Late Saturday Iraq News Highlights 5-14-22

Late Saturday Iraq News Highlights 5-14-22

Independent Deputy To (Brother): More Than 40 Deputies Will Announce An Initiative To Get Out Of The Political Blockage

Political news  May 14, 2022 wisam almala  wow – special Today , Saturday , independent MP Amir Al- Maamouri revealed a meeting of independent deputies to put forward an initiative to solve the political blockage .

Al - Maamouri said in a statement to “Khabar Press ” agency (brother) : “The discussions between the independent representatives did not stop , and the initiative will be completed today , to be announced tomorrow in the House of Representatives ,” explaining that the meeting will take place today in the evening at the house of one of the independent representatives .

He explained that " the initiative included drawing a political map to get out of the political blockage directed to all blocs , and the understandings are good between the independents ," noting that the independent representatives will have a negotiating team to communicate with the blocs to get out of the political blockage .

He added that " independent representatives of all components and representation from some blocs , and the result of the assembly reaches 40 deputies . "

A Legal Expert Clarifies The Powers Of The Daily Caretaker Government And The Party That Holds It Accountable In Case It Violates The Law And The Constitution

Political news  May 14, 2022  wisam almala  The legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, clarified the powers of the caretaker government on a daily basis and the body that holds it accountable in case it violates the law and the constitution.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement: “The current government (the caretaker government) is a government deficient in powers for the purpose of carrying out some necessary work. It is usually in the transitional stages, the elections stage, or an emergency stage, and it does not have the right to decide on important and crucial matters according to the theory of the continuation of public utilities, because people’s issues cannot be disrupted, the state cannot stop, and these actions do not expose the government to political results.”

And between: “What is meant by these actions are the ordinary, non-fatal, and by which life does not stop. And the constitution specified the period at 30 days in Articles 61 and 64, and most of the world’s constitutions specified that at 30 days, as in Germany and South Africa, and the period should not be long except within the limits of the national interest.”

He pointed out: “The oversight of the daily caretaker government is from the administrative judiciary, where its decisions can be appealed before it, and it is called the narrow appeal.”

Al-Tamimi stressed that the caretaker government does not have the right to propose amending the constitution or legislating laws, nor concluding agreements or entering into them, not even contracts with countries or appointments to special grades, that is, every work that needs parliamentary oversight, as it is a government that is already finished with the end of the parliament from which it came.

He continued: He may question the caretaker government if it exceeds the limits of its work from the judiciary or the next parliament, according to Articles 329 and 240 of the Penal Code.

Deputy Warns: The Policies Of The Ministry Of Oil Will Lead To A Popular Revolution!

Political news  May 14, 2022  wisam almala  MP Hadi Al-Salami warned, on Saturday, of a popular revolution due to the policies of the Ministry of Oil to raise the prices of fuel supplied to governmental and private factories and factories, accusing Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar of mismanagement.

Al-Salami said in a press statement that "Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar has raised the prices of kerosene on state projects from 450 dinars per liter to 750 dinars."

He added that "the minister was not satisfied with raising the prices of kerosene, but was accompanied by raising the prices of black oil," noting that "the current oil minister is adopting a policy of systematic war against the Iraqi people."

Al-Salami accused the Oil Minister of "manipulating the capabilities of the Iraqi people and not being indifferent to the suffering of factory owners."

A Member Of Parliamentary Finance Explains The Reason For Postponing The Session Of The Emergency Support Law For Food Security

Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Sanad, confirmed on Saturday that there are legal and political objections to the law on emergency support for food security, while the Finance Committee held a meeting to make some amendments to the law.

Sanad told Shafaq News Agency, "There is a financial and political aspect to the law of emergency support for food security. From a financial point of view, the law serves the ministries and governorates and revives the development of the regions."

He added, "As for the political aspect of the law, the Finance Committee represented the Triple Alliance before adding us to its membership and after adding us to the committee, we found that the completion rate of the emergency support law is 95%."

Sanad pointed out that "the law has a political consensus on the part of the Triple Alliance, and it will be ready for a vote this week."

And he indicated that "the differences over the law are due to the ambiguity of some of its clauses, as well as after adding a number of deputies to the coordination framework and independent deputies to the Finance Committee, who expressed their observations on some articles, and revisions were made and amendments were made to the articles of the law."

In addition, a parliamentary source told Shafaq News Agency, that the Parliamentary Finance Committee is now holding (the hour of news preparation) a meeting to discuss some amendments to the law on emergency support for food security.

The Media Department of the House of Representatives stated in a statement received by Shafak News Agency late on Friday night, that "at the request of some parliamentary blocs and for further consultations for the maturation of the emergency support law for food security and development, and for the need for more time, it was decided to postpone Saturday's session."   LINK

A Parliamentarian Calls For A Travel Ban On The Secretary Of Baghdad

Sweeteners 2022-05-14 | 08:51  Source:  Alsumaria news  1,938 views  Today, Wednesday, a member of the House of Representatives, Alia Nassif, called on the Supreme Judicial Council and the Prime Minister to issue a decision banning the Mayor of Baghdad, Alaa Maan, “Al Maqal” from traveling, while indicating that she would address the judiciary tomorrow to present the documents she had that were intended for interrogation of the Secretary.

Nassif said in a press conference, which she held at the parliament building, which was attended by the Alsumaria News correspondent, that "there is news about the dismissal of Amin.Baghdad We appreciate the position of the Prime Minister, and we had several meetings with him. He was very understanding and cooperative in the interrogation issue. He reviewed many materials related to the interrogation file and the violations recorded on the Secretary, because he may regret this choice and sought to correct this choice by changing the Secretary.

She added, "The province ofBaghdad It has turned into a village and the urban reality in it has become very bad as a result of the violations recorded by Al-Amin compared to other governorates. The ministers have taken their decision to dismiss the secretary, and we hope that all legal measures will be taken against him.”

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And she continued, "After the dismissal, I will refer all files to the judiciary, and I will defend all employees against whom arbitrary measures have been taken, and they must submit their requests to conduct an investigation regarding the dismissed secretary, in addition to financial corruption.

Baghdad And the decisions that significantly changed the parameters of many areas by the decisions of the Supreme Committee,” stressing “the importance of the Prime Minister’s reservation on the Secretary, preventing him from traveling and cooperating with the judiciary because of the importance of the files, and we will communicate with the judiciary tomorrow to submit documents to them.”

Nassif stressed, that “the percentage of deprived people atBaghdad is one percent and we say thatBaghdad It is the city of Al-Shula, Al-Sadr City, and Al-Baya’, where poverty and randomness are inhabited.Baghdad During the legislation of the Emergency Support Law for Emergency Security and Development, to increase the percentage and defend its rights.   LINK

Iraq.. Exchanging Roles For The First Time.. An Independent Initiative Of The Sadrist Movement And T

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Parliamentary Finance: The Draft Food Security Law Is In Its Final Stages

Economic news  May 14, 2022  wisam almala   The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the draft law on emergency support for food security and development is in its final stages.

Member of the Committee, Representative, Sajjad Salem, stated: “The House of Representatives continues to discuss the law and we will put the final touches in the Parliamentary Finance Committee, including reformulating and classifying some of the allocations to complete the law in its final form, then it will be presented for a vote in Parliament.”

He added, "The Finance Committee has completed the technical review of the law, that is, formulating, amending and categorizing allocations and directing spending to important sectors, especially the strategic storage for the wheat crop, food security and farmers' entitlements."

On the summary of the agreed amendments, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee clarified, “The law meets urgent food and economic needs, but water security is related to food security, so priority has been given to providing the Ministry of Water Resources with appropriate allocations, which is currently being agreed upon to increase its financial ceiling,” noting that “the Ministry of Water Resources Resources provided a budget with operational and investment expenses, and there are urgent needs related to the Al-Badaa Canal and Makhoul Dam projects, as well as the maintenance of other irrigation projects.”

Needs Consultations"... Postponing The Vote On The Food Security Law In Iraq

"At the request of some parliamentary blocs"

Erbil (Kurdistan 24) - Late at night, the Iraqi parliament decided to postpone the vote on the Food Security Law because it "needs more time".

According to a statement issued by the Parliament’s media department, and Kurdistan received 24 copies of it, it was decided to postpone Saturday’s session “at the request of some parliamentary blocs.”

Parliament stated that the postponement of the vote came due to the project's need for "more consultations to mature the emergency support law for food security and development and the need for more time."

Yesterday, Parliament set today, Saturday, a date for voting on the bill, according to what was stated on its agenda, which also included a discussion of the issue of current events in Sinjar district.   LINK


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