Iraqi News Tuesday AM 1-26-21

Iraqi News Tuesday AM 1-26-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Deputy Dr. Majda Al-Tamimi Reveals What Happened In The Meeting Of The Finance Committee And The Kurdistan Regional Delegation

Today, Tuesday, 26/1/2021, a member of the Finance Committee, Deputy Dr. Majda Al-Tamimi, revealed the most important thing that took place in the meeting of the Finance Committee and the Kurdistan Regional Delegation headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Mr. Qubad Talabani, to discuss articles (10) and (11) of the budget articles Federal for the year 2021.

Al-Tamimi stressed during her intervention in the meeting on transparency in providing data to the federal government because it is the basis for achieving justice in distributing financial resources to all governorates, which is confirmed by the Iraqi constitution, which stipulates that a fair share of the revenues collected federally is allocated to the region and governorates, sufficient for them to carry out their duties and responsibilities with Taking into consideration the percentage of its population.

Al-Tamimi explained that the emergence of some disagreements is mainly due to the lack of accurate financial data and the will to solve problems, and stressed during her intervention that handing over the region to 250 thousand barrels only (according to what is stipulated in the paragraphs referred to in the budget) means delivery of only 56% of its production to the government Federal with not handing over any other revenues and in this regard Al-Tamimi mentioned, if this is the case, then this means that all producing provinces must deliver the same percentage while not delivering other revenues.

Al-Tamimi stressed the need for a comprehensive consideration of the problem, and it is not permissible to treat certain governorates with a mechanism that differs from the other, as everyone is equal and what applies to one side applies to other parties.

Al-Tamimi explained that the meeting extended until late at night on Monday 25/1/2021, and

Al-Tamimi mentioned that the meetings are continuing and that the Finance Committee has received detailed data from the delegation, and this is a positive development that contributes to solving the outstanding problems between the center and the region.

Media  Department Parliament   January 26, 2021

Iraq And Kuwait Are Discussing The File Of Remaining Debt Payments And The Possibility Of Postponing Their Payment

26 Jan 21, 12:34 PM Dave   The meeting discussed, according to the statement, enhancing the prospects for cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait in accordance with mutual interests in all fields, the importance of activating the joint Iraqi-Kuwaiti ministerial committee and strengthening its work, as well as forming a joint parliamentary committee to activate cooperation and follow-up and accelerate government procedures in the field of investment, trade and free zones.

The Speaker of Parliament also discussed with the Kuwaiti Prime Minister the file of the remaining payments of debts owed by the Iraqi government to Kuwait, and the possibility of postponing their payment. Because of the financial crisis and the economic situation that Iraq is going through.

The meeting stressed, according to the statement, the need to open the borders between the two countries to trade movement after it stopped due to the pandemic, while tightening commitment to preventive measures, appreciating Kuwait’s stances in support of Iraq during crises, the latest of which is the Corona pandemic crisis, which was represented by sending liquid oxygen trucks to the health institution.

For his part, the Kuwaiti Prime Minister offered his condolences to Iraq for the victims of the last two bombings in Baghdad, stressing his country’s support for the government and people of Iraq, and the continued expansion of the horizons of cooperation between the two brotherly countries at all levels.

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A New Drop For The Dollar In Iraq Today

Time: 01/26/2021 11:23:35 Read: 46,657 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The exchange rate of the dollar in Iraq today, Tuesday, decreased slightly.

The exchange rate on the Baghdad Stock Exchange was 1454.5 dinars, or 145 thousand and 450 dinars per hundred dollars.  Yesterday's price in Baghdad was 1456 dinars.

In the governorate of Erbil, the exchange rate of the dollar decreased to 1456 dinars, and in the province of Basra it reached 1454.5 dinars.   LINK

The Central Bank Annulls Two Decisions Pertaining To The Sharia Committee Of Islamic Banks

Tuesday, January 26, 2021  74  Baghdad: Morning  The Central Bank decided to cancel two decisions (112) of 2020, which include amending paragraph (2) of the conditions for independence of the controls of the Sharia advisory committee, and resolution (136) of 2019, which includes approval of the controls of the Sharia advisory committee in its final form, and the previous decisions that are related to the subject.

According to a statement of the bank, the Central Bank decided “to be satisfied with relying on international standards to decide on the legitimacy of Islamic banking products, by participating in specialized courses in the fields of Islamic banking in general, and the Islamic standards issued by (AAOIFI) and (IFSB) in particular, and developing the capabilities of the functional staff of the Division Sharia supervision in the Banking Control Department Islamic ”.   LINK

Revealing The Salaries Of Presidencies, Ministers, And Deputies In The Budget

Time: 01/26/2021 15:20:16 Read: 4,069 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the salaries of the three presidencies, ministers, and members of Parliament in the draft federal budget bill for 2021.

"The salaries of the three presidencies range from 70 to 100 million dinars, for each of the Prime Minister and President of the Republic and the Speaker of Parliament," Jamal Cougar said in a press statement.

He added, "As for the salaries of ministers, they range from 9 to 11 million dinars, while each member of parliament receives more than 7 million dinars, according to a member of the Finance Committee."

Cougar explained, "Annual oil revenues are estimated at 79 trillion dinars, while non-oil revenues amount to 20 trillion, but these numbers are subject to change."

He pointed out that "the total salary expenditures are estimated at 55 trillion dinars, without an accurate statistics for the number of employees due to the lack of a database."  LINK

A Parliamentary Committee Reveals Violations In The 2021 Budget Of The Financial Management Law

Political| 01:05 - 01/26/2021  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Tuesday, that there are violations of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2021, for the provisions of the Financial Management Law.

"The Finance Committee has reduced 20 percent of the total budget spending that the government submitted to Parliament," said Jamal Cougar, a member of the committee, in a televised interview, followed by Mawazine News.

Cougar added, "The issue of borrowing 6 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund is not included in the draft general budget."

A member of the Finance Committee indicated that "the 2021 budget law clearly contradicts the provisions of the Financial Management Law."

It is noteworthy that members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed yesterday, Monday, that the budget bill will be presented to the vote of members of Parliament within two weeks. Ended 29 / p4

The Monetary Fund Raises Expectations For Global Economic Growth In 2021

Economy   Tuesday 26 January 2021 | 06:18 pm| Views: 4  Today, the International Monetary Fund raised its forecast for global economic growth in 2021, and said that the recession that sparked the Corona virus in 2020 will be about a full percentage point less than previous estimates .

He added that the approval of several vaccines and the initiation of vaccination by some countries last December reinforce hopes for the end of the pandemic, which affected about 100 million people and killed more than 2.1 million others around the world .

He said that the resurgence of Covid-19 waves and the emergence of new strains carry risks, and that global activity will remain below pre-Covid forecasts issued about a year ago .

About 90 million people are likely to descend from the extreme poverty line in 2020 and 2021, as the pandemic erases the progress made in reducing poverty over the past two decades. Large numbers are still suffering from direct or underemployment in many countries, including the United States .

The IMF predicted in its latest global economic forecast report a 3.5 percent global contraction in 2020, a 0.9 percentage point better reading than a 4.4 percent contraction expected in last October's report, thanks to stronger than expected momentum in the second half of 2020 .

The IMF expected the global economy to grow 5.5 percent in 2021, 0.3 percentage points higher than last October's forecast, attributing this to an acceleration that will be fueled by vaccines later in the year and more support measures in the United States, Japan and some other large economies .

He said that the US economy is expected to grow by 5.1 percent in 2021, which is two percentage points higher than the previous forecast thanks to the continued strong momentum for the second half of 2020, and additional financial support of $ 900 billion approved last December .

China's economy is expected to grow 8.1 percent in 2021 and 5.6 percent in 2022, while the October projections were 8.2 percent and 5.8 percent, respectively, while the expected growth of India's economy was 11.5 percent in 2021, 2.7 percentage points more than the estimate. October is after a stronger-than-expected recovery in 2020 .

Regarding Russia, the Fund said that the Russian economy is expected to grow in 2021 by 3 percent, instead of a previous forecast of 2.8 percent.

Efforts To Activate Tourism In The Marshes Of Missan

Tuesday, January 26, 2021  60  Architecture: Saad Hassan  A specialized workshop recommended activating the tourism sector in Maysan governorate, and making it a permanent resource for the federal budget, as the marshes represent a tourist attraction center because of its tourist attractions.

The workshop held under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Environment,

In coordination with the United Nations Environment Office and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and with the participation of Maysan Governorate, I addressed the draft preliminary steps for establishing a national protected areas network in Iraq related to the draft management plan for Al Tayeb Reserve.

The governor of Maysan, Ali Douai, said: “The workshop came out with several recommendations, the most important of which is the interest in the marshes, as they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2015, and their employment in support of the national economy, and by visiting Iraqi and foreign tourists, as well as establishing a special building for the reserve and forming a working group specialized in Maysan by the concerned departments from Maysan environment and other departments from the technical and environmental aspects concerned in this regard.

He stressed that “Maysan Governorate is fully prepared to support these activities and events that support the national economy, and that the plans that we have put in place need coordination with international organizations and through the International Union for Conservation of Nature in order for these reserves to succeed, and I am sure that they will provide the tourism environment due to the presence of biological diversity on the plant side. Animal and ecological. ”

He stressed that "the province realizes the importance of the tourism sector in Iraq and the positive role that supports the economy of the province and the national economy, as this sector achieves permanent growth and moves the labor market in the province and the country in general and provides direct and indirect job opportunities for a wide segment of Young".

As for the first deputy governor of Maysan, Jaseb Hamdan Al-Hajjaj, he told Al-Sabah: “The orientation towards activating tourism within the governorate is a priority for us, especially after our orientations received support from the local and central government and international organizations, for the success of establishing the reserve and within the prescribed period.”

He pointed out that "the reality of the province and the sites it possesses are almost not available in the regions of the world and the types of birds, some of which are rare, lead to the success of this project and make it a destination for local and international tourists."   LINK

Marketing Products Digitally

Tuesday, January 26, 2021  68   Saad Al-Taie   Marketing operations are the most important processes by which the sale of goods and services produced by any production company or establishment is completed. Through the success of these operations, success can also be achieved in expansion by increasing sales and then increasing the profits achieved, and this is what all companies and productive institutions seek.

It represents the most prominent goal of the work efforts, due to the tremendous expansion in the use of Internet communication applications by most of the peoples of the world, and the increasing use of them annually and the great growth of these numbers, which led to the Internet being the largest marketing environment in the world because of its advantages, tools and unique elements The marketing campaigner managed to get highly rewarding results.

Digital marketing has characteristics that distinguish it from traditional marketing and that through it it is possible to reach the largest number of members of the audience at the lowest possible cost. It achieves the highest levels of interaction between the two parties in terms of exchanging views and notes, offering ideas and inquiries regarding the product or service provided.

Therefore, it is necessary for Iraqi companies and productive institutions to properly employ digital marketing in a way that achieves the best financial and promotional gains.   LINK


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