TNT, Sierra, Bix Weir and Max Keiser Thursday Morning 12-5-19


Tishwash:  6 strong candidates for prime minister

A political source familiar with the disclosure of the nomination of six names for the post of prime minister to succeed the resigned Adel Abdul Mahdi.

The source told the "news", that "the political blocs began to nominate a number of personalities to take over the post of prime minister to succeed the resigned Adel Abdul Mahdi."

He explained that "the names of the candidates are: Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum candidate (Badr, wisdom) and Abdul Wahab al-Saadi candidate (Allawi, Najafi) and Adnan Zarfi candidate (victory) and Ali Shukri candidate (Barham Saleh) and Qusay al-Suhail candidate (state of law) and Faleh Fayyad candidate (tender)".

The source added, "The coming days will see expanded meetings between the political blocs in an attempt to reach an agreement to choose a character that has the approval of all blocs.  link

Cutebwoy:  KRG Delegation to Visit Baghdad Ahead of Parliament Decision on Budget Bill

Basnews English 05/12/2019 – 13:05 Published in Kurdistan

ERBIL — A delegation from the Kurdistan Region is planning to visit Baghdad within days for a political settlement that could help the approval of the budget bill at the legislature.

Erbil and Baghdad have reached an agreement over their prolonged budget and oil disputes. According to the deal, Erbil will deliver 250,000 barrels of oil to Baghdad daily in return for its share from Iraq’s 2020 federal budget.

MP Ahmad Saffar, head of Iraqi parliamentary committee for financial affairs, confirmed the report and said the Kurdish delegation will seek other major parliamentary factions’ approval for the bill.

According to Saffar, the bill will most likely be presented to the parliament next week.


Thank you Sierra

"Q: It's Going to be Biblical" by Sierra (NZ) -- 12.4.19

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 6:12 PM EST on December 4, 2019

New Q drop number 3649 features a trailer for the movie 'Law-Abiding Citizen'...

The trailer shows Gerald Butler's character saying, 'I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole f---in' diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's going to be biblical.'

Sharp-eyed Anon Julian'sRum noticed an interesting connection between the date of the movie trailer release - and President Trump's visit with the Pope in Rome. Scroll down his Twitter feed until you see the photo of Ivanka, Melania and POTUS...

Julian'sRum: 'Did anyone notice the YouTube video that Q linked to was published on May 24th 2017? That's the same day POTUS met with the Pope, and this infamous photo was taken (photo of Ivanka, Melania and POTUS).

"It's going to be biblical' (Anon)

Where are the two main seats of power for the Illuminati on Earth? The British Royal Family and the Vatican. Where is President Trump currently returning from, flying in Airforce One as I write these words? He is returning from his THIRD visit with the Queen in two years. It is unheard of for a US President to visit the Queen that often.

Check out this video of Melania and POTUS as they are greeted by the Queen in Buckingham Palace...

Here is my own decode of this video. Firstly, doesn't Melania look gorgeous? Do you think her choice of outfit was random? Never. I believe Melania and POTUS chose that particular outfit to send the Queen - and us - a very powerful message. The coat dress is a striking GOLD color. Underneath, well covered, is a purple long sleeved top. Melania, who is already tall, is wearing sky high purple shoes.

My decode: The Alliance is confirming that they/we have WON. The GOLD standard has overpowered the Illuminati (purple is the color of royalty). Melania and POTUS both refuse to curtsy or bow before the Queen. And the diminutive Queen is totally dwarfed by the towering presence of both POTUS and Melania. Also POTUS and Melania quite brazenly walk in front of the Queen - in Buckingham Palace. Her place. It's priceless!

Now we watch for the fall of the Vatican. It has been crumbling due to wide-spread revelations of pedophilia within the papal ranks. It seems that Q is now telegraphing a MASSIVE public implosion.

Enjoy these last days of calm before the storm of Alliance Victory descends upon humanity. You think you feel dizzy now with the staggering amount of information coming in, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Popcorn, anyone??

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Silver & Crypto Derivative Exchanges Explained! (Bix Weir)

RoadtoRoota:  Dec 5, 2019

Bix explains how the exchanges trade financial derivatives to rig markets and distort the "Fair Market Value" of the underlying assets.

Keiser Report: OK Boomer Economics (E1471)

Dec 5, 2019

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the never-ending debt growth that have kept the Boomers in a delusional state since they entered the workforce at the same time that the US went off the gold standard.

They were first in on a massively successful pyramid scheme and now they want the Millennial generation to buy their inflated assets.

In the second half, Max continues his interview with Ross Ashcroft of Renegade Inc. They discuss Ashcroft’s predictions for 2020: it will be a year of reckoning for the mainstream media as populations lose faith in their integrity.

 It will also be another year of a prolonged Japanification of the economies in the West.


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday AM 12-5-19


IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 12-4-19