Iraqi News Wednesday AM 1-13-21

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 1-13-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance For “Al-Sabah”: The 2021 Budget Will Contribute To Moving The Economy Wheel In The Provinces

Wednesday 13th January 2021  38  Baghdad: Farah Al-Khafaf  The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed an affixed clause in the 2021 budget bill, stipulating that 50 percent of the revenues of the border crossings in the provinces be allocated to the governorates themselves. This step comes in line with the trends to raise the economic level in the governorates and provide job opportunities, according to what was stated in the reform white paper.

In a statement to Al-Sabah, a member of the Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, attributed the confirmation of this paragraph to two issues, the first is to support the provinces, saying: "When they have a share in any resource, they will be more serious, and corruption is less, given that the province is considered a partner."

The wheel of the economy

He added that the second issue is "strengthening decentralization and giving powers to the governorates to spend, as all the needs of the governorates, districts and sub-districts are not proven in the budget due to the economic situation the country is going through, and therefore 50 percent of the resources will be under the governorate's authority to implement projects that are not included in the budget. Moving the economy wheel in the province. "

Cougar continued by saying, "It is assumed that there will be oversight over these sums, and the Office of Financial Supervision and the Integrity and Judiciary Commission shall follow up the methods of disbursement within the framework of the state."

The most prominent points

The Finance Committee had discussed the most prominent points of the governorates budget for 2021, in a meeting sponsored by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives in the presence of the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hassan al-Kaabi, and convened by the Regions and Governorates Committee, irregular in a region.

The head of the committee, Haitham al-Jubouri, stressed that direct communication between the council and the governors is necessary, which contributes to preparing a budget that guarantees solving the accumulated problems in the governorates and ensures fairness in exchange rates and achievement, as well as giving the investment budget greater importance as it provides job opportunities and contributes to moving the wheel of the economy.

Delayed projects

The Finance Committee called for referring projects that are lagging and stalled on investment in the event that privatization is not available, while preparing a feasibility study on projects and identifying the important ones to give it priority.

The committee also stressed the need for fairness to the governorates that were not previously observed for the purpose of completing lagging projects and providing services and infrastructure in them, with the committee directly monitoring the distribution of these financial ratios among the governorates and taking into account justice in this LINK

To Absorb The Unemployed And Provide Hard Currency ... The Industry Prepares 83 Halted Factories

Economie| 01/13/2021  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News  The Ministry of Industry and Minerals is working as part of its plans to rehabilitate its stalled 83 factories and factories, in order to accommodate the unemployed and those with diplomas.

The ministry's spokesman, Mortada Al-Safi, said, "The ministry owns 29 public companies, 4 agencies, and 285 factories and factories, of which 83 have been stopped. Therefore, the ministry is working within its plan, which consists of three phases; short, medium and long-term, to revive these stalled factories."

He added, "Within the ministry's plan in the short-term stage, 12 factories were opened, completed and rehabilitated during the last six months across the country," indicating that "among the ministry’s plan is to revive all the factories in order to absorb the workforce."

He continued, "The ministry has developed an alternative plan; represented by participation with the private sector, which will lead to the transfer of technology from abroad to the interior, attract employment of diplomas holders and the unemployed, and provide hard currency within the country, as well as the private sector's participation with the public sector in the national industry."

Al-Safi indicated that "the Ministry of Industry and Minerals does not oppose importing; rather, it is against importing materials that are not subject to quality control and that were not within the specifications."

In addition, the Iraqi Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that one third of the factories belonging to the Ministry of Industry "are not working."

The apparatus of the Ministry of Planning stated in a report: "The number of companies affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (the public sector) and the mixed sector reached 44 companies," indicating that "the number of its affiliated laboratories reached 252," and added that "

The Council Of Ministers Holds A Regular Session Headed By Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi And Issues Several Decisions

Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held a regular session headed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, during which a number of issues were discussed, as well as the topics included in its agenda.

During the session, developments were discussed in the work of the Committee for the Promotion of Governmental Measures, in the areas of prevention and control of health and awareness.

After the Council of Ministers discussed the topics included in the meeting’s agenda, it issued the following decisions:

1- Approval of the Ministerial Council’s recommendation for Energy No. (69 of 2020) regarding the amendment of Ministerial Energy Council’s Resolution No. (52 of 2020) regarding the transfer of petroleum products in favor of the Ministry of Electricity. According to the following:

- The Ministry of Oil continues to transfer oil products for the benefit of the electric power stations of the Ministry of Electricity, provided that the amount of debt is settled from the percentage of profits of the Ministry of Oil companies that are required to be financed by the Ministry of Finance.

2- Approval of the Ministerial Energy Council’s recommendation No. 71 of 2020 regarding approval to authorize the Minister of Electricity, the power to contract regarding calls for the implementation of transmission lines (Rumaila Investment Station - Dhi Qar vehicle station, Faw 400KV station, Shatt al-Basra gas station, and power station Al-Hartha Thermal - Al-Qurna plant 400 kV), the details of which are confirmed in the Ministry of Electricity's book number (41611 on November 29, 2020), according to the following:

First - that the contract is in dollars instead of dinars, contrary to what is stipulated in the invitation documents, The exchange rate shall be based on the bulletin of the closing day.

Second - That the referral of invitations be made in amounts not exceeding the amount of the estimated cost at a rate of (9.5%), plus a maximum (10%) of the estimated amount per kilometer in the case of using (Piles), according to the approved designs and for the areas that require this, according to what came At the origin of the call.

Third - for the Ministry of Oil to provide financial support for the project from the profitable companies (the share of the Ministry of Finance), due to the importance of the project, and to adopt the same payment mechanism for the projects included in the Cabinet Resolution No. (132 of 2020).

3- Zeroing the stamp fee for the national campaign and the stamp fee for customs fees on postal parcels, based on the provisions of Article 37 of the Law on Stamping Numbered (71 of 2012).

- Exemption of the Ministry of Finance for inspection fees on postal parcels that are collected according to Customs Decree No. (4 of 2011) amended by Resolution No. (2 of 2016), from baggage identification fees, to reduce the burden on citizens and their reluctance to transport by government mail.

4- The long-term biometric voter card is one of the official documents approved in state departments.

- All employees and contractors working in state institutions must update their biometric data within 60 days, and obtain a long-term biometric voter card, and this decision shall be implemented as of (February 1, 2021).

5- Approving the authorization of the Minister of Finance, Mr. (Ali Haider Abdul Amir Allawi), the power to sign the grant agreement provided by the European Union under the supervision of the World Bank, in the amount of (12,500,000) dollars, only twelve million five hundred thousand dollars, to finance the project to strengthen monitoring and accountability institutions in Public Financial Administration, provided that an amount of (8,500,000) dollars is allocated, only eight million five hundred thousand dollars to be implemented by the government side, and an amount (4,000,000) dollars, only four million dollars, to be implemented by the World Bank, based on the provisions of Article 3 of Treaty Contract Law (35 of 2015), according to what was stated in the book of the Ministry of Finance No. 8122 dated on12/13/2020.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister  12 January 2021

The Economic Benefits Of Digital Government

Wednesday 13th January 2021  33  Saad Al-Taie   Digital government represents one of the most important achievements of digital technology, which provided many inventions and services, moving the world to very advanced fields and facilitating many life matters for them.

And one of the most important of these areas is the digital government, which has enabled citizens in any part of the world to complete the procedures and routine reviews in a very short time, without the need to review and attend in ministries or multiple departments, and to ensure that long time is not wasted in these procedures with what accompanies them of much expenses With many things that can be dispensed with and replaced with more important ones that cost less in time, effort and money.

The complex procedures as a whole are things that have become traditional matters in the current era (the era of digital technology), with all the facilities they provide, developments, progress, and an easy and comfortable life away from the complexities and difficulties that accompany bureaucratic regimes.

The bureaucratic system, with all its disadvantages, greatly affects the economic system in a negative way, as it drains the enormous efforts, energies and expenditures to sustain the wheel of the circle in which it revolves, in addition to the very large waste of time that can be invested in more productive matters of the economic system, in a way that helps to develop The gross domestic product, which is in the interest of the citizen and reflects on his prosperity and increase in his productivity.

This is what the digital government contributes to services provided to all citizens in an optimal manner, smoothly and easily, away from complications and difficulties, which makes it imperative for the competent authorities in our country to give this necessary issue the attention it deserves, and in a way that helps our country advance technically, administratively and economically and invest this technology. In the useful and critical areas in the daily life of citizens, instead of the great waste of expenditures, energies, efforts, and the great time of employees in completing and promoting the huge piles of paper, which will have very positive results on our national economy.   LINK

Economists .. Development Requires Institutional Cooperation And Diversification Of The Economy

Wednesday 13th January 2021  36  Baghdad: Morning

The specialist in economic affairs, Wissam Al-Lami, said that Iraq needs to create an ideal work environment in cooperation with the relevant institutions, especially that the production and service reality is in dire need of consolidating its joints.

Al-Lami emphasized that "the reality of the national economy suffers from an imbalance and the organization of the stages of advancement represents an important, even necessary step for investing Iraq's wealth towards sustainable development."

And he had indicated that "everyone is required to support the private sector and facilitate work tasks in all its details, especially since the private sector, which represents the focus of economic activity for the next stage."

"The reality of the situation requires that the processes of introducing advanced equipment and technology to revive the sectors be facilitated," he added Productivity".

Al-Lami pointed out that achieving economic development requires that all institutions initiate support for projects that are implemented to develop production and services.

On the other hand, development consultant Amer Al-Jawahry stressed that "working with the available capabilities to diversify the economy, increase the pace of development, improve and develop services and infrastructure is necessary to increase the inputs, which raise the domestic product, which leads to an increase in the pace of job creation for the available and greatly increasing human resources and to eliminate Unemployment and poverty alleviation, in preparation for its elimination, in harmony with the implementation of the development plans and sectoral strategies approved towards achieving the vision of Iraq 2030.

He pointed to "the importance of adopting the presence of representatives of private sector institutions, civil society and unions representing the labor sectors in the manner and principle of" dialogue between the public and private sectors "in all legislative and executive stages, and in monitoring, evaluation and follow-up checks, for all events, directions, programs, strategies and policies.

He said, "It has become necessary to legislate the law on partnership between the public and private sectors after a serious review of it in coordination with all stakeholders, taking into account the utmost importance in initiating its implementation with the utmost transparency, starting with the formation of the partnership body and the condition of providing high-level and experienced professional capabilities for the management and staffing of the authority and endorsing and following in a manner. A work that adopts good, professional and scientific governance, transparency and productivity.   LINK

The Ministry Of Planning Is Preparing A Special Program To Follow Up Investment Projects

Economie| 12:47 - 01/13/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News: The Ministry of Planning has prepared a special program to follow up investment projects in all governorates, while it indicated the launch of the job number project in state departments.

The ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said, according to the official media, that “the e-governance system is very important, especially as it links the work of the ministry with other relevant authorities,” indicating that “the Ministry of Planning was one of the first ministries that were involved in implementing this system, activating and benefiting from Its outputs, especially as it links the work of the ministry with other relevant bodies. "

He explained, "The Ministry has prepared a special program for following up investment projects in all governorates, in addition to launching another program for registration and classification of contracting companies and contractors that can complete the registration requirements through the electronic window, in addition to launching the advanced center window related to government contracts, by asking questions. Regarding the problems facing ministries or other bodies, the answer comes directly through the window. "

He added, "The electronic governance system has achieved investments in time and agencies and speeding up the completion of transactions," referring to the launch of the job number project for state employees, which is an electronic platform that aims to close corruption outlets, reduce effort and prevent duplication in the job, as it has started registering more than two million employees across the country and the procedures. A list to complete the rest of the staff. '' Ended 29 / A43


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