TNT, Judy, Bix Weir and more Sunday AM 2-14-2021


Tishwash:  Zimbabwe welcomes more Chinese investment: minister

Zimbabwe has primed itself to attract more foreign direct investment from China, after implementing robust economic reforms over the past few years, Zimbabwean Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said Thursday.

She told Xinhua that under the leadership of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Zimbabwean government had implemented various reforms to improve the investment climate.

The country also boasted of rich agricultural, mining and tourist resources, in addition to possessing an educated and disciplined workforce, she said.

“A strong governance system has ensured sustained political stability. Under President Mnangagwa, financial reforms have engendered stability, investment incentives are being enacted,” she said.

“Most importantly, bureaucracy and red tape are being done away with. Recently he (Mnangagwa) launched the One-Stop Zimbabwe Investment Development Authority to expedite business decisions and speed up the commitment of investment funds. This will be a boon to both the Chinese risky capital and huge consumption markets,” the minister said.

She said Zimbabwe was strategically positioned in the recently launched African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and noted that Chinese investors should seize the opportunity to increase investment in the southern African country.

“A new and exciting chapter is the prospect of engagement by the Chinese private sector. Under the mantra ‘Zimbabwe Is Open for Business’, more FDI is anticipated from the new and growing business class of China and its crop of global billionaires,” she said.

“Zimbabwe is best placed in the new Africa Free Trade Zone. It is determined to offer itself as the FDI destination of choice to Chinese entrepreneurs,” Mutsvangwa said.

China had already cemented its ranking as the top investor in Zimbabwe’s tobacco sector, where it has invested millions of U.S. dollars over the past decade, she said.

“The economic cooperation saw China Tobacco invest in the revival and expansion of the 1.6 billion U.S. dollars annual turnover leaf tobacco production,” she said.

“Each year since 2005, Zimbabwe has benefited in this domain to the delight of many small and medium tobacco farmers. This is courtesy of the contract tobacco farming which established a direct link between the grower and the investor,” Mutsvangwa said.

After plunging to a low of 48 million kg of tobacco leaf in 2008, Zimbabwe’s tobacco output rose to a record 238 million kg in 2019, mainly through support and investment from China.

Mutsvangwa observed that China had also steadily invested in Zimbabwe’s energy sector over the years, pouring nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars to expand the country’s two major power plants, Hwange Thermal Power Station and Kariba South Power Station by a combined 950 MW.

While the 300 MW Kariba power station expansion project was completed in 2018, the expansion of Hwange by 650 MW is still ongoing and scheduled to be completed next year.   link


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 14 Feb. 2021

Compiled Sun. 14 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Sat. 13 Feb. afternoon Fleming’s Military Intel Contact Report:

As of 3:23 pm EST on Sat. 13 Feb. and as soon as the Senate acquitted President Trump, orders went out for Tier 4B notification to be done within the next 24 to 48 hours or so.

On Thurs. 11 Feb. Whales (holders of large amounts of currencies) were told to pack their bags and be ready at a moment’s notice to travel as early as this weekend 13-14 Feb. to start exchanging.

Snake's Banking Exchange Center sources reported that several large tranches of funds had been moved as of Fri afternoon 12 Feb for the Shotgun Liquidity start, which was imminent. Our Military Intel Contact also received independent confirmation of the funds movement on Thurs. and Fri. 11-12 Feb to start the higher level bond seller liquidity release.

That down-streaming of funds would go to lower level Tiers 1-4 from Mon. 15 Feb. onward.

Our Military Intel Contact strongly advised to get your exchange/ redemption files ready to take to your appointments, as well as your project outline presentation warmed up and practiced to obtain the higher Contract Rates.

He said that prayers would be appreciated that all went forward without any interference.

The Chinese Elders wanted the RV shotgun start done for the Chinese New Year celebrations that started on Fri 12 Feb.

There were 900 active military personnel working on getting the RV / GCR out the door

Read full post here:


Is The Stock Market About To CRASH In 2021?

The Nomad Economist:  Feb 13, 2021


The Federal Reserve said it will test the ability of the largest U.S. banks to weather a hypothetical recession in which markets seize up and asset prices drop sharply, including a 55% decline in equity prices.

The more money the FED creates from nothing, then launders through government and financial systems, where it then circles back to the benefactors, the higher the stock market will go. This will track this way until the dollar breaks ;because the FED will not stop creating money from nothing and laundering it through government and financial systems.

The stock market bubble has been about to burst since 2005 everything since then has been the epitome of stupidity to test how clueless that vast majority of so called investors/shareholders (hint: you own NOTHING) that the entirety of the World markets is one massive totally rigged, manipulated, controlled fraud designed to steal everything.

SILVER ALERT! Goldman Sachs Commodity Chief Admits Silver Naked Short Conspiracy! (Bix Weir)

Feb 14, 2021

WOW! Our friend Chris Marcus posted a video of Goldman Sachs' Jeff Currie admitting that the Silver in the iShares ETF is used to Short the Price on the COMEX and suppress the price! 100% illegal and if TRUE then Blackrock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Virtu Financial and the rest of the Authorized Participants are involved in a "Conspiracy to Commit Fraud" and are subject to RICO CHARGES!


MilitiaMan and KTFA Members " A Requirement of International Standards" 2-14-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday Morning 2-14-2021