More Iraqi News Late Tuesday PM 9-28-21

More Iraqi News Late Tuesday PM 9-28-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The National Security Adviser And The US Ambassador Discuss The Iraqi Elections File And The Importance Of Providing The Reasons For Their Success

Tuesday 28 September 2021 16:40 | political Number of readings: 693  Baghdad / NINA / - National Security Adviser Qassem Al-Araji discussed with the US Ambassador in Baghdad Matthew Tueller the Iraqi elections file, and the importance of providing the reasons for their success.

The chancellery said in a statement: "During the meeting, in the presence of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran Jennifer Gavito, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, and continuing the United States' support to the Iraqi government, in the field of combating and eliminating terrorism, and promoting stability and dialogue in the region."

The two sides discussed the Iraqi elections file, and the importance of providing the reasons for their success, in order to achieve the aspirations of all Iraqis.

The meeting also discussed the file of the displaced, emphasizing the importance of providing the appropriate atmosphere, for the return of all the displaced to their cities, and ending this humanitarian file./End of 7

Oil: Agreements With International Companies To Invest In Renewable Energy

Economie| 06:21 - 09/28/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News, the Ministry of Oil confirmed, today, Tuesday, that the investment of associated gas supports the Iraqi economy and provides job opportunities for the unemployed, while revealing an agreement with international companies to invest in renewable energy.

The official spokesman for the ministry, Assem Jihad, said, "One of the important files that the Ministry of Oil is working on is investing the gas associated with oil operations, stopping gas burning and converting it into useful energy that supplies electric power stations," noting that "one of the projects that the ministry has worked on for years is a project.

(Baker Hughes), with a capacity of 200 million standard cubic feet per day, and its investment from two fields in Dhi Qar Governorate, namely (Al-Nasiriya field) and (Al-Gharraf). and other benefits related to the development of these projects.

He added, "The Ministry of Oil has recently done a lot of agreements and contracts in this direction, including a group of projects with (French Total), which will add (600) million standard cubic feet of investment in a number of fields in Basra Governorate, and also in Maysan Governorate," pointing out. He added, "It was agreed with a Chinese government company to invest in gas and provide 300 million standard cubic feet per day."

He added, "All these plans come in order to stop burning gas and turn it into useful energy that supplies electric power plants, support the Iraqi national economy, provide job opportunities, and so on," stressing that "the ministry has introduced a new axis, which is the investment of renewable energy (solar energy) and therefore there are agreements and projects. With the French company (Total) and global sources to provide large quantities.

He pointed out that "the government and the ministry have promising plans to implement projects in that direction, and we hope that they will cover part or all of the local need, even though the local need is constantly growing."

He pointed out that "gas investment is linked to an increase in oil production, but it is important to contract with international companies in light of the health challenges facing the global economy in general," noting that "the presence of these companies is a message that Iraq is an attractive investment environment for international companies." Ended 29 / h

After Crude Oil Prices Exceeded The $80 Barrier, Investing The Surplus To Stimulate National Production.

Wednesday 29 September 2021  20   Baghdad: Hussein Thaghb   Crude oil prices continue to rise in global markets, benefiting from a number of events, which led to an increase in demand for crude oil, as the rise came in line with the expectations of experts specialized in economic affairs, as they expected a rise in demand for crude oil, which led to an increase in its prices.

Today, Tuesday, the price of a barrel of Brent crude jumped above $ 80, an unprecedented rise in nearly three years, boosted by investor expectations of high demand for black gold and market concerns over supplies as the world slowly emerged from the pandemic crisis.

The price of a barrel of Brent rose in Asian morning trading by 0.8% to reach $ 80.19, its highest level since October 2018.

In turn, the price of West Texas Intermediate crude rose by 0.9 percent to reach $ 76.07 a barrel.

The economist, Haider Al-Baghdadi, stated that “the prices of crude oil in the global markets come, as we expected in previous conversations with Al-Sabah, and the prices may rise more than they are now and exceed 80 dollars, and this enhances the financial capabilities of the country, which must go through purely developmental paths, It achieves an effective capital cycle that moves important productive sectors, in order to reduce the vulnerability to the shocks that the oil market may witness, and we must also move towards achieving a multiplicity of resources.”

He pointed out that the rise in oil revenues would bring great benefit to Iraq, especially that public budgets are on numbers lower than this price, which will lead to reducing the deficit ratio, and achieving a surplus that can be invested positively.   LINK


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