Arcadia Economics and The Nomad Economist Sunday 5-22-2022

Sean from SGT: They're crashing the financial system NOW

Arcadia Economics:  5-21-2022

Sean from SGT: They're crashing the financial system NOW

When you consider the recent economic events out of Washington DC, between the response to C0VID, the sanctions on Russia, and the Fed´s interest rate hikes, it´s not hard to see that the stock market is running into trouble.

Yet to those who are familiar with the history, this hammer to the economy concept isn't entirely unprecedented. As the banking houses have a history of preparing themselves for the collapse before it implodes, and profiting on the move.

Is that what we´re seeing now?

Sean from The SGT Report, whose news site gives him access to an incredible amount of news that most don´t get to see, checks in to share what he´s watching, what might be planned, and what you´ll want to be prepared for.

So to find out whether we´re watching a planned implosion, click to watch the interview now!

Why they are waging a Global War on Cash

The Nomad Economist:  5-21-2022

he War On Cash & Negative Interest Rate Bonds Explained

Cash is largely anonymous, untraceable and uncontrollable, hence it makes central authorities, in a system increasingly requiring total buy-in in order to function, extremely uncomfortable.

They regard there being no legitimate reason to own more than a small amount of it in physical form, as its ownership or use raises the specter of tax evasion or other illegal activities: The assumption on the part of government today is that possession of large amounts of cash is indicative of involvement in illegal activity.

 If you’re traveling with thousands of dollars in cash and get pulled over by the police, don’t be surprised when your money gets seized as “suspicious.” And if you want your money back, prepare to get into a long, drawn-out court case requiring you to prove that you came by that money legitimately, just because the courts have decided that carrying or using large amounts of cash is reasonable suspicion that you are engaging in illegal activity .

Despite the supposed connection between crime and the holding of physical cash


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