News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 3-4-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 March 2021

Compiled Thurs. 4 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Tues. 2 March evening Fleming’s Military Intel Contact reported that Tier 3-4A group leaders, paymasters and attorneys remained in place at their assigned Redemption and Banking centers. The Liquidity Shotgun Start would begin at any moment on Wed - Fri. 3-5 March.

Redemption Centers have been given exchange schedules for Tier 4B to start on Thurs.-Fri. 4-5 March through Sun. 14 March.

New, Safe Internet and Social Media Platform, plus a Takeover of the Mass Media:

On Mon. 1 March at 8:15 am EST a new and safe platform for the Internet was being tested. The information system had been developed under the US Space Force with three satellites called the Starlink System. Starlink would link into cell phones and computers worldwide for a much safer, secure and efficient system than we now had.

On Fri. March 5 at 6:30 pm EST there was expected to be a military takeover of Mainstream Media across the globe on their Starlink System

GCR/ Restored Republic Schedule:

On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST Quantum Financial System (QFS) switch was turned on. At 10 am EST they shut down the Federal Reserve System – the Cabal and their Central Banking System had been completely cut off from using We the People’s taxpayer dollars. By 6 pm EST the new US Treasury, plus gold/ asset-backed currencies of 209 countries across the globe had been absorbed into the QFS, after which the fiat US Dollar crashed and the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note activated.

The General Public Tier 5 was set to start exchanging foreign currencies at the new International Rates on Mon. 15 March, the Ides of March.

Mon. 15 March was also when NESARA debt jubilee debt forgiveness packages would be implemented and begin to pay off federal debt for mortgage, credit card and other past federally backed debt classes.

By 15 April 2021 the US Republic would be restored to concepts of the original Constitution.


Wed. 3 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

The Liquidity Shotgun Start was still at an any moment to begin Wed, Thurs, Fri. 3-5 March.

Over the past 48 hours, Tier 3-4A group leaders, paymasters and attorneys were in place at their assigned Redemption and Banking centers. Though, some left their posts, they returned after being told that the start was imminent this week.

They have been finishing paperwork to make sure all was in order for payouts and account accessing would begin at the same time that we in Tier 4B would start exchange/ redemptions.

Redemption centers have been given exchange schedules for Tier 4B to start Thurs.-Fri. 4-5 March through Sun. 14 March.

All was ready and awaiting some sort of announcement about Iraq finishing their budget and RV rate overnight Tues.-Wed. 2, 3 March. That announcement may not be public and only made to banks and financial institutions.

The general public Tier 5 was set to start Mon. 15 March, the Ides of March.

Mon. 15 March was also when NESARA debt jubilee debt forgiveness packages would be implemented and begin to pay off federal debt for mortgage, credit card and other past federally backed debt classes.

Over this past weekend Iraq released a press statement saying that the Iraqi Parliament would stay in session daily until they finished their budget and thereby released the new Dinar RV rate.

Iraq has been done for a long time and waiting on the green light from the US military to be able to say they were done with the budget and could publish their Dinar RV rate.

Our Military Intel Contact urged to keep our expectancy high with ongoing prayers over the release process.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick and Frank26   ...IOO this week or at the start of next week you're going to start seeing more articles from the CBI.   1.  The first articles that will be an affirmation of the meetings that the CBI has been having with what we call the Fab Four.  These meeting are still ongoing.  2.  Once you see these article of an affirmation about these meetings and their agreements of what they are going to do with their monetary reform, a few days later after that you've going to see more articles from the CBI with information on the face value of the new small category notes...   [post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

Walkingstick and Frank26    [Frank speaking for the CBI to the Citizens of Iraq]   ...citizens of Iraq you still have dinar in mattress don't you.  That's ok...the 1000, the 500, whatever you have - they're still going to coexist but only for a certain time frame Iraqi citizens...GOI you go ahead and use the 50k and the 100k for business.      3.  The CBI will also discuss in these articles to the citizens what was agreed upon with the new exchange rate and the REER (the Real Effective Exchange Rate)... 4.  These meetings are still ongoing.  They will continue even after the value of the Iraq dinar goes up and pegs to the American dollar.  These meetings will continue to make sure that everything is according to what they all agreed upon.  Praise God. [post 2 of 2]


Iraqi Dinar News for 03/03/21

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