More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Night 12-26-2020


Tishwash:  The authorities force us to sell at 1190" ..Traders in Iraq: If the government's abuse continues, we will close the markets

The Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce condemned, on Friday, the security measures that Iraqi merchants are exposed to, describing it as "arbitrary" forcing them to sell at the old exchange rate, while the Union threatened to close the markets if the government continued to pursue them.

Detachments from the National Security conducted inspections to monitor prices and detained many merchants and closed their stores, after the Central Bank's decision to raise the dollar exchange rate to 1450 dinars.

Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, head of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, said in a statement received by Shafaq News; "We condemn and condemn in the strongest terms the actions and measures taken by the security authorities in all the governorates of Iraq for forcing honest merchants to sell materials and goods at the exchange rate approved by the Central Bank of 1190."

Al-Zuhairi added, "In spite of the Central Bank's uncles No. 6/1/2440 in 20-12-2020, which officially decided to adopt an exchange rate of 1470 Iraqi dinars per US dollar purchased from banks and non-banking financial institutions for the ultimate beneficiary.

The reference is that this approved price is fixed, final and unchangeable. "

"These arbitrary, unconstitutional or legal measures are taking us back to the era of dictatorship and state power that does not respect rights and freedoms, and it is a very dangerous indicator of the extent of the attempt to divert the path of economic reform and the merchants' loading of failed policies and failure in the file of food security by those in charge of it."

He pointed out that "the uncles of the Supreme Judicial Council have wrongly interpreted and applied the law enforcement authorities as it does not mean stopping honest merchants, but rather monitoring prices and preventing speculation and not forcing traders to sell at prices parallel to the previous exchange rate of 1190, which the Central Bank left under its uncles above."

He explained that "the new exchange rate and its negative effects on merchants was accepted reluctantly, although we were surprised by it and was not gradually preparing for it."

He pointed out that "the arbitrary interference of these authorities and the measures taken against the merchants invite us to stand as a professional economic organization that takes care of merchants and promotes the economy to provide basic materials to the Iraqi citizen, achieving decent living that the state, with its institutions, has been unable to provide for him."

He pointed out that "it is not an option from the merchants for the government to recall the positions of this honorable sector in facing the Corona epidemic and what it has done to mitigate its effects on the honorable citizen."

Al-Zuhairi concluded by saying: The continuation of these arbitrary measures in the event of failure to stop and stop them leads us to decide reluctantly to close markets, shops and outlets, in order to preserve the dignity and prestige of the private commercial sector, which had an honorable and pioneering role in supporting the state in its crises.  link


Tishwash:  Parliament prepares for the arrival of the 2021 budget law tomorrow, Sunday

Member of Parliament Alia Nassif suggested that the 2021 budget bill will arrive in Parliament tomorrow, Sunday.

Nassif explained that the size of the budget prepared by the government in the amount of 103 trillion dinars is exaggerated and indicates an incorrect construction, demanding that “the sums allocated for the Sunni and Shiite endowments be transferred to the industrial and agricultural sectors.

The House of Representatives needs between 20 to 30 days to pass the draft budget law in light of The presence of an approach to question the Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, and the Governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb.  link

Fleming Saturday RV Update:

Fleming:  Our military intel contact replied “Exactly, as Mr Fleming’s source said, this whole funds release is so deliberate and apparently slow, because the government [white hats, POTUS, DoD, and the Alliance] knew it would not be safe to set us loose with such incredible sums of money without also tying it to a financial system that allows them to know exactly where and how it is used.

 It's called, ‘Trust, but verify.’” Our guy added “It is the 20+ [really 70+] year war with the cabal / Deep State rats that would make it very dangerous indeed for us currency holders  without the system & govt flushed of globalist Deep State swamp sewage rats and without the whole QFS system of trust-but-verify in place, especially when you have as much as 70% of federal, state, and local leaders compromised by CCP Chinese communist spies

He said please pray as all this is revealed & dealt with and continue prayers that the rats cannot delay the RV in this country or Iraq or anywhere else.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick (via frank26)  The IMF approved the decrease of the Iraqi dinar but it is a temporary decrease.  Why did they do it?  ...the number one reason was to bring in...the mattress dinars...

Footforward   The devaluation of the dinar is good news…we have had the first devaluation…I expect to see another one. I have expected this to happen for years.  I really think our rate to exchange the dinar will be over $3.50.


IRAQ NEWS: | IQD Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange RV

Dec.26, 2020

IRAQ NEWS: The latest Iraqi news relating to what's happening in Iraq and the Iraqi Dinar investment.


Mot:  Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk.................


More Iraqi News Saturday PM 12-26-20


MilitiaMan Saturday Night "The EndGame is Looking to be Upon Us" 12-26-2020