More Iraqi News Friday PM 12-31-21

More Iraqi News Friday PM 12-31-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Kazemi: We Succeeded In Providing More Than 12 Billion Dollars From The Reserves Of The Central Bank Of Iraq 

Economie    12-30-2021, 16:29   Baghdad – conscious   The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, confirmed today, Thursday, that the government succeeded in providing more than 12 billion dollars from the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq.

Al-Kazemi said, during the cabinet session, according to a statement by his media office received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Today we are in the last days of the current year, and every year and you are a thousand good, you and your families and all our Iraqi people in every part of the land of Iraq," adding: "During the year and a half of this government's life, we went through great challenges, we managed to overcome them, and some of them needed more time."

He pointed out that "all the achievements that have been achieved have been achieved with the support of all the ministers, as well as with the support of our honorable Iraqi people, their patience, wisdom and endurance in these circumstances.

He added, "The White Paper for Reform is one of these achievements, as it provided many financial returns to the state, and despite some attempts to confuse it, it received the approval of many national sectors in industry and agriculture and in maximizing state revenues and cash reserves."

He continued, "As a result of the white paper, despite the difficult circumstances, the Corona pandemic and the collapse of oil prices, and we were on the verge of the collapse of the political and social system,

but we succeeded in providing more than 12 billion dollars from the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq, and raising Iraq's global credit rating internationally."

He pointed out that "Iraq was close to being classified as a rogue state, but we succeeded in foreign relations, and within a short period Iraq regained much of its regional, international, Arab and Islamic role, and we succeeded in improving our relations, as well as in embracing more than one meeting of brothers, friends and neighbors on the Baghdad land.The land of peace.

And he added, "We succeeded in taming the atmosphere regionally, and our international relations succeeded in bringing our views closer and sparing the region from the effects of a war that, God forbid, may be devastating for Iraq and the region," adding:

"We worked hard to protect our people from the Corona epidemic, even though this crisis is a crisis."

We have provided the best vaccines to the Iraqi people, and we are still continuing to hire the best companies to work in this field.”

And he stated, "The government worked in the field of energy, and for the first time, we worked to rely on clean energy, and we changed the name of the ministry to the Ministry of Electricity and Alternative Energy, and we signed many contracts with companies interested in alternative energy and clean energy such as solar energy, in order to be an opportunity to comply with the changes of the times."

He continued: "Yes, there were some challenges that we did not succeed in, because of economic conditions, and because of political conditions, and we will certainly re-address these matters in the future, and we will present a paper to the next government on the procedures that can benefit from our experience that pertains to some of the difficult challenges that We went through it and the failures we diagnosed, in order to cross to safety.”

On the relationship between the center and the region, Al-Kazemi said: “Our relationship with the Kurdistan region of Iraq during this government was the best since 2003, and we are proud of this relationship.

The tensions were few and we had many interpretations, and thank God, through dialogue and building elements of trust, we succeeded in crossing this tense relationship with the best possible.” is being".

The Prime Minister addressed the Iraqi people, saying: "I say to all the honorable Iraqi people, we need to secure the future through belief in belonging only to Iraq."

Concerning the withdrawal of the combat forces of the international coalition from Iraq, Al-Kazemi said: “By the end of this year, the combat role of the coalition forces will end, and the combat forces have already withdrawn, and today there is not a single soldier of the coalition forces with the status of a fighter, but a group of advisors arrived to support our forces and our needs in The war against terrorism and against ISIS.

He concluded: "We record great achievements for our heroic Iraqi army, as well as for our forces in the fight against terrorism, the Popular Mobilization, the Peshmerga and the Federal Police for their success in challenging the remnants of terrorism.

We killed many heads and leaders of terrorist remnants, and the important elements in these groups, and we continue to kill them wherever they are everywhere. from the land of Iraq.

What Did The 12 Billions Of Dollars Do To The State Treasury?.. A Reassuring Answer For The First Time

2,034 Economy 12/31/2021 18:18  ak   Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Friday, a former member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, commented on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s announcement of providing $12 billion from the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq.

Cougar said in a statement to (Baghdad Today), that "increasing the reserves of the Central Bank and providing the financial cover for it, will contribute to Iraq being safe from economic crises.

He added, "When the Corona crisis swept and hit the global economy, the only recourse for the Iraqi state was the bank reserve," noting that

"when the reserve reached $48 billion, a warning was sent to the Iraqi government against withdrawing more because in this case the Iraqi dinar will lose its purchasing power.".ماذا-فعلت-المليارات-الـ1



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