SRU, PIR, Kennedy and Trump Wednesday Afternoon 3-18-2020

33 Million Job Losses Warns Mnuchin, No Food! Walmart Shelves Barren As Shipments Grind To A Halt

Silver Report Uncut:   Mar 18, 2020

Mnuchin warns unemployment could soon reach 20% or 33 million job losses in America due to the production halts and work stoppage beginning in major cities around the US.

They have developed a stimulus plan which may include checks mailed to every American for $1,000 to help soften the blow from an immediate drop in income.

It must be pretty bad if they plan to send out money to everyone.

More immediate problems face us as the Walmart shelves don't seem to be being restocked. The food is now the main focus even though the toilet paper was also gone.

What was shocking was that there was no rice, no flour, no meat, no eggs, canned foods were hit hard and the frozen food coolers were bare.

The Port of LA has just reported the lowest shipping container activity since the financial crisis.

I am beginning to wonder how much of this is tied to supply chain disruptions working the way through the system.

There seems to be supply issues if the shelves can't stay stocked.

Patriot Intel Report

Mar 18, 2020

The entire economic system is failing, going down, and this house of cards is coming down.

We’ve been looking for it and here it is. The destruction of the old so the new can come into play.

Here in the US they are talking about some emergency things. They are talking about sending emergency money to people. There is a vote happening in the senate. Pretty interesting because President Trump wants a Trillion dollars.

Rep. Joe Kennedy III

I’m introducing an immediate economic relief plan for every American

--$4k to every adult who makes under 100k per year

--$2k to every adult who makes over 100k per year

--$1k for every child 18 or younger

We need to ensure every family has the funds to survive at this moment.


Coronavirus relief: Congressman Joe Kennedy proposes $4,000 for adults making under $100,000 a year

Updated Mar 17, 4:29 PM; Posted Mar 17, 12:17 PM

Massachusetts Congressman Joe Kennedy III is proposing giving $4,000 to American adults making less than $100,000 a year in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“An unprecedented pandemic demands an unprecedented response from our government,” Kennedy remarked in a news conference.

Adults making more than $100,000 a year would receive $2,000. Individuals 18 years old and under would receive $1,000.

Every single family, every single American, needs direct and immediate cash relief.

→$4k to every adult who makes under 100k/year
→$2k to every adult who makes over 100k/year
→$1k for every child 18 or younger

We must meet this moment. We must provide direct assistance.

— Joe Kennedy III (@joekennedy) March 17, 2020

Kennedy also added in the news conference that the given money must be matched with “immediate unemployment insurance and a historic investment in Medicaid.”

Kennedy is currently running against Sen. Ed Markey in the Democratic Senate primary.

On Monday, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney proposed giving every American adult $1,000 in response to the coronavirus.

There are currently 197 cases of COVID-19 being reported across 10 counties in the commonwealth as of Monday, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 4,281 positive coronavirus diagnoses and 85 deaths in the U.S.

BREAKING: President Donald Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

Mar 18, 2020


Trump invokes wartime authority of Defense Production Act to address coronavirus crisis - live updates

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump confirmed that he plans to invoke a provision that would allow him to prohibit certain people from entering the country, including asylum seekers and those entering the country illegally at the southern border. 

"The answer's yes," Trump told reporters when asked about the code, adding that he plans to invoke it "very soon. Probably today."

The administration will invoke 42 U.S. Code 265, a section of the federal legal code that states the U.S. surgeon general "shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose."

When asked again whether he was closing the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump said: "No we’re not going to close it."

"But we’re invoking a certain provision that will allow us great latitude," he added.


Trump to suspend evictions, authorizes Defense Production Act to mobilize businesses to aid coronavirus response

March 18, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is invoking the Defense Production Act to mobilize U.S. private production capacity to combat the coronavirus outbreak.

Trump also said his administration is "suspending all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April" to help those affected by the virus.

The Defense Production Act, enacted in 1950, allows the president to force American businesses to produce materials in the national defense, such as ventilators and medical supplies for health care workers.

Trump said the act allows him to do "a lot of good things, if we need it."

At Wednesday's press briefing, Trump said he considers himself a "war time president" and called the coronavirus the "enemy."

The president also referred to the coronavirus as "the Chinese Virus" during his briefing, as he had in a tweet Wednesday morning and other times in recent days. When asked at the press conference about his use the phrase amid reports of backlash against Asian Americans because of the coronavirus, the president said it's "not racist at all."

"It comes from China, that's why," he said.

Many officials, including the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have condemned the phrase, saying it's inaccurate and potentially harmful because it promotes racist associations between the coronavirus and people from China.

Trump said at the briefing that he is activating the Federal Emergency Management Agency in all regions of the country to aid in the coronavirus response. The president also said he is deploying two Navy hospital ships to California and New York as coronavirus cases rise in those two states.

Administration officials also mentioned developments at the FDA that they would announce at a later time.

Earlier Wednesday, Trump announced that the U.S. and Canada had agreed to close their border to all “nonessential traffic" because of the spread of the coronavirus.


Okie Update 3-18-2020 "The Best of Times and the Worst of Times"


IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 3-18-20