Judy, Lynette, Pimpy and more...Wednesday AM 1-26-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 26 Jan. 2022

Compiled Wed. 26 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Tues. 25 Jan. MarkZ: Last night Mon. 24 Jan. Bond Holders were told that there was release of funds for 1% of their balance and they were expecting money today Tues. 25 Jan. Rumor was that CMKX deliveries would be on Thurs. 27 Jan. Groups were preparing to have their funds released the latter part of this week.

Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway was preparing to go on strike, which would affect 17,000 workers across the US and further disrupt supply chain channels.

The Canadian Trucker protest has affected the food supply chain with Grocery store shelves emptying.

Tues. 25 Jan. Massive power outage across Central Asia. Airports, public transport, heating & water supplies all hit.

World Economic Forum: “British scientists are investigating how solar flares can bring down the Internet. Solar flares occur when giant explosions in the Sun send bursts of radiation down to Earth. These bursts of energy can disrupt the binary code in computers.”

MASSIVE Blackout across Central Asia: whole regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan go DARK, with water and heating supplies, public transport DOWN. Tashkent Airport has also reportedly stopped all inbound flights while Bishkek Airport has had to switch to back-up power supplies after the mass outages.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/01/26/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-26-2022/


Holly Wednesday Update:

Good morning roomies

I have been asked to keep quiet so I will. My silence is good and things are happening .

So keep the positive thoughts and high vibrations going. We are almost there.

Never, ever give up! It will be worth the wait. The best is yet to come! -Holly


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling   The reality is what they're doing in Iraq is they're hitting everything.  All cylinders are hitting perfectly.  Everything is firing off and they're doing what they need to do.

Vital Brad  There's many people that believe we're way out there and this is never going to happen and we're crazy lunatics.  But what if ...you found an undervalued currency that was decommissioned, a war torn country's currency - they're going to be back in the game and you compare it to their neighboring countries' rates it's going to be a very wealthy valuable currency...I could be completely wrong.  This may never happen...this shouldn't be your end game/retirement plan...I'm just a normal guy..you got to make your own financial decisions.

This Pattern Shift Always Leads to a Crash...HEADLINE NEWS with LYNETTE ZANG

Here's the problem with everything you're seeing on the current state of the economy. From the Fed's statements to all the talking heads on Wall Street, there's little that makes sense at this point. And that's because there's so much rhetoric, that everyone is so darn confused that they don't do anything!

Or you just do what the powers at be tell you because you don't know what to do... If this sounds familiar for you or anyone you know, this is a very important video to see.

Because I'll not only translate the noise for you...but I'll show you the pattern shift that always leads to a crash (which just happened), and most importantly I'll give you the inside scoop to what I'm doing personally, along with the Central Banks and everyone else who understands money.


Iraqi Dinar update for 01/25/22

Pimpy’s Investment Chat : Jan 26, 2022



"Coffee With MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 1-26-2022


Mainstream Suddenly Realizes Raising Interest Rates In A World Buried In Debt Might Be A Problem