News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 4-19-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 19 April 2021

Compiled Mon. 19 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Notification at Any Time: Tier 4B has been advised tokeep phones charged and watch email inboxes for the secure link website to obtain a personal 800# in order to call and make redemption/ exchange appointments.

Schedule of Events:

Sun. 18 April: Global Currency Reset released under order of the World Court. Crypto and Bitcoin Markets Crashed:

Crypto Crash Wiped Out $300 Billion, Spurring Massive Bitcoin Liquidation:

Mon. 19 April: Value Day, Patriots Day, New Global Currency Reset Rates locked in.

Tues. 20 April. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) start appointments.

From Tues. 20 April through the first weeks of May would be in Black Swan Events: The Internet and Social Media could be shut down, and airwaves flooded with evidence of corrupt politicians. There was expected to be a Cyber Attack and fake Nuclear Scare Event – just prior to the Emergency Broadcast System taking over Mass Media. The Quantum Internet would wipe out Operation Mockingbird (a CIA program that has controlled the Mass Media since the end of World War II).

At the same time the world would switch over to the new Quantum Financial System and gold-backed currencies through Starlink and Project Odin Odin (, going Dark to Light.

23-26 April will be a pivotal moment in time….a “suddenly” moment where everything changes…Bo Polny predicted a year ago:

Sat. 1 May: GESARA debt release to begin.

Mon. 3 May: US Military put on High Alert and Readiness.

Tues. 4 May: New Republic to begin.

Thurs. 6 May: New Emergency Broadcast Starlink System takes over all Mass Media internationally to enforce a temporary Martial Law worldwide, Global Currency Reset publically announced, General Public begins exchanging.

During the Ten Days of Darkness that followed:

Uncensored news on Tribunals and the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day (24 hours a day) on all Media networks worldwide.

There would be possible Social Media and Stock Market crashes, planes and trains grounded, Internet go down and occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system.

A new Financial System and NESARA activated.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling   What if somebody out there put an article out and says, 'hey we're going to revalue next month.What do you think the population in Iraq is going to do?  Do you think they go out and spend the dinars that they have?  No!  They'll squirrel it away.  It would literally shut their economy downThat's why I tell people you're not going to find a magical article coming out of Iraq saying we're going to revalue in a month or two months or a week...Iraq is not telling everybody we're going to add a ton of value to this - it would ruin the supply times velocity of the Iraqi dinar.

Pimpy  Obviously the more they grow the private sector the better the economy rebounds.  It it strengthen the currency...building up your foreign reserves assets helps the currency.  The GDP of your economy helps grow the currency.  We won't necessarily need to have some RI or RV called out.  There could be other things that happen that affect the value...that does not mean there won't be an RI or RV called.  That still might happen but there are other things we can be focused on that help our situation...

More Banks Rush Flee NYC Ahead Of Tax Hike, There Won't Be Any Wealthy Left To Tax Wall Street South

Silver Report Uncut:  Apr 19, 2021

More financial firms and their wealthiest employees are bidding the Big Apple adieu.

This is something we mentioned in previous episodes and they even put out a couple articles about how bad it is to live in Florida. Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported that Guggenheim's Scott Minerd was preparing to move to Miami as the firm moves to dedicate more resources to South Florida.

Apollo Global Management was considering opening additional offices in South Florida, Wall Street West specifically in Miami and West Palm Beach, as well as elsewhere in the US and Europe.

 The decision to "expand" its physical presence its the result of a survey of employees about where they would prefer to work as part of a strategy to attract a broader talent pool.

Apollo, which has 1,729 employees worldwide, is just the latest financial services firm to commit to a more open-ended "open working" plan as workers in the US start their journey back to the office.


"This is Why China Wants a Digital Yuan


Iraqi News Sunday PM 4-18-21