"Silver" News" Friday Afternoon 5-7-2021

Robert Kientz: Symptoms of Silver Shortages Growing

Palisades Gold Radio:   May 7, 2021

Robert discusses how silver market buying has changed dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic. As economies have started to pick up and inflation has been flowing into the broader commodity complex. SLV has admitted that rampant physical demand nearly caused them to run out of silver.

Retail sales have been very high for the past few months, primarily due to the Silver Reddit movement. People are moving away from derivatives and into physical silver. There are few good alternatives to silver in electronics, and there may come a day where we start to recycle landfills.

Silver is also a byproduct at most mines, and therefore, the supply will remain relatively thin while demand increases. We no longer have the stockpiles we once had, and silver will remain a necessity for industry. He explains why industrial silver demand is inelastic.

If you look at the global short positions in commodities, you will see that gold and silver have the largest positions. If the monetary metals rise too high, the central banking system becomes at risk. From an industrial perspective, there are also reasons to keep silver at low prices.

Robert discusses the various cracks in the system and how they are pointing to stress. Lease rates, backwardation, premiums are all indicative of something happening behind the scene. Robert as a former auditor, sees a lot of red flags in the gold and silver markets. Don't assume anything when looking at details and question everything. Commodity markets have a sordid history going back over a hundred years. He discusses Basel III along with central bank plans for digital currencies.

The plans for a great reset of the monetary system include removing cash. Negative interest rates allow central banks to tax deposits, and they can drain liquidity as necessary, which amounts to a wealth tax on labor.

The repo market has not been fixed, and research published shows these markets have been involved in multiple crises, including 2008.

Since debt grows faster than money, math dictates that it can't be fixed. Something has to give soon.


ALERT! Silver Knights Are BACK to Destroy the Silver Cabal!! (Bix Weir)

May 6, 2021




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