is related to the supply of the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine (the amount of 3002220 dollars), for the value of two dollars paid in advance for each dose in the agreement, in addition to an amount (5124600) dollars for the value of 512460 A dose in the first meal of the agreement, according to the Ministry of Health letter to the Ministry of Finance on March 29, 2021.

Second: Approval of purchasing an additional quantity of the Pfizer vaccine.

Third / As a result of the steady increase in the number of infections with Coronavirus, and the urgent need for consultant doctors and specialists to fill the shortage in health institutions, the Minister of Health is authorized to contract with retirees from them for a monthly amount of (1) million dinars, for the urgent need for their services, provided that their work is done according to the need of health institutions.

butterfly  Fourth / Due to the large number of inquiries received by the Ministry of Health regarding the mechanism of vaccination for Arab and foreign residents, including diplomats and workers in international organizations, companies and others, it was decided to include them in vaccination just like the Iraqis, taking into account the principle of reciprocity.

Fifth /1 - Providing ministries and entities not associated with a ministry and all governorates, the Central Bureau of Statistics at the Ministry of Planning, with the data on the employee number granting form as quickly as possible and within (one month of work) starting from the date of issuing this decision, and the head of the agency bears the responsibility after that.

2- Linking the salary payment system with the job numbers through the electronic payroll platform at a time determined by the Ministries of Finance and Planning.

Sixth / Approval of the recommendation of the Ministerial Energy Council (13 of 2021) regarding the renewal of the contracts for (IFMS) and (EPCM), the Majnoon Field Production and Development Authority, Basra Oil Company, according to the following:

butterfly  Approval of the renewal of the two contracts of Integrated Field Management (IFMS), with the Chinese company (Anton) and the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM), with the American company (KBR), for a period of (two years + an optional year), starting from the effective date of the current contracts, with an exception. Of the controls No. (9) attached to the instructions for implementing government contracts (2 of 2014), issued by the Ministry of Planning.

Seventh / Approval of the following: -  Forming a committee headed by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for Labor Affairs as a member and a vice president, and membership of the Under Secretary of Ministries, Finance, Planning, Oil, Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, Health, Transport, Justice, Water Resources, Agriculture, Industry and Minerals, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Youth and Sports, Electricity, Migration and Displaced Persons, representatives of the Iraqi Federation of Industries and the General Federation of Trade Unions in Iraq.

- The aforementioned committee shall formulate the general policy for employment and vocational training and follow up the implementation of the decisions taken in its regard based on the provisions of Article 17 / First of the Labor Law.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896308

Head of the Badr Parliamentary Bloc: The budget faced many complications and problems, and we hope that tomorrow's session will be decisive and joyful.

Tuesday 30, March 2021 23:15 Head of the Badr Parliamentary Bloc, Hassan Shaker Al-Kaabi, said: "The budget faced many complications and problems, and we hope that tomorrow's session will be decisive and joyful for the Iraqi people."

Al-Kaabi said in a televised statement, "We do not want to shackle the Iraqi people and the Iraqi state with large borrowings without knowing their tangible benefit on the ground."

He explained: "There is a legal text that obliges the region and the federal government to fulfill their obligations, and we seek to make the distribution of wealth equitable among the Iraqi people. "

Dave  I"There is a legal text that obliges the region and the federal government to fulfill their obligations, and we seek to make the distribution of wealth equitable among the Iraqi people. "

Dave  Badr Bloc backing Kurds?

Sheila  chest thumping, lol

Dave  hehe......smiling yes.....

Dave  sheila Very Good news.....April 6 aint far out!

Sheila Dave I know that's right!

Sheila  sheila imminent? lolol

Dave  sheila in the"coming days" will determine that fer me also

Sheila  gotta go run errands,,, later

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896309

The Supreme Security Committee for the elections holds its regular meeting

Tuesday 30, March 2021 23:31 .The Supreme Security Committee for Elections held its periodic meeting, headed by the head of the committee, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, Deputy Commander of Joint Operations.

A statement by the Joint Operations Command stated that: "During the meeting, a number of issues related to the committee's work were discussed, and the latest developments were discussed, while briefings were heard by officials of the sub-committees, including field, media, intelligence and administrative."

Team Al-Shammari stressed the importance of exerting more efforts for the success of the work, overcoming obstacles and following up on the needs of all workers in these committees, which operate at a very high rate.

The meeting discussed the importance of continuing to prepare the necessary infrastructure and logistical provisions for the elections in order to achieve the desired goals.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896313

Al-Maamouri: The "Sairoun" bloc will be the first to attend Wednesday's session

Wednesday 31, March 2021 00:00 . The head of the "Sairoun" coalition in Diyala, MP Burhan Al-Mamouri, confirmed: "The Saeron Parliamentary Bloc will be the first to attend the session of Parliament on Wednesday to vote on the 2021 budget."

In a statement to his media office, Al-Mamouri called on the government not to burden citizens with the burden of drawing monetary policy.

It also called on the government to issue immediate decisions to address the issue of rising prices of essential goods, and bring it back to what it was .

Sheila   Video: Lynette Zang: GOLD OR SILVER: How Gold and Silver Perform During Currency Resets (21:10), March 30, 2021 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9SAGz7CkDI

Sheila  IMF Silently Creates New Money Layer, Why You Need to Leave the Banks: Willem Middelkoop (14:46)  Stansberry Research -- March 26, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKvdPoRb_8k

The International Monetary Fund’s special drawing right (SDR) – the international reserve asset created in 1969 to prepare for a new dollar crisis – is undergoing a renaissance with important worldwide repercussions says Willem Middelkoop, author of the Big Reset. "The announcement of the largest-ever increase in SDR allocations, which will greatly improve the liquidity of many developing nations, signals alignment between the US and China in a key area of global monetary power," he tells our Daniela Cambone.

Sheila  I am done... copy and paste the link, if you want to watch video.

Sheila  Video: Catherine Austin Fitts, Interview Clip 1 - Planet Lockdown, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8VBfCW7Mao

Sheila  Video: Catherine Austin Fitts, Interview Clip 4 - Planet Lockdown, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RCHSi9GCIQ

Sheila  I am looking for the entire Interview... it was very good.

Sheila  Video: Catherine Austin Fitts, Full Interview, Planet Lockdown (48:32), https://www.bitchute.com/video/1JJH24Wl4nl7/


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


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News, Rumors and Humor Tuesday Night 3-30-2021