Tuesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-6-22

Tuesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-6-22

Parliament Opens Its Doors To Continue Legislative And Oversight Work

Iraq  11:58 - 09-06-2022   Today, Tuesday, the House of Representatives reopened its doors to its employees and representatives in order to practice legislative work and hold parliamentary committee meetings again.

And the representative of the State of Law coalition, Aref Al-Hamami, stated that “the cadres working in the parliament building finished their work, at a time when the head of the council instructed the employees to work inside the building by 100 percent, as the parliamentary committees will resume their work and meetings again, starting today.”

Al-Hamami pointed out that “the presence of the deputies in the parliament came after the injunction of the president of the council in order to coordinate their work, rearrange the work of the parliamentary committees, continue the legislative and oversight work, and activate the role of this authority’s work again.” https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/8699

The Political Scene In Iraq: Fear Of A Calm Before The Storm

Sumerian special   2022-09-06 | 03:09   Source:  Sumerian  538 views   Observers: ambiguity and closure dominate the political scene and fear of a calm before the storm

While the current political situation is witnessing a relative calm, ambiguity still dominates the scene, especially with the absence of solutions to the current crisis.

The suffocation increases and the scene becomes complicated, with the absence of solutions to the crisis that still exists, although the situation prevails in calm that coincides with the approaching date of the Arbaeen visit of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and after that, not everyone sees any signs of overcoming the pitfalls, which need to make political concessions from by all sides.

As for others, they put forward the scenario of re-working Parliament and starting moves to form a government, regardless of the continued objection of the other parties.

Meanwhile, popular concern and fear of the escalation of events, which may have negative repercussions similar to the above, affect the citizen.      LINK

Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim: The Political Crisis In Iraq Is Solvable

Iraq  10:37 - 09-06-2022   The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, stressed that the political crisis in Iraq is solvable, and reform begins with reforming institutions.

During his meeting with the US Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, Al-Hakim said that the political crisis in Iraq is solvable if everyone has the will to resolve and compromise for the Iraqi interest, indicating the importance of partnership in Iraqi decision-making, and that attendance in decision-making does not require participation in the government.

He also stressed respect for the constitutional institutions in Iraq, and stressed that reform begins with reforming institutions, recalling that democratic practice came as a result of the great sacrifices made by Iraq in the face of dictatorship and terrorism.

Al-Hakim indicated that any dialogue aimed at calming the atmosphere between the parties in the region is in the interest of Iraq and everyone, and that Iraq played a role in bringing the views closer because of his conviction that dialogue is the best way and that the problems are solvable if everyone goes towards it. https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/8697

A Representative Of The State Of Law Confirms That Disrupting Parliament Means Destroying The Interests Of The People

Iraq   18:14 - 09-05-2022   Representative of the State of Law coalition, Jassem al-Moussawi, considered, on Monday, that disrupting the work of the House of Representatives means disruption of the Iraqi people's dues and the continuation of the political blockage.

Al-Moussawi said, "The political blocs that continue to disrupt Parliament have overpowered their personal interests over the interests of the Iraqi people, who are waiting for a lot from the new government," stressing that "the work of many projects has been delayed due to the disruption of parliament's work and the delay in forming the government due to the political blockage."

He added, "The political blocs that seek to increase their share of the budget must realize that there is a greater work than the benefits of the budget's benefits, which is to provide basic services to the Iraqi people."

He continued, "We note the lack of seriousness on the part of some political parties, and all of their efforts are focused on disrupting the formation of the government and increasing its personal gains."

And he indicated that "the only thing affected by the failure to resume parliament sessions is the poorer classes of the Iraqi people, and those who work to delay them now will not be harmed by them."


The Framework Confirms Its Adherence To Its Candidate, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, For Prime Minister

Iraq  13:01 - 09-06-2022   The deputy for the coordination framework, Rafiq al-Salihi, confirmed that the framework was adhered to in his candidate for prime minister, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, indicating that al-Sudani did not register any dispute with the Sadrist movement.

Al-Salihi said that the last meeting of the leaders of the coordination framework renewed for the tenth time the insistence on the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to head the government.

He added, that the statements about replacing him and putting forward several alternative personalities are completely untrue, as Al-Sudani is supported by most of the political forces and is welcome in the position.

Al-Salihi explained that the disagreement of the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework has nothing to do with the nomination of the Sudanese to head the government, and even the Sadrist bloc did not require the replacement of the Sudanese as rumored by some media outlets.

The political differences between the two poles of the Shiite forces, the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement, continue due to some points, especially the holding of early elections and their date and the mechanisms of forming the government several months ago.


Events Of Al-Khadra Have Caused Great Damage To The Political Process

political | 11:01 - 06/09/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein said that the "bloody" events that took place in the Green Zone last week caused "great damage" to the political process, calling on all political forces to "take a lesson from what happened."

A Foreign Ministry statement received by Mawazine News stated that "Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein received Barbara Leaf, Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs of the United States of America, and the accompanying delegation."

During the meeting, according to the statement, they "discussed bilateral relations, issues of common interest, ways to activate cooperation in various fields, and emphasis on supporting Iraq's political, economic and security stability."

The minister touched on "the political conditions in Iraq and the bloody events that occurred a week ago in Baghdad and in the Green Zone," noting that "these events caused great damage to the political process in Iraq, and all political forces should take a lesson from what happened, in order to preserve On civil peace, and that the series of dialogues should include everyone, and it is necessary to protect the democratic process as it is, and to protect social peace.

The two sides also discussed "the regional situation and relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America, and the course of the ongoing negotiations in Vienna on the Iranian nuclear project."

The two sides also discussed the situation in Syria, where the Foreign Minister stressed that "building stability in Syria is not only in the interest of the Syrian people, but also in the interest of Iraq and the entire region," adding that "the Iraqi government is working hard to support this path in all international forums." Ended 29/N33 https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=204652

Details Of The Meeting Of The President Of The Supreme Judicial Council And An American Official

Political | 01:01 - 06/09/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News, President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, and Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf discussed, today, Tuesday, support for the Iraqi judiciary.

The Judicial Council said in a statement, "The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, received today the US Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf."

The statement added that "during the meeting, they discussed US support for the Iraqi judiciary in various specializations." Ended 29/N33    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=204665

A Leader In Al-Fateh: The Framework Adheres To The Sudanese, And It Is Possible To Change It In This Case

political| 11:39 - 06/09/2022    Baghdad - Mawazine News, a leader in the Al-Fateh Alliance, Mahmoud Al-Hayani, said on Tuesday that the Sadrist movement's attendance of the second dialogue session held yesterday would have supported positive results, indicating that without the language of dialogue, we will not be able to reach a solution to the crisis.

Al-Hayani continued, in an interview with the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper, which was followed by "Mawazine News", that "dialogue without the presence of the Sadrist movement will not work, as it is an influential party."

He added, "The rounds of political dialogues can begin after the fortieth visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)," considering that "the demands of the blocs will remain in a vicious circle that can only be resolved by holding a parliamentary session to choose the president of the republic and assign a prime minister."

Al-Hayani stressed, "The coordinating framework adhered to its candidate, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani," noting "the possibility of changing it if there is a dialogue with the Sadrist movement." Ended 29/N33


Observers: The conflict is focused on the prime minister, despite the differences of the largest bloc

Posted On2022-09-06 By Sotaliraq   Observers reported that the current political conflict is focused on the prime minister, pointing out that this position is the center of the executive decision and has an impact on the rest of the authorities.

Political analyst Dia Wajid al-Muhandis said, "The current conflict in Iraq is mainly over the prime ministership, although the dispute in Parliament is over the largest bloc."

The engineer added, "The prime minister is the influential center of the executive authority out of the four authorities in the country."

He believed that "controlling the prime ministership means dominating all financial and economic capabilities, especially as it is responsible for planning, preparing the budget and strategic projects and financing them, as well as proposing and preparing projects that are sent to Parliament for approval and approval," stressing that "whoever wins this position can maintain his presence in Parliament." .

The engineer stressed, "The Iraqi people believe in power and nominate whoever is in power, and this is what makes security more important in administration than the economy, and it is the basis for the prime ministership."

For his part, journalist Faeq Yazdi says that "the presence of the status of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the person of the Prime Minister made the position with very broad executive powers, and this is what gave him importance that makes him one of the positions that the conflict rages on constantly."

Yazdi added, "Although the constitution defines the powers of the prime minister and makes him equal with the president of the republic in some decisions, such as dissolving the parliament and declaring a state of emergency, the expansion of powers remains one of the reasons that motivate political forces to win the position."

He finds, "There is a heated dispute over the first position in the Iraqi state in light of the state of schism within the Shiite house."

In addition, legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi said, "The prime minister is the head of the government at the same time."

Al-Tamimi continued, "There is a difference between the government and the state. The government is part of the state's institutions, and the state is a group of institutions, and governments change, but the state remains."

He pointed out, "The parliamentary system is based on the principle of separation of powers according to the Iraqi constitution, so there is no overlap in the powers."

Al-Tamimi noted that “it is better for Iraq, whose rhythms can be adjusted through a temporary constitution, not permanent, and specifying the term of the president of the republic for a period of 4 years, with the presence of the parliament that monitors the work of the president, as is the case in some countries.”

On a related level, the academic Saad Al-Jumaili said that "the political blocs that were looking for a personality to carry out the task of the prime minister - on request - are now fearing for their political future and the continuity of their influence."

Al-Jumaili added, "This happened, especially after the political changes brought about by the Iraqi reality in the October 2019 demonstrations, early elections and international and regional changes."

He went on to say that "these variables may be future factors in overthrowing the political routine that the political system is accustomed to, which raises their fear and anger and makes them in a frantic competition to win this sovereign position that perpetuates the political life of the parties."

Al-Jumaili went on to say, “The Shiite forces have become confused from their political scene today and chaos is taking them through an unknown tunnel, and this confusion has drawn the rest of the components to overlap the political scene and become more complex and ambiguous, especially after the position of Prime Minister has become not a concern for the Kurds and Sunnis in who takes this responsibility. Rather, it is for the Shiites among themselves.”

The coordination framework's adherence to the nomination of Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani for the position of Prime Minister led to a major political dispute that later led to confrontations inside the Green Zone that lasted for two days, causing many casualties. LINK


Thoughts From Bix Weir, Andrew Maguire and Bill Holter 9-6-2022


Tuesday AM Iraq Economic News Highlights 9-6-22