SRU, Bix Weir and the Atlantis Report Monday 2-15-2021

Silver Report Uncut: 

Silver Squeeze​ hits London as SLV warns of Limited Available Silver Supply, Damage From The Squeeze

Feb 15, 2021

Silver supply has been low since we entered this bull market. The bullion dealers were finding it difficult to source silver and had raised their premiums which has created an enormous gap between the silver coin premiums and the paper price.

To think JPMorgan wasn't affected by the silver short squeeze wouldn't be correct. We break down the stress on the Largest silver ETF and the short supply of silver.

The SLV also notified the SEC that there may be more shares than they have silver and the coming silver shortages due to the unprecedented move into SLV at the beginning of the month.

SILVER ALERT! Hey Reddit WallStreetBets! It's Time to CRUSH the Silver RIGGERS! (Bix Weir)

Feb 15, 2021

The cat is out of the bag and the RATS are running SCARED! Get your physical silver in your own possession NOW or you won't be able to source any at ANY PRICE for a LONG TIME! "PAY ME MY SILVER NOW!" by Bix Weir

Fed Stress Test 2021- Is The Fed Preparing for a Massive Market Crash & Hyperinflation ?

Feb 14, 2021

Fed Stress Test 2021- Is The Fed Preparing for a Massive Market Crash & Hyperinflation ? The Federal Reserve has unveiled the 2021 stress-testing scenarios that it will use to evaluate the safety and soundness of 19 of the largest U.S. banks.

Preparing for the day, someone pulls the plug in the bathtub. The next round of U.S. stress testing for big banks will examine the impact of a severe global downturn, a spike in unemployment, and plunging equity markets.

The scenario also includes a 55% plunge in equity prices amid falling GDP and rising unemployment. “Banks with large trading operations will be tested against a global market shock component that stresses their trading, private equity, and other fair value positions,” the Fed noted.

“Additionally, banks with substantial trading or processing operations will be tested against the default of their largest counterparty. Stress test the banks, yes, but why not also ask Janet Yellen to stop asking for even more stimulus when it is just going to further inflate the bubble.

They'd be better off posting checks than doing more rounds of QE. The top 19 US banks will have to prove they can withstand a 55% collapse in stock markets in this year’s stress tests, regulators said on Friday, outlining the parameters for an exercise that decides how much banks can pay out to their shareholders.


News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 2-15-2021


TNT, Frank26, Pimpy and more Monday Morning 2-15-2021