Money is Not a Four Letter Word

 Money is Not a Four Letter Word

 By  JJ      

This post is part of the #WomenRockMoney Movement, a large group of female personal finance bloggers who have come together to inspire more women to learn about money. ***

Money can elicit a multitude of emotions. Envy, shame, ignorance, superiority, dread and anxiety, to name a few.

For many, money is a source of confusion.

Cloaked in a combination of jargon and overly complex concepts, a basic understanding of personal finance seems insurmountable when first getting started.

This feeling is disproportionately true for women.

Studies have shown that women not only have lower rates of financial literacy then men but they are also less confident in their financial abilities. With more women becoming equal contributors in the household, or even the primary breadwinner, it’s important that we get a better grasp of the personal finance basics.

On a societal level the subject of money remans taboo. Although we deal with matters of personal finance on a daily basis, most of us don’t feel comfortable discussing money, even with our best friends or romantic partner.

In order to increase the financial knowledge and confidence of women we need to create an environment where we all feel comfortable talking about money.

Did you know that people would rather have a conversation about death then talk about their personal finances?


Yes, it’s true. Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, author of “Breaking Money Silence,” found that nearly half of Americans would rather discuss death, religion or politics before having a conversation about their personal finances.

This is crazy!

While I have not found a comparable published statistic for Canadians, I am going to assume we share a similar sentiment with our Southern neighbours. (Side note: if you are aware of a similar study published about Canadians please let me know by leaving a comment below!)

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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