Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday PM 3-19-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday PM 3-19-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Zig    Too bad @Jeff won't come in here again....he is predicting a big move during this weekend....

Zig  Of course he keeps emphasizing IMO

Sheila  Sparky these "gurus", I can honestly say I am glad they do all they do. Have not paid for any of their services. Still appreciate their efforts. Has given me hope over the years.

Sparky  sheila ... it is entertaining ...... I was a paid member of DV at one time .Adam and his series 7 ...

Sparky  ... actually how I got a Iraqi bank account at 6.5% interest back in '12 ... will be worth a gazzillion bucks when this pops ...

Sparky  ... Warka Bank and Finance .... with ties to ISX ... Sparky ... I'll have to remember to include instructions on how to get the funds in my will ...but heh, it could pop tomorow for all that I know ...

Sheila Sparky this weekend. hours/days... not weeks. believe that to be so.

Sheila  @Sparky if not then, then will change goal line.

Sparky sheila ... yes, indeed ...

Sparky ... I will immediately, upon cash in, to proceed to acquire an office on the sea shore, exactly like 221 B Baker Street, and begin to solve crimes ...

Zig Sparky :@Jeff has a Youtube channel...not sure if he makes any money from it...or how that even works....

butterfly    https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894359

The President of the Republic: The system of government needs structural reform and is no longer acceptable to the Iraqi citizen

butterfly  The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, affirmed that the system of government needs structural reform and is no longer acceptable to the Iraqi citizen in the south and center and in Kurdistan, and said the Iraqis deserve better than they are today.

The President of the Republic said in a televised statement: "Iraq cannot be stable without a capable and fully sovereign state capable of imposing the law, confining weapons in its hand and protecting its borders, and there is a national consensus on that. "

Sheila PeteV so good, so good... can you dig it?

PeteV thanks @butterfly n cool @sheila

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894364

Agreeing to hold a voting session on the budget at 10 pm today

Friday 19, March 2021 20:55   The joint meeting of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the leaders of the blocs ended with an agreement to hold a voting session on the general budget at ten o'clock this Friday evening.

Sheila  @PeteV heard from my one and only source that this is "the weekend" -- we wait. regardless, I am stickin' and stayin'.

19 Mar 21, 01:00 PM butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894362

/ NINA / New parliamentary proposals are published in the General Budget Law

butterfly   Parliamentary circles revealed new proposals in the draft General Budget Law 2021, before the voting session to be held this evening, Friday.

The Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) publishes the list of proposals as they were circulated in the parliamentary circles .. – The suspension of appointments in all ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry and the governorates.   Transferring the file of appointments in government institutions to the Federal Service Council.

- Not to be appointed in any leadership positions (general manager or above) unless there is a job grade for them in the ministry’s law or an entity not associated with a ministry.

- Stop transferring and placement between presidencies and ministries, except in case of necessity.

Activating the collection of electricity wages.

- The Ministries of Defense and Interior are obligated to transfer the ranks who wish to hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, to the civil staff in the same ministry.

- To oblige the Kurdistan region to provide the Federal Ministry of Finance with the staffing of its formations

- To the Ministry of Education to issue direct orders to the lecturers covered by Cabinet Resolution No. (59) for the year 2020.

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894368

Badr bloc meets with its deputies before the budget voting session

Friday 19, March 2021 21:37 The Badr Parliamentary Bloc held a closed meeting, in preparation for the participation of its representatives in the voting session on the draft General Budget Law 2021, scheduled to be held at ten pm today, Friday.

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894370

The meeting of the Kurdish delegation and the Kurdish blocs is still continuing until now

Friday 19, March 2021 21:42 The joint meeting of the Kurdish delegation headed by the deputy head of the regional government, Qubad Talabani, with representatives of the Kurdish blocs, continues until now, in preparation to participate in the voting session on the draft General Budget Law 2021, scheduled to be held at ten o'clock today, Friday.

Zig   I guess you can be an opportunist rather than a crook in this....make money but think you are telling the truth....

Sparky  Zig ... again, no ...

Sheila   Zig nope. think they are genuinely opportunist, like selling umbrellas during rainstorm. It is my challenge to filter and exercise free will.

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894375

Controversy points agreement: expenditures for the Kurdistan region’s share without retroactive effect in the general budget

Friday 19, March 2021 21:56  The political blocs revealed the details of the agreement on the controversial points related to the share of the Kurdistan region, in the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, and the voting session is scheduled to take place at 10:00 pm this Friday evening.

Representatives spoke to the correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency, saying that "the agreement includes the disbursement of budget expenditures without retroactive effect in relation to the region's budget, while checking the revenues of the border crossings of the region, as well as the delivery of an amount of 250 thousand barrels per day and the value of international prices that the National Sumo Company deals with."

Zig sheila : LOL....I think there was an episode of "Seinfeld" where he was shown selling umbrellas in the past on NY streets....loved that show....

Zig   How long have they been fighting over the % to Kurdistan??.....LOL

Sheila   Zig misdirection, stall tactics until they were given the "good to go" -- linchpin currency

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894376

General Budget Proposals: Abolish the income tax on retirees, military and civilian employees, and contracts

Friday 19, March 2021 22:04 The political blocs disclosed the proposals contained in the last draft of the draft General Budget Law 2021, and the voting session will be held at ten o'clock this evening Friday.

The draft proposals circulated by representatives and representatives of political blocs also included the abolition of the income tax on all military and civilian employees, contracts and all retirees. Imposing a tax rate of 15% on imported fuel. Imposing a 20% tax on mobile and internet packing service

Imposing a 100% tax on tobacco and cigarettes.

Imposing a tax of 200% on alcoholic and spirits,

imposing a tax stamp of 25,000 dinars per person for external travel at airports.

PeteV hi peoples

Zig PeteV : Hi...In case some of you do not know this: Pete used to work in Iraq...

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894379

Deputies from marching: the voting session on the budget law may take place after midnight

Friday 19, March 2021 22:39 other deputies confirmed that the voting session on the General Budget Law may take place after midnight, pending the completion of the Finance Committee of drafting the alternative proposal.

Dave  butterfly PENDING...lol

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894380

Parliamentary Finance votes on the controversial articles in the budget, including the Kurdistan region’s share

Friday 19, March 2021 22:52 The Parliamentary Finance Committee, during its joint meeting with the Presidency of Parliament, which was held this evening, Friday, voted on the contentious articles in the draft general budget law, after its amendment, including Article (11) related to the share of the Kurdistan region in the budget law

Butterfly  https://www6.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=847094&boxtag=txEEap

Representatives leave parliament, resentful of waiting for the session to vote on the general budget

Friday 19, March 2021 23:02 Deputies of various blocs left the House of Representatives building this evening, resentful after they waited for a long time, the voting session on the draft General Budget Law 2021, scheduled to be held this Friday evening, which did not take place until this hour.

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894386  session tomorrow morning, Saturday, due to the ongoing discussions on the budget

Friday 19, March 2021 23:39 The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to hold the session tomorrow, Saturday, at ten in the morning, due to the ongoing discussions between the MPs and the Finance Committee and for the purpose of completing the details and final printing of the budget bill.

The Presidency announced that it "will be the final version of the uncles of the budget bill if the completion of the Finance Committee" .

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=894382

A deputy for the Badr bloc: We will not vote on any paragraph in the general budget that includes withholding the ration card

Friday 19, March 2021 23:17   Badr Parliamentary Bloc threatened that it will not vote on any paragraph within the general budget in which the ration card is withheld or damage to the ration card allocations and threatens the food security of the Iraqi citizen.

MP Wafa Al-Shammari said, in a press conference, that "focusing on supporting food security is the most powerful means for the steadfastness and progress of any society, and it is the card in which developed countries have played in weakening their opponents."

She explained that "the strongest pillar to support food security for the Iraqi people rests with the Ministry of Trade, in securing the ration card items and materials, and this matter needs financial allocations and legal legislation."

She added, "The articles related to the ration card in the general budget are disastrous, as they included in Article 46 the withholding of the ration card for many segments of the Iraqi people from families who receive a salary of one million dinars or more, and it seems that the economic crisis was caused by the citizen's sustenance and ration card, not extravagance And financial corruption. "

She emphasized that "the executive authority forgot that the high price of the dollar against the dinar weakened the purchasing value of the local currency, which negatively affected the citizen, and then we come today to withhold the ration card for certain groups, which is something we had never hoped for."

Dave  Sparky cant afford Musks ride yet..........

Sparky ...Rocketman ...

Dave fly like an eagle within my price range

Sparky  Dave ... I think it's gonna be a long, long time ....

Dave Not according to some...April 6........

Sparky  ... but, what do I know ...

Sparky Dave ... " all the science I don't understand ... "

Dave  ask Spectra or Tebow.......

Sparky ... but, I do understand some ...

Zig  Dave : A few are saying we will see a rate change this weekend once the budget goes through....new rate in the budget....just sayin'

Sheila    Interesting reading here on Nicks Intel Blog: https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/19/03-19-2021-update/

Dave Sparky ... words make you think ...

Sparky  ... be difficult to un read something ...

Sparky ... once your brain gathers all the info , you'll re act ...

Sparky ... or, not ... it all depends ... I could say a word, and this place would light up ... bet

Sparky  ... three words ... 104 was passed ...

sheila 104 was passed? Federal Court Law or was that the HCL?

Sparky  sheila ... if they pass HCL, we go to the bank girl ...

sheila Sparky So what is 104?

Sparky ... no, 104 wasnt passed ...

Sheila  Sparky oops... lolol

Sparky  sheila ... disputed area's , major oil producing area, which Kurd's want, as do the regime ...

Sparky ...you prolly know more than me ..... I just follow the money ...

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


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