News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday 5-18-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 May 2021

Compiled Tues. 18 May 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Mon. 17 May our Military Intel Contact reported that Bankers have been told that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) start would be "very soon this week.”

There was disinformation put out to throw off the bad guys that Tier 4B would start at the end of the 3rd Qtr. (end of June).

On Fri. 14 May afternoon delivery began of 50,000 Adjudicated Settlement packages – CMKX, F&P's and PPs – with recipients receiving a 1% immediate access to their funds upon signing of an NDA.

Tier 4 B would be notified to set redemption/ exchange appointments by email or publication of a Secured Website after Adjudicated Settlement package delivery was complete.

There would be ten days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.

After the ten days Zim redemption and the special rates would end and the general public would begin exchanging at the new international rates.

The Event, Martial Law, Ten Days of Darkness, Restored Republic:

Tier 4B notification would happen the same time as the Global Currency Reset and The Event, followed by Martial Law and Ten Days of Darkness leading to a Restored Republic.

Read full post here:


Holly:  Rv news:

The bonds have started paying out a few weeks ago. The bonds go first on the GCR side before it gets to the RV side which is funded by Dubai. The D1-3 is funded and money is sitting in the accounts, it is still not released yet.

Once these are released it will create a cascade effect through all the tiers.

It has been a very slow roll out done intentionally to capture any bad actors in the process. As if to date there have been over 4,000 arrests of bankers in all capacities in the past few weeks who were doing nefarious things

Remember it’s all about safety and security. You will want to be safe at all times going forward post rv.

What does that look like? Scrub yourself off of the internet, have a trust, have a home security system, lease cars in your trust name instead of purchasing.

Have one computer just for your banking and nothing else. There is a lot more you can do and hire a security company to help you find out the level you want and need. And never, ever give up!

We will get there as the process has begun weeks ago.


Courtesy Of Dinar Guru

BobbyC  To my knowledge only one aspect of Ch 7 remains and that's the debt to Kuwait which has zero bearing on taking the IQD international. All the other Ch 7's were moved to Ch 6.  CH 7 Sanctioned not have globally traded currency...there are no sanctions against them doing international business. Just some Banks, especially in Europe, won't deal with em because Iraq fails to abide by the RTGS (real time gross settlements)...They could go Global at 1460 and I'd be thrilled...

Jim Sinclair, Bill Holter, Chris Marcus

“Paper silver scheme is unraveling now”:

Arcadia Economics:  Premiered May 16, 2021

“Paper silver scheme is unraveling now”: #JimSinclair, #BillHolter, #ChrisMarcus

 If you wanted advance warning before the paper #silver scheme unravel, here ya go!

While I don’t have a date or know the timeline, in this conversation with gold and silver legends Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair we discuss why the paper silver scheme is unraveling now!

10 Best Countries with 0 Income Tax

Skerry Harry:  Sep 22, 2020

These are some of the best countries with zero income tax. Citizens across the world are burdened with high income taxes, however there are some countries where people are not charged any tax on their income.

Instead of income taxes these countries have alternative sources of revenue to fund their governments.

Taking advantage and living in a no-income-tax country is not as easy as packing a suitcase and buying a plane ticket. In most instances, the process is lengthy and expensive.

 Some countries will purposefully keep the barrier of entry high to only attract top investment.


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