Sunday Morning "Tidbits From TNT" 2-28-2021


Tishwash:  A new date for the 2021 budget vote in Parliament

The head of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Representative Ahmed Salim Al-Kinani, revealed that it is hoped to vote on the general budget for the current year 2021, at the end of this week, after completing the amendments and proposals on its paragraphs .

Al-Kinani said in a statement, "The current year 2021 budget is nearing completion after the Finance Committee completed amending some paragraphs and proposals, and they were sent to the government side and reviewed ."

The head of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee confirmed that "it is hoped that the parliament will vote on the budget at the end of this week  link

Tishwash:  The Iraqi Central Bank reveals the reality of the country's economic situation

On Sunday, the Parliamentary Economic Committee considered that the increase in the country's reserves of foreign currency means that the country's situation is good, after the Central Bank announced that the monetary reserve exceeded 55 billion dollars .

A member of the committee, Representative Nada Shaker Jawdat, said in a statement to Al-Sabah newspaper today, February 28, 2021, that "the rise in the country's foreign currency reserves means that the country's position is good, attributing the rise to the recovery of oil prices in global markets." 

She added that "this matter leads to strengthening the Iraqi currency," wondering if "the increase in the cash reserve will restore the exchange rate of the dollar to its previous position, or not?" .

In turn, the economic expert, Hazem Hadi, stressed that "the improvement of the country's foreign currency reserves strengthens the country's economy," noting that the more foreign currency reserves the country becomes with great economic power . 

He explained that "the central bank reserves of foreign currency are available," indicating that this rise will have a positive impact on the economy . 

The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ihssan Shamran, said earlier, that "the increase in reserves is also due to the decrease in bank purchases from outlets .  link


Tishwash:   An economic recovery surrounding Iraq in two areas ... two areas that will boost money and GDP

The economic advisor to the prime minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed that there are two important factors that put Iraq on the brink of economic recovery.

Saleh said in a press statement, "Iraq is on the edges of economic recovery at present in two areas. The first is that there is a tangible agricultural boom that will achieve growth in the non-oil GDP in the year 2021 by more than 4 percent, which is approximately one and a half times higher than the population growth." .

He added, "The second scope is the boom in the energy demand sector in the world. Oil prices have gradually recovered, which is a positive sign and strengthens the country's overall financial capacity."

He stressed "the importance of dealing with this matter with great caution, by laying a basis for sustainable development and reducing economic shocks."

He indicated that “the international community supporting Iraq through the International Financial Alliance team, which was established months ago, expressed its desire to support the established principles for the sustainability of growth in the national economy, as expressed in the white paper recently approved by the Council of Ministers by establishing a blueprint and institutional entity for economic reform, which is the linchpin of this sustainability. Developmental.   link


Tishwash:   The Chinese ambassador to Baghdad reveals the reasons for cooperation between China and Iraq

The Chinese ambassador to Iraq, Zhang Tao, revealed today, Sunday, that the Chinese and Iraqi people have overcome the difficulties of the Corona virus with support and solidarity and fought the deadly pandemic with great determination and courage, relying on the strength of science and mentality and devotion to the spirit of humanity.

Tao said in a statement received, “Iraqi Life,”: “The year 2020 is a very exceptional year for both China and Iraq in the face of the sudden Covid-19 pandemic. Humanity, which clearly embodied the concept of "a common society in which health is available for all" through cooperation and solidarity.

He added, “We will not forget that His Excellency the Iraqi President Barham Salih and the Iraqi Prime Minister at the time, Adel Abdul Mahdi, sent messages of sympathy to the Chinese leaders to express the Iraqi people's steadfast support for the Chinese people when the Chinese people were going through a difficult phase to combat the epidemic, and we will not forget that the personalities from different Iraqi circles

They spontaneously collected preventive materials such as masks, protective suits and gloves to contribute to the Chinese battle against the epidemic, and we will not forget that Iraqi expatriate students who volunteered to stay in China recorded the short, touching video clip under the title “Our hearts are with you” to express their love and support for China.

The Chinese ambassador said, "The Chinese government recently delivered 56 ambulances and 200 generators to the Iraqi government, and we hope that the aforementioned aid will help the Iraqi people defeat the epidemic at an early date."

He continued: “The virus knows no borders, and the fate of humanity is interconnected, so solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapon to overcome the epidemic, although vaccines against Covid-19 are developed and produced at a record speed, but vaccines cannot become luxury goods that are used exclusively by a few countries.”

He added, "The international community is in dire need to settle the issue of the deficit in the production capacity of vaccines, and is in a more urgent need to address the issue of the inability to distribute vaccines in light of the outbreak of the epidemic. We must not leave any country in need of vaccines, and we cannot forget anyone waiting for vaccines."
"At the present time, China is still facing serious preventive pressures. China's needs for vaccines are huge, but we will firmly implement the solemn promise that President Xi Jinping made to the world regarding equipping the world with Chinese vaccines as a public benefit and making Chinese contributions to enabling developing countries to use vaccines at an affordable price," he said. The Chinese side joined the Kovacs initiative and decided to provide ten million doses of Chinese vaccines to this initiative to meet the urgent needs of developing countries. The Chinese side donated and donates vaccines to 53 countries, and exports vaccines to 27 countries.

He declared that "the Chinese government will work to strengthen cooperation with countries of the world in developing vaccines, producing and distributing them, in a way that makes vaccines a public benefit that the people of the world use at an acceptable price," revealing that "the Chinese government recently decided to donate fifty thousand doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 to the Iraqi side." The Chinese side is now cooperating closely with the Iraqi Ministry of Health and other relevant Iraqi institutions regarding the transfer and delivery of the vaccine. The vaccine will arrive in Iraq very soon, and it will benefit the Iraqi people and the Chinese side will provide the necessary assistance and facilities for the Iraqi side to buy the Chinese vaccine.

The Chinese ambassador concluded by saying: With regard to conducting international cooperation on COVID-19 vaccines, the Chinese side does not pursue any geopolitical goal, does not plan to gain any economic interest, does not impose any political condition, and we are keen to make joint efforts with the Iraqi side to strengthen cooperation In the fields of vaccines and preventive work constantly, in a way that builds the fortress for Chinese-Iraqi cooperation on fighting the epidemic, pushes for the establishment of a common society in which health is available for all, and wins a final victory in the global battle against the epidemic.   link

Mot:  ~~~ Have YOU Been Guilty too??? ~~~

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Mot:  Yeppers!!! --- fer me Golden Years!! ~~~~

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday AM 2-28-2021


Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday Night 2-27-2021