News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Morning 11-15-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 15 Nov. 2021

Compiled Mon. 15 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

What We Think We Know on the Global Currency Reset according to Intel from various credible sources as of Mon. 15 Nov. 2021:

On Mon. 8 Nov. Historic Bond payments started paying out. On Thurs. 11 Nov. 2,000 Bond Holders were paid, including Zimbabwe Sheet Bonds. Those Bond payouts would continue through the end of the month. Some CMKX folks have received spendable money. A Tier 3 Paymaster was told they would begin receiving funds on Sat. 13 Nov. that would be liquid on Tues. 16 Nov.

Email from a high-up Source: Liquidity vs Spend-ability

There’s a new word for our personal dictionary – Spendable isn’t new. Spend-ability takes it to a whole other level. We’re finding new words these days because we’ve never experienced another time like this in history. These new words are apropos considering incredible circumstances.

“Spend-ability” is one such word. Made necessary because “liquid money of account” is no longer adequate to describe what we have here. Tier 1, 2, 3 & 4 all have “liquid money of account,” which is definitely good. Liquid money is money that is released by the principal sending party. All is settled and the principal sending party has signed off, DONE.

So if the principal sending party is done, said the deal is done, notified everyone required that the deal is done; and this is the leading principal that’s signing the contract the bank is facilitating, how is it possible that we haven’t heard that these accounts are spendable?

The answer to this (normal) question is only one more unknown that we can chalk up to no transparency, or possibly unexplained phenomena. What we can know is that there’s a window of time that the recipients MUST be paid. If not done, the Agreement is null and void. The money sent by the “principal sender” can be pulled back… yes, that’s always possible. It’s also a worse case scenario.

There are a couple of things that might be causing this “hold on accounts.” First and foremost, TIER 4 must be notified and invitations must start. No Tier 4 invitations = No Release of Funds.

This is a necessity, agreed to in writing, in order for all funds to be finally released and there is no shortcut possible. We know this is the case because of the generous sharing from Nick Fleming who is a part of the process, requiring notification by the World Court, and by the banks, and DoD.

A Credible Source Comment on the above: “From my reading it means if someone gets spendable money (like we believe some would on Tues. 16 Nov.) that means the notification for Tier 4B must happen soon, like Monday 15 Nov.

Meanwhile, Whiplash347 had their own prediction, “I said Sunday-Monday. [Think Logical] best days to shutdown the planet. There is a 2 days ahead of schedule factor plus Q64 reads like that something happens an incoming attack that speeds everything up and forces counter-actions.”

Another prediction was that Tier 4 B Payout (Us, the Internet Group) would begin appointments on Wed. 24 Nov. 2021:

China Evergrande heading for ‘bankruptcy in days’ – News Nation USA:

From Redshield to Rothschild – a look at Federal Banking and Control of the Masses:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update]  FIREFLY: ...They're saying that Iraq can return to the previous dollar exchange rate...  FRANK Man this is happening fast!  So now they're talking about the RI?  FIREFLY: ...because the current exchange rate is hurting Iraqi citizens... FRANK: ...the education is louder and stronger and it is fast every day but more importantly it is from the CBI governor of Iraq praise God.  That's the only persons you're supposed to pay attention to.  If it's coming from the horses mouth you are about to receive it.

7 Things To Do If You Suddenly Become Rich

Aug 25, 2020

Many people get rich all of a sudden, but become broke shortly thereafter.

 Inheriting money from a family member, signing a multi-million Dollar contact, and other forms of unexpected wealth can change someone's life and cause serious problems if they don't follow some helpful tips discussed in this video.

Intro - 00:00

1.Keep it Under Wraps - 00:53

2. Assemble a Professional Financial Team - 02:36 3.

Pay Your Debts - 05:04

4. Determine Your “End of the Day” Number - 06:21

5. Come Up With A Life Plan - 08:12

6. Invest in Your Best Asset - Yourself! - 09:42

7. Understand Your Impact - 11:00


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 11-15-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Late Sun.PM/ Early Mon. AM