SRU and The Atlantis Report Wednesday 1-13-2021

Silver Report Uncut

Big Changes Coming For The US Economy, MMT & FedNOW almost complete, Small Businesses Get Nervous

Silver Report Uncut:   Jan 13, 2021

In short, there are some big changes coming soon for the US economy in fact they are discussing completely overhauling the entire nation. This is likely to be stressful for an economy on the edge of recession.

I know it sounds crazy but I predict we're going to see some rough stock market action soon. I know that sounds crazy considering stock prices are at record highs. It is also likely the rate of money printing will dramatically increase moving forward and though some doubt I think just because it never happened doesn't mean the dollar can't collapse.

I believe the US is finished as the world's only power and it's likely all of the benefits we enjoyed while living the American dream are about to be gone. Don't mean to be dreary but economically and behind the set, there are forces causing the US to deteriorate economically and they are about to impose a total lockdown of everything

Is The Stock Market just a Casino for Rich People ?

The Atlantis Report:  Premiered 4 hours ago

The stock markets are no longer an indicator of national economic prosperity. They started to become uncoupled in the 1980s under Reagan, and today they aren't linked to economic health at all.

Today they are purely an indicator of how successfully the rich are stealing what little the rest of us have.

The best indicators of economic health today are: 1) the minimum wage. 2) the combined unemployment rate (which includes everyone who would work more if they could but don't have the opportunity). 3) the ratio of independent contractors to employees. and 4) the ratio of rent to income.

 When the first indicator is rising, and the other three are dropping, that means the nation's economic health is improving. Everything in the US is over-valued and over-hyped. Has been for a long time. So people better wake up.

The US market is kept afloat by trillions of QE money. When the bubble bursts, it is going to be spectacular.

The Fed has made it clear they are not going to let the market decline. They are buying the bad debt and equities and pumping in money. This is not a mystery. It's a no-lose bet the stock market isn't the economy.

The stock market is just a game for the rich to enrich themselves further.



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