Holly, Fleming, Pimpy and more...Saturday PM 7-10-2021
Holly Saturday Afternoon RV Update:
I am being told that all will go in short order of each other. It will start out as a trickle, ie: F&Ps going then more will go and it will be a cascading effect.
I would look for T4b to start towards the end of this coming week into the following week as it is based on:
F&Ps completing
Bonds going
Then Nesara /Gesara
Dubai 1&2
Then the tiers
And again it can all be in short order of each other or not if they find issues once it’s released
Fleming Saturday RV Report:
Our military intel contact said even though we are all exhausted to the point of perhaps not being able to believe it, because FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER IN DECADES Fines & Penalties have been made liquid (paid out into beneficiary accounts to be accessed at the shotgun start) via paymasters as of 9:30 pm PST last night Fri 9 July
THIS COMING WEEK IS •••FINALLY IT••• for T4B & the shotgun start as Mr Fleming’s sources are saying.; he said hang tight all you currency holders who feel NUMB like the POWs when Nazi concentration camps were liberated at the end of WWII in 1945–
If you feel exhausted it is PAR FOR THE COURSE —YOUR LIBERATION IS UPON YOU NOW as (1) the paid out Fines & Penalties accounts and (2) the paid out German bond holders (though gagged under NDAs but attested as paid out by multiple credible sources) PROVE...FREEDOM IS COMING IN YOUR REDEMPTION APPOINTMENT THIS COMING WEEK he confirmed.
Iraqi Dinar update for 07/10/21- more rate exchange talk
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jul 10, 2021
The True History of Money And Central Banks
The Nomad Economist: Premiered 4 hours ago
We are approaching a critical turning point in the history of financial systems. Since the Great Financial Crisis, central banks have exerted control over the financial markets through their QE-programs and plan to extend their influence over the monetary system through the introduction of national digital currencies.
Opposing forces include, as usual, those of financial innovation, which include independent cryptocurrencies. In the June issue of our Q-Review series, we will delve deep into the world of digital currencies and the future of monetary systems.
To accompany our report, we intend to publish a series of blogs which examine the long history of monetary and financial systems. Today we will start with a brief summary of the history of money.