Holly, Judy and more Saturday Morning 1-1-2022

New Year Message From Holly

Good morning roomies!  

Leap and the net will appear-Julia Cameron  

We have taken a big leap of faith and we will have the net catch us or we will get wings and fly. Many of us in this for the long haul will get our wings. We have earned them.  

Happy New Year to everyone in the world! We send off 2021 and welcome 2022 with open arms!

This New Year is to be our year to shine and have all we have waited for come to completion!

The news has been overwhelming that soon we will see something this coming week.

Prepare for your new life and world that awaits you!

All we can do at this point is wait for it to show up! Many blessings to you all!  


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 1 Jan. 2022

Compiled Sat. 1 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: (Rumors0 On Jan. 1 2022 the Global Currency Reset was official and the start of NESARA/ GESARA for The People of the globe, plus 1 Jan. was also the deadline for gold and asset-backed currency including the US Note, to be at a 1:1 with each other in all 209 participating nations.

Redemption Center Staff have been told that Tier 4B notification (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments would be announced some time before Mon. 3 Jan.

Mon. 3 Jan, or Tues. 4 Jan. Tier 4B would likely start exchanges/ redemption appointments.

Fri. 31 Dec. MarkZ: Bond folks in Asia and Europe are in a mad scramble because they expect the release of funds over the next few hours to distribute them tomorrow Sat. 1 Jan. 2022. We have continuous confirmations of things starting today Fri. 31 Dec. and rolling heavily to have our currencies all exchanged by mid month.

Fri. 31 Dec. Fleming: We are hearing good things that could very well lead to us exchanging and redeeming during the month of January 2022. If the German bonds see liquidity on Monday Jan. 3rd, 2022, then we will not be far behind.  The German Bonds have to go first and then comes Tier 4B. Iraq was now part of the AIIB – that does away with the Petro-dollar. 

China is now partners with Iraq in the oil fields of Iraq while the contract took 8 months to write and get signed off on. 

Part of the agreement was to pay Kuwait because the money that paid to the US Treasury to pay Kuwait was kept by the B Administration through the US Treasury.  So Iraq threw their hands up in the air and stated that they were not going to deal with the Biden Administration anymore.

Then the agreement with China between Iraq and the IMF/BIS brought Iraq into the AIIB so that Iraq did not have to depend on the United States to hold anything up anymore, in order for them to join the AIIB Iraq had to de-peg from the Dollar which they did.

The corrupt US Inc. ended their vile reign and control of US Taxpayer monies on Fri. 31 Dec. All banks not Basil 3 compliant (have gold to back their fiat US Dollar) would lose their license.

The Constitutional US Republic would begin on Sat. 1 Jan. 2022, along with the Emergency Broadcast System takeover of Mainstream Media throughout the world.


Basel 3 = the Banks have to prove they have the GOLD supplies to back their worthless fiat currency. We know they can’t. Basel 3 = end game – a Happy January 2022.

Thurs. 30 Dec. the flight tracking service FlightAware noted 2,874 cancelled flights globally. Of those, 1,084 were within, into, or out of the United States. Today, those numbers have improved a bit on the global side (only 2,626 cancellations so far) but have gotten even worse domestically: https://jalopnik.com/thousands-of-flights-are-being-cancelled-due-to-omicron-1848286817 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/30/business/air-travel-cancellations.amp.html

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/01/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-1-2021/

JAN 1, 2022 Patriot Rod Steel New Years Eve UPDATE-

I’m not going to give specific details as sources must be protected & I would lose that relationship, but know that many RV meetings have been ongoing working out final details.

Notices & Appts are looking strong for Next Week! Stay Prayerful


Courteys of Dinar Guru

Breitling  BTW the Iraqi dinar is tradable internationally already...people don't use it.  It's because it's 'worthless'.  It's not at an 'un-international' status. It is international, always has been.  It's that you can't use it for anything.  Well, they're going to change that and that will help the supply times velocity.

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLYThere has been a request by Kazimi to the United Nations to officially lift Iraq from Chapter 7...the United Nations security council has the meeting scheduled for February of 2022.  Unless the U.N. moves this meeting to vote earlier then maybe we have to wait until February.  FRANK:  ...I don't believe we have to wait for that meeting.


MUST WATCH! Gregory Mannarino's Calls For 2022. Stocks, Gold, Silver, Crypto, Dollar, MUCH MORE.

Dec 31, 2021



"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 1-1-2021


More Iraqi News Friday PM 12-31-21