More Iraqi News Saturday PM 12-26-20

More Iraqi News Saturday PM 12-26-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Sudani Submits A Proposal To Parliament To Provide Protection For Vulnerable Groups In Society Due To The High Prices Of The Dollar And Consumer Materials

Saturday 26, December 2020 15:36 | Political Views: 242   Baghdad / NINA / Representative Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani presented a proposal to the House of Representatives that included the inclusion of paragraphs that provide protection for vulnerable groups in society, including families and individuals who are below the poverty line and those with middle incomes, and in a way that provides them with a decent life, in the draft Federal Budget Law for 2021 to avoid problems Adjustment of the dollar exchange rate.   The proposal included three axes that were supported by the deputies.

In the first axis, Al-Sudani suggested increasing the social protection subsidy while expanding the coverage of families and individuals who are below the poverty line to (2) million families during the year 2021.

He explained that the second axis includes securing the ration card items in full by adopting the number of individuals whose number exceeds 40 million individuals and 104 thousand children for the year 2021, conditional on adopting a distribution mechanism according to the successful experience carried out by the Ministries of Planning and Trade in the Najaf Governorate and under the supervision of the Supreme Committee for Reform Ration card.

He pointed out that the third axis included determining the minimum wages for employees on permanent staff and contracts, at no less than 600,000 dinars per month, including the nominal salary and allocations. / End 7

Parliamentary Finance Reveals The Scenes Of The Recent Negotiations Between Baghdad And Erbil

 The information / Baghdad ..On Saturday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Magda Al-Tamimi, revealed the scenes of dialogue with the region during the past days, stressing that data transparency is the basis for solving problems between the center and the region.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to / the information /, that "there is positivity in the dialogue with the Kurdish negotiating delegation, and we have asked the delegation to display the data to find out the points of imbalance between the two parties."

She added, "We called for the need to prepare a budget and final accounts by the region, through which the allocations and actual expenditures will be known, the amount of the price of exported and extracted oil, the number of employees and retirees."

She pointed out that "the region does not have any budgets and has to prepare a budget. The budget will be the basis for the final accounts, and the region does not have any final accounts, as well as resettling the salaries of the region’s employees."

A source stated in a previous statement to "Al-Maaloumah", that the Kurdistan government wants to deliver 460 thousand barrels of oil, provided that Baghdad bears paying the salaries of employees and the Peshmerga and the region's share of the budget in full.

Parliamentary approach: The 2021 budget permits the sale of the state's financial assets and its public companies within six months

Time: 12/26/2020 16:18:42 Read: 1,053 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The head of the Al-Nahj Al-Watani Parliamentary Bloc, Ammar Tohme, revealed the sale of the state's financial assets and public companies within six months in the 2021 budget.

Tohme indicated in a statement, from which {Al Furat News} received a copy, to "a set of notes on the 2021 budget: -

1. Article (60) of the budget includes a dangerous principle in which there is an extreme negligence of state assets owned by public companies and it is decided to sell them within six months. These assets have been spent by the state on its construction tens of billions of dollars and for many years, and the most dangerous in this article is that they are sold under conditions of corruption dominating state decisions, which means that they will lead to selling them at the cheapest prices.

It is certain that influential politicians and through their commercial interfaces will acquire these national assets, and from this article And similar articles in the 2021 Budget Law, the government’s policy is clear to end the state’s ownership of all productive assets, whether agricultural or industrial, and to offer them for sale, and I don’t know the extent to which this approach is related to the policies and advice of the International Monetary Fund and its harsh conditions on Iraq!

2. The law grants the State Real Estate Department the authority to sell agricultural lands that fall outside the prohibited boundaries of the roads with which the water share is cut off without an open auction and allows the buyer to use it in various forms of use, and this means weakening the activity of the agricultural sector, which depends mainly on the basis of the existence of agricultural lands, so why is the state excessive With these lands, and allow them to be transferred to a non-agricultural purpose, they could have invested them through their public companies or with the private sector in productive agricultural projects that contribute to maximizing non-oil revenues.

3. Article 56 obliges the Iraqi Media Network to enable state ministries to freely announce their duties .. With this text, the need to allocate funds to promote the government's achievements will cease.

4 - Article 65 of the budget authorizes the Minister of Finance to impose flat fees on registering vehicles entering Iraq in a non-fundamental way (smuggling) and registered in a non-fundamental way (forgery) ... and this text by releasing it and not restricting it to the incidents of smuggling and forgery that occurred before the enforcement of the law means that It allows and gives legal permission for smuggling and forgery, and all that is taken against these legal violations is the imposition of fees ,, continuing the expression with the word inappropriate fees and should be fines because these actions are against the law ..

And the other problem is it not the state’s responsibility to legalize the import and subject it to legal and administrative contexts applied before State departments and under its supervision, how can this leave it to fraud and smuggling !?

5. Article 66 talks about printing textbooks and inviting the Ministry of Education to the public and private sectors to carry out printing, and it mentions the names of companies affiliated with the private sector in particular, so why refer to it by name, as the address of the private sector includes it !?

It would have been more appropriate for the government to restrict the printing of textbooks to the public sector for the purpose of providing revenues for the state, converting its companies to profit, and maintaining the necessary revenues for the salaries of its employees.

6. Article 67 talks about settling the amount of government support required or provided for selling energy at the current tariff and for all years .. The government is supposed to initiate measures to invest associated gas that is wasted and wasted annually costs two billion dollars annually, which reduces the subsidy and avoids importing gas from neighboring countries by billions. Dollars a year.

7. Article (69) of the budget obliges the Ministers of Finance and Planning to issue instructions to facilitate the implementation of the law as soon as it is passed, and demands that they not be published in the Official Gazette, as an exception to the provisions of Article (2) of the Publishing Law. This is a strange context that contradicts transparency and oversight on an important issue, which is the state’s expenditures and sources of its revenues, and the verification of its realism in these exceptional financial circumstances.   LINK

TOBYBOY:   Timmy   Hope your Christmas was nice.   Reading this article it seems they are condoning corruption & smuggling. I hope I'm reading this wrong.   If so what kind of Country are we involved in investment ? This seems to be getting worse every week. More and more corruption in Iraq.

Oil Prepares To Increase Export Capacity To 6 Million Barrels Per Day

Time: 12/26/2020 15:39:16 Read: 2,847 times    (Baghdad: Al Furat News) Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Oil announced its intention to increase oil export capacity to 6 million barrels per day by 2023.

The Undersecretary for Extraction Affairs, Karim Hattab, said in a statement that Al Furat News received a copy of, that his visit to the Faw oil depots comes in implementation of the directives of the Minister of Oil Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar to follow up the projects of developing the Al-Faw oil depot, which aims to enhance and sustain oil exports from the southern ports through Executing mega projects, including the construction of (24) tanks with a capacity of (58) thousand aiming to raise the export capacity of the current system from (3.5) million barrels to (6) million barrels per day after 2023. "

He pointed out, "the need to differentiate between the export capacity available for the export system and the actual export determined by the ministry according to the requirements of the actual need in the future."

Al-Hattab confirmed, "The Ministry has achieved a high percentage of the implementation program of these projects, whether the works entrusted to the Oil Projects Company or Ibn Majed Company," pointing out that "These projects include the construction and construction of electrical generating stations, horizontal turbine pumps, vertical auxiliary pumps, pipes, stations, control devices and firefighting systems as well as On the rehabilitation of the suspended equipment and more. "

He added, "The ministry also aims to implement the marine pipeline project from the Faw warehouse to the supplies of oil exports, as well as projects to develop export outlets."

According to the statement, the Director General of the Basra Oil Company, Khaled Hamzah, explained that "the importance of these projects lies in enhancing oil exports from the southern oil fields, and achieving a high flow, in line with the planned increase in the future."

While the General Manager of the Oil Projects Company, Mahmoud Abbas, stressed the importance of the national effort in implementing these complex projects, according to the required qualitative specifications, and that his company implements (16) tanks with a capacity of (58) cubic meters per tank, and that Bin Majid Company implements (Cool tanks with a capacity (58) cubic meters, in addition to the projects attached to it. "   LINK

Al Rasheed Bank Stops Withdrawals And Deposits For Savings Accounts

Time: 12/26/2020 10:09:28 Read: 3,627 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, Saturday, Rasheed Bank announced the suspension of withdrawals and deposits to savings accounts until January 3, due to the end of the fiscal year and for the purpose of implementation only.

"The suspension includes saving accounts only and for the purposes of applying the accounts," the bank’s media office said in a statement, which Al Furat News received.

He added that "the bank's branches have been directed to deal with emergency withdrawals during the aforementioned period with appropriate flexibility.   LINK


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