IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 12-4-19

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 12-4-19

Dave   Expert expects Security Council to refer corruption file to the International Criminal Court......

Dave   however. worried that it would put IRAQ back into CH7 sanctions

Dave   Legal expert Ali al-Tamimi, on Tuesday, expected the Security Council to send the file of corruption to the International Criminal Court, warning of the return of international sanctions on Iraq.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to Al-Akhbariya that “the beginning of the new sanctions on Iraq after we came out of Chapter VII under resolution 2390 of 2019 and we are now in the sixth chapter for the existence of financial assets with Kuwait worth 4 and a half billion dollars.”

He added that “the killing of demonstrators and the use of internationally prohibited weapons are gross violations of articles 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 21 of the Charter of the International Covenant and article 14 on the prevention of arrests as well as the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide of 1948. Humanity, therefore. ”

“The fear is that the gradual sanctions will return in accordance with Articles 39 to 51 of the Charter and that the Security Council will refer the corruption file to the International Criminal Court after condemning the US, Britain and France, which is a permanent member of the Security Council, condemning the security situation in Iraq.”

Dave   "we are now in the sixth chapter for the existence of financial assets with Kuwait worth 4 and a half billion dollars.

Dave   so sounds like we are not quite there.....Kuwait and that 4 billion  RV tomorrow...correct ANDRE?

Young_SC   crazy crypto Saleh has been PM since Saturday

Young_SC   Dave maybe Tariq should mention that to the people who are protesting

crazy crypto   @young sc really?  didnt know that   just saw article today on it

Dave   Young_SC Tomorrow will tell how they feel about the protesters

Young_SC   If they went back to sanctions then the last 3 weeks would be nothing compared to what will happen next

crazy crypto   says saleh cannot remain pm past 15 days

Young_SC   crazy crypto yes its 5 day old news

crazy crypto   we shal see

Dave   Young_SC Not entirely 100% out....4 billion to Kuait still

Baxter   well.. if they go back into sanctions.. we might as well use this for wallpaper

Dave   Kuwait    Baxter just rumbling.....

 crazy crypto   is out next adventure venezuela?

Dave   Pressure is good

crazy crypto   oil rich country

 Young_SC   Dave beyond good  Ask Mahdi   lolol

crazy crypto   maliki wants to be PM again lol

Dave   got to start somewhere finally i hope

Young_SC   crazy crypto That will never happen

crazy crypto   heck no  he stole probably like 300 billion    its a miracle he is stil walking around breathing

Young_SC   crazy crypto i know

crazy crypto   think the U.S is using him

Young_SC   They are all crooks

Dave   crazy crypto 800 billion disappeared

crazy crypto   wow thats so insane  800 billion is a lot  I mean how much money do u really need?

Dave   Maliki worth 64 billion alone

crazy crypto   so disgusting

Young_SC   Very disgusting

Dave   COI has frozen 120=150 billion usd

crazy crypto   good

Young_SC   What is the CBI saying   I think people are focused on the GOI a bit too much

crazy crypto   agree clay

Dave   Young_SC nothing from them lately......?

Young_SC   I want the CBI to speak

Dave   Clay becausse they the GOI has Done SQUAT!

Dave   protect their IMMUNITY that is all.

Dave   Young_SC What has the GOI accomplished other than traffic laws?

Caily   Hey everybody, I'm a newbie w/ understanding how the currencies will pay-out. Any info. that's out there in the mainstream, as far as I know, doesn't tell us, it's kind of behind the curtain! Like the Forex info. doesn't really apply, the mainstream market info.? > yesterday I was told about the CBI website, but that went over my head + I'm talking about the English website! The other thing I found was this website: currency exchange Any recommendation?

Dave   Caily Try Dinar perspectives calls....  do a few calls should get you up to speed

Caily   Ok, Dave, thanks... looks like I interrupted a conversation. I'll check it out, + you guys have a great day (no matter what). See you later...

Dave   Caily no interruption

Caily   This is enough to keep my for a few days, I guess. It just seems like this whole thing is going to pop, + knowing what you've got sure helps!. Now I'm exiting this chat. Have a good one...

TWWIII   Hi Clay & many others here. As many know I have been in the currency buy/ell/trade for many decades. I am sending this article link from Iraq abt exchanging methods of their currency. Many here may think this is interesting, then Im going out for a smoke:

Dave   TWWIII Interesting yes,,,,,,,heard all that all before

biff   Based on the CBI’s decision no. (127) for the year 2019 that Al-Warkaa Investment Bank (BWAI) has resumed its activities and provides banking services

Based on the CBI’s decision no. (127) for the year 2019 that Al-Warkaa Investment Bank (BWAI) has resumed its activities and provides banking services such as issuing letters of guarantee and documentary credits for the purpose of working with the Bank through these activities and accepting the letters of guarantee issued by it.  News archive

Dave• This action shows that the official exchange rate overestimates the value of the dinar, compared to the

 (2 of 3) [3/31/2010 12:57:23 PM]   Ministry of Planning


Dave   TWWIII you note the date on that article?

Wilder   I'm biddibg on a job which is for a new nail salon. The owners are Vietnamese. They have been here in the states for 6 years. Very nice people and appear to be wealthy. He told me it will not happen with their currency. If it were so it would have happened a long time ago.

Wilder   I own some but not too much

Doug_W   me too

Wilder   Doug_W i guess time will tell       Gold: $1,477.44 $3.83 Silver: $16.96 $0.32

Doug_W   silve lost over 30 cents today

Baxter   DAVE.. YOU have a good link for the above you brought in.... dougs wont work either

Baxter   im excited... lol

foxmulder   Baxter should we be ? Again lol

Baxter   oh... I dont know about this dinar...I have heard some things.. but no proof    like always

foxmulder   Baxter read the article above ! Need to read it again.


Baxter   well.... I read it... but I dont see the original link anywheres... I think you are right.. their opinion

Baxter   it sounds good   Baxter   In small print near the top... it says..... 2008....... so who knows

Baxter   right above.. where it says... below are the central controls very small print... copyright 2008

Andrewhatidid   got a big surprise 4 ur tomorrow....... am I wrong yet future money

LeLe   Andrewhatidid hope you're right.

Baxter   Did you see that article above


LeLe   Baxter yes I seen that.   Until it happens no one really knows.

Baxter   nope... Iraq is really a mess now.... I cant see anything happening now..

LeLe   Baxter Pence was in Kuwait.

Baxter   was he... didnt know that

LeLe   Baxter Trump signed to cut food benefits.

Baxter   I saw that

LeLe   Baxter last month he got rid of government phones.

Baxter    didnt know that either

LeLe   Baxter he did last month.

Baxter   He is pretty upset right now...and I can see why...

LeLe   Baxter dems have messed up this country and they want to continue to destroy. All they are doing is lining their pockets .

Baxter   yep.. i know..

LeLe   Baxter we don't need a wall. Cut out all the free one would want to come here.

Baxter   thats for sure.... minute they arrive.. its free this and that

LeLe   Baxter and they want more even after that.

Baxter   I got a feelin Trump has an ace up his sleeve and its coming soon

LeLe  Baxter clean our house up before we clean anyone else house.

Baxter   yes..and its a mess too


Baxter   thx Dave... did you see the 2008 copyright on it

Dave   article dated 2010,,,,,  This action shows that the official exchange rate overestimates the value of the dinar, compared to the  (2 of 3) [3/31/2010 12:57:23 PM]   Ministry of Planning     3/31/2010

Baxter   well... things have sure changed since then

Dave   feasibility.....

Dave   Baxter yeah Kap SAM SandyF

Dave   Wow.......very good news feed from DPs site  

Dave comes from CNN......     Protesters on a mission.......

Wilder   Dave won' on my phone. What is it?


Dave   works now     interviews with the protesters     they seem to be steadfast in their demands

Dave   and have the worlds attention now also   not often we get views of the common folks

Wilder   Dave and according to that preacher Paul Begley. Iran has theatened us today.

Wilder   Dave protesters are wanting Iran out

Dave   corruption too,,,,,Wilder watch that news feed?     Paul Begley who is that?

Wilder   Dave Sorry, it wasn't that preacher. It was amtv quoting MSM   Iran threatened our troops.

Dave   Wilder Name calling?  Wilder No US troops Iran?

Wilder   Dave i didn't watch video. Might be our troops that are over there.

chattels   Baxter i live near the dam and Lake Moultrie in South Carolina.

Dave   Watch my feed PLEASE

Sparky   Dave ...outstanding cnn news feed...thx...

chattels   Iraqi PM: the current government is now in a care taker role. Political blocs need to select a new PM. I did not resign at the beginning of protests because I did not want to send the country into a whirlpool. LINK

chattels   Iraqi Speaker of Parliament empowers Iraqi President Barham Salih as acting PM 15 days.

Dave   chattels New election law vote tomorrow  no more Quota system?

Young_SC   Saleh as acting pm is 4 day old news

Sparky   Dave ...still May take a minute, but appears young Iraqis are waking up...

Dave   Sparky ABOUT TIME   Check out that news feed Young_SC

Young_SC   Kap should ask the citizens about how they feel about floating their currency to reach a dollar to benefit them

Sparky   Young_SC ...99% would favor, as opposed to status would...

Young_SC   Sparky no sparky

Young_SC   Purchasing power will not be achieved with a float that could take years to reach a dollar

Dave   WHy we discuss not get it

Young_SC   Dave im mocking it Because some do not have common sense nor listen to CBI

Dave   Young_SC OKAY then

Young_SC   Some cannot follow with what is happening now and why protesting is happening    Just saying


Young_SC   Yup   Reforms indeed  Citizens want the corrupt gone

chattels   Young_SC If i could buy you for what you know and sell you for what you think that you know I would not need any return on my investment with the IQD.

chattels   Young_SC Everything that I post has a link with a date.

Dave   chattels

chattels   Parliament: The President will ask the political blocs to nominate independents to head the new government

Wednesday 04 December 17:46 2019

chattels   Dave I read that article / news feed, thanks.

chattels   Parliament will hold a new session tomorrow afternoon Wednesday 04 December 21:56 2019

Baghdad / Nina / The Presidency of the Council of Representatives attributed the holding of a meeting tomorrow, Thursday 5/12 at 4 pm.

chattels   Central Bank sells more than / 212 / million dollars in auction currency today

Wednesday 04 December 11:54 2019


Young_SC    Nov 29 Chattels     Just saying    No disrespect

Dave   welcome to IRAQ

Young_SC   Sparky Nov 29

chattels   Young_SC With all due respect there is different and additional information in the articles posted by me. If that is not apparent to you then I cannot help you.

chattels   Abdul Mahdi reveals the reasons for the delay in resigning at the beginning of the demonstrations

Date: 2019/12/04 21:33 •

chattels   Hakim: The next government will be temporary prepare for early elections under a fair law

[Baghdad-Where]   The head of the National Wisdom Movement Ammar al-Hakim, Wednesday, that the next government will be an interim preparation for early elections under a fair law.

chattels   Have a good evening all.

Goofus   Iran Is Secretly Moving Missiles Into Iraq, U.S. Officials Say

Goofus   Wilder Go to Drudge


TNT, Sierra, Bix Weir and Max Keiser Thursday Morning 12-5-19


Atlantis Report, X22, and Frank26 Part 1 and 2 Wednesday Night 12-4-19