Wolverine, Holly, Frank and more...Saturday Morning 12-11-2021


Redemption centres have been working all day and are being trained for the start of the biggest transfer of wealth that has ever happened in this planet which will never happened again in our life time.

 Behind the scenes there are huge meetings happening with very important people to get this started.

 Everything is ready to go and just waiting for the codes to be locked in.

 I wish I can tell you more but I’m sworn to secrecy.

 The White Hats have won and are in control

Holly Saturday Report

Good morning roomies!   

 We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and a small group of determined people can change history.- Sonia Johnson  

 We are a very large group who has set out to change history! We are a global group who has come together for one cause, to free the world and ourselves, and then to heal the world. We are part of the biggest transfer of wealth in history.

 We have dreamed the impossible dream! We have climbed the mountain and the journey has been long. We will have our dreams come true!  

I heard great news from many yesterday that we are in the final sequence of events happening!

If all continues to go as it has, it should be a great Christmas!

Keep your vibrations high, and stay positive! We need to push this over the top and make it happen!

We can do this! High vibes everyone! 



Frank26   Article:  "Washington stops the automatic deductions from Iraq oil revenues to compensate Kuwait"  That is so big...they need to make the official announcement they're Article VIII but look - Article quote:  "Iraq should seek to get out of the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter" ...there's only one banana peel left and Kuwait has just said that they have been compensated.  It's time for you to catch up United Nations... Article:  "The Central Bank of Iraq announces the suspension of the automatic deduction of Kuwait's compensation Whoa wait a minute.  They owe [Kuwait] money don't they?  Not anymore... this is impressive because this is what's definitely considered the final countdown.

Petra   Article:  "Economist on the 2022 budget: It will address the fiscal deficit and debts owed by Iraq "  Quote: "3% of Iraq's oil imports will be released as a result of the zeroing of Kuwait's debts, as well as the zeroing of the deficit during the past year, in addition to recycling part of the surplus for the next year,"  ...ZEROING of Kuwait 's debts as well as ALL DEFECITS of 2021 AND the budget will have extra that they will roll over to the next year!  So you have to ask the question... Kuwait is paid...and ALL other deficits will be paid off this year!  AND, they will have a surplus for next year?   WHAT IN THE WORLD IS IN THIS BUDGET?  ...SO, if they are "intentionally" leaking this information about the new budget and reflective of a new rate...this truly is...ANY DAY!!!  IMO...


X22 Report

Ep. 2649a - Gold Will Destroy The Fed, In The End The [CB]s Will Not Survive

The fake news is now pushing the narrative that the economy is the best we the people have ever seen. The [CB] has no cover story they need to spin it all. This will fail. Jobs lowest we have seen, inflation hitting 6.8%, people see it all. The [CB] system will be destroyed by Gold when people truly see the real value of the [CB] currency.


Egon Von Greyerz: Get Ready For Gold Mania As Global Financial System Implodes

As Good as Gold Australia:  Dec 11, 2021

Governments all around the world continue to recklessly print fiat money. The result and effect from this policy is always the same, leading to an economic disaster.

With the economy already in taters, a pledge has been made by the financial elites, who manage 40% of the world's financial assets to commit to $130 trillion to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate change. Are they serious?

And if so, where is the money coming from?

Why do Central Banks own gold? If Central Banks own gold then why shouldn't we?

Owning gold (real money) provides the holder with more options in a failing economy.

Now more than ever, one needs to protect their wealth against the real risk of a looming hyper-inflationary global phenomenon.



"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 12-11-2021


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 12-10-21