News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 6-8-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 8 June 2022

Compiled Wed. 8 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It’s Show Time!

All countries were on High Alert.

Something Big was Coming. All the right people are scared, very scared. It’s Show Time! …White Hats

On Tues. 7 June 2022 Biden declared a state of emergency in the USA because of the threat of a shortage of power generation capacity for consumers and disruptions in energy markets.

The DS fiat US Dollar was beginning to be worthless and could no longer be used for International Trade. Banks around the world were being shut down. High level Banking execs were either under investigation, or arrested and charged with treasonous crimes.

To date this year there have been 56+ plants that manufactured food which had been destroyed, mainly by fire.

The global food shortage was real, expected to be in full bloom by Fall and last through the end of 2023. You were advised to be prepared with food, fuel and water for your family and others who would need your help.


Tues. 7 June The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#, 667-770-1865

Bond Holder notification after 9 pm tonight EST Tues. 7 June.

Tier 4B notification subsequent to Bond Holder notification, possibly Wed. 8 June.

Six major Tier 1 Banks met and voted on a Tues-Wed. start for Tier 4B.

Iraq would put out their new Dinar rate Wed. 8 June between 5-6 am EST.

In general, Redemption Centers will open between 8 am and 10 pm for at least ten days. They want to get the Zim holders through ASAP.


Judy Note:

The Great Reset was the DS Plan to take over the world that included using fiat digital currency including Bitcoin, which was backed by nothing.

The Global Currency Reset was the Alliance Plan that was currently going into effect. The People have gained back control from the DS, their tax payer dollar/currencies of 209 nations. The GCR would reset those currencies to being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other.

Tier 4B was composed of those in the general public who have bought foreign currencies which were rising in value due to the GCR. Those individuals would use a Redemption Center to exchange their foreign currencies at special higher rates after the Global Currency Reset completed. The Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Iranian Rial were among those currencies going up in value, while others were staying the same, or would be down in value.

The Zimbabwe Bond was also being purchased, proceeds of which could only be redeemed at a Redemption Center and used for humanitarian purposes.

Reminder on the Global Currency Reset: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

Last week Charlie Ward was told by both the DOJ and DOD that there would be a mandated QFS silence for two weeks (or to mid-June).

On Tues. 7 June MarkZ reported that his Bank Contacts had asked him for reasons of safety, that he not report on Bond Holder or Reno activities.

All currencies of the 209 nations participating in the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset have been determined to be ISO 200022 compliant and hooked up to the new Global Quantum Financial System.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick   [via Frank26]  The CBI is now starting to roll out the newer ATMs inside of Iraq.  Once they are online...they will be activated in the international status...with the Visa and MasterCard and ration cards...presented to the citizens of Iraq...the Visa and MasterCard equal an activation of the ATM machines and it means a new rate is included in it.

Tivon  Do you all know the importance and implications as to how vital the oil contracts moving from Kurdistan to Baghdad is to the HCL/Oil & Gas which is the backbone to the "Purchasing Power" the citizens have been asking for? What did we all state so many times as to how "Citizens Entitlements" is included in the Food Security Law? To be honest with you I would not be surprised if a rate came out next week. This FSL is the real deal people.

Iraqi Dinar update for 06/07/22

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

(Alert). World Bank WARNS. Goldman Sachs WARNS. Bank Of America WARNS. Stock Market Gains!

Greg Mannarino:  6-7-2022


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