RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR Friday 4-1-2022

RV Excerpts and RUMORS from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 1 April 2022

Compiled Fri. 1 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The US and 206 other nations were now (Allegedly) functioning on gold/asset-backed currencies, with seven additional nations expected to soon follow.

Fri. 1 April was the beginning  (Allegedly) of the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) using the new digital currency of Blockchain, while trading gold/asset-backed currencies of nations at a 1:1 with each other.

The US Restored Republic based on principles of the original Constitution would be in effect as of 12:01 am Fri. 1 April. (allegedly)

The Emergency Broadcast System was expected to be activated sometime over this next weekend.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could be notified to set redemption/ exchange appointments at the higher special rates any time from Fri. 1 April to Tues. 5 April.

Wed. 30 March 2022 Charlie Ward, MarkZ, Chas Carter, David McHaney: The Quantum Financial System: https://rumble.com/vz23wt-breaking-news-mark-z-charlie-ward-and-chas-carter-3-30-22-ppn-at-12pm-cst-1.html   https://www.thepatriotpartynews.com/

On. Tues. 29 March transfers in Asia from the Legacy Computer System to the QFS were successful for the first time. That means they have gotten rid of all the dirt at the bottom of the Swamp.

The bulk of what is becoming visual now actually happened 12 months ago…but it was not in the Public domain.

This was about getting the QFS prepared for that for a Global Currency Reset launch. They were not able to move the funds to pay us. In the past they couldn’t safely make those transactions, or could only transmit “$10 Million or less”.  But we are talking about BILLIONS and even TRILLIONS… so that was not going to cut it. So this is NOT about Tier 3. This is about meshing the QFS with the Legacy system. It has to work with the local banks, or any bank around the world and they were having a heck of a time. So literally is has been a difficult transition…because the funds have to come off of the Quantum Financial System … through Starlink… and down into the Legacy Banking System.

There were a number of issues because of the corrupt banking and corrupt practices. When I look at banking, I often think of banking as diverse in Dubai for example. In Dubai, you have (1) Islamic banks, (2) American banks, (3) European banks, (4) African banks, (5) Chinese banks… and then…  you get into the ‘crazy shit’ when you get into the Iranian banks, Iraqi banks, Afghan banks, Indian banks that you might as well be dealing with aliens from another planet. They have a completely different RULE BOOK for every single type of banking.

MarkZ: In two weeks we will be having a totally different conversation – like how to change the world and how to do good.

I am told that any black-outs will only be “regionally based” in order to do a cleanup in that area. The “good guys” know that if they take down the Internet across the entire world, then people are not going to be able to get to their Medical Records … or go to the hospital… or to get their prescription filled… and people would be dying from heart attacks.

Trust me, the White Hats know this… and that is what has taken so long… this is done to minimize the effects on YOU and I… the Working Class.

The Emergency Broadcast System will be involved because disclosure is so important. I am looking for the EBS to be all the same…. For the timing… around the world.

I am looking for the outages when they take down all communications … and the regional in the necessity of a cleanup.

Ward:  I am told by my contacts that they want to transition with as little “fuss” as possible.

MarkZ: For many people this is going to be “seamless”… and they may not even know the difference.

Ward: At the moment the Deep State and Cabal are pumping out their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). They are trying to make it look like it’s their system. The simple difference between the CBDC and the Quantum Financial System is that one is gold-backed and one is not.

Ward: We are still waiting on the China Real Estate Bubble to pop.

At the moment the new Q Phones are being manufactured by the Military.

You do not need to worry about the banks. Everything in your bank account has already been mirrored and bridged to the Quantum Financial System. So when everything goes down everything is mirrored.

The banks are becoming Wealth Management banks.

VISA and MASTER CARD are not telling anybody about the pain they are suffering right now. They have lost around 50% of their business.

We are seeing a lot of debt forgiveness.

Ward: Everyone was signed up to the NESARA and GESARA back in 2018.

MarkZ: this is set to go from East to West. They have been trying to get the QFS system to interact with the Legacy Banking System. They had a tough time with the old technology, but last night it worked for the first time. There were successful huge transfers beginning last night.


Thurs. 31 March 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

On Mon. 28 March at 5pm our bank accounts converted from fiat US Dollars to gold/backed USN.

The USN was out and being traded internationally as a gold/backed currency since Mon. 28 March.

The new USN were printed and in banks ready to be handed out.

Paymasters have been paid and Tier 3 bond holders will be notified this evening Thurs. 31 March and over the weekend, with access next Tues.

Emails from Wells Fargo will be customized to Zim Holders and will go out Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon or Tues. 1-5 April.

Fri. 1 April our new Restored Republic begins.

The old Congress would no longer be paid. US Inc. was bankrupt.

The new Congress of the Restored Republic will be paid in USN starting Fri. 1 April.

GESARA starts after midnight tonight Fri. 1 April.

Information on the Restored Republic, GESARA and the Emergency Alert System was likely to come out after or before Trump speech on Sat. night 2 April or Sun morning 3 April.

Around April 4-6 we would be starting to get reimbursement of taxes paid, birth certificate monies, car loans, mortgages.

As of this afternoon Thurs. 31 March 206 (out of 209-214) countries have announced that they had gold/asset-backed currencies.

There were 27-28 nations whose currencies that were going up in value with the GCR.


On 28 March the Russia Central Bank announced the Ruble was bound to gold: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/it-s-official-russia-central-bank-announced-ruble-bond-to-gold-5000-rubles-per-gram

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/04/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-1-2022/


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