News, Rumors and Humor Saturday Night 2-13-2021

Fleming Saturday RV Update

Our military intel contact said MEGA-ANTICIPATION MODE CONTINUES today Sat 13 Feb--he is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources saying that T4B notifications would be coming out after the Senate Impeachment Trial concluded, which just finished this afternoon Sat 13 Feb;

Our guy said that as of 3:23 pm EST, right as the Senate trial was concluding, orders went out to start our T4B notifications some time in the next 24-to-48-or-more-hours (intentionally vague for security);

So our guy is confirming MarkZ's sources and Texas Snake's separate sources all reporting that (1) whales [holders of large amounts of currencies] were told the day before yesterday Thu 11 Feb to pack their bags and be ready to travel at a moment's notice as early as this weekend (13-14 Feb) to start exchanging, and (2) Snake's banking exchange center sources reporting that several large tranches of funds had been moved as of yesterday Fri afternoon 12 Feb for the shotgun liquidity start which is STILL IMMINENT;

Our guy got independent confirmation of the funds movement on Thu and Fri 11-12 Feb to start the higher level bond seller liquidity release which would lead to down streaming of funds to all lower level tiers T1-4 from this Mon 15 Feb onward;

Our guy said be watching for T4B notifications any time over the next 24-to-48-or-more-hours as the shotgun liquidity start is initiated, now that the Senate Impeachment trial is over.


He said prayers are appreciated that all goes forward without any interference, as the Chinese Elders wanted the RV shotgun start done for the Chinese New Year celebrations that started yesterday Fri 12 Feb, and as the 900 active military personnel working on getting the RV / GCR out the door said earlier this past week that THEY WOULD FULFILL THEIR MISSION TO GET THE RV/GCR OUT BY NOW

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   I told you to circle on your calendar the 8th.  Dear God it's historical.  They stopped the auctions...they're going to stop what we want.  The stealing of the American dollar from Iran through the auctions.  And we're going to get rid of the Iranian influence in the parliament.  Those things have been done.  Cross them out.  That's historical.  Two days later here we are Iraq is coming out and saying we have a digital Iraqi currency now...a digital Iraqi dinar is international...these are telltale signs that SCREAM what they're doing.  You know see the shore of the Iraqi reinstatement of this monetary patient as you get closer, closer and closer so we can land ashore together...



Feb 13, 2021

Question 1: 1:00​ I am with Wells Fargo and just bought a house. I bought the house on margin. So, no mortgage but "borrowed by margin". Did I do the right thing? What are the up sides or downsides to this type of purchase? They are telling me it is a smart move. If it is so smart, why am I questioning it.

Question 2: 06:12​ •How do we access cash since we are retired and protect or minimize this cash from inflation exposure? •Need to move away from B of A as our banker. Suggestions? •How do we deal with a transfer of the LMA/LOC on our home until we pay it off from hard assets? Or do we tie to our assets? •Should we split our portfolio with an investment firm in AZ to transfer our LMA/LOC on the house OR what should we do? •Depository vs safe deposit box vs home safe?

Question 3: 14:48​ How is that I hear of all the gloom and doom, but people are still building houses, remodeling, doing add-ons and making big purchases? New businesses are opening up. What's going on ?

Question 4: 19:27​ I’m interested in converting my IRA to an IRA precious metals strategy. I’m hesitant and want to learn more about the depositories that hold IRA metals. How safe are they from theft from the government?


Tishwash:   This is from Iraq's news

Has money become the ability to buy happiness?

Contrary to old beliefs that money does not buy happiness, recent public opinion research has emerged indicating that money can actually buy happiness, so scientists are trying to test this research.

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And one of the issues raised is that happiness can have different aspects. In a research paper published in 2010, psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton - Nobel Prize winners in economics - examined polls conducted by Gallup, and the researchers found that Americans ’assessment of their level of life satisfaction was rising in tandem with Income increased, but their level of emotional comfort stabilized after the household income reached about $ 75,000 annually, equivalent to nearly $ 90,000 at the present time.

The level of emotional well-being was measured by asking about the feelings you had felt the previous day, and then the answers were classified according to whether they showed a positive effect or a blue effect that indicates anxiety, sadness, and stress.

When Kahneman and Deaton were conducting this research, a PhD student in the Department of Psychology at Harvardin University and former director of software products Matthew Killingsworth was developing a measuring tool, an iPhone app known as "Track Your Happiness." This application works by randomly asking users questions, to ask them about their activities and feelings, and their answers mostly ranged on a graduated response scale.

It should be noted that one of the early results, published in 2010, showed that mental distraction brings unhappiness.

Since then Keelingsworth, now a senior fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has used his app to measure the relationship between happiness and income. And he found that there is a stronger link between money and life satisfaction compared to luxury, but luxury continues to exist even after income reaches $ 75,000, or $ 90,000, which means that money continues to buy happiness even for the wealthy, according to findings recently published in the magazine. National Academy of Sciences. "

Happiness application:

Keelingsworth used more than 1.7 million responses in his study from more than 33,000 adult employees in the United States who were using the Track Your Happiness app.

Above average:

The average household income in the United States was $ 68.7,000 in 2019, but it was as high as $ 85,000 among the participants in the Kellingsworth study.

More money does not mean more happiness:

In 1974, the economist Richard Easterlin found that higher per capita income did not bring about an increase in the level of advertised happiness, a conclusion that has been discussed ever since.  link


Mot: ~~~ He Wrote a Little Poem fer Valentines Day!! ~~~

.a little poem.jpg



More Iraqi News Saturday PM 2-12-21


"When Dogs Can Fly" by Dr. Dinar