News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 2-16-2021



Baghdad-Al-Sharqiya, February 15: The International Monetary Fund warned that reform efforts in Iraq were stalled due to the political turmoil and tensions that precede the parliamentary elections and the resulting instability. 

The National website quoted the International Monetary Fund as saying that the slowdown in GDP reflects a decrease in non-oil activity and a reduction in crude oil production due to the OPEC Plus agreement. 

The IMF indicated that the large fiscal deficit of 20 percent of GDP, and the deficit in the external current account, which reached 16 percent of GDP, restricted the government's ability to offer an effective financial treatment. 

The International Monetary Fund stressed the importance of combating corruption in public institutions and restructuring large government banks in order to enhance financial stability and develop the private sector. link

Tishwash:  Representative economy: the difference in the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be used to bridge the financial gap

Member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Hamed Al-Mousawi, confirmed that the difference in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be used to bridge the financial gap, pointing out that the state is going towards supporting the private sector to attract the largest number of unemployed and graduates.

Al-Mousawi said to "the information", that "the difference in the exchange rate of the dollar after the government's decision to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar has reached 12 trillion dinars, as this amount will be invested to fill the budget deficit."

He added that "the high exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will not be used to increase expenditures as desired by the government, but rather will be invested to bridge the financial gap."
And that "the government is going toward supporting the private sector in order to attract the largest possible number of unemployed and graduates, in light of the deficit suffered by the budget and salaries that amounted to 53 trillion dinars."  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    December 20th is when they officially started the reforms by devaluing the currency.  Why did Iraq devalue the currency?  That was a directive and a requirement by the IMF and the World Bank to reduce the 3 zero note count in the country of Iraq so the citizens don't get rich...It was a 90-day tool.  That's why they started it on December 20th.  Add 90 days to a Sunday and you got your rate change day

MilitiaMan  The recalculating assets, incomes streams from oil, border crossings, tourism, fresh new liquid natural gas income from halting its flaring, agriculture, mineral extraction, etc., all play a roll in the valuation process of the country and her currency. The budget needs the rate not the other way around.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 16 Feb. 2021

Compiled Tues. 16 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: There has been no new Intel on Tier 4B setting appointments to redeem/ exchange since Sat. afternoon 13 Feb. – at which time our Military Intel Contact said “orders have just gone out to start our T4B notifications sometime in the next 24-to-48-or-more-hours (intentionally vague for reasons of security).”

On Mon. 15 Feb. Charlie Ward said that all funds have been downloaded into the Quantum Financial System and everything was ready to go. The switch would be flipped by the US Military in consultation with the Chinese Elders.

The Alliance was Beta testing a new platform that guaranteed Free Speech and could handle without censorship, public communications on the Internet.

There was a possibility that by Thurs. 18 Feb. the US could be in lockdown with businesses closed for around two weeks. FEMA was setting up emergency stations all over the country in preparation for the two week lockdown. We have been promised that if we were in lockdown during the exchange period we would be given passes and even military escort if so wished, in order to go to our appointments.

All signs were that the next two weeks would be epic.

Read full post here:


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