Glen Beck "No More Payroll Tax?" and more Friday PM 3-13-2020

Glen Beck

NO MORE PAYROLL TAX? Trump suggests idea to alleviate coronavirus, COVID-19 burden on businesses

The fear of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic has the markets fluctuating and businesses are operating under a lot of uncertainty.

President Trump has pulled no punches when it's come to handling this outbreak, but his latest idea might be his greatest — ever. Trump suggested suspending the payroll tax to alleviate some of the burdens on American businesses.

Coincidence? Coronavirus Crisis & A Fed-Created Financial Collapse

Ron Paul:  Streamed live 5 hours ago

The Fed created the biggest financial bubble to ever exist. Every bubble is followed by a bust, so the Federal Reserve, regardless of any other event that occurs, is responsible for creating economic crisis.

The real solution is to put an end to The Fed and monopolistic central banking.

But until that conclusion is finally reached, the proposed solutions from every corner will be for The Fed to counterfeit currency in larger and larger doses. This assures continuous economic crises of increasing severity.

Payroll Tax Cut 2020 - Tax Holiday Coming?

Dad Bombs

A Payroll Tax Cut 2020 is on the way to give more money to the consumer market. Tax Cuts always provides temporary relief to stressed markets and this stimulus would be no different. This tax holiday would extend throughout the remainder of 2020 and provide an extra $1.2 Trillion in to the pockets of the US Tax payers pocket.

The middle class will see an immediate increase in money to spend and prepare for the current financial climate. Get it done!



MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Friday PM 3-13-2020


IQD CALLS Early Friday 3-13-20