News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 11-16-2021
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 16 Nov. 2021
Compiled Tues. 16 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Soon certain international Events such as a global economic collapse, Solar Storm causing a worldwide Internet blackout, break out of war, earthquakes and resultant international chaos was expected to instigate a Military takeover of the Internet and Mass Media globally.
Activation of that Quantum Internet would then set off a Global Currency Reset, along with Disclosure of over 500,000 sealed indictments against and arrests of politicians and global elites that have been in the works since Trump took office in 2016.
According to a high up source Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group who have invested in about-to-revalue foreign currencies and Zim Bonds) must be notified with invitations to exchange and redeem in order for funds to be made liquid to any tier of the GCR. As the Source said, “This was a necessity, agreed to in writing, no shortcuts possible, with required notification by the World Court, banks and Department of Defense.”
“My sources included a 30 year Pentagon veteran, Contact on the top floor of the US Treasury, a General, an Admiral, plus a Contact at the Rodriguez Trust. They have all reported their opinion of the Global Currency Reset as, “Not this week, maybe next week and likely the one after that.”…Coach Wes Bastie
On Mon. 15 Nov. MarkZ reported that “Today Mon. 15 Nov. people are in position with a lot of appointments to exchange set up for tomorrow afternoon Tues. 16 Nov. Big bankers meeting tomorrow afternoon 2 pm Reno time (home of the new US Treasury) where they hoped to be setting their schedule for currency exchange, not bonds. I have confirmation that three different Chinese Elders families representatives were now in the Reno area.
More Whales and Group Leaders had been called into Reno over the weekend. On Mon. 8 Nov. Historic Bond payments started paying out (though not liquid). On Thurs. 11 Nov. 2,000 Bond Holders were paid (though not liquid), including Zimbabwe Sheet Bonds. Those Bond payouts would continue through the end of the month. Some CMKX folks have received spendable money (advancements from the banks). A Tier 3 Paymaster was told they would begin receiving funds on Sat. 13 Nov. that would be liquid on Tues. 16 Nov.
Recently so-called “experts” have put out that a massive Solar Storm could soon cause Global Internet Outages (planted misinformation?). After all, Congress has already passed H.R.6227 – the National Quantum Initiative Act, an “unhackable” national quantum internet: and made a deal with the UK on the new global Internet.
Ships at California ports are now waiting RECORD 17 days to unload: Supply crisis gets worse after Biden vowed to fix it. There were as many as 83 ships at anchor and in a holding pattern as of Friday night:
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 25 page PDF file from the CBI that was given to the citizens of Iraq. It is a step-by-step-by-step of what they're doing with the monetary reform. It was given to them at a University somewhere around Basra. It was what was presented to them on their television but not to you - the explanation of why they're raising it [the dinar].
Iraqi Dinar update for 11/15/21
Pimpy’s Investment Chat : Nov 15, 2021
Greg Mannarino: Nov 16, 2021