News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 2-2-2021


Tishwash:  An economist talks about 3 jumps that the dollar will witness against the Iraqi dinar

The economic expert, Rasim Al-Aqidi, said today, Monday, that the exchange rate of the dollar in the Iraqi market will witness 3 .successive jumps, before it reaches the price of 1600 dinars per dollar The exchange rate of the dollar in the 2021 budget was set by the government at 1450 dinars, and it has witnessed fluctuations in" ".terms of ups and downs, but in any case, the decision to spend in the budget will not change

Al-Aqidi added, that the decision to change the exchange rate, "came to prevent neighboring countries from benefiting from the old exchange rate, which was an understatement, and to push most of the banks of neighboring countries or political forces to share " .economic interests, obtain Iraqi cash and collect the largest value of the dollar in past years as it is Hard currency

He continued, "The dollar exchange rate will jump to 1490 dinars after the budget is approved, and the exchange rate set by the government is fixed at 1450, then it will witness another rise after the launch of 50% of the financial allocations for projects and ministries, and it reaches from 1520-1550 and then witnesses a third increase. Of its kind when the exchange begins, that is, whenever cash is pumped into projects, whether investment, loans or salaries, it will pay to increase the withdrawal of the dollar, because the " .rates of purchase of materials from the various markets of all kinds will rise at higher rates

The economic expert pointed out that "a file to import will push forward in the rates of recovery of the dollar, and then the dollar ".exchange rate will escalate to perhaps 1600 dinars in exchange offices link


Tishwash:  President of the Republic: The budget must be approved in a way that guarantees the interests of the Iraqis

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received the Chairman of the Finance Committee, MP Haitham Al-Jubouri, and the members of the committee, where they discussed the economic challenges facing the country, in addition to the issue of the financial budget, and the importance of passing it in a way that guarantees the rights of citizens. 

During the meeting, the importance of overcoming the issues facing the approval of the budget was emphasized, taking into account ensuring that the interests of citizens are not disrupted, in addition to ensuring the rights of all governorates according to their needs and conditions, the allocations of the petro-dollar fund, redress for victims of terrorism, displaced persons and low-income classes, and the provision of the necessary financial support for agencies. Security forces from the army, the popular mobilization, the police and the peshmerga, for the great role they play in confronting terrorism and protecting the security of citizens.

The efforts made by the Parliamentary Finance Committee and members of Parliament in the discussions on the budget were commended in order to pass it in a manner that guarantees the rights of all citizens and all governorates.

The President of the Republic affirmed that these considerations must be present in the budget and a path in the debate about it, and the need to exclude political issues in it, and to focus on the need to reach just and legal solutions that preserve the rights of the Iraqi people, employees and retirees throughout the country, including the Kurdistan region.

Regarding the outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, Saleh stressed the importance of reaching radical and serious solutions within the framework of the constitution, accompanied by a real reform process on the ground, as it is a fundamental pillar for finding a final solution to the suffering and problems of all citizens in the country and the Kurdistan region.

He stressed that achieving economic and security stability and providing decent living conditions for citizens is closely linked with continuing work to combat corruption, closing its outlets, recovering smuggled money and holding the corrupt accountable   link


Late Monday Night Fleming RV Update

Our military intel contact said that as of today Mon 1 Feb there have been some pauses of the liquidity shotgun start & 4B start due to security issues (not major) that have to be nailed down by the RV security teams under DoD direction;

He said the security issues include mostly containing Deep State efforts to burn down the country as they are going down & losing the war now domestically and globally and some paymaster & bond sellers violating NDAs that are being cleaned up right now;

As of right now he said watch Iraq tomorrow Tue 2 Feb expected to pass their budget with the Dinar RV rate (approx $16.00 range) with the economic reform White Papers to put the RV rate in the Gazette Wed 3 Feb, but he said that T4B & the shotgun start could still be triggered any moment any day going forward this week

Redemption centers are still fully staffed and ready, so he said stay ready, and as Isaac in Zurich said today Mon 1 Feb, “We are closer than ever: be patient and be ready.”

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   Article:   "Parliamentary Finance meets with official from the World Bank"  In the past they've never really had the World Bank and the IMF involved with budgets.   The reason they have the World Bank involved with this one is because this budget is now linked to the rate change.  It has reforms in it which the World Bank has financed.  Because they financed the reforms they need to monitor what happens in Iraq financially because they have a vested interest...payments  can only be paid back to the World Bank with internationally recognized currency. 


Keiser Report | Price Discovery in an Age of Paper | E1653

Feb 2, 2021

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the official and ‘authoritative’ voices permitted to be published that are now warning of the high economic and life expectancy cost to lockdown measures.

 In the second half, Max interviews Egon von Greyerz of about the impossibility of price discovery because of the paper gold market in which $70 trillion is traded every year against $213 billion annual mine production.


Silver Report Uncut and Mike Maloney Tuesday AM 2-2-2021


Physical Silver Shortage vs. Paper Silver