RV Reports/Rumors Posted by Judy and Fleming 5-4-2022

Fleming Wednesday  5-4-2022   The Shotgun is Primed

QFS is syncing the Collective System, including every participating Nation State. This is the Shotgun Start that brings NESARA GESARA to the world. The US Treasury becomes obsolete.

The QFS can't be stopped.

Any second, any minute, once the QFS is synced every bank in the world is online. Every country has to revalue their currency.

Once each Central Bank is informed by the QFS what their specific code is, and they have to respond. If the Central Bank does not comply they will be visited within hours by a Security Team. Codes will be entered. The System knows who the criminals are.

Mass arrests will immediately follow once the QFS is synced and the last code is entered. QFS tells the Nation States exactly what their rate is. This will happen fast.

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 4 May 2022

Compiled Wed. 4 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Tues. 3 May 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#:

Tier 4B was still going this week Wed, Thurs or Fri for notification – with appointments beginning the next day.

NESARA would kick in sometime from today through 18 May.

Today Tues. 3 May some bond holders received codes for their accounts, but their accounts weren’t activated and likely wouldn’t be until Tier 4B received their appointments.

Tier 1 and 2 have already been paid out.(Allegedly)

Tier 2 (the Whales who received 15% of their monies) paid off our national debt and paid for NESARA out of the remaining 85%.

On Sat. 30 April a Redemption Call discussed the rolling out of the Med Beds

For all Zim Bond redeemers a $100 T Zim note was equal to $100 T US Dollars

Those redemption monies would be put in a Quantum Account.

For Zim Bond holders who do not have a project, 1% of those monies in their Quantum Account would be put in a Primary Account – from which you would have immediate access.

For those Zim holders who don’t have projects, their monies in the Primary Account would be put in a long term payout that would earn interest – the interest of which would be dependent upon the length of the long term payout.

For those Zim holders who don’t have projects that interest received in their Primary Account would be put in a Secondary Accountfrom which you would have immediate access.

For Zim Bond holders who have projects, 10% of those monies in their Quantum Account would be put into a Primary Account – from which you would have immediate access.

For Zim Bond holders who have projects interest on those monies in their Primary Account would be 6 1/2 % to 8%, perhaps 10% dependent on your negotiation about your project.

For Zim Bond holders who have projects those interest monies earned in your Primary Account would be put in a Secondary Account – from which you would have immediate access.


Global Financial Collapse:

Deutsche Bank, EUs biggest bank: “We will get a major recession,” Deutsche Bank economists wrote in a report to clients on Tuesday. (Not reported in MSM).

UKs biggest banks: “I can’t see it getting any better’: could the UK be heading for a recession?” (Not reported in MSM)

Bank of America, U.S. biggest bank was in a collapse and bought out by smaller bank. “Bank of America warns ‘recession shock’ is coming.” (Not reported in MSM).

Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world.

The big banks that would not sign onto the new Quantum System are collapsing, or being bought out.

Wells Fargo Bank has come into full control of the White Hats for the RV.

Weakest currencies in the world, Victor Mochere: https://victor-mochere.com/top-20-weakest-currencies-in-the-world

Russia Is Returning To The Gold Standard And China Is Going To Be Next: https://twitter.com/QTRResearch/status/1521456469308231682?s=20&t=hY-vFb09JR6dvPNexdyE6Q

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/05/04/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-4-2022/


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