MilitiaMan and KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 3-14-2022


Clare:  Parliament postpones the session of the Food Security Law


The Iraqi parliament announced the postponement of its session on the emergency food security law, on Saturday.

A statement by the Parliament's media department stated to Shafak News Agency; "At the request of some parliamentary blocs and for further consultations to mature the emergency support law for food security and development, and for the need for more time, it was decided to postpone tomorrow's (Saturday) session."

The statement did not specify any later date for the session. LINK

Parliament postpones Saturday session until further notice


The House of Representatives decided, on Friday, to postpone the Saturday session until further notice.

The Parliament’s media department said in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of it, at the request of some parliamentary blocs and for further consultations to mature the emergency support law for food security and development and for the need for more time, it was decided to postpone tomorrow’s session.

And the media department of the House of Representatives announced, earlier today, Friday, the agenda for the Saturday session.

A statement by the department said, "Mawazine News" received a copy of it, that "the session will witness the vote on the draft law on emergency support for food security and development, and discuss the issue of current events in Sinjar district, in addition to general discussions."  LINK  


Clare:  “There will be a meeting expected this evening, Saturday, in Baghdad, inside the house of one of the representatives, and the final touches for this initiative will be completed, and tomorrow, Sunday, the official announcement agreed upon among all independent representatives from within the dome of the House of Representatives will be made.” ~ Clare

MilitiaMan:  Apparently "further notice" is like saying the same day.. Beats them saying soon or in the coming days.. lol ~ MM

TSM:  I guess it all depends on which FAKE article we want to believe.....I'll go with the postponement one.... because thats what they do...IMO  

MilitiaMan:  I'll go with they already sorted it in the original that voted on it's entirety.. They are just postponing telling us the results of the true story. ~ MM


Clare:  The assembly of independent representatives reveals to / Nina / the details of a new initiative to end the political blockage

Saturday 14 May 2022 

Baghdad / NINA / - The assembly of independent representatives revealed the details and timing of announcing its new initiative to get out of the current political impasse.

And the independent deputy, Amir Al-Maamouri, said, in a statement to the Iraqi National Agency ( NINA ), that "the number of independent representatives from all components and independents from some blocs will reach 40 deputies."

He added, "There will be a meeting expected this evening, Saturday, in Baghdad, inside the house of one of the representatives, and the final touches for this initiative will be completed, and tomorrow, Sunday, the official announcement agreed upon among all independent representatives from within the dome of the House of Representatives will be made."

He explained, "There will be a negotiating team from the assembly of independent representatives to communicate with the political blocs and present the new initiative to all the blocs to get out of the political blockage crisis," noting that "the initiative would draw a new political map that would ensure a way out of the political blockage."  LINK

Deputy to / Nina /: The independents will hold an important meeting this evening to end the political impasse

Saturday 14 May 2022 15:41 

 The representative of Babil Governorate, Yasser Al-Husseini, announced that an important meeting will be held by the independent deputies this evening in Baghdad to launch a new initiative to end the political impasse.

Al-Husseini told NINA , "There will be an important meeting of independent deputies this evening in Baghdad to launch a new initiative to end the political impasse."

Al-Husseini stressed the importance of "obligating all other political parties, both the coordination framework and the tripartite alliance, to accept the initiative to proceed with the formation of the new government, given that the framework blocs and the tripartite alliance authorized the independents to proceed with the selection and nomination of appropriate personalities."

MilitiaMan:  In other words they have had  time to swallow the food law.. Merely a slight food jam was all. lol ~ MM


Clare:  "Failure and Corruption" topple the Secretary of Baghdad


Representative Sarwa Abdul Wahed announced on Friday that Baghdad Mayor Alaa Al-Mimar was dismissed from his post due to "failure and corruption."

Abdul Wahed said in a tweet seen by Shafak News Agency, "The Mayor of Baghdad was dismissed due to his administrative failure, in addition to the corruption files."

And she added, "His release does not mean that he will not be prosecuted."

And the architecture came as a replacement for Manhal Al-Haboubi, who submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, on October 28, 2020.

Al-Haboubi made it clear, in a written resignation, that he was exposed to a condition that required long-term treatment outside Iraq, forcing him to submit his resignation.  LINK

MilitiaMan:  The new system is already showing signs of fettering out the corrupt.. Nice~ MM


News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 5-14-2022


Iraqi News Saturday Afternoon 5-14-22