News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 8-25-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 25 Aug. 2021

Compiled Wed. 25 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Schedule of RV Events

Mon. 16 Aug. at 6am: Iraqi Dinar new rate official $3.85 in-country and $19.80 International.

Sat. 21 Aug: RV Codes officially entered into the system.

Tues. 24 Aug. at 3:14 am EST: New Currency Rates and procedures locked into the system. Currency Exchange tests on Dinar began at various banks across the country.

Wed. 25 Aug: World Court mandate deadline for start of NESARA/GESARA; finishing Mass Arrests of Cabal; solving Restored Republic and RV issues; US transition to Constitutional Law; Gold Standard to be fully online in the US, plus the new US Note would be liquid.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26 Article:  "The International Development Bank buys more than 300 advanced ATMs from CBMAnd there are thousands more!  Quote:  'State-of-the-art'.  They're all International Development Bank ready.  Dear God that's article VIII.  They don't need to tell you they're article VIII, they're demonstrating it.

Frank26:   The ATM machines, the old ones, they're online.  The new ones, they're not online yet.  The old ATM machines, they actually have the software of the new small category notes and they have the software of the 3 zero notes.  The new ATM machines...thousands and thousands of them, they have the software for the new small category notes but they don't have it for the 3 zero notes.  Iraqi citizens you're running out of time.  The new ATM machines will be loaded with the new small category notes...they will eventually be online with the new exchange rate, with the new small category notes and the timing of the ATM machines and these [new note] "specimens" IMO is being coordinated... 


Economy Continues To Crater Which May Be Enough For Yet ANOTHER RECORD HIGH For Stocks.

Greg Mannarino:  Aug 25, 2021

The Atlantis Report

Supply-Chain Chaos -- Container Rates Skyrocket Even Higher

Another week, another record for container shipping spot rates. And alarmingly for shippers, upward rate momentum is accelerating.

There is a scramble to get empty containers to West Coast ports so they can be returned to Asia and used for US imports.

 There is no Cure For High Prices quite like High Prices. It's called inflation, you print money it buys less. And More Inflation is coming. Costs of everything is going up, and quick. The prices of some things the regime can control, others it can't, international shipping is a can't for the Plunge Protection Team.

Use the pandemic to disrupt the supply chains and voila! Prices up; profits down. The trend here is that every person in the US is going to be a multi-millionaire from government handouts, and there will be nothing to buy anywhere. With continual shutdowns, i don't see how anyone can expect the shelves in stores to get restocked anytime in the foreseeable future.

 Between the real and manufactured supply chain issues, rising costs of fuels worldwide, shortages of containers and glut of containers sitting empty at the end of routes requiring a deadhead run to fetch, retooling to assemble goods in Indonesia and points outside China, folks need to consider the rising inflation here and in other countries.

They've managed to conceal it from the consumers with product shrinkage and shortages rising demand. It's become obvious the banksters think they can print themselves out of this pickle but we all know what that means.

Rising inflation; and if they play their cards wrong as they have been, we likely will see hyperinflation within the next couple years. Unless your flush with bucks like most of us we have eliminated our debt, stacked a little gold and silver and stored up hard goods, supplies and food - holding our collective breaths to waiting to learn how the government will creatively legislate our stacks away from us.


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-24-21


 Iraqi News Wednesday AM 8-25-21