News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 5-22-2022


RVAlreaady:  Well, it looks like progress is finally being made on the political impasse in Iraq. I hope this leads to a government and an RV soon. Seems the IMF and WB in Iraq last week made it clear that the world is tired of waiting for the RV, and Iraq needs to make progress quickly.

Annie68:  Seems Iraq always needs a kick in the patuti to get anything done! Hope the "visits" have worked!!

Yada: I am of the mind that the IMF meeting with Iraq has a lot to so with the rate about to be released. The CBI is up to bat. I'm also of the mind that once the rate is released that the leverage that the Framework's holding back the budget will be killed with a capital K

Yada:  It baffles me to think that I would invest in something and not look for the best outcome at all times. Fact is the country is in earnest in getting the rate released but just THE FEW INGRATES WHO STOP THE PROCESS FOR THIER OWN GOOD, NOT FOR THE PEOPLE.

TNT Cont…….

Yada:  Because the bad guys who have run roughshod over the process have been forced into a corner and to save face, budged before Sadr did. Even the admittance of a few members from the Framework to work with Sadr is also big big news.

Yada:  I thought it was interesting that Maliki is a big mouth of what they will or will not do but in the compromise, he stated they do not want to share all the details. The IMF visit had some baring into the CBI about to release the rate and possible the Food Service Law may also have a part in the release

Yada: Lastly, another source stated that something is to take place on the 24th with 137 countries regarding a 15% tax at borders. Wondering is Iraq was given the, "get your stuff together since your sovereign along with the other countries". A change that requires them to be article VIII.


From Holly’s room: Q-Trekkie Nexgen

We were looking for a Friday event. 

Here’s one. 

Eight straight weeks of sinking stocks was never seen in almost 90 years. 

What happened just after the 1929 stock crash?

1933 - passage of the executive order that forbade civilian ownership of gold and gold-backed assets. 

What rule was changed as a result of the tanking market?

Civilian ownership of asset-backed currencies was permitted. 

But you’d never hear it from the corrupt media. 

One last paver in the yellow brick road to our exchanges.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling   ...Iraq is going to add value to the currency.  And guess what, They're backing it up with the US dollar...If you believe the dinar is going to LOP, there's no reason for you to be in this investment...

Nader From The Mid East   Article quote: "In light of the currency financial abundance, it is unlikely to resort to borrowing...Iraq has begun to feel the positive effect of changing the dollar exchange...He's talking about the exchange rate.  I'm very excited.  We're getting there...the CEO of the CBI.   When he said something usually works.  How long?  I don't know.  It could be this week, next week, can be two months from now...there's not dates there but it show us they're working on it and I'm very excited.  It's a lot of pressure over here...we're putting a lot of pressure on everybody so things are gonna get a little quicker and better...

Iraqi RV soon Iraqi I dinar

Nader from the middle east:  5-20-2022 

This 'EVENT' Will Be Biblical! NOT THE END, THEIR END - Bo Polny, David Rodrigues

Bo Polny predicts the old cabal financial system will go down between May 14th and June 22nd….Lots of positive news with all the bad guys worldwide being exposed and arrested……and much more.


This is How the Private Banks Have a License to Create Money Out of Thin Air!


Arcadia Economics and The Nomad Economist Sunday 5-22-2022