IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 3-18-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 3-18-20

Chattels   3-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...If anyone goes to exchange their dinar right at a bank there's a very good change you're most likely gonna to pay roughly 1% in exchange fees off the top...that would be their fee.

chattels   ???????????????? Banks historically have collected a fee of about 17% on an " exotic " currency like the IQD.

chattels   Here's a summary of those Shiite parties in #Iraq that are opposed to new PM designate Zurfi (mainly Ameri and Maliki blocs) LINK

Hakim also critical

LINK Kurdish PUK supportive

chattels   Kurdish PUK supportive ://


chattels   Courtesy Reidar Visser

chattels   The Al-Fateh coalition, the State of Law coalition, the National Contract Bloc, and the National Approach bloc have announced their refusal to assign Adnan al-Zarfi as head of the next government by President Barham Saleh, .....................

chattels      .. Hadi al-Amiri’s Al-Fateh coalition and the State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki, and the National Contract Bloc, led by Faleh al-Fayyad and the Nationalist Bloc, which represents the Virtue Party,

chattels   The stream of wisdom led by Ammar Al-Hakim expressed his objection to the mechanism adopted by the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, in appointing Adnan Al-Zarfi as head of the next government,

chattels   The Kurdistan National Union Bloc welcomed the appointment of Adnan Al-Zrafi to form the new government .....

chattels   US troops aim to turn Iraq into a ‘battlefield,' Iraq tells UN

chattels   Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Review Iraq’s Dysfunctional Democracy

chattels    "…..the new ruling parties were interested in anything other than staying in power and enriching themselves by stealing from the state."

chattels   " ... disillusioned from the use of victimization by the elite, the politicization of deBaathification, the lack of rule of law, questionable elections, a weak state, and corruption."

chattels    " When governments were formed they maintained the ethnosectarian quota system created by the Coalition Provincial Authority. That institutionalized identity politics, and allowed them to split up the state amongst themselves, and create their own fiefs in ministries to rob them."

chattels    ".... Iraq is a dysfunctional state with an intransigent political system."

chattels   "..... Iraq’s Dysfunctional Democracy is an interesting read. It highlights many of the flaws and institutional problems within the Iraqi government. The book isn’t perfect with some distractions along the way, but it’s worth taking a look at to help understand why the new Iraq has consistently failed at good governance."

chattels   Courtesy of Joel Wing

chattels   Adnan Zurfi charged with forming a government In a speech yesterday evening, he called for preparation for free and fair elections, and

Al-Zrafi said in his speech that he would work to prepare for elections "in cooperation with the representation of the United Nations in Iraq, within a maximum period of one year after the formation of the next government."

The new Prime Minister pledged to make "a greater effort to confront the threat of the spread of the Corona virus," support for the crisis cell, and "follow the scientific contexts in force in developed countries."

Al-Zorfi also promised to work to "confine arms in the hands of the state, eliminate all armed manifestations, extend the authority of the state, and promote the restoration of full civil peace and coexistence between all of all their diversity."

chattels   Britain: We have a Corona vaccine that may begin to be used together next year

Wednesday 18, March 2020

chattels   "... it may be ready in the spring of 2021."

chattels   The United States has previously announced the start of vaccine clinical tests it is working on, while China has confirmed that it is currently developing 8 different vaccines, and has officially allowed the start of the first clinical tests.

chattels   Iraq's latest prime minister-designate faces opposition from Iran-backed militias   Ali Mamouri March 17, 2020

Read more:

chattels   Salih could name any candidate without having to discuss it with the largest blocs (and this was confirmed by the Iraqi federal court March 16). Salih then nominated Zurfi, who was supported by several Shiite blocs in addition to Sunni and Kurdish ones.

The Nasr coalition of former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Ammar al-Hakim’s Hikma movement, former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law coalition and the Sunni Forces Alliance are among the groups that supported Zurfi and their representatives participated in the designation ceremony.

Zurfi, 54, is a member of the Nasr coalition. He also has been a member of the Dawa Party and State of Law.

Read more:

chattels   " ................ moved to the United States, where he received his second citizenship. Zurfi returned to Iraq with the US forces in 2003 and rejoined the Dawa Party and became a member of parliament and governor of Najaf. In the 2018 elections, he joined the Nasr coalition."

Read more:

chattels    Zurfi's government, if it gets approved by parliament, would be in charge of organizing early elections and leading the country to what is hoped to be a new and stable government. Zurfi would face four main issues: 1) the coronavirus crisis, 2) the country's economic downturn, caused in large part by the oil price drop, 3) the increasing tension between the United States and Iran in Iraq and 4) the protesters, who have already started expressing their objection to his nomination in Baghdad and Najaf.

Read more:

chattels   How quickly corruption falls away in the crises of the moment and political self perpetuation.

chattels   Is corruption no longer a problem ?

Larrykn   I've never seen anything like what is going on with this virus  this is an all out war

larrykn   looks like all schools will be closed for the rest of the year

Doug_W   it is most definately a "social" shake up

Doug_W@chattels have they closed the court systems down there/

larrykn   well I'm staying home and not going anywhere for awhile, I'm one of those at risk people

Doug_W   smart move Larry

larrykn   I've already got a cold :(

Larrykn   this is going to be a fun year, no sports, no eating out n no nothing

Doug_W   NO NAscar

larrykn   that too

chattels   Thanks be to God that my golf course is still open. Some restrictions, but I am grateful.

Chattels   Legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed that assigning Adnan Al-Zarfi to the position of Prime Minister is legal and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

chattels   Al-Tamimi added: "The final say of al-Zarfi is in parliament and with the session of granting confidence."

Chattels   “On Monday morning, at the urgent request of the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, the head of the intelligence service, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, went to the Peace Palace.” Saleh offered Al-Kazemi to assume the position of prime minister after the “Seven Committee” failed to nominate a candidate who possesses Support the pillars of the Shiite house.

The newspaper added, "Al-Kazemi rejected Saleh's offer, currently accepting the achievement of a Shiite-Shiite consensus, specifically from Al-Fateh and others, then the national space, in addition to inquiring about the demonstrators' opinion on this."

She explained, “The president was unable to provide these conditions, despite his attempt to persuade the man. He hurried to inform the Shiite blocs that, with the end of the "deadline", he would have to assign anyone, calling them to put forward a compromise candidate.

chattels   Have a fine day all.

Baxter   Doug...we got back at about 7 last night.... Very Weird Trip home from Florida to Ohio... Traffic was light..which surprised me... but even more of a surprise was the Canadian cars going home... I will bet at least 15% of the cars were from canada... and the amt of semis.. was crazy...

Baxter   there wasnt much local traffic... like when you went thru didnt see that many georgia cars... all out of staters going home... plus the canadians...we pulled into one rest area and there was five canada cars in a row parked there

Baxter   14 hours and 20 minutes..inlcuding stops..... 1008 miles....

JoeSchmoe   You guys read about the government sending $1000 checks to every adult? I wonder how many people will use that to buy dinar.. ;No;

JoeSchmoe   especially if they have to start doing it every month

Doug_W   first it goes into my Vaca fund

Doug_W   then Silver if its still low

JoeSchmoe how would they enforce a nationwide, or even a statewide lockdown if it comes to that?

Baxter   Watching Fox News.... Gun Stores are practically out of Guns and Ammo.... Showed a gun store with people waiting outside to get in..

Baxter   Yeh right... guns to protect families...

Doug_W   ppl are such sheep its amazing

Baxter   Doug_W isnt it though

Doug_W   I prefer to foilloow my eagle scout mottow


Baxter   TRUMP just closed the border to Canada

Baxter   thats why all of those canadians were going home

Doug_W   trudeau did two days ago

Baxter   never seen so many as I did yesterday

Doug_W   and its a month early too Bax

JoeSchmoe   IF this $1000 check thing comes to fruition for everyone, and IF it does become a monthly thing, then people should then watch out because mail thieves will most likely come about.

Baxter   I didnt know there were that many canadians in florida

Doug_W   my $$ is direct deposit not paper

Baxter   so is mine

Doug_W   hundreds of thousands Bax

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W I don't know if it will be set up that way for this thing tho

Baxter   I forgot to celebrate my 15th birthday yesterday on Dinar...

Baxter   too busy driving

Doug_W   its MUCH cheaper 4 the govt to do direct than paper

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W what about ppl that don't have bank accounts?

Doug_W   paper then

Doug_W   IF they filed income tax that is

Doug_W   Silver:$12.25 down another -0.58

JoeSchmoe   Baxter thats the best way for us then lol

Baxter   yep

Baxter   Honda Cars in OHIO... just stopped production...

Baxter   that is Huge in Ohio

Doug_W   looks like America is shutting down eh?

Baxter   Yep..

Baxter   My son said his plant most likely will shut down Friday

Baxter   WOW...OIL is down to 23 dollars a barrel

Baxter   unbelievable

Baxter   Doug... oil is down to 23 dollars a barrel

Doug_W   Baxter Silver:$12.10 DOWN -0.73

Baxter   I bet silver goes below ten dollars

LeLe   Baxter if you have a Social Security Number. You'll get one.

Baxter   Ok.. thx LeLe

Baxter   thats everyone? Like the wife too?

Jimmy Lee   Baxter oil [wti] 22.79 oil [brent ] 25.37

Doug_W   Silver:$12.02 -0.81

Baxter   we are gonna RV.. oil is at 23 dollars a barrel....thats a great sign... so says Frank..

Jimmy Lee   s and p down 7.01 % markets shut down


SRU, PIR, Kennedy and Trump Wednesday Afternoon 3-18-2020


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